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Beit HanounFollow

#27 Nov 06 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
Your issue is that they were women? Would you be less disgusted if it was a bunch of college boys that did it instead?
Perhaps. And maybe it is cultural. But, given that the entire idea of the action was that Israel would be condemned for firing upon the women, I don't think that the culture there is all that much different on this point.

If it were all college boys, I have no doubts that the Israelis would have used significantly more force. Which, by itself, would make the action less cowardly (and no doubt less effective).
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Nov 06 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Atomicflea wrote:
I don't see how unarmed women are different than unarmed young men, unarmed old men or unarmed children so far as the value of their lives. They chose to put themselves into battle, which is more of a choice than some soldiers get. That said, I feel that official US policy towards the Middle East is unfairly skewed towards Israeli interests, and we don't particularly care if we're being fair to both sides when we act upon this issue.

I agree, on all points.

I also think that the Olympics massacre in Munich was the worst possible thing the Palestinians could have done, as far as PR goes. It resonates down the decades and gives Israel an unwarranted shield of martyrdom.

Yes, their position was untenable; yes, their people were suffering. However, insuring that generations would distrust and despise you and your leaders and your cause is perhaps not the best way to effect positive changes. (Are you LISTENING, George?)

In a similar vein, neither is hiding behind noncombatants. I tend to admire the women who responded. They believe in their cause and they back it up with their lives.

The armed men who hid behind the unarmed? Not so admirable. They have the guerilla advantage. They could have gotten away earlier or gone down fighting. Instead they sent out a pathetic SOS for the defenseless to come and defend them.

Israel does not have a record of restraint in dealing with unarmed mobs. Someone was going to die as a result of this action.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#29 Nov 06 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
Samira wrote:

I also think that the Olympics massacre in Munich was the worst possible thing the Palestinians could have done, as far as PR goes. It resonates down the decades and gives Israel an unwarranted shield of martyrdom.

I completely agree. Add suicide-bombings, and you have the worst PR campaign ever.

Having said that, I do think the Palestinains are past the point of caring about PR. They've realised it dosen't make any difference whether people like you and I like them or not.

The real issue is with Israel. They have the power. And the situation they are in today is untenable. And they know it.

Realistically, and from Israel's point of view, there is only one long-term solution: to have a viable, economically propserous, and politically stable Palestinian State.

The only other alternative is ethnic cleansing. But that's it.

The situation today is untenable: The Palestinians are dirt-poor, uneducated, pissed-off, most have been born in refugee camps, and are endoctrinated with hatred towards Israel (See Borat's Chase the Jew race in Kazakhstan). These people do not make good neighbours. At all.

And the other option, Greater Israel, is favoured by asSholes such as Avigdor Lieberman. These kind of people that preach about a Greater Israel are crazy. "Greater Israel" would mean one thing: an apartheid state. It's either that, or then end of Israel as we know it. Since Israel is a democracy, and considering the demographics forces, a Greater Israel would mean that the Arabs are the majority.

I highly doubt any Israeli wants that.

So a viable and stable Palestinian state is the only possible long-term outcome for Israel.

And the mind-boggling thing is that they are going about it in such an aporling and distorted way.

Edited for sleplnig

Edited, Nov 6th 2006 at 10:27am PST by RedPhoenixxxxxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#30 Nov 06 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
And the monid-boggling thing is that they are going about it in such an apourling and distorted way.

My monid just boggled at your apourlened speeling.
#31 Nov 06 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
And the monid-boggling thing is that they are going about it in such an apourling and distorted way.

My monid just boggled at your apourlened speeling.

French keyboards =/

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#32 Nov 06 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Things that stood out in my mind after reading this thread.

Hamas was elected in 'free and fair elections'.

Wether we like it or not, they are the peoples choice in that part of the world.

They have been thorougly ostracised by the western powers, financialy and politically. this has led to even more poverty and hopelesness amongst the Palestinians, most of whom want to live a normal life.

That hopelesness leads to these acts of desparation. "you use the weapons that you have".

I expect that these women hoped that the age old convention of not shooting unarmed women would hold. Sadly they were wrong.

This is the 'state' of conflict in that area. The warring parties have lost all respect for each other, hence the suicide bombs, detonated by people with no hope, in restaurants full of people whom they have no respect for. Then comes the retaliation, from conscripts who don't want to be there, scared they might die at any minute, shooting at unarmed women (and children) who are trying to save the lives of the 'only' people (Hamas militants) who are fighting back against the (as they see it) oppressors.

