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Time for some Ghost StoriesFollow

#1 Oct 31 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
Figured it was Halloween and I'm bored at work, share some stories if you got em!

Here is mine,

I lived with my sister and both parents in the same house for some 15 years and this was the only paranormal event I experienced while living there.

I slept on the top bunk in a room that I shared with no one, I just liked bunk beds. My sister was in the next room down and my parents room was directly across from mine. One night I was awaken by a sound at my dresser which was diagonal and across the room from where my head lied on the pillow. I look over and see a shadow rummaging through the contents of my dresser, I say "hello?" the shadow stops and then quickly glides over to the bed and stares me in the face, I closed my eyes so I didn't see a face or whatever. I then heard my parents door open and my Dad walk to the kitchen to get a drink. I opened my eyes to see the shadow glide out of my room.

I jumped up quickly and watched as it slide into the half opened door of my folks room (my Dad was still in the kitchen). I was frozen with fear then heard a loud gasp from their room, my mom had been awakened/startled from her sleep. I couldn't move I was scared stiff. The next thing I know, my Dad walks by, into the room closes the door and thats it. I finally manage to fall asleep after some time. I awake in the morning fully aware of what had happened the night before. I get out of the shower and go to get my glasses of my dresser, they're gone. For years I wore glasses and they always went in the same spot. We search the whole house, nothing (I didn't tell them about the shadow). A couple days pass and I return home from school and there are my glasses, right on the kitchen table.

I phone my mom at work and ask where she found them, she said they were on the table when she left for work that morning.
#2 Oct 31 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
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most recent

the Old work building. My office was in the basement. There were 6 floors above me. I stayed late to get some work done and had finished. Was about 9PM-ish.. was PTing in FFXI on laptop (with Eonsdizzle actually).

I should mention that the 5th floor is where the "clients" stayed during the day... people with various metal problems and padded helmets.. also in which a few clients have died.

So I need a cigarette... and I take the stairwell to get to the lobby...
I was in the building alone... dark.

WEhn I reached the stairwell there was absolutly someone walking around above in the stairwell.... I clearly heard the sound of doors closing and saw the shadow of something above as I made my way to the door to the 1st floor.

SO I get to the 1st floor and hear the elevator bell ding.. At the exact same time that I turned the corner where the elevator is; the bell ding and the elevator doors open with nothing inside.
I just ignored it and went out the LOCKED front door and lit up a smoke. I then see through the glass windows that the elevator doors closed and the elevator made it's way to the 5th floor.

I got back and relayed to my PT waht had happened.. I left the game shortly after and walked around the building.. including the 5th floor... Nothing. All doors were locked.. All lights were off.

after relaying the story the next few days .. reposnses were // "Oh, everyone knows about the 5th floor".

I didn't stay that late too much anymore after that in my office in the dark basement.
With the receiver in my hand..
#3 Oct 31 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
My parents' house has weird stuff happen all the time. My brother remembers seeing a very large form walk down the hallway and disappear into the laundry room. He also refuses to go into the attic now because every time he does, he has gotten a bruise or a cut and he never feels when it happens. Except for one time, it's always been my brother that has been bothered by the spirits or whatever.

My brother and I when we were little were asleep in our parents bedroom and both of us woke up at the same time. Our parents' bedroom had a balcony and we used to love to look out onto the street from that balcony and right next to the balcony used to be this big tree that would cast a shadow into the bedroom. Anyways, we woke up one night and we could hear whisperings outside on the balcony. So we get up and look out the window, and we see the tree moving back and forth. Not like the wind was moving the tree, but the tree itself was mvoing side to side. We both looked down and we saw this little freaky dwarf like thing looking up at us. It had eye sockets, but no eyes, and this big gaping grin and it was waving to us. My brother and I both booked it back to our parents' bed, and stayed under the covers for the rest of the night. The next morning, we didn't even want to talk about it. But as we got older, we both knew something had to have happened, because we both remembered it. I still get chills thinking about that. /shiver
#4 Oct 31 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
Last night at about 1am I heard what sounded like a plastic ball (you know the kind they use in the kid ball bounce things) falling, bouncing a couple times and rolling on a hard surface, followed by a clang sounding excatly like 2 pizza pans rolling out of the cupboard in out kitchen. I recognize the noises because I'ver heard both occur in my house many times before. I went to check because I thought maybe one of the kids was awake and trying to geta drink or something. So, I went to the main floor and headed for the kitchen, turning on lights all the way to make sure I didn't run into something.

