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#27 Dec 19 2006 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Samira wrote:
Well, some big ol' DEFENSIVE buttons got pushed.
Plus they managed to find a way to make guild drama boring...

Agreed. /yawn.

They are about a bajillion raid guilds on over a hundred servers.
#28 Dec 19 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
As soon as I can, I will bring in some drama! ;)

#29 Dec 19 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Honestly, I knew that it was only a matter of time before the TFS folks wandered in and saw the thread.

To start off, I'm not going to leave TFS. I love the fact that whenever I log on, regardless of the time of day, there's at least a few people that I can chat with. I also love the fact that the people there are level-headed, and pretty rational.

I'm just worried that I'm going to dump all this time into leveling up to 60/70 only to find that the rest of the guild has already progressed beyond my reach, leaving me to do PuG BGs in order to get the necessary gear to get a chance at a spot in the raid rotation. I'm not saying that this is necessarily the fault of anybody in the guild, or the guild in general, only that it's a pretty valid concern of mine.

If this is the case, tell me now so I don't waste time leveling my toon.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#30 Dec 19 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Just wanted to say that there has been pretty much 0 talk about the expansion among the officers lately. No one knows what we will be doing, but I guaran-damn-tee you (yes, I'm southern) that if I have anything to say about it, no one will be excluded. We may end of having more than 25 people on for a raid... so what? That has never been a bad thing in my book. And having raided for quite a while on a couple different toons, I can tell you that the same number of people do not show up to every raid. And should the same people show up, not all of them get in the raid. There will be no raid priority I hope (now obviously, I can't say this for sure since I'm only one officer), but if there is it will not be based solely on previous attendance.

Also, DF needs to get off her college educated butt and start playing more Smiley: tongue.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#31 Dec 19 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
2,489 posts
I'm just worried that I'm going to dump all this time into leveling up to 60/70 only to find that the rest of the guild has already progressed beyond my reach, leaving me to do PuG BGs in order to get the necessary gear to get a chance at a spot in the raid rotation. I'm not saying that this is necessarily the fault of anybody in the guild, or the guild in general, only that it's a pretty valid concern of mine.

If this is the case, tell me now so I don't waste time leveling my toon.

As a guild we accept that people have concerns, but it would have been nice if people voiced them in a more polite matter. We recently had a very big "guild drama" episode and alot of people are still on edge. Insulting people and then saying "i'm just grumpy normally" is not exactly something that will make you wanted.

Not only that, but you aparently haven't looked into some of the "elder" members (not to say we're better, but the people who signed the charter and still are around) Ask around, most will tell you that we did everything possible to help people get to higher levels and raid with us. More often then not members will STEP OUT of a raid even if they want to be there so the guild could progress or someone else could get a certain item.

I'm also curious as to why people who aren't 60 yet are butthurt about being lowman on the totem pole. I was lowman when i entered, i worked myself up became an officer. Made alot of great friends (hell i still miss warmav), but anyguild will have a pecking order to an extent and requires you to prove yourself. All we ask is for you to laugh at my stupid jokes/cyborz baelnic when i can't.

Now i've said alot but essentially said nothing. If you pull your own weight, have a general good attitude we will be more then happy to raid with you. If you are a prick do nothing but whine/lootwhore then you might want to find another guild.
#32 Dec 20 2006 at 3:23 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
When are they ever going to make an FFA server? World of Warcraft has become a more cartoony version of TOAed DAoC. Pure PvP would be the only thing that brought me back. Anybody want my account? It's just sitting there.

#33 Dec 20 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Quinz wrote:

I'm also curious as to why people who aren't 60 yet are butthurt about being lowman on the totem pole.
Trust me... If you were the low man on t0+em's pole, your butt would hurt too.

Smiley: lol

I am high-lar-i-ous
#34 Dec 20 2006 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
Demea wrote:
They didn't come right out and say it. Instead, they said:

Raid attendence will mean something to this guild in a VERY short time. Those that never show up, will not be asked to come on 25-man raids, simply because we won't have space. We work fantastically as a team. Our core members can progress through content very rapidly. So when only our core members are necessary, our guild will be one of the top raiding guilds on the server, EVEN IF WE ONLY RAID A FEW TIMES A WEEK.


