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#27 Dec 20 2006 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Hmmm, gonna have to check that book out. I loves me some esoteric discussions of topics I know nothing about.

#28 Dec 20 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
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way to logic up my innane thread Smiley: oyvey
With the receiver in my hand..
#29 Dec 20 2006 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
All of the evidence points to Godless evolution,

Even if all the "evidence" pointed to evolution it still wouldn't mean "Godless evolution" as you put it.

I was being sarcastic there. And while many religious people may choose to insert God into the theory of evolution, and that's fine, there is nothing to suggest that God is the catalyst for it. So, as usual, we are left with no evidence of God.

understand? The scientific notion of evolution has nothing to do with proving God anymore than sunrises.

Agreed. Like I said. Sarcasm.

bloodywilliam wrote:
and none whatsoever points to Bible Fairy Tales.

One, why do you assume that it's got to be a traditional Christian argument? and Two there are proofs of Great Floods and other such tales of nations and other things that are in the Bible.

While there may be proof of great floods in certain regions from time to time throughout history, there is no proof that there was ever a GLOBAL flood. And that claim, as a matter of fact, has been well-refuted.

in other words even if athiests were able to firmly disprove the Bible there would still be all of the other people that never believed in the Bible to convince.

As you know, you cannot prove a negative, and there's no need to do so. The fact that no definitive proof for any sort of religious nonsense has emerged in the last few centuries is a pretty good indicator that it's all nonsense.

Many people of other cultures don't even believe in a God like we have ever understood it. They really do believe in the "force" and karma and gods and all other manner of wahtever people can think of.

Believing it don't make it so.

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 10:24am by bloodywilliam

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 10:27am by bloodywilliam
#30 Dec 20 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
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As you know, you cannot prove a negative, and there's no need to do so.

In the context of this dialog, the Bible wouldn't be a negative to disprove.... don't get a Book mixed up with a diety... but that's all besides the point anyway...

The fact that no definitive proof for any sort of religious nonsense has emerged in the last few centuries is a pretty good indicator that it's all nonsense.

well... let's see..

Last Few Centuries...
compared with...
All the Rest of Time and Space...

well. I do give you credit for not mentioning the FSM.
With the receiver in my hand..
#31 Dec 20 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:

well... let's see..

Last Few Centuries...
compared with...
All the Rest of Time and Space...

well. I do give you credit for not mentioning the FSM.

Uhm...that is the dumbest argument I have ever seen. Religion is born out of ignorance. People have the need to dump things they can't understand/control onto some almighty presence. The decline in religion in the past few centuries is due to an increase in general understanding/knowledge. It only makes sense that the last few centuries see fewer records supporting religion, things aren't chalked up to god anymore, they're actually investigated and the real answers found.

People use predictions and stuff from the bible and say it's true because of [insert rediculous prediction that came true here]. I could predict 15 things right now, and if someone kept this post for 2000 years, half of them will have come true by then. Any detail that doesn't quite fit will be revised in the "new testament" of my post. I will be worshipped by millions.
#32 Dec 20 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
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That's fine and dandy.

I'm not even pushing religion; nor do I follow a religion.
Spirituality through belief in a perceivable and tangible universal pattern within all things is my schtick.

I just hate wehn people say "well, if it hasn't been proven yet then it can never be proven" , which is why I was debating about it.


The decline in religion in the past few centuries

decline in religion in the world? Wehn did this happen?

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 4:14pm by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#33 Dec 20 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
That's fine and dandy.

I'm not even pushing religion; nor do I follow a religion.
Spirituality through belief in a perceivable and tangible universal pattern within all things is my schtick.

I just hate wehn people say "well, if it hasn't been proven yet then it can never be proven" , which is why I was debating about it.


The decline in religion in the past few centuries

decline in religion in the world? Wehn did this happen?

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 4:14pm by Kelvyquayo

Religion has been declining for a long time, unfortunately I can't back up my statements as I don't have time to look up any of the studies I've read on the subject.

I agree though, just because it hasn't been proven, doesn't mean it can't.