As Red said, the only way out of this is ethnic cleansing, (the current policy??) or developing a mutual respect. Only when the opposite sides begin to treat each other like humans (as opposed to some sort of lower life form) will there be any chance of peace.

But isn't that always the case? Witness now the slow undermining of the Iranians as a 'people' by certain western powers, that will make the coming conflict more 'acceptable' to the voting public.

Same thing happened in Iraq too........
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#33 Nov 06 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
paulsol the Flatulent wrote:
Hamas was elected in 'free and fair elections'.

Wether we like it or not, they are the peoples choice in that part of the world.

They have been thorougly ostracised by the western powers, financialy and politically. this has led to even more poverty and hopelesness amongst the Palestinians, most of whom want to live a normal life.
Yes, they are the elected government. While I agree that that should mean that we don't overthrow them, it doesn't mean that we have to react "well" to them. Elected or not, it's still a bunch of guys who refuse to recognize Israel and who continue to wage attacks upon it.

Those who want to live a normal life would be better served by voting differently next cycle. Perhaps someone more moderate is in order.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 Nov 06 2006 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Those who want to live a normal life would be better served by voting differently next cycle. Perhaps someone more moderate is in order.

Absolutely agree.

Every force has an equal and opposite reaction, or something like that. Law of the universe.

It should be up to the people of Israel and the Palestinians, to decide on their future. Sadly it would appear that there are too many countries with vested interests in the region to allow them to come to their own solutions....
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#35 Nov 06 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
I do think the Palestinains are past the point of caring about PR.

Paulsol wrote:
I expect that these women hoped that the age old convention of not shooting unarmed women would hold. Sadly they were wrong.

Here is where I wonder about their ideas about PR and their "age old convention.

Wehn we go through our everyday lives we are bombarded with worldly images from our TV and newspapers and radios and movies and entertainment. we pretty much have been aware more or less of a global cultural perspective. They probably never had many movies and stories with the same kind of heroes as we had to hold ourselves up to... No smilely faces and no Mister Roger's Neighborhood to make us smile. No Donna Reed and Beaver Cleaver to tell us waht a civilized family should be. No Col. Klink to make us wonder if we could laugh and forgive our foolish enemies... They didn't grow up watching corny police chases and bloodless history class projector smiling soldier war patriot producing gradeschool propaganda.... no civil rights movement.... No racial issue After School Specials telling us that we should be nice to our neighbor with differnet coloured skin who's house smells funny.
No, they didn't have that
They had Guns.

So wehn you say things about Palistinians caring about Public Relations; well who is the public to them? I think that as Westerners that it is our nature to think as the entire world as our immediate public. We pay attention to waht goes on around and we and our peers have had the freedom to question it and speak out about it for mannnny generations. So from the point of view of these Palistinians and others with their same cultural imprints, I would think that the Public relations to them would be only waht their countrymen and family think about them. Their world view is indeed one of the key chasms that lie between our peoples. That's why I still say that it will only take more generations of educated and open-minded children to make things right; and bombing the fúck out of their families and driving tanks and shooting missles into their back yards isn't going to help.

call me liberal

With the receiver in my hand..
#36 Nov 06 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Kelv, for fUck's sake. They're poor, okay, but they're not dead or imprisoned on the moon. They have TVs! Just think of it. And movies!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#37 Nov 06 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Samira wrote:
Kelv, for fUck's sake. They're poor, okay, but they're not dead or imprisoned on the moon. They have TVs! Just think of it. And movies!
Call me Mr Picky, and I know they don't live in caves (yet) but no, most don't have TV, electricity, hot running water etc etc.

They're still just whiny wimmins though
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#38 Nov 06 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with a lot of what Kelvy said. When you're born in a refugee camp and have lived in Gaza all you life, your perspective of the world is very different.

At the same time, most of them are completely dependent on foreign aid and international help. t represents a lot of the Palestinian economy, since they have nothing else. So in this respect, "PR" affects them, and they know it. When Hamas got elected and aid dried up, the Palestinians felt it.

And yet at the same time, many must feel the rest of the world doesnt really give a shIt a bout them. So they don't have that much more to lose.

And in a way, they're kinda right.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#39 Nov 06 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with Red and Kelvy. The problem is the little industry and agriculture that exist within Palestine is often held up by the Israelis from crossing into Israel proper or Egypt. Food rots and business want a confidence that the goods will reach them on time.

The Palestians were promised freedom when they helped the British defeat the Ottoman Empire and then after WWII when the West felt bad about the Holocaust they decided to give away land that was not theirs to give.