Raids will be 25-man in the XPac. Ultimately raid space is going to become a premium commodity. If we field one team, then yes, 25 people will get to raid come raid night, and the rest will sit the bench.

So basically, those that can't make a serious time commitment to show up at nearly every raid will just have to sit on the bench, unless there are enough bench warmers to field another raid, and those that aren't even raiding yet (i.e. me, Moe, Onyxia, Psichi, and any other Asylumite that just started up again) are going to be doing PuGs because the "core members" are too busy making sure that their raid attendance is perfect to do anything else.

Considering I'm the person that said these things (in our protected guild-only forum that isn't really supposed to be brought outside the guild forum, and I don't appreciate the fact that you brought that content out of our forums without my consent, but whatever), I'm going to weigh in on this.

What actually happened: The drama llama came to town for TFS and we lost a few months of progression because a bunch of regulars left. A lot of people got tired and for a combination of reasons (holidays, PVP, XPac coming out, loss of several regulars, and someone's house catching on fire) we had some difficulty fielding a raid one night. Some tempers flared and things were said, and one more person left. I made the above post to tell people that coming in and leeching purple from our guild for no effort and then leaving to go somewhere else was going to stop. We're tired of being the de-facto "farm team" for Anetheron's other guilds.

What was perceived by a certain individual: That I was saying that only members of an "inner circle" would get to raid and everyone else would be left out. In and of itself this was a legitimate concern. However, it was NOT said in a respectful or adult manner, and when people called this person out on it and told them to stop acting like an asshat, they said "That's just the way I am, deal with it". Perhaps this person will one day realize that acting like an angst-filled 14 year old is not some "endearing lovable persona", but is just childish. If this issue was presented like an adult, it would have been respectfully answered. In fact, even though it WASN'T presented like an adult, it was STILL respectfully answered.

Here is what I will say on the issue: If you get to level cap and actually play with us, you will actually get a spot in the raid. If you come once a month and expect loot to be defaulted to you for 20 DKP so you can gear up and go to another guild, you will NOT get a spot in the raid. We won't need to deal with crap like that any more, and we won't. It's that simple.
#35 Dec 20 2006 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
This is getting a little better but it needs more past accusations to be dredged up and perhaps critiques of play style.

Also, it'd help if an officer was boinking someone who was just awarded some rare loot.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#36 Dec 20 2006 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Tote wrote:
Anybody want my account? It's just sitting there.

Do you have Alliance PvP?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#37 Dec 20 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
rappoccio wrote:
Considering I'm the person that said these things (in our protected guild-only forum that isn't really supposed to be brought outside the guild forum, and I don't appreciate the fact that you brought that content out of our forums without my consent, but whatever), I'm going to weigh in on this.

What actually happened: The drama llama came to town for TFS and we lost a few months of progression because a bunch of regulars left. A lot of people got tired and for a combination of reasons (holidays, PVP, XPac coming out, loss of several regulars, and someone's house catching on fire) we had some difficulty fielding a raid one night. Some tempers flared and things were said, and one more person left. I made the above post to tell people that coming in and leeching purple from our guild for no effort and then leaving to go somewhere else was going to stop. We're tired of being the de-facto "farm team" for Anetheron's other guilds.

What was perceived by a certain individual: That I was saying that only members of an "inner circle" would get to raid and everyone else would be left out. In and of itself this was a legitimate concern. However, it was NOT said in a respectful or adult manner, and when people called this person out on it and told them to stop acting like an asshat, they said "That's just the way I am, deal with it". Perhaps this person will one day realize that acting like an angst-filled 14 year old is not some "endearing lovable persona", but is just childish. If this issue was presented like an adult, it would have been respectfully answered. In fact, even though it WASN'T presented like an adult, it was STILL respectfully answered.

Here is what I will say on the issue: If you get to level cap and actually play with us, you will actually get a spot in the raid. If you come once a month and expect loot to be defaulted to you for 20 DKP so you can gear up and go to another guild, you will NOT get a spot in the raid. We won't need to deal with crap like that any more, and we won't. It's that simple.

