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Make up your minds!Follow

#102 Nov 22 2006 at 5:46 AM Rating: Excellent
12,065 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

I'm tired and dyslexic and I read that as "before the Bob came out" about 19 times so henceforth on the very rare occasion I might find to refer to your mammaries, I will call them Bob and um..Chuckie. Yes, Chuckie. Chuckie is the fun loving one with a heart of gold.

You sure know how to turn a girl off. I bet you can't keep the ladies away.

“It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
#103 Nov 22 2006 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

You sure know how to turn a girl off. I bet you can't keep the ladies away.

Chuckie chuckie bo buckey...


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#104 Nov 22 2006 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I love how every bathroom gets divided between "hole in the ground" and "high class salon" for the purposes of making a point.

Again, I don't give a wet slap where you do it. But the "OMG a bathroom!!" argument is relying on some gut reaction to an imagined hellhole. Look, if the bathroom in question is full of rats and plague, then then obvious answer is not to use it. If it's not, then it's not that big a deal. But this is a baby -- they eat dirt, for God's sake. Being held in its mother's loving arms while it suckles isn't going to harm it just because there's a toilet ten feet away.
I gave up the right to sit in a corner
And that's the crux of it. You're upset at being put out and asked to move somewhere you find distasteful. Which is fine and all, but my original point was just that being in a public john isn't going to kill the kid.

A few things:

1. Not everyone is making public bathrooms out to be hell holes when they are used for what they are made for. However, a couple things to ponder, which you may be unaware of seeing as you generally do not venture into the female restroom. Im pretty sure that Flea could clue you in if you asked her, next time she needs to use one.
A. Unless you are in a fancy hotel or restraunt, somewhere you most likely will not be with an infant in the first place, the bathrroms generally run to about 4 stalls and one handicapped, two sinks and a mirror. There are no benches or seats to sit upon, unless you are thinking of sitting on a public toilet seat for the next 30+ minutes while your child nurses. And standing on your feet for 30+ minutes while nursing is not comfortable.
B. I still can not figure this out for the life of me, and I know for damn sure that Flea will agree with me on this, but for some reason the lines in the female restrooms get backed up terribly. And this is just when women need to use the bathrrom for bathroom purposes. It can get quite crowded at times. Now if we were to use your line of thought and all women head to the bathrooms to nurse, Im sure all women would cringe at the thought of even more crowds. Of course, this doesnt affect any males, until the other women come out bitching.

I gave up the right to sit in a corner
And that's the crux of it. You're upset at being put out and asked to move somewhere you find distasteful. Which is fine and all, but my original point was just that being in a public john isn't going to kill the kid.[/quote]

2. When you have a child you give up a lot of things. However being allowed to nurse your child in public is not one of them. In most states there are laws that are there to protect women nursing. Those states that do not have laws specifically to protect nursing women, still do not have laws against it.

3. I notice some are continuing to harp on nursing and taking care of their child in public as being bad manners. This is absolutely ridiculous and something of your own opinion, but one that in all honesty, doesnt carry any weight. Your opinion is just that: your opinion. Just as my opinion is that I would rather be a good mother and feed my child than to let him scream for long minutes on end as I ran looking for a bathroom to "keep face" for those who do not have children or never nursed. As I personally stated, I would be discreet, but you need to face facts. The law is on my side, not yours on this issue. If people really have a hard time with womans skin being shown you have a few options. You can avert your eyes, you can walk away, you can stop going to beaches. You can turn off all the avvys here on allas with the bouncing boobs. It's one and the same. A boob is a boob is a boob. The only difference that makes people uncomfortable with this topic is that the boob is ZOMG not a sex symbol for once.

And on that note, why is it that the bewb is a sex symbol? Why do men enjoy fondling and suckling on their SOs boobs? Hmmmm, could it possibly have something subconciously to do with nursing?
#105 Nov 22 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
And on that note, why is it that the bewb is a sex symbol? Why do men enjoy fondling and suckling on their SOs boobs? Hmmmm, could it possibly have something subconciously to do with nursing?
Beats me. Ask an anthropologist. The breast is a sex symbol because it evolved as a sexual lure which is why women have enlarged breasts their entire adult lives and not just when nursing.

