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Tricky one. . . (Updated)Follow

#27 Nov 09 2006 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Just get a female judge and jury.
#28 Nov 09 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Totem wrote:
I still say I'm on to something with the naughty governness thing. It has its attractions, particularly if they're good looking.

I'm 100% with you on that one bro!

We need some order and discipline in our courts...
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#29 Nov 09 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
Mazra, that's a lot of generalities.

Now, i don't know what the situation is in Denmark. But you seem to be complaining about three thing:

1) They came uninvited
2) They commit crimes
3) They want to practice their religions and customs.

1) Immigration is crucial in Europe. Our rate of babies born is under 2 in most European countries, which means that without immigration, the population would be going down, which would pose some huge problems for pensions. Not only that, it would hurt the economy in general as well. Don't know if you've noticed, but immigrants tend to do the sh*tty jobs that local don't want. Immigrants in Europe are vital to the economy. We'd sink without them.

Second, in France, many of the first-generation of immigrants were actually told to come to France to do the sh*tty jobs that Frenchies didn't want to do. Dunno if it's the same in Denmark, but we certainly can't use the "They came over here" excuse, since we asked them to come.

2) I assume you know that not all crimes are reported in the media. I also assume that you know that crimes by immigrants, especially in the context of relations between the West and the Mulsim world today, sell a lot more than crimes by locals. So remember that, the crimes you hear about are *selected* amongst many crimes.

Second, those crimes are a tiny percentage of the behaviour of immigrants. In other words, you only hear about the bad things. Never the good ones.

Third, I doubt that race has much of an impact on one's capacity for crime. It's not innate, it's learned. Culture, as opposed nature.

3) Well that's the whole point. We're not theological states, like Iran. So we don't do what they do. It's not because Western women have to cover their head when they go there that we should force immigrant women to wear a crucifix. That's not the way it works, thankfully. We are open, liberal, tolerant societies, and thank God for that. So we allow them to practice their religion. Big deal. How does it affect you personally?

Look, I'm not saying all is rosy. When a large percentage of people from a different culture come to a new country, there will always be an adaptation period. Maybe Denmark is going through it now.

But I do think you have a very ethnocentric view of the problem. They burned your flag because you insulted their prophet. I'm not saying they were right, but it's not all one way either.

You say you don't discriminate, but your whole diatribe against them didn't seem that tolerant to me.

And you know what, you can do something about it. There are political parties all over Europe that suggest sending them home. You can just vote for them.

Maybe Denmark has it particularly bad, I don't know. But in France, people who say what you wrote vote National Front.

Now people can wear @#%^ing robes to school because it's against their religion to do otherwise.

Why does it bother you what they wear to school? And if local people in DK feel the same way as you do towards immigrants, do you really think they don't feel it? Do you really think it's baseless when they say people discriminate against them, when local have that attitude towards them?

Edited, Nov 9th 2006 at 8:28am PST by RedPhoenixxxxxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#30 Nov 09 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'm beginning to see the attraction to going veiled...

Seriously, it isn't as if seeing the defense attorney's face is all that important. If anything the veil is a distraction detrimental to her client; but if her client accepts that, then why shouldn't the rest of the court?

If she were on trial, I can see the reasoning. If she were a witness, I certainly could. Even if she were on the jury, there might be an argument to be made that the attorneys, particularly for the defense, need to be able to read the faces of the jury as the trial goes forward. Same for the judge.

I just fail to see why anyone absolutely needs to see the face of the defense attorney.

Or, as Flea says, have the case tried in an all-female court. That's logistically problematic and fraught with constitutional complications, or at least it would be in the States. The other obvious down side is that defendants in the future could use that tactic as a way of delaying trial or attaining what they perceive as being more sympathetic jurists.

Verb tenses > me.

Edited, Nov 9th 2006 at 8:31am PST by Samira
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#31 Nov 09 2006 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Samira wrote:
Or, as Flea says, have the case tried in an all-female court. That's logistically problematic and fraught with constitutional complications, or at least it would be in the States. The other obvious down side is that defendants in the future could use that tactic as a way of delaying trial or attaining what they perceive as being more sympathetic jurists.
True, but in that case, this woman's business would shrivel up quick. I see it as a choice she has made regarding her lifestlye that is being given more importance than it's due. If the judge is focusing so much on the veil, then he needs to be removed, as he obviously has issues that are weighing on his ability to be impartial.
#32 Nov 09 2006 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
I have no qualms with this woman wearing neither a bra or panties, and I think it racist that the suggestion she should be forced to change her garments even exists.
#33 Nov 09 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:
As long as her identity is not in question, she should be allowed to wear the veil.

