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Ah. But it really wasn't about outing gay Republicans...Follow

#77 Oct 18 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
As an aside, I carry a glossy headshot of Dateline's Chris Hansen in my car just in case when I show up to meet that thirteen year-old virgin I've been chatting up in the local BDSM room I can act like I'm just an autograph hound. Cover your ***, and all; you can thank me later.
#78 Oct 18 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Verypale wrote:

Alright, assuming that was, in fact, the intent of the emails, then no harm no foul. However, when your IM's to a minor include "Do I make you horny?" and you aren't in an Austin Powers chat room, then it is pe*dophilia.

Except that the IM's were *not* sent to the 16 year old that everyone talks about. The IM's were sent to an 18 year old.

Starting to see the problem? You've got two very different things being (deliberately IMO) confused into one. As a result, most people believe that Foley's behavior toward the 16 year old was represented by the IMs. It's not illegal or even unethical to engage in sexually explicit conversations with an adult. It's also not illegal or unethical to ask a minor how he's doing, or what he'd like for his birthday. The second thing *only* appears bad when put in the context of the other. But the two have nothing to do with eachother aside from the fact that Foley was involved in both things.

It would be like me saying that a conversation you had with a teenager today is pedophilia because you had a conversation with an adult last month that included explicit sexual content. Isn't that absurd? Yeah. It is...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#79 Oct 18 2006 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
So Gabji, what are you wearing?
#80 Oct 18 2006 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
For anyone curious. Here's the transcripts of Foley's emails. Stripping out the top bits off the pdf, which contain reaction after the fact, here's the *actual* emails that were sent to the 16 year old:

Email 1
glad to see your home safe and sound... We dont go back into session until Sept its a nice long break.... I am back in Forida now... It's nice here, been raining today... it sounds like you will have some fun over the next few weeks... How old are you now?

Email 2
I am in North Carolina... and it was 100 in New Orleans... wow that's really hot... well do you miss DC... Its raining here but 68 degrees so who can argue... did you have fun at your conference... what do you want for your birthday coming up... what stuff do you like to do

Email 3
I just emailed will... hes such a nice guy... acts much older then his age... and hes in really great shape... i am just finished riding my bike on a 25 mile journey now heading to the gym... whats school like for you this year?

Email 4
how are you weathering the hurricane... are you safe... send me an email pic of you as well...

I assume that some bits were cut out, with the only the bits of interest left in.

Um... I see nothing overtly sexual in any of those. You *can* interpret them sexually. Certainly, he's being "overly friendly" to this guy. But nothing even remotely like the IM transcripts we seem to hear all about. Heck. Just trying to find these email transcripts, I had to skip over dozens of sites that mentioned the "Foley email scandal", but had the IM transcripts instead.

And on the subject of the IMs, read what this site has to say. This is the same thing that Drudge reported as well.

Point being that the whole thing is a huge batch of *nothing*. And after you pull out the hype and the exageration and the deliberate mixing of terms, dates, emails and IMs, and ages, you end up with a gay man who did nothing wrong other then be gay. And be Republican of course...

Edited, Oct 18th 2006 at 7:29pm PDT by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#81 Oct 18 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
So Gabji, what are you wearing?

Do you like Gladiator movies?...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#82 Oct 18 2006 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
So Gabji, what are you wearing?

Do you like Gladiator movies?...

Yes. Do you like watersports?
#83 Oct 18 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
You're right gbaji, one of those IM conversations was with a page who had been 18 for a few months, however that page and another claim that the IM's extend back until before they were 18. However, the conversation I was quoting was with an underage page.

Maf54: we will be adjourned ny then
Teen: oh good
Maf54: by
Maf54: then we can have a few drinks
Maf54: lol
Teen: yes yes ;-)
Maf54: your not old enough to drink
Teen: shhh…
Maf54: ok
Teen: that's not what my ID says
Teen: lol
Maf54: ok
Teen: I probably shouldn't be telling you that huh
Maf54: we may need to drink at my house so we don't get busted

Offering alchol to a minor is illegal. Not to mention that a congressman who likes them, at least according to you, likes them "barely legal" asking an underage page to his house to drink is questionable to say the least.

By the way, using faulty comparisons like
It would be like me saying that a conversation you had with a teenager today is pedophilia because you had a conversation with an adult last month that included explicit sexual content.
doesn't help your arguement at all. They fail to accurately reflect the situation.

Let me fix your analogy:
It would be like me saying that a conversation you had with a teenager today is quite possibly pedophilia because you had a conversation with an adult, who happened to be a handful of months older than the previously mentioned teenager, last month that included explicit sexual content.
#84 Oct 18 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Verypale wrote:
You're right gbaji, one of those IM conversations was with a page who had been 18 for a few months, however that page and another claim that the IM's extend back until before they were 18. However, the conversation I was quoting was with an underage page.