When I got to the kitchen, I noticed that the utensil drawer had been pulled out and there there was indeed a plastic ball as described above laying on the floor of the kitchen. The pecurliar part was that our pizza pans were flat on the stove because one had fresh croisants on it and the other had roasted pumpkin seeds. Trying to recreate the sounds I heard to determine a plausible source, I rattled the pizza pans. No dice. I rattled the open utensil drawer. It sounded quite like what I heard a few moments ago. I quickly went to check on the children and they were all fast asleep in their beds.

So I closed the drawer and I then also checked the house alarm. It was still armed and all the windows were barred. There was no way someone else was in the house. I told the wife about it and still have no idea what caused the drawer to be out and all the noise. I had been up to the kitchen an hour prior to the incident and was the last one to use it. I remember distinctly that it was closed.

Creepy stuff.
#5 Oct 31 2006 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
The only weird thing I can remember came from my childhood. First some background information. We were living in a house with a really long hallway. the first room down the hallway was my sisters, followed by mine, and then my parents at the very end of the hall. When I was about 10 or so my little sister (7 at the time) woke me up and said she was scared. This wasn't uncommon, and I would usually walk her down the hall to my parents room then head back to bed. This time, as we walked into the hall and turned towards our parents room, we both froze. Standing at the end of the hallway was what looked to be a figure that stood around 3 feet tall. It seemed to be a greenish color, but you could see through it because I remembered being able to see a basket of clothes sitting behind it. My sister asked me if I could see it, and I said yes. I then said "I can't move, can you?" She responded that she couldn't either. We stood there for probably 30 seconds or so, just staring at it until our dog came walking from behind it and it just disappeared. After that we were able to move and both b-lined it to the parents room. We both still remember it to this day.

#6 Oct 31 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Standing at the end of the hallway was what looked to be a figure that stood around 3 feet tall. It seemed to be a greenish color, but you could see through it

ugly spud isn't it?
With the receiver in my hand..
#7 Oct 31 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
Standing at the end of the hallway was what looked to be a figure that stood around 3 feet tall. It seemed to be a greenish color, but you could see through it

ugly spud isn't it?

I can't believe that I didn't think of Slimer as I was writing it. I fail as a child of the 80's.

And what I saw had legs.

#8 Oct 31 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
a couple months ago I found myself catching the sound of a little girl sobbing in my house. I always brushed it off, until I casually mentioned it to the Mr and he agreed that he had been hearing things of a similar sort as well. It even woke me up one night to where I thought I was dreaming, but it had happened in the middle of the day too.

It only went on for about a week or so and I havent heard it since. Our house was built by us, but I dont know the full history of the land. Also we have had other experiences with spirits or ghosties in the house prior.
#9 Oct 31 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
DSD, I forgot about the glass!! WAht was up with that!? I'm really not convinced that vibrations from a piano would have caused it to slide across the table like that.
With the receiver in my hand..
#10 Oct 31 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
haha holy crap I fogot about that! Smiley: lol

#11 Oct 31 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts

DSD and I were sitting at a table, I believe Nexa and Yanari were also present... and FleaJo, Smasharoo, Exo, and JacobsD were hitting on some gays in the background (Don't think Deb was there yet, yes I'm a name dropper))

So in the middle of a conversation me me and DSD both look down to see a tall full glass cleanly slide about 6 inches across the table.. We just looked at each other like Smiley: dubious and tried to get it to slide again.. thinking maybe the vibration and the condensation on the glass was responsible...
I don't think so.

fúckin' haunted-*** Boston...
With the receiver in my hand..
#12 Oct 31 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Problem with the vibration of the piano though, was that we were easily what? Fifteen feet away from it? More? And I could see the condensation helping, esp if the table was angling, but it wasnt and no other glasses had moved. Plus if I remember right, it was a pretty smooth and solid move from one spot to another. Not a jerky slow movement like you would expect from the resistance of the table and minimal condensation of the glass. Looked just like someone pushed it from spot A to spot B.

I blame Kelvys psychic aura
#13 Oct 31 2006 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
DSD wrote:
I blame Kelvys psychic aura
Really? I thought it was jacobsdeception's massive erection jostling the table.

Edited, Oct 31st 2006 at 1:23pm PST by Atomicflea
#14 Oct 31 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I have no personal experience with the paranormal but I once read a short ghost story about a woman who was in her basement laundry room and heard a crying voice. She looked out the window and there was a skunk with a human face out there calling for her. I have no idea WTF that was all about but it gave me the heebie-jeebies and still makes me vaguely uncomfortable.

