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On with the show...Follow

#52 Dec 06 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
We could plan the allah gathering around your wedding and attend? Smiley: sly

It's only fitting that this forum-bread couple invites the forum inwhich their undieing love for each other first flourished!

That and I want cake.
#53 Dec 06 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Samira wrote:
Hell, I'm tempted to attend just for the sovereign entertainment of watching you try to "force" Flea to do something.

The only thing uglier is going to be when they try to pry that tiara off your head.

#54 Dec 06 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
I'm really bored right now with absolutely nothing to do at work. So here's my votes.
Best Newcomer: Gotta go with Barkingturtle.

Poster With the Least Brain Cells: Humbly nominate myself.

Best Thread: Kaolin thread hands down until the end of time.

Worst Sock Puppet: Jinghles.

Best Arch Nemesis Pair: I'm actually going with Jophiel and
Eonsdizzle, Eonsdark, Thisisnotaeons

Best Flamer: Nobby and it's only because of the one response to Gbaji, "More words please."

Funniest Poster: Smasharoo because he's arguably certifiably insane and manages amuse me with most of his posts.

Most Knowledgable: I'm actually going to go with Ambrya on this one.

Board Lifetime Achievement Award: Exodus for the above reasons.

Favorite Poster: Totem.

And my boredom now continues.
#55 Dec 06 2006 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

The awards show has some competition.

#56 Dec 06 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Well, clutch the pearls.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#57 Dec 06 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Not that any of you care:

Best Newcomer: I don't read here often enough to know who's new, and who is just a crappy troll from another forum, but I rather like Barkingturtle.

Poster With the Least Brain Cells: I'm tempted to put down half of the posters here, including myself, but Monxdot takes the cake on this one.

Best Thread: I'll throw in my vote for the Kaolin thread as well, but only because I don't remember any threads from more than a few days ago.

Worst Sock Puppet: Definately Thundra.

Best Arch Nemesis Pair: Does it have to be two specific people? My vote goes out to Totem vs. The FFXI Forum(s).

Best Flamer: Moebiuslord. He's got the magic tongue.

Funniest Poster: Nobby. Who else can make iambic pentameter fun?

Most Knowledgable: Again, I don't read the forums enough to know, or even really care.

Board Lifetime Achievement Award: I have to throw my bid in with Exodus on this one as well. Movin' on up indeed!

Favorite Poster: Since I think he's the funniest, Nobby takes this one as well. Now if only he'd respond to my tells. Something about being too busy with teh cyb0rz...
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#58 Dec 07 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Samira wrote:
Well, clutch the pearls.
No way. I know where they've been.
#59 Dec 07 2006 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
trickybeck wrote:
The awards show has some competition.

It's sad, how badly, they wish they were us.
#60 Dec 07 2006 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
several compitent cab drivers

thats just asking for wayyyy too much!
#61 Dec 07 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Elderon wrote:
trickybeck wrote:
The awards show has some competition.

It's sad, how badly, they wish they were us.

Oy Vey, their list of "funniest" posters:


That's a list of 'tards if I ever saw one my son.
#62 Dec 07 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Posting over there without flaming seems to send them for a loop.

See the tail end of this thread!
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#64 Dec 15 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
The Glorious GitSlayer wrote:
Elderon wrote:
trickybeck wrote:
The awards show has some competition.

It's sad, how badly, they wish they were us.

Oy Vey, their list of "funniest" posters:


That's a list of 'tards if I ever saw one my son.


GREETINGS! I'm using my newly preemied account to do a little vanity searching in the ASSYLUM, and here's the first thing I've found. Awesome.

First of all, um... wrong. And then... no. And anyone who says "Oy Vey" and thinks that's funny... yeah... har. You guys rock.

And I'm just here to say, "Hello!"

#65 Dec 18 2006 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts

And whilst I observe my own fUcking rules thankyouverymuch, I don't want to instigate a repetition of last year's 4 bajillion 'assyulum awards threads"

So here goes.

Missing in Action: Youshutup & Walkerscrisps (Both Jockos - coincidence, or McGhey action? Will we ever know? Do we McCare?)

Kleverist PosterAs ever, Joph & ToUtem tie for this one. Big words, insightful critiques, irreverent observations, and ghey cyborz whenever I want.