Wasn't the rest of this ridiculousness that you've now added brought up in your uber-secret guild forum? Did you get their permission to post it? You're seriously jeopardizing your sekret society now, next thing you know you'll post some diagram of your sekret handshake.

#38 Dec 20 2006 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Oh and Hello to Kturner, Vataro and all the WoW players, how are things (besides the tiny amount of guild drama)
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#39 Dec 20 2006 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Just a couple of questions.

1. Who the **** is TFS?
2. Does anyone still play on shadow council?
3. Did they put wombats in the game yet?
4. Any drastic changes since I last played(other than DSD bailing...)?
#40 Dec 20 2006 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Celcio wrote: thing you know you'll post some diagram of your sekret handshake.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

#41 Dec 20 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
Hey! No drama unless there are gnomes involved. Drama is rated on wether it concerened gnome punting, gnome ménage à trois or gnome genocide?
#42 Dec 20 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Jacobsdeception wrote:

1. Who the @#%^ is TFS?
2. Does anyone still play on shadow council?
3. Did they put wombats in the game yet?
4. Any drastic changes since I last played(other than DSD bailing...)?

1)There is no fifth star
2)I have a toon there, but it is on the back burner for now. Netphy is on there, and he like to RP a sizequeen.
3)Yes, but they are protected by sooper-dooper sloths.
4)Everyone has been nerfed. Everyone is overpowerd. Bliz ruined the game. Bliz made the game better. (All depends on which post you read)
#43 Dec 20 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
5. What the **** happened to my characters?! Do they delete them if you don't play for a certain amount of time?
#44 Dec 20 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Jacobsdeception wrote:
5. What the @#%^ happened to my characters?! Do they delete them if you don't play for a certain amount of time?


Only truly ****** games with Tarus do that.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#45 Dec 20 2006 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Jacobsdeception wrote:
5. What the @#%^ happened to my characters?! Do they delete them if you don't play for a certain amount of time?


Only truly sh*tty games with Tarus do that.

Aye, those characters have long since been deleted. I just logged into my account on worldofwarcraft and couldn't find any info on my characters. I assume then that if I were to reactivate the account they would retrieve my old characters?
#46 Dec 20 2006 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Did you actually log into the Shadowcouncil server or were you looking at the screen where you choose servers and it has character counts next to server names?

Also at no time in the history of the game have they wiped inactive characters from the server. So if they truly are missing it might just be that your account was haxxored and that the person sold everything you had, mailed it off and then erased your toons. That was happening for awhile about 6 months ago.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#47 Dec 20 2006 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Did you actually log into the Shadowcouncil server or were you looking at the screen where you choose servers and it has character counts next to server names?

Also at no time in the history of the game have they wiped inactive characters from the server. So if they truly are missing it might just be that your account was haxxored and that the person sold everything you had, mailed it off and then erased your toons. That was happening for awhile about 6 months ago.

Neither, I logged on to the website. It used to have my character info there. I already either gave my good gear to DSD or sold it and gave her the gold when I stopped playing. I don't recall erasing my characters though, but I wouldn't put it past myself.
#48 Dec 20 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Your toons are still there, you have to reactivate your account to access them again.

Smoggy, Roniath ( now that school is out on Friday), Aadyn, and I are still on, although Lunatics is basically defunct.

Send a note to Dahlira or Vronna if you happen to come back.

Otherwise, I'm done with this thread.

On with the drama!
#49 Dec 20 2006 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I still have characters on Shadow Council, but the only time I log on that server is to play horde side. I had a hunter there, and didn't feel like re-rolling on my other server.
#50 Dec 20 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Mistress Nadenu wrote:
I still have characters on Shadow Council, but the only time I log on that server is to play horde side. I had a hunter there, and didn't feel like re-rolling on my other server.

Did BT die? You drank him to death, didn't you?! Smiley: mad
#51 Dec 20 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
Jacobsdeception wrote:
Mistress Nadenu wrote:
I still have characters on Shadow Council, but the only time I log on that server is to play horde side. I had a hunter there, and didn't feel like re-rolling on my other server.

Did BT die? You drank him to death, didn't you?! Smiley: mad
I hope the 5-0 didn't get him again... Smiley: frown
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