Please include a link to a source. Because unless you actually know the people involved, how can I know the age of the person involed in this IM? Someone saying the other side was underaged does not make it so. So far, the only two sources I've seen was the IM sequence and emails reported by ABC. Nothing else has been confirmed to my knowledge, and for all I know could be some clever bloggers idea of a really funny joke...

Offering alchol to a minor is illegal. Not to mention that a congressman who likes them, at least according to you, likes them "barely legal" asking an underage page to his house to drink is questionable to say the least.

Again. I know nothing of this particular IM. We don't know his real age. And given that ABC made a not so subtle attempt to conceal the fact that the last "underaged page" was in fact 18 at the time of the IM tends to make me distrustful of some random quoting of an IM conversation in this case.

Give me a source and a link. I'll figure out for myself to what degree the information is legitimate.

Let me fix your analogy:
It would be like me saying that a conversation you had with a teenager today is quite possibly pedophilia because you had a conversation with an adult, who happened to be a handful of months older than the previously mentioned teenager, last month that included explicit sexual content.

Ok. Fair enough. However, that can just as easily been seen as someone having "boundaries". First off, let's clear the pedophilia thing off the table. No one is suggesting that Foley engaged in any sort of sexual behavior with a pre-adolescent. So what we're really talking about is sexual conduct with a minor (totally different legal issue btw). We somewhat arbitrarily set a legal age at which a teen can consent to sex. This has nothing to do with any sort of mental aberration or biological weirdness.

Can we agree that an adult male looking at an 8 year old female and thinking "I'd really love to get into her pants", has some serious mental problems, but an adult male looking at a 16 year old female and thinking "Wow. She's really hot. Too bad she's 16" is pretty much a normal adult male? Is that really any different then Foley in this case (aside from the homosexuality)? If we accept that homosexuality is not inherently "wrong", then a homosexual male finding a 16 year old male attractive is *also* not wrong.

It becomes wrong in our society if he actually does something. We don't have a thought police. You have to actually engage in some kind of sexual activity with a minor in order to have broken the law. Thus, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a gay male having a friendly conversation with a 16 year old male, and also having sex with an 18 year old male. Even if you argue that Foley was "setting up" potential lovers once they turned 18 and digging through the pool of male pages to find them, it's still shows that he applied a set of sexual boundaries to his behavior that is in line with the legal boundaries of our society. Frankly, I'm not sure how you can condemn him for that. You can say it's "creepy" maybe. But it's not illegal.

The point is that biologically there's nothing particularly distinguishable between a 16 year old and an 18 year old. Both are biologically "adults". Therefore, there's nothing abnormal for any other adult to find attractive. The only distinction is a somewhat arbitrary legal distinction. Our law specifically places an age at which it is legal for another adult to engage in sex with that person. The age varies (note that in DC is *is* 16, but lets assume it's 18 for the sake of this argument), but it is a very specific demarcation point. Younger then that age and an adult could go to jail for engaging in sexual contact, older then that age, even by a single day, and it's completely legal.

Arbitrary? Yeah. But that's an issue with the law. Not Foley. Your argument is kinda like saying we should find fault with people who drive *exactly* the speed limit. After all, clearly they are traveling at the highest speed they can without going over the legal limit, and that implies that they want to speed, but are staying just under the limit so as to avoid legal prosecution. Shouldn't they drive slower so as to be safer and meet the "spirit" of the speed limit laws? Sure. But legally, if I can drive 65 mph, and I'm going exactly 65mph, then I'm fine. Same deal with Foley. If the law puts the age of consent at 18, and Foley waits until someone turns 18 before engaging in sexual behavior with them, then that's legal.

Arguing otherwise is silly. Foley followed the law. Maybe you expect your representatives in Congress to do more (much as you might think driving slower then the speed limit is better for public safety), but then it's purely a matter between Foley and his own constituents. Where's the "scandal" here? By historical measurement, this *should* be a really minor thing. There's a whole lot of smoke, but not really any fire.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#85 Oct 18 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
gbaji wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
gbaji wrote:
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Defending a sexual predator that harrasses 16-year-olds, and then pretending that Republicans are a victim in all this, it's quite incredible.

Someone who'd likely not be labled a sexual predator if he wasn't gay?

Well the age of Consent in Florida is 18, so yeah he just might be.

Asking a minor over the internet for explicit sexual pictures is still a crime right BarkingTurtle?

Um. He didn't ask for explicit sexual pictures. So aside from that, you've got a point. Oh wait! You don't have anything more then that.

" The page forwarded the e-mails to a colleague in Alexander's office, saying "this really freaked me out", and repeating the word "sick" 13 times to describe the photo request.