What bugs me is people that explain things away as "God's will". huh?. The dumb kid stood in front of a freakin bus on the 401, had nothing to do with god. Or people that say god helps those who help themselves...uhm if I'm helping myself what the hell does god have to do with it? As far as I'm concerned it's all a load of crap to help stupid people feel better.

It's just funny to me, the dumbest people I know (and I know some DUMB people) are all religious people, the smartest people I know are all Athiest.
#34 Dec 20 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Yodabunny wrote:
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
That's fine and dandy.

I'm not even pushing religion; nor do I follow a religion.
Spirituality through belief in a perceivable and tangible universal pattern within all things is my schtick.

I just hate wehn people say "well, if it hasn't been proven yet then it can never be proven" , which is why I was debating about it.


The decline in religion in the past few centuries

decline in religion in the world? Wehn did this happen?

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 4:14pm by Kelvyquayo

Religion has been declining for a long time, unfortunately I can't back up my statements as I don't have time to look up any of the studies I've read on the subject.

I agree though, just because it hasn't been proven, doesn't mean it can't.

What bugs me is people that explain things away as "God's will". huh?. The dumb kid stood in front of a freakin bus on the 401, had nothing to do with god. Or people that say god helps those who help themselves...uhm if I'm helping myself what the hell does god have to do with it? As far as I'm concerned it's all a load of crap to help stupid people feel better.

It's just funny to me, the dumbest people I know (and I know some DUMB people) are all religious people, the smartest people I know are all Athiest.

I know some very smart people who are also religious. When I meet a dumb person who is religious, I don't pay it any mind. I may, during the course of a conversation, present some arguments in the hopes that the dumb person might ask him/herself some questions, or examine things a little closer.

But when I meet a smart person who is religious, that's a whole different ball of wax.

As far as I'm concerned, when you reach a certain level of intelligence, you have no excuse for believing in any sort of religion. You don't have the excuse that you simply believe what your parents believed. You don't have the excuse that you've never been exposed to rationality and logic. So the argument becomes a matter of defining "faith." And once it is correctly defined as believing in something despite have no evidence to support it, and possibly in the face of evidence refuting it, then it becomes a matter of arguing that faith is not a good thing.

Faith devalues logic, science, and rationality, and causes people to adopt intractible positions in regards to vital social issues, leading them to become entrenched in various antagonistic factions. Disputes between these factions are damned nigh impossible to resolve because they are borne of irrational belief instead of reasonable observation.

And this is the stuff wars are made of. And while it may be argued that "faith" is rarely a TRUE cause for conflict in the world, it certainly does wonders for rallying people to a cause.

But the main point is this: as Bertrand Russell said, "Faith is simply believing whatever you want to believe."

Intelligent people should know better.
#35 Dec 20 2006 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Can't we all just get along?

No? Ok then.

*starts passing out firearms*
#36 Dec 20 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
So I guess Einstein was a pretty stupid person...

#37 Dec 20 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,562 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
but that's just crazy talk.

your MOM is crazy talk...

Edit: hurray! i killed another conversation!

Edited, Dec 20th 2006 9:25pm by Obscur
#38 Dec 21 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
^^^^ Pretty convincing evidence demonstrating Intelligent Design is wrong...

#39 Dec 21 2006 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
Einstein didn't really believe in God.

It's an urban myth, like Flea's statues of military men killed in battle, or an intelligent post by gbaji.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#40 Dec 21 2006 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
He told you that, huh?

#41 Dec 21 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
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Einstein said that he believed in a God that really takes no direct part in the relevant day to day happenings of human lives and that his works were no more "delving into the divine" as some like to describe such work than any other mechanical endevour.

As far as I'm concerned, when you reach a certain level of intelligence, you have no excuse for believing in any sort of religion. You don't have the excuse that you simply believe what your parents believed.

lol trust me, I don't believe waht my parents believe.
My beliefs are:
Interpretation X Intelligence

which could also be broken down into a number of things.
I'm not saying this is how everyone comes up with waht they believe in. just me.

however you say:

Faith devalues logic, science, and rationality, and causes people to adopt intractible positions in regards to vital social issues, leading them to become entrenched in various antagonistic factions. Disputes between these factions are damned nigh impossible to resolve because they are borne of irrational belief instead of reasonable observation.