As for the rest of it, I was just framing the bathroom critique as something that the mother is upset about for her own comfort, not something innately harmful to the child. I think it's an important distinction if only because it eliminates the emotional component of "saving the children". Do you agree?

Regarding legality, I didn't see anyone saying it should be illegal to nurse in public merely that it was in poor taste not to cover the child & breast as much as practical. Even Flea said that a blanket would be perfectly acceptable in her opinion, the bathroom exile idea came from Ambrya who said that using a blanket was simply not a legitimate option.

Beyond which, I could point out that it is perfectly legal for me to noisily clear my throat in public, scratch my back with my dinner fork or pick my nose and show the results to passersby -- which doesn't make it good manners. And, no, I'm not comparing breastfeeding to those actions except to show that legality and manners do not always intersect. The legality is a red herring; we were discussing politeness, not the law.

Anyway, I'll bow out at this point. I really came to make a tongue-in-cheek comment regarding your descriptions of the ladies' room and got drawn into a debate as militant as any abortion, gay marriage or religion thread. Since I don't really have a horse in this race (except to say women need to stop peeing on the floor of their public facilities), I'll let you ladies hash it out without me Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#106 Nov 22 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I really came to make a tongue-in-cheek comment regarding your descriptions of the ladies' room and got drawn into a debate as militant as any abortion, gay marriage or religion thread.

Yeah, this is the part that kinda boggles me as well.

I don't care if you nurse. I really don't. Hell, I'm so oblivious most of the time, I wouldn't even notice unless it's really blatantly shoved in my face (and yes, there are women who appear to want to make a point that BY GOD THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS ANYWHERE THEY LIKE, but you know what? they're just jerks).

It's the arched-back, fluff-tailed militancy that astounds me. No one here has said that women nursing babies should be reviled, exiled or otherwise harassed, harmed or even particularly noticed. ONE person has said that she would not choose to confront others with her parenting choices, including nursing, and you all exploded as though she'd said nursing should be outlawed.

Whatever, dudesses. You've had kids and let them suckle. Go you.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#107 Nov 22 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I think part of the knee-jerk militant reaction comes from the fact that most women become a knee-jerking, militant momma bear once the little one pops out. We can't help it in most cases.

I know that I almost scared myself several times with the way I'd feel so protective of my kids. Then they both hit the age of 3 and I'd now pay someone to take them. Smiley: lol
#108 Nov 22 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I think, Sam, its just because it is such a sensitive subject, that women whether they mean to or not, stiffen their backs and are ready for battle because its a lose lose situation no matter what a parent chooses to do. On one side you have the country and doctors telling you that nursing is the only way to go and you are hurting your child and not being a good parent, if you do anything but. Yet at the same time, you have this underlying current that nursing is reviled in public and that as a mother you should know better than to try and feed your child anywhere BUT in the privacy of your own home. SO in essence, the mixed messages sound like in order to be a good mother and an upstanding citizen you should only nurse your baby, but only at home. Which is a description of what women have been trying to get away from for decades.

On a personal stance, I honestly do believe and strive to give respect on both sides in reality. I have no issue finding an area out of the way to take away that stress factor on both sides. But as a place here where we can discuss, argue, etc, I can be a little more expressive and vent. =) The focus of being a mother, and being a "good mother" can be very frustrating and hard to cope with, when you have the govt, doctors, and everyone else telling you what you have to do in order to fulfill those needs and yet have those same people contradict what they say at every turn. Hence the defensive stance.
#109 Nov 22 2006 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I'm pretty sure you get stupiderer once you have kids. It's not something you can avoid once you start singing along to If You're Happy And You Know it instead of the Billboard top 10.

And maybe I'm sensitive of the bathroom issue because I aggro public bathrooms. Having a potty training toddler who must approve the cleanliness of public bathrooms before using it means that I see 90% of them given the "No I don't like dis one, I want to go home to doodoo" stamp.
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#110 Nov 22 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The forum is slow enough today without this happy-happy meeting of the minds shit.