Maybe she's doing them all a favor by wearing the veil.
#34 Nov 09 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:
I just fail to see why anyone absolutely needs to see the face of the defense attorney.

I don't know, the face is quite an important communication tool. Obviously for identification purposes. But also because it is easier to communicate with people when they are face-to-face. I can see how a judge would feel uncomfortable in talking to someone's whose face he can't see.

I don't know, it is tricky. And i guess that, legally, she'll probably be allowed to keep it.

But I can also see old school English judges would be quite thrown off by it.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#35 Nov 09 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Brill wrote:
Removal of Church from State in my opinion renders argument #2 out of the question. When in Rome.... Honestly though is it really such a huge deal? I have no issues with expressions of faith, I veil to see how the non removal of the fail should affect the proceedings whatsoever. Unless it was really a man under that veil.

Edit* Fail and Veil are confusing.

Edited, Nov 8th 2006 at 3:59pm PST by Brill

Apparently, they're still confusing. Smiley: laugh I heart you!
#36 Nov 09 2006 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Totem wrote:
By-the-by, Nobs, just what is it about stern busty chicks that gets you Limeys so giggly?
Memories of our first caning in the school dormitory by Matron?
Totem wrote:
From everything I know about Darkflame, you and her fit right into that profile. She doesn't cane you for being bad, does she?
No. Only for being outstanding Smiley: sly
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#37 Nov 09 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
#38 Nov 09 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
and how
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#39 Nov 09 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
and how could we forget?

Edited, Nov 9th 2006 at 12:23pm PST by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#40 Nov 09 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Poor form, a follow up with Stormshadow would have been more appropriate. Or Coyote Ugly Rainbow Bright and her paper bag with eyehole accessory!

edit or this

Edited, Nov 9th 2006 at 12:28pm PST by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#41 Nov 09 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Warning: Wall of text incoming.

RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Mazra, that's a lot of generalities.

Ya, I know. Got carried away.

1. Denmark is a small isolated country. We don't seek immigrants, in fact, we would like to close the borders if our hippie Swedish neighbors didn't call us racists for it. Denmark is a very nationalistic country and we like to mind our own business. The majority of immigrants we have are refugees, meaning they're only here until things die down in their own country. These guys are usually poorly integrated because they never plan on staying. But since our social help is so much better than that of whatever country they come from, they tend to stay and spend their holidays in their own country.

We don't really have "sh*tty" jobs per se. There are less lucrative jobs, but these are often taken by the youth or people in a forced work program (people who can't get jobs).

2. I watch the news almost every evening and I read the newspapers every morning. I know that a lot of the trouble is caused by native Danish people as well, but about 50% of the assault, murder and rape stories you hear about are committed by immigrants. Usually the second generation. "Second generation immigrant" has more or less become a term for trouble-makers over here.

Denmark is a tiny country without much action. The front story in the papers last week was the police shooting a drunkard who waved a knife at them. That's the third person this year the police kills. We don't get much action, as I said. And I know that not all immigrants are like that. I know quite a few myself, but last year when I was still in high school, I got a day off and decided to spend it shopping. On my way through town I ran into several other kids who apparently also had the day off (ya right). 95% of those kids were, presumably, second generation immigrants. Coincidence? Perhaps, perhaps not.

And I do agree that criminal behaviour is learned. Or rather, it's the indirect cause of NOT learning the right moral values. These people come from countries where stoning is considered a nice way to spend some quality time with your family. Naturally, the first generation immigrants hit a brick wall when they came to our country and so it's only natural that their children have issues figuring out what's right and what's wrong. If you know what I mean?

3. It affects me personally when their religion includes blowing up a mall full of innocent people because their god is a horny sumbitch with a virgin fetish.

And it's not an adaption period. These people don't just adapt, quite contrary, they tend to convert things to their liking. We already passed several acts giving them more influence on how we are supposed to do things. They receive special meals in school because they don't eat the same as we do, special classes because they can't change clothes near us. There was some drama a few months ago because a school with a large Muslim percentage was forced to remove pork from the menu because the Muslims demanded it. It wasn't enough that they allowed Muslims to NOT eat it, they had to REMOVE it completely!