OK, now PRETEND for a minute that you don't think that I'm trying to make you believe in a giant old man in the sky who is shaking his thunderbolt at you in judgement.
Pretend that I and saying something completely different.... Basically that everything is simply connected in some way.
NOW, you can CHOOSE to believe that or not.
Now being that you disagree with that causes me to ask why; since it is obviously something that you have never concidered, never thought of, nor ever seen any evidence of through observation.. never mind that you have never know waht it is that you are observing...

The point it.. My belief is not Irrational. Your disbelief is Irrational.
God, the Force, yeah yeah.. wahtever you call it. You do not even know waht it is describing. ALL YOu KNow is a preconceived set of notions that have been fed into your psyche all of your life. I say "God" you think one thing.. I say "force" you think something else, I say "magic" you think something else; all total prefabricated speculation.. You are attempting to answer a question that you have never heard.

So in essense, It is through Faith Alone that you believe (or disbelieve) the things that you do. You talk about following the beliefs of parents.. well DUH. How are we not. Waht else are we going to do, go be raised by wolves?

"Faith is simply believing whatever you want to believe."

Intelligent people should know better.

Eh, you have faith that you aren't going to die in you car everyday; otherwise you wouldn't get into it.
I could easily call anyone who hasn't observed the clockwork like presision of supposed coincidence of everyday life and realized the glory and spendour of the universe a moran, but I don't. Ther are plenty of things that I don't understand for my own reasons... either that I am not adept to learn them.. or it it just not my concern...... but I do not condem people for believing that they are just biological drones.
It has nothing to do with fear of death, or lust for afterlife virgins. The "faith" that I have is not a choice any more than the faith that YOU have is a choice.
With the receiver in my hand..
#42 Dec 21 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
Kelvy wrote:
condem people
Heh, I read condom people. Smiley: dubious
#43 Dec 21 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
OK, now PRETEND for a minute that you don't think that I'm trying to make you believe in a giant old man in the sky who is shaking his thunderbolt at you in judgement.

I don't.

Pretend that I and saying something completely different.... Basically that everything is simply connected in some way.

You're saying it. But you have no proof of it, other than anectdotal.

NOW, you can CHOOSE to believe that or not.

Exactly. In other words, I can choose to believe it if I want to. I don't want to believe it. I don't NEED to believe it. And, if it was fact, I wouldn't have to believe it. Facts are facts whether you believe in them or not.

Now being that you disagree with that causes me to ask why; since it is obviously something that you have never concidered, never thought of, nor ever seen any evidence of through observation.. never mind that you have never know waht it is that you are observing...

Never thought of it? Never thought of what? That there might be some grand unifying force in the universe that connects all things and all people?

Um... yes. I have thought of it. And just about the whole human race down through history has thought of it. These are the thoughts that usually lead to questions like, "So what IS this force?" And then the force is anthropomorphized. And the next thing you know it's got a name. And maybe the name is SO sacred it dare not be uttered. So that force becomes GOD.

No matter how much you want to avoid putting a fine point on it, believing that we're all connected through some sort of cosmic energy is nothing new, not unique, and is still a simple matter of faith, as there has never been any scientific or statistical evidence to support that this is true.

The point it.. My belief is not Irrational.

Yes it is.

Your disbelief is Irrational.

No it's not. Disbelief is never irrational in the face of no evidence.

God, the Force, yeah yeah.. wahtever you call it. You do not even know waht it is describing. ALL YOu KNow is a preconceived set of notions that have been fed into your psyche all of your life. I say "God" you think one thing.. I say "force" you think something else, I say "magic" you think something else; all total prefabricated speculation.. You are attempting to answer a question that you have never heard.

I know that the belief in anything invisible that exerts some sort of force on the universe is unproved. Therefore, if you believe it, it's faith. And if it's faith, it's (again) simply a matter of believing what you want to believe.

There's a lamp on my desk. I can see the lamp. I can touch the lamp. If I turn the lamp on, it makes light.