Newcomer: Redphoenixxx has brought a new edge of liberal bleedin' heart whining. We've needed a new "Victim with teeth" for a while. Bienvenue.

Occasional FlashbacksSmash & Moebiius - Quit playing tease and get your ***** back. Post more, ********

Funniest poster: Me and ToUtem. But this year, Samira's reintroduced me to inhaling coffee and beer. Oh and Demea.

Most Persistent CUnt:Bhodi still metamorphoses between angsty teen, pseudo-wise person, and alien butt-plug. But he's still fUcking here.

Admin: I have to exclude people I'm shagging (so sorry DF and Illia) but Kaolian gets my outrageously over-demonstrative British slight nod this year.

Hobbit: GrowlingBunny.

Biggest Smiles: The Flea'Jo Affair, The Pregnancies, Nexa finding tr00 lub, and of course, finding my BoobyTaunt avatard when i thought I'd lost it forever.

GFY: gbaji, Monxdot, FFXIers

TYVM: DF (natch, duhh), DSD, Thumbelyna, Kaolian, Flea, Alla, ElneClare, Demea, Nizdaar

You might not be seen as headline acts but you're part of the mix: Celcio, Aadyn, Wint, Weebs, Ambrya

Arrogant, self opinionated Funting Kumquat: Me

Nobby's Poster of the Year: Jophiel (again) CUnt.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#66 Dec 19 2006 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
King Nobby wrote:

Biggest Smiles: The Flea'Jo Affair, The Pregnancies, Nexa finding tr00 lub, and of course, finding my BoobyTaunt avatard when i thought I'd lost it forever.

aww, you old softy!

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#67 Dec 19 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
King Nobby wrote:
You might not be seen as headline acts but you're part of the mix: Celcio, Aadyn, Wint, Weebs, Ambrya

I'm not even part of the mix anymore. Smiley: cry
#68 Dec 19 2006 at 7:11 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Mistress Nadenu wrote:
King Nobby wrote:
You might not be seen as headline acts but you're part of the mix: Celcio, Aadyn, Wint, Weebs, Ambrya

I'm not even part of the mix anymore. Smiley: cry
I believe you fall under "Post more, **************
#69 Dec 19 2006 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Remember! When adding Nadenue to the mix she is best shaken, not stirred.

and yeah, post more.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#70 Dec 19 2006 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I'm trying!

I'm just now getting things straight at work, where I can breathe. It's been crazy around here. Yay for 2 three-day weekends in a row!
#71 Dec 22 2006 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
First and foremost I'd like to thank each of you who voted for me in whatever capacity you selected. While there is an element of hubris involved to see my name in your posts, the more basic satisfaction I get is that I am entertaining you. And at its core, that is what I like to do. So if my thoughts make you laugh, and the Coke you're drinking burns your nostrils on its way to the CRT I have done what I set out to accomplish.

On that note, I'd like to tell a joke I heard the other day.

A man walks into an adult novelty store and asks for an inflatable love doll. The man behind the counter says, "We got American and Muslim love dolls, which one do you want?" The customer asks, "What's the difference?" The man behind the counter replies...

"The Muslim Doll blows itself up!"

Ahhh, ****, I think I just peed my pants.

Anyhow, on to this year's awards. An always interesting catagory is the Best New Poster award. We have had a number of no0bs show up here (sup, RedphoenixXxXxX, paulsol?) and become impact players in their rookie year. The two I just mentioned certainly qualify as quality posters. They came in, took their lumps, and kept coming back with their takes and didn't back down. I'd like to point out that they also didn't gay up the place like a lot of other rookies-- which is remarkable since they both are French. That demonstrates incredible restraint on their behalf. Also making his first appearance is someone many others have mentioned: Barkingturtle, a man who gleefully describes his barnyard sexual conquests to our consternation. And while I always can jerk one out to a good sheep shagging story, his mid-year disappearance took away valuable points from the judges. My vote goes to RedphoenixXxXxX for solid takes and his delicious escargot.

Next up is Best New Mother or as I like to call it, The Big Lactating Tit Award in honor of those juicy mams spurtin' life sustaining milk. We've had several promiscuous women around here, Atomicflea not withstanding, who have apply proven their fertility and willingness to forego tightly clasped knees and gotten jiggy wid it. Tare is my nomination for this year's Got MILF Award. She embodies the essence of womanly charm and grace and is a good sport besides. Congratualtions to all the new mothers this year!