They burned MY flag because SOMEONE insulted their prophet, although his picture has been posted and made fun of in several books throughout history. They threaten to kill ME because SOMEONE said it was an insult. And to make matters worse, the thing blew up when one of the Muslim religious leaders (imam) here in Denmark travelled "home" during his holiday to spread the news amongst his countrymen. He cursed us out and suggested holy war as proper rebuttal. Then when things heated up, he ordered the Danish government to pull him out on the taxpayers' bill.

I do vote for those parties. Lots of people do. Heck, they won the last election. And not all Muslims are bad (I refer to Muslims because oddly enough, Asian and East-European immigrants don't cause much trouble at all). I had several second generation immigrants in my high school class and those guys were hardworking respectful individuals. But for every decent person there are another nine rotten, morally torn apart by the culture clash they experience every day. The culture clash cannot be ignored. But how is that our fault? We were here first...

RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Why does it bother you what they wear to school? And if local people in DK feel the same way as you do towards immigrants, do you really think they don't feel it? Do you really think it's baseless when they say people discriminate against them, when local have that attitude towards them?

It doesn't bother me that they get to wear robes. And by robes I meant burkas, obviously. But it's common courtesy to take off your headdress to the teacher. They basically skip all our customs by using the religion get-out-of-trouble card. If an employer refuses to hire a Muslim because of the burka, drama ensues. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but your burka makes you less suitable for the job than Mr. Jensen over there" would be the obvious reason, but you can't say that, because then you're a racist Muslim-hater and you get sued and end up in the news. Because you told a woman she couldn't wear her burka at work.

Speaking of work. We've had about a dozen Muslims come through where I work. They were all fired and reported to the police for fraud and thefth. So were a lot of "white" people, but percentage wise, they won.

Perhaps I'm discriminative not very tolerant. I'll make sure they engrave that on my headstone if I die in a terrorist attack.

Edited, Nov 9th 2006 at 2:12pm PST by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#42 Nov 09 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts

1. The people who assassinated Lincoln, Lennon and the OK City citizens were Christians. You condemning them too?

2. Denmark, like England and USA is a nation of immigrants. The only difference is that most of you have had longer to settle in.

3. The last Scandinavian to rule England was a Danish invader who became King. His name was Cnut. Smiley: lol

I think I've made my point!

PS. You're a racist **** who hides behinds panoply of words to mask your xenophobia.

I hereby dub thee gbajisen.

Arise Sir gbajisen!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#43 Nov 09 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:

1. Denmark is a small isolated country. We don't seek immigrants, in fact, we would like to close the borders if our hippie Swedish neighbors didn't call us racists for it.

I really doubt that the Danish immigration policy is dictated by what the Swedes think of you guys.

The majority of immigrants we have are refugees, meaning they're only here until things die down in their own country. These guys are usually poorly integrated because they never plan on staying. But since our social help is so much better than that of whatever country they come from, they tend to stay and spend their holidays in their own country.

That can't be true. Refugees cant stay in a country forever, and if they stay beyond their allowed stay, they become "illegal immigrants" and not refugees. I can only assume that a refugee turned illegal immigrant who decided to start a family and put his kids in school, in a small country like Denmark, would be found out pretty soon.

All this to say, that the ones you complain against must be the kids of legal immigrants, those who came to your country because they were allowed to, and needed.

I know that a lot of the trouble is caused by native Danish people as well, but about 50% of the assault, murder and rape stories you hear about are committed by immigrants.

Exactly. And if you're a "small nationalistic country", it's not so surprising.

Naturally, the first generation immigrants hit a brick wall when they came to our country and so it's only natural that their children have issues figuring out what's right and what's wrong.

It's not so much that they can't figure what's right and wrong, but that they struggle to find their identity, especially in a small nationalistic country. They're not from the same religion, they don't have a common history, and they tend to stick out like sore thumbs in a county of blonded blue eyed people.

It's not easy. I'm not being hippy, but being a teenager is troublesome enough on its own, and having an identity crisis and a sense of not-belonging is not easy to deal with. We've had this in France, where women that had fled Muslim countries where they were oppressed came in the 60s. They threw off the veil, and lived like the locals french women. And everyone was surprised when their kids had identity crisis, turned back to Islam, wore the veil, felt Morroccan, etc... It's a normal process.

It affects me personally when their religion includes blowing up a mall full of innocent people because their god is a horny sumbitch with a virgin fetish.

See, that's kinda rascist.