Now, let's say I walk into your office. You say, "You like my lamp?"

I look, but there's no lamp there.

"I don't see a lamp."

"It's there. But you have to believe in it."

"Ah," I say. "Then there's no lamp."

"You don't believe in my lamp?"

"If there's a lamp, turn it on. Let's see it make light."

"It makes light inside of me."

"Ah. Well. Then. Lunch?"

So in essense, It is through Faith Alone that you believe (or disbelieve) the things that you do.

I don't need faith to not believe in your lamp.

You talk about following the beliefs of parents.. well DUH. How are we not. Waht else are we going to do, go be raised by wolves?

And yet, earlier, you said you most certainly did NOT believe everything your parents believed.

Eh, you have faith that you aren't going to die in you car everyday; otherwise you wouldn't get into it.

I know that statistically, the odds of me dying in a car wreck are far lower than the odds that I will get in my car, it will start, and I will drive all the way to work without incident. That's not faith. That's reasonable observation.

I could easily call anyone who hasn't observed the clockwork like presision of supposed coincidence of everyday life and realized the glory and spendour of the universe a moran, but I don't.

You could easily call those people morons, but any statistician or physicist would tell you that you're wrong to do so, and they would have plenty of evidence to back it up. You would have "faith."

The "faith" that I have is not a choice any more than the faith that YOU have is a choice.

Faith by definition is a choice. By evolution, you are hardwired to anthorpormophize. The cave dweller who heard a tree rustle outside and imagined it was an enemy ready to attack was far more likely to survive than the cave dweller who did not have this capacity.

My dog sees a piece of blue paper flying through the air on the wind and growls at it.

Your mind has evolved to make connections, to attempt to bring order to chaos.

But we have developed science to ask the questions: "Are these things that we imagine, this 'order' that we wish to see--is it really there?"

And in all this time, the answer has been "not proved."

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 11:54am by bloodywilliam
#44 Dec 21 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
Bloodwilliam 1.

Kelv 0.

And good grief kelv, are you still on this psuedo science bullsh*t?

I leave for a short while and kelv becomes a scientologist...

Edited, Dec 21st 2006 12:43pm by EvilPhysicist
#45 Dec 21 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Monsieur RedPhoenixxx wrote:
It's an urban myth, like Flea's statues of military men killed in battle, or an intelligent post by gbaji.
Put me in a sentence with Gbaji again and I'll cut you, Frenchie.
#46 Dec 21 2006 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Are we still fucking fighting over DNA being formed in ice?

I'll solve this problem! Now to find a match.....
#47 Dec 21 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
I know some very smart people who are also religious. When I meet a dumb person who is religious, I don't pay it any mind. I may, during the course of a conversation, present some arguments in the hopes that the dumb person might ask him/herself some questions, or examine things a little closer.

It's kinda like meeting smart people who are conservatives. They really make you rethink the construct of our universe.


Flatland is a nice, short little book that helps explain the relationships between higher and lower tier dimensions.

Awesome book. In 9th grade, our "Accelerated" Geometry class was forced to read this. None of them understood a thing from the book, and they didn't get anything out of it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it made me hate all those self-glorified nerds in my class who couldn't get past the 5th chapter. Rant over.
#48 Dec 22 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
you have no proof of it, other than anectdotal.

well that's all the proof that I need. I don't expect to pass over my beliefs to you through the internet like they were a bong and a lighter. You may think that I'm lying or self deluded all you want. It's ok. Maybe I am.


Facts are facts whether you believe in them or not.

Facts are only as good as those who proclaim them and can change... Remember that we are trudging through an obstruction of words and semantics here. A "fact" is only quantified by your particular understanding of something.. The TRUTH of waht that something is can never be fully known by a human being.

DO you disagree with this? It's not new.


Um... yes. I have thought of it. And just about the whole human race down through history has thought of it. These are the thoughts that usually lead to questions like, "So what IS this force?" And then the force is anthropomorphized. And the next thing you know it's got a name. And maybe the name is SO sacred it dare not be uttered. So that force becomes GOD.