Our least favorite award is one that is more a mark of shame more than anything. To earn this distinction means you went beyond merely bad and annoying to mindboggling stupid. The Tard of the Year award goes to none other than Eonsgotcumdribblingoffhischin. There was a certain amount of trepidation on my part to even mention his name since he's undoubtedly furiously rubbing one out while muttering my name, but just because he is a worthless sack of week old smegma doesn't mean I should fail to point out his many failures as a poster, even by FFXI standards. 'Grats to you, numbnuts, I guess...

Lifetime Achievement Award goes to FleaJo1 this year. She's accomplished several notable benchmarks recently: She hit 10k and bagged this board's most prolific writer, FleaJo2, and thus shed herself of the ignomony of having been formerly connected to another board luminary, Skeeter. I can only assume she learned her lesson and won't let Jophiel steal her computer and credit cards should her impending nuptuals go sour. She has been a consistent poster here by adding a certain amount of levity mixed with gravity-- a very difficult balance to attain --to nearly every discussion. The only subject on which she seems to lose her head is on the topic of shoes and handbags. Good luck reining that fetish in, Jophiel. The wedding's accessories are gonna be expensive, buddy. You'd best hope her Daddy is well off or you're looking at some major coin when she hits you up for her clothing allowance.

Favorite Admin was a tougher call this year. The frontrunner, Exodus topped many people's choice this year, as well as Pikko Pots, but my call goes to Danalog for taking a stand this year and muting that stupid mangurt guzzler, Eons. Well done! A special and honorable mention goes out to Kaolian for his efforts across the board for keeping the tards in check. I voted for you on this award in years past, so think of yourself as being Alla's Steven Spielburg-- the Academy can't keep nominating him year after year without appearing to have favorites, so this is why you were off the ballot this time.

This year's more obscure award, the Low Grade Infection That Just Won't Go Away or Heal goes to Katie, my all time favorite dark *****, err horse for fighting the good fight. I love ya, girl. Keep on keepin' on, and don't let those bastards drag you down. I only wish Tacosid were around more so we could watch the two of you get hot and heavy. Good times, good times.

Last, but not least, the most anticipated award of the night, Favorite Poster goes to...

Ahhh, let's toss another joke in before we cut to the commerical break.

The owner of a golf course in North Carolina was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help. He called her into his office and said, "You graduated from The University of North Carolina and I need some help. If I were to give you $20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?"

The secretary thought a moment, then replied, "Everything but my earrings."
<rim shot!>

Ok, we're back! And tonight's most prestigious award, Favorite Poster, goes to... Nobby! It's his second consecutive year for this award-- let's listen in on his acceptance speech...

Nobby: Ahhh, can't be too careful nowadays, y'know? Lot of "tea leaves" about, know what I mean?
Asylum readers: Excuse me?
Nobby: "Tea leaves"... "thieves."
Darqflame: Nobby... yeah, he's me new "china."
Asylum readers: What?
Darqflame: China plate... "mate."
Nobby: I'm gonna 'ave a "butcher's" round the 'ouse for a quick pig's.
Totem: Who you gonna butcher?
Nobby: "Butcher's hook"... "look."
Asylum readers: Uhhh <confused look on their collective faces>

And there we have it! I thank you all for coming tonight and we look forward to seeing you again next year!


Edited, Dec 22nd 2006 1:22am by Totem
#72 Dec 22 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
A small postscript form if you will: the Best Thread would have to be mine-- the one I titled "Now you're in for An A$$ Kicking" or something. It's the one where I challenged the board to get more surly and mean. I'd like to think it actually had an effect on the board and got us out of our complacency.

The Best Nemesis award would have to go to FleaJo2 & gabji, with gbaji winning nearly every bout handily. You guys throw statistic after statistic at him, pound him with pie charts, trend markers, even Miss Cleo's psychic predictions and he just keeps refuting each and every one of your arguments. RACK you, gbaji, for persevering. I'm not sure I could even stand up to the abuse these Lefties heap on you.

Best Flamer goes to Gitslayer for a relatively few but well placed zingers. A little has gone a long way. He'd like to be here to personally accept this award, but his Jewish boss has him bussing tables and won't give him time off until his 15 minute smoke break . Honorable mention goes to Sammie for many a well placed heater between the shoulder blades.