These people don't just adapt, quite contrary, they tend to convert things to their liking. We already passed several acts giving them more influence on how we are supposed to do things.

That too. Man, you're making huge generalities about a religion of 2 billion people out of a troublesome few. And you're confusing Islam with Al-Qaeda. These people are crazy fanatics, they are not Islam. It's like like saying Christians are murderers because of the KKK. It's just an extreme fringe, a loud and violent minority. 0.001%.

They receive special meals in school because they don't eat the same as we do, special classes because they can't change clothes near us. There was some drama a few months ago because a school with a large Muslim percentage was forced to remove pork from the menu because the Muslims demanded it. It wasn't enough that they allowed Muslims to NOT eat it, they had to REMOVE it completely!

They had to remove pork from the school menu? Someone call the FBI...

They burned MY flag because SOMEONE insulted their prophet

They insulted MY Prophet so I'll burn of their flags.

Both are kinda silly, no?

And to make matters worse, the thing blew up when one of the Muslim religious leaders (imam) here in Denmark travelled "home" during his holiday to spread the news amongst his countrymen. He cursed us out and suggested holy war as proper rebuttal. Then when things heated up, he ordered the Danish government to pull him out on the taxpayers' bill.

So he's a complete prick. That's just one guy.

Look, you're mixing international relations with school dinners and media reports. And somehow you think all of this together makes some big coherent picture. That it all ties in and can be explained by the fact Muslims are bad.

It's an incredible over-simplification and generality. It's not about being hippy, it's about having a clear and complete picture, not just picking up small fragments that you tape together to make the mosaique you want to see.

Anyway, at the end of the day, you're fighting a lost cause. They're here to stay. So the best thing you can do, is devote your energy to try and make it work, instead of spending it wagging your fist agaisnt the wind. It's completely pointless. You won't send them back. You won't frighten them into becoming more Danish. All this raging and raving does is to increase the tensions. Nothing more. Nothing positive comes out of it.

So stop generalising and trying to find grand schemes of things. Lots of Muslims are great, and some are ********. It's like that for most things in life. You have to take it case by case, and not try to find some grand explanation based on race or religion to categorise and label a huge group of people.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#44 Nov 09 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts

Everything said about Muslims in Europe is about identical to things that are said about blacks in the US.

Get used to them or move to the boondocks, they aren't going anywhere.
With the receiver in my hand..
#45 Nov 09 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:

Everything said about Muslims in Europe is about identical to things that are said about brown people in the US.

Get used to them or move to the boondocks, they aren't going anywhere.

#46 Nov 09 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Maz, I thought Denmark was a state of Germany not a country.

Your glory days were over 300 years ago, just accept what happens and shut up. Damn Arians!
#47 Nov 09 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
The Glorious GitSlayer wrote:
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:

Everything said about Muslims in Europe is about identical to things that are said about brown people in the US.

Get used to them or move to the boondocks, they aren't going anywhere.


eh, around these parts Latino people are still seen as too inferior to cause any real crime. Cause people can't speak English they are thought to be stupid.
They are not feared like Blacks at any rate; nor are MiddleEasterners.
Nah, blacks still take the cake around here for "lock your car-door, hide your money, cross to the other side of street, run wehn you get around the corner, ain't given my taxes to no poor blacks". Every local news cast, every robbery, every shooting, every drug deal, and car-jacking.... ususally blamed on blacks.

Maybe our level of racism hasn't yet matured over here like it has on the West.

With the receiver in my hand..
#48 Nov 10 2006 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Just the other day, my Polish Interpreter said "Thank God for the Mexican people, or I couldn't afford to keep a gardener."

Edited, Nov 10th 2006 at 6:40am PST by Atomicflea
#49 Nov 10 2006 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I just read she was allowed to keep her face-veil as long as it didn't interfere with the judicial process.

Meaning as long as the judge can hear what she says, it's ok. But given the seniority of many judges, that shouldn't be taken for granted.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#50 Nov 10 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
I really doubt that the Danish immigration policy is dictated by what the Swedes think of you guys.

No, but we're part of the European Union, meaning we can't just lock our gates and live in peace. And yes, I'm against the EU too.

That can't be true. Refugees cant stay in a country forever, and if they stay beyond their allowed stay, they become "illegal immigrants" and not refugees.

Our policies are a bit different there. As long as the refugees can give evidence of their security being at risk in their original country, they can stay. And after a while, provided they learn the language, they can seek to become Danish citizens.