Ok, I agree with you tha human beings are foolish an anthropomorphize things that they otherwise have no basis or framework for. However just because a group of people's popular label on something is not the facts nor the truth does not under any circumstances negate the matter at hand.
The matter at hand being "interconnectedness" that is MINUS your anthropomorphization... and there still lies an undefined thing there that each and every human being individually is free to personally define for themselves. Whterh or not you see nothing there or you see angels in the clouds and faeries in the treetops; is's all a personal experiance..
Interconenectedness is indeed nothing new... no matter how many flawwed new ways that man tries to tame and confine it with languange and logic.

The pattern in all things is so obvious I'm not even going to go into it. The UNIVERSE is a giant pattern of STUFF. Were it NOT a PATTERN of STUFF, then it would just be STUFF.. with no Order... no form... just Raw Nothingness.. immeasuarable one-dimensional points that are shapeless and massless and timeless and Nothingness.
Put all of those points together in some kind of Order.. suddenly you have 3-Dimemsional objects and a whole universe of Ordered Stuff.

That, my friend, is a pattern. It's there and it's clearly real. You choose to see everything as a series of fragmented coincidences; I choose to see it another way.


know that the belief in anything invisible that exerts some sort of force on the universe is unproved. Therefore, if you believe it, it's faith. And if it's faith, it's (again) simply a matter of believing what you want to believe.

There's a lamp on my desk. I can see the lamp. I can touch the lamp. If I turn the lamp on, it makes light.

Now, let's say I walk into your office. You say, "You like my lamp?"

I look, but there's no lamp there.

"I don't see a lamp."

"It's there. But you have to believe in it."

"Ah," I say. "Then there's no lamp."

"You don't believe in my lamp?"

"If there's a lamp, turn it on. Let's see it make light."

"It makes light inside of me."

"Ah. Well. Then. Lunch?"

Cute, but the context is tottally irrelevant.

In this dialog the "lamp" is a thing that both parties have a full understanding of. You know waht a lamp is, I know waht I lamp is.. there is no rational questioning of the presence of a lamp.

It would be more like:

Now, let's say I walk into your office. You say, "You like my gloozledorp?"

I look, but there's nothing there.

"I don't see a gloozledorp."

"It's there. But you have to know what you are looking at."

"Ah," I say. "Then there's no gloozledorp."

"You don't believe in my gloozledorp?"

"If there's a gloozledorp, prove it to me. Let's see it do something I can recognize."

"I can't make you recognize something."

"Ah. Well. Then. Lunch?""

Your mind has evolved to make connections, to attempt to bring order to chaos.

This assumes that there is nothing but chaos, a notion which is clearly false. Were there no order, we wouldn't be here.

It's that simple.

With the receiver in my hand..
#49 Dec 22 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
The pattern in all things is so obvious I'm not even going to go into it. The UNIVERSE is a giant pattern of STUFF. Were it NOT a PATTERN of STUFF, then it would just be STUFF.. with no Order... no form... just Raw Nothingness.. immeasuarable one-dimensional points that are shapeless and massless and timeless and Nothingness.
Put all of those points together in some kind of Order.. suddenly you have 3-Dimemsional objects and a whole universe of Ordered Stuff.

Maybe there is a myriad of universes, all randomly arrayed with stuff. Some universes (maybe most) are "unpatterned" stuff, "raw nothingness" as you put it. And maybe there are just a few universes (or maybe just one) where the stuff is randomly thrown together in such a way that it allows life. And not just life but sentient life, such as ourselves, and since we came out of this particlar "random pattern" of stuff, we're naturally going to perceive it as being patterened, when in reality it's just one of an infinite number of ways a universe can exist.

Either way, we don't need a God. So yeah, +1 atheists. Smiley: thumbsup
#50 Dec 22 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
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you suck
With the receiver in my hand..
#51 Dec 22 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
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Some universes (maybe most) are "unpatterned" stuff, "raw nothingness" as you put it.

No, If it were raw nothingness as I put it, it would NOT be any universes.. It would be NOTHINGNESs.
With the receiver in my hand..
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