#73 Dec 22 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Totem wrote:
The Best Nemesis award would have to go to FleaJo2 & gabji, with gbaji winning nearly every bout handily. You guys throw statistic after statistic at him, pound him with pie charts, trend markers, even Miss Cleo's psychic predictions and he just keeps refuting each and every one of your arguments.
Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#74 Dec 22 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
Didn't feel like reinterating all of the awards, however, I would have to say that trickybeck and BarkingTurtle would take home favorite/funniest/new(turtle)/flamer. I did't post much this year, but when I was browsing the forums niobia definitely struck me as the poster with the least brain cells.

Happy holidays everyone!
#75 Dec 22 2006 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know how this got into you guys' head, but it is my belief that Paulsol is NOT French. He's from New-Zealand. NEW-ZEALAND, as in the country that's on the opposite side of the world to France!! He'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he is a pure New-Zealander, born and bred and fed.

I would also like to ape Joph in his Smiley: laugh regarding the gbaji bit. Smiley: laugh indeed...

Now as to my acceptance speech, in my bestest amewican/Cartman accent, ahem:

Gosh! It's like totally awesome, guys! I'm like, totally lost for words and stuff! So yeah, I'd like thank my pop, my ma', Gawd, and all the people that make this place so special! I love you guys!

I didn't prepare a speech cos I was like "Dude, they all hate you in the Asylum", but now I'm like "Dude, they don't! Well, most do, but some don't!" And isn't that super? It sure is, guys...

So anyway, as I was saying, I'd like to thank Nobby for the moral support. I couldn't have it without you, dude! You're like, totally awesome!

I'd like to thank Totem, cos he's like super funny and rude and stuff! Kinda like the grandpa that makes you laugh cos he's all old and senile and he says the stupidest shIt and stuff, but when guests come you lock him in the cupboard and hope his screams don't draw too much attention.

I'd like to thank gbaji, for all the laughs and the banging of the head against the wall, and the funny discussions that I had with friends thank to your awesomely stupid posts! You're the reason we Europeans look down on you Americans, and may you prosper in your crazy and paranoid world inside your head. You give conspiracy theorists the world over a reason to exist.

I'd like to thank Samira for being totally awesome and clever at the same time. And how can you not adore a girl that used to have a crush on a French revolutionnary? Smiley: inlove

I'd like to thank Bhodi, cos he helped me change my name, and I see a bit of myself in him, though it's mostly the hair.

I'd like to thank Nexa, cos she's like totally hot! and nice with me...

I'd like to thank Smash, cos he rocks! Yeah! Rock on, communist comrade!!

I'd like to thank Joph and Flea, cos they're like the mum and dad of the asylum with all their posts and knowledge and nasty putdowns (especially Flea, I still have the claw marks. And no, not like that).

I'd also like to thank all thos that participated in political discussions (Paulsol comes to mind), cos I totally love those, and it's been a great way to learn how to express ideas coherently, and, like, totally PWN NOOBS and stuff, like Abadd and Varus. All you guys made my days at work a lot less boring.

I'd finally like to thank all the poster that put the "fun" in "The Asylum is fun", with their witty one-liners and amusing stories, like Elderon, Tricky, Debalic (<3), Celsio, MentalFrog, of course the legendary BT, and all the others I haven't mentionned cos after 10 years of smoking pot everyday my memory is starting to, like, be totally gone man!

And big up yourself to the admins cos they've always been cool to me, but I know that's just cos I post on the Asylum and not in the OOT, cos they're like total looooosers, dude! So, Kao, DK, Pilko, Dana, big up yourselves and keep it real, and remember to pop caps in people's bottoms, and stuff!

Voila, that's my acceptance speech.

I'll be back next year, where I'll be mounting a serious challenge for Frenchest Poster of the Year Award.

Have a great Christmas, and, like, a totally awesome New-Year!

Edited, Dec 22nd 2006 7:16am by RedPhoenixxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#76 Dec 22 2006 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
10,811 posts
King Nobby wrote:

Hobbit: GrowlingBunny.

At your service.^^ I shaved the hair from my toes to send you for Christmas, Sweetness. Happy Holidays! Smiley: inlove
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