All this to say, that the ones you complain against must be the kids of legal immigrants, those who came to your country because they were allowed to, and needed.

No, now you're generalizing. I'm not complaining about Muslims as a whole. And I'm not being a racist for making fun of their prophet and god. I'm being a jerk. I can make fun of the "virgin" Mary and Jesus de Christi as well if you want. I'm born and raised a Catholic, but basically am an atheist now.

Exactly. And if you're a "small nationalistic country", it's not so surprising.

You make it sound like we're a racist country brewing conspiracies to get rid of them dirty Muslims. It's not true at all. One of the more popular politicians in Denmark is a Muslim. But he adapted to the country as he put it. I'm not saying that ALL Muslims are trouble-makers and I'm not saying that ALL Danish Christians aren't.

I'm just saying that a pretty large percentage of all criminalism in Denmark is caused by a certain religious group. And it's not the Buddhists.

they struggle to find their identity, especially in a small nationalistic country. They're not from the same religion, they don't have a common history, and they tend to stick out like sore thumbs in a county of blonded blue eyed people.

I agree with you there. I would feel out of place in Saudi-Arabia or any other Islamic country for that matter.

Man, you're making huge generalities about a religion of 2 billion people out of a troublesome few. And you're confusing Islam with Al-Qaeda. These people are crazy fanatics, they are not Islam. It's like like saying Christians are murderers because of the KKK. It's just an extreme fringe, a loud and violent minority. 0.001%.

1. I'm not generalizing. Perhaps I didn't explain it clearly enough, but whenever I mention 'them' in my posts, I'm referring to the trouble-makers, not the Muslim community as a whole. As I said, I know lots of Muslims who don't cause trouble and I know a lot of Danish Christians who do. I'm not trying to bash their religion or their customs. I'm just saying that a troubling percentage of the Muslims in our country are causing trouble. And the fact that they're our 'guests' so to speak makes it even worse.

They had to remove pork from the school menu? Someone call the FBI...

I was trying to give an example where we bowed to their minority. Why should Danish kids go without pork just because a small percentage of school kids don't eat it? They tried suggesting that the Muslim kids made their own meals or had special meals at school, but the parents wouldn't hear of it! They wanted their kids to be equal to the Danish kids in school.. by changing everything.

So he's a complete prick. That's just one guy.

The majority of "Imams" here are like that. They don't speak Danish, despite having been here for many decades. They don't listen to suggestions or compromises. They demand and protest and that's about it. If we do something that might offend their religion, they take mental notes and forward it to their more.. rebellious countrymen in whatever country they visit during their holidays.

Again, just to clarify, I'm not saying all Muslims are spawns of the Devil. Lots of Muslims are great people and help our country in many ways. But a large percentage are complete pricks with no respect for Danish laws or customs. Why, and I'd like to hear your argumentation on this one, am I paying taxes so that we can shelter refugees who then turn around and stab us in the back because someone made some drawings?

And yes, one of the refugee shelters held protests against Denmark during the Muhammed crisis. They come to our country, expect us to take them in with our arms wide open, pay for their stay and then they have the nerves to hold protests against us!?

I mean, come on!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#51 Nov 10 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
I don't think it should be allowed. Western society seperates church from government. Religion has absolutely no place in the court room, as far as the court is concerned it's a hat. Religion is stripped the second you walk into a court room, once that is done it's no different than a lawyer wearing a baseball cap. It may not be a law, but it's still not appropriate to wear head coverings in a court room in western culture. If you're from another culture you adapt to our customs, not the other way around.

I don't care if your religion requires you to wear it or not. If the job requires you to remove it and you aren't willing to do that, don't take the job.

Muslims from what I understand can't eat pigs for religious reasons. Well then they wouldn't get a job on a pig farm. If you can't adapt to a particular rule/custom in a society due to your religion then quite frankly you need to remove yourself from the situation.

Established societies should not have to change their customs/methods (I mean come on...changing school meals that they didn't have to eat...that's retarded) to accomodate your religious beliefs. That goes both ways, I wouldn't go to a muslim country and expect them to allow me to have a pig roast.

You can argue that it has no effect on her ability to perform her job, and it doesn't. It is however a distraction for everyone else, whether you like it or not it draws attention to her when it should be on the topic at hand. Back to the lawyer with the baseball cap on, are you going to be thinking about what he's saying or thinking "WTF is he wearing a baseball cap for?" There are places and situations where different IS bad.
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