A Google for "skunk laundry human face" gives predictable results on why not to ***** with skunks
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Oct 31 2006 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I see the sliding glass thing all the time and usually it's because there's water on the table and the glass glides very smoothly over it. I've seen it happen with Japanese tea cups and miso soup bowls too.
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#16 Oct 31 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
This didn't personally happen to me, but the story has been around my family for years. The son of my great aunt and uncle had always liked one particular music box when he was a kid. Somehow, this old music box had gotten broken and no longer played, but my great aunt still held to it and kept it on the dresser in the bedroom.
One night, after the son had grown up and moved out on his own, the music box suddenly started playing on it's own. My great aunt and uncle were woken up by it, but couldn't figure out how it had started playing. It wasn't until the next morning that they found out that their son had been killed in a motorcycle accident the previous night, right about the time that they had been woken up by the music box.......
#17 Oct 31 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
At the same time that my great-aunt died in the hospital, every door in my grandmother's house closed shut.
With the receiver in my hand..
#19 Oct 31 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
I posted about ghosts some time ago, and Samira, if I remember, debunked me as psychotic. Smiley: laugh It was about me getting paralyzed as I slept (my eyes would be open and I'd see people I've never met before, happenened ever since Iwas little).

Now, on the other hand, I've had "visitors" while I was awake. There was one time, I was waiting at the elevator to come up. I had just finished visiting a friend of mine. Before the doors even opened, I blanked out and I could see the inside of the elevator. I saw an old woman there. Then the doors of the elevator opened...I was back to the real world and of course, it was empty.

I hoped in and called my buddy to tell him that I think I truly am crazy. I ended up describing the woman that used to own his apartment 10 years ago. To the T. I even told him the attire she wore, how her face looked, and her posture while she stands and it was almost an identical match to the lady who lived there.

He promptly sent to me to GFM. Smiley: laugh

By that time, though, I was already used to that type of stuff.
#20 Oct 31 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Señor Exodus, Rey del Queso wrote:
I hoped in and called my buddy to tell him that I think I truly am crazy. I ended up describing the woman that used to own his apartment 10 years ago. To the T. I even told him the attire she wore, how her face looked, and her posture while she stands and it was almost an identical match to the lady who lived there.
Your buddy knows physical details of an old lady that lived in his apartment 10 years ago?
#21 Oct 31 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
While sleep paralysis is a legitamate occurance, I still think that there is "something to it" of course.

One particular instance is similar to waht Exo described...
I had "half" fallen asleep with my face on the floor... eyes were still half open and looking down the hallway and at an open downfacing book in front of me (It was The Hobbit).
Then as the thing happened... in one moment I was standing up.. moving around.. but I could STILL see the book floating in front of me... so It was like double vision of me laying there and standing up..
It thne became very hard to move... like REALLY hard to move.. then I was laying down again. with my eyes still open seeing the book... only I was paralyzed.. and I HATE wehn that happens because I often have trouble breathing an start to panic..
Ah but anyway.. while laying there half-wahtever, I definatly "heard" "saw" people coming into to doorway behind me and walking down the halls and talking and stuff. Not saying that they were ghosts or anything.. just waht it was.

now I HAVE had so-called out of body experiences before.. but I'm not gonna go there.
It is pretty fun wehn you get used to it.
With the receiver in my hand..
#22 Oct 31 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Kelvyquayo the Irrelevant wrote:
At the same time that my great-aunt died in the hospital, every door in my grandmother's house closed shut.

When my paternal grandmother died in the middle of the night, all of her children woke up at the same time. None of the family even realized that until they were all talking about how they woke up at the funeral.

When my maternal grandfather died, there was a rosary 40 days after his death. And weird stuff happened that day in my parents house. Unexplainable scents, people feeling like they were being pushed from behind with no one there.

There's also a room in my parents' house that no one is willing to sleep in. One time, a cousin was visiting and he boldly went into that room (it's a den), dropped his luggage, and said loudly "Okay, I'm here! What are you going to do?" And he felt someone shove his shoulder and no one else was in the room. He promptly picked up his bags, said "You win" and left the den. Smiley: laugh
#23 Oct 31 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Professor CrescentFresh wrote:
Señor Exodus, Rey del Queso wrote:
I hoped in and called my buddy to tell him that I think I truly am crazy. I ended up describing the woman that used to own his apartment 10 years ago. To the T. I even told him the attire she wore, how her face looked, and her posture while she stands and it was almost an identical match to the lady who lived there.
Your buddy knows physical details of an old lady that lived in his apartment 10 years ago?

He has a really good memory, and the old lady was a sweetheart. She actually owned that apartment and she was the seller, so he had to deal with her directly.
#24 Oct 31 2006 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Halloween story:;mid=106755319064516;page=1#106755319064516

it's old, but maybe someone here didn't read it last year? I didn't have time to write a new one this weekend unfortunatly.
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