I think most Arabs have lost all hope of the conflict ever ending, especially after the Lebanon invasion.

Perhaps if the world had of tried to work with Hamas in power to moderate them, much like Sein Fenn was allowed to in Ireland, then you would have a stable and economically viable state that you could negiotate with.
#40 Nov 07 2006 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Or we could just wipe them out. I like that idea a lot more than the idea of sending aid to palestine again. They aren't worth negotiating with, they are not worth helping.
#41 Nov 07 2006 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Abadd wrote:
Or we could just wipe them out. I like that idea a lot more than the idea of sending aid to palestine again. They aren't worth negotiating with, they are not worth helping.

You've never actually met a Palestinian person, have you?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#42 Nov 07 2006 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
No, But I clearly remember them cheering on 9/11. **** 'em.
#43 Nov 07 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Abadd wrote:
No, But I clearly remember them cheering on 9/11. @#%^ 'em.

I hear there was also Rastas cheering at ground zero shouting "Burn Babylon , Burn" Why just you go murder some people with dreadlocks too?

With the receiver in my hand..
#44 Nov 07 2006 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
it is scary to think about my children growing up in a world with these kinds of issues. in history you see there are always conflicts, war, political ******* up ect but there is somthing about now that makes me feel like things have gotten really out of control. when ANYONE, man, woman or child feel like they have to resort to being a human shield be it for PR or to save the things they love that is a huge ******* problem. between this and the massacre going on in darfur i feel the need to hide under my pillow sometimes. every day there are more bombings, more casualties (on all sides) and more destruction to people's homes and ways of life. being a liberal may be a dirty word now to some but how can anyone support an administration that sends its people to die for a personal agenda and then deny everything when you realize its all gone to hell. its disgusting. and i think that it is very complicated from the US end as well as the israli and palestine end. its hard to just put people and ideas into boxes and say it is this or it is that. i don't pretend to be a political analysis but from the perspective of a human being it is very sad to me. especially when there seems to be no end in sight.
#45 Nov 07 2006 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Abadd wrote:
No, But I clearly remember them cheering on 9/11. @#%^ 'em.

You've never been happy to hear about misfortune falling on someone you've regarded as an enemy? You must be a saint.

That said, certainly not all Palestinians danced in the streets after 9/11. Only the equivalent of trailer park rednecks would have been more overcome with glee than dread at that point.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#46 Nov 07 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
in history you see there are always conflicts, war, political @#%^ing up ect but there is somthing about now that makes me feel like things have gotten really out of control.

It's because unlike history, you are living in these times.

Although we have usually been sheltered in our culture bubble, there comes a time wehn you realize that there has NEVER really been any peace or harmony in the world on any large scale... There have been breif lapses in the chaos... or things that divert our eyes from seeing the horrors...
I usually describe it as an ocean of chaos with a few islands of order in it.

Waht is going on here is no differnet than any other thing similar that has happened a thousand time over in a thousand different places and times. Maybe eventually it will stop happening.... but I think that the potential for these things to happen will be around as long as there are humans.. all you can really do is your part to be vigilant and try to create your own little island of order in the ocean of chaos and maybe once enough people learn to do that, things will change.
With the receiver in my hand..
#47 Nov 07 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Kelv said

all you can really do is your part to be vigilant and try to create your own little island of order in the ocean of chaos and maybe once enough people learn to do that, things will change

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#48 Nov 07 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
Or perhaps we can all do our best to ruin the island and drag the world into a new era of darkness for my half inflated Dark Lord!

or something.....
#49 Nov 08 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
BBBD wrote:
Or perhaps we can all do our best to ruin the island and drag the world into a new era of darkness for my half inflated Dark Lord!

Smiley: thumbsup
With the receiver in my hand..
#50 Nov 08 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Im not sure this is going to do too much to improve the Palestinians view of the rest of the world.....

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip - Israeli tank shells crashed into a residential neighborhood, killing at least 18 people including eight children in their sleep early Wednesday, Palestinian witnesses and officials said. According to witnesses, all those killed in the neighborhood north of the town of Beit Hanoun were women and children. Khaled Radi, a health ministry official, said 13 of the dead were from the same family. He said at least 40 more people were wounded, all civilians

Way to go!

They were probably all 'aiding Hamas' from the comfort of their beds. Yeah! that'll be it......

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#51 Nov 08 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
whoopsy daisy!!

sorry I killed your family, let's talk about it.
With the receiver in my hand..
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