Nursing mothers are a blight on modern civilization and any broad who'd flash her tits around into some kid's mouth instead of using a bottle is akin to a God damned monkey and probably just doing it for sexual kicks. So there.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#111 Nov 22 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Jophiel wrote:
The forum is slow enough today without this happy-happy meeting of the minds shit.

Nursing mothers are a blight on modern civilization and any broad who'd flash her tits around into some kid's mouth instead of using a bottle is akin to a God damned monkey and probably just doing it for sexual kicks. So there.

Read: Joph is teh jealous.
#112 Nov 22 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Nursing mothers are a blight on modern civilization and any broad who'd flash her tits around into some kid's mouth instead of using a bottle is akin to a God damned monkey and probably just doing it for sexual kicks. So there.

I totally agree. But really we're missing the crux of the issue here. Way back in kindergarten we all learned that if you don't have enough to share with the rest of the class then you shouldn't partake.

So if a nursing mother wants to whip out her cream spouts in a restaurant or shopping mall, she should make sure she has enough milk to share with everyone.

#113 Nov 22 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Milk fountains!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#114 Nov 22 2006 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

#115 Nov 22 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,784 posts
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

This thread brings back old mammaries!
#116 Nov 22 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Redjed wrote:
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

This thread brings back old mammaries!

When you were mooving on up?
#117 Nov 22 2006 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Althrun wrote:
Redjed wrote:
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

This thread brings back old mammaries!

When you were mooving on up?

Good to see y'all are keeping abreast of the puns.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#118 Nov 22 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
Samira wrote:
Althrun wrote:
Redjed wrote:
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

This thread brings back old mammaries!

When you were mooving on up?

Good to see y'all are keeping abreast of the puns.

I know you wouldn't have it any other whey.

#119 Nov 22 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,784 posts
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Althrun wrote:
Redjed wrote:
Celcio wrote:
Samira wrote:
Milk fountains!

Udderly ridiculous.

This thread brings back old mammaries!

When you were mooving on up?

Good to see y'all are keeping abreast of the puns.

I know you wouldn't have it any other whey.

Well for some of us this a titillating topic.
#120 Nov 22 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
It's good to see such bosom buddies having fun.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#121 Nov 22 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
I was afraid someone would come along and nip it in the bud.

#122 Nov 22 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
DSD wrote:
Im pretty sure that Flea could clue you in if you asked her, next time she needs to use one.
Don't count on me to carp about Amercu'hn bathrooms, kiddo. I was raised in a developing nation. Your gringo toilets don't scare me.

I notice some are continuing to harp on nursing and taking care of their child in public as being bad manners. This is absolutely ridiculous and something of your own opinion, but one that in all honesty, doesnt carry any weight. Your opinion is just that: your opinion. Just as my opinion is that I would rather be a good mother and feed my child than to let him scream for long minutes on end as I ran looking for a bathroom to "keep face" for those who do not have children or never nursed. As I personally stated, I would be discreet, but you need to face facts.
Okay, I can agree with you. In my opinion, being valid to me and weighty with the only audience that matters, I am the bestest mother ever, better than any other mother that is or will be, affected not at all by the fact that I've never had a kid. I'm just that good. Don't think so? You can disagree, but frankly, if you do then it's a dumb opinion that I happen not to think highly of, and I think you have it because you're hung up on how good a mom I am.

Samira wrote:
It's the arched-back, fluff-tailed militancy that astounds me. No one here has said that women nursing babies should be reviled, exiled or otherwise harassed, harmed or even particularly noticed. ONE person has said that she would not choose to confront others with her parenting choices, including nursing, and you all exploded as though she'd said nursing should be outlawed.
Dude, it's because I'm such a good mom they are jealous. It's okay, I understand. Moms do that.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2006 1:32pm by Atomicflea
#123 Nov 22 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,784 posts

Who's there?


Areola Who?

Areola of puns about breastfeeding?
#124 Nov 22 2006 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
You try to pass off another crappy knock knock joke as a pun and you're going to need a nurse.
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