Nothing eh?
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#86 Oct 18 2006 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
bodhisattva wrote:
gbaji wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
gbaji wrote:
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Defending a sexual predator that harrasses 16-year-olds, and then pretending that Republicans are a victim in all this, it's quite incredible.

Someone who'd likely not be labled a sexual predator if he wasn't gay?

Well the age of Consent in Florida is 18, so yeah he just might be.

Asking a minor over the internet for explicit sexual pictures is still a crime right BarkingTurtle?

Um. He didn't ask for explicit sexual pictures. So aside from that, you've got a point. Oh wait! You don't have anything more then that.

" The page forwarded the e-mails to a colleague in Alexander's office, saying "this really freaked me out", and repeating the word "sick" 13 times to describe the photo request.

Nothing eh?

Ah bhodi, reading this brings back the memories for me.

Typical gbaji bullshiting. If he doesn't see it, it doesn't exist. Nothing new here. His ability to deny reality achieves Bush-ian proportions. He's doing "a heck of a job" defending pedophiles, date rapers, the non-existance of the pre-war National Intelligence Estimate....

#87 Oct 18 2006 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Even if you argue that Foley was "setting up" potential lovers once they turned 18 and digging through the pool of male pages to find them, it's still shows that he applied a set of sexual boundaries to his behavior that is in line with the legal boundaries of our society. Frankly, I'm not sure how you can condemn him for that. You can say it's "creepy" maybe. But it's not illegal.

Can I go further than calling it "creepy" and suggest that perhaps it's not what we should expect from an elected official? Moreover, I'd reckon that most folks don't find pushing the envelope on the whole age of consent thing quite as harmless a thing as you do. Feels like a pretty standard progression toward something clearly illegal, or at least an action based upon some fantasy to pull aside a youngin's Underoos and fondle his hairless package. I'll agree, there's no place in our society for "thought police", but when a pattern of behavior lends itself to a diagnosis of illegal sexual depravity I for one don't think we should be paying the man's salary with tax dollars. He should be selling records to fund his fantasies.

Gbaji wrote:
The point is that biologically there's nothing particularly distinguishable between a 16 year old and an 18 year old. Both are biologically "adults". Therefore, there's nothing abnormal for any other adult to find attractive. The only distinction is a somewhat arbitrary legal distinction. Our law specifically places an age at which it is legal for another adult to engage in sex with that person. The age varies (note that in DC is *is* 16, but lets assume it's 18 for the sake of this argument), but it is a very specific demarcation point. Younger then that age and an adult could go to jail for engaging in sexual contact, older then that age, even by a single day, and it's completely legal.

Jesus man, that's a dangerous argument, don't you think? I don't think the laws are in place to protect those who aren't as biologically mature as they are in effect to protect those who are not mentally mature enough to be engaging in sex with congressmen. I mean, a twelve year-old girl can get pregnant and give birth, but can she deal with the non-physical consequences of her actions? Don't answer that, you sicko.

Anyway, I thought the issue here was Foley being *****? Or is that just what you find the offensive part, since you clearly have no qualms with petting teens.

And in the sake of acting congressional, I'll ask you again: Do you like watersports?

#88 Oct 18 2006 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I have to admit that I'm a bit upset that our elected officials think that an ellipse is the proper way to end a sentance. And that they don't understand capitalization or apostrophes.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#89 Oct 18 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
Again. I know nothing of this particular IM. We don't know his real age. And given that ABC made a not so subtle attempt to conceal the fact that the last "underaged page" was in fact 18 at the time of the IM tends to make me distrustful of some random quoting of an IM conversation in this case.

Give me a source and a link. I'll figure out for myself to what degree the information is legitimate.

Wikipedia good enough for ya? (note: scroll down to Message Excerpts for the quote)

Maf54: your not old enough to drink
Teen: shhh…
Maf54: ok
Maf54: we may need to drink at my house so we don't get busted

Lets try some critical thinking. Foley knows "Teen" is not old enough to drink. He says that they should drink at his house so they don't get caught, also implying that the teen is not of legal drinking age. About the only way the page's aproximate age could be any clearer is if he said" High Foley! I'm 17 years old!"
#90 Oct 18 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Verypale wrote:
Wikipedia good enough for ya?
As a source? Hell no. You'd be much better off going with the original ABC News story which was the cite in Wikipedia anyway.
Lets try some critical thinking. Foley knows "Teen" is not old enough to drink. He says that they should drink at his house so they don't get caught, also implying that the teen is not of legal drinking age. About the only way the page's aproximate age could be any clearer is if he said" High Foley! I'm 17 years old!"
Erm, the legal drinking age is 21. I'm hardly in Gbaji's camp on all this but you could get the same response from a 19 year old.

Edited, Oct 18th 2006 at 10:53pm PDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#91REDACTED, Posted: Oct 19 2006 at 7:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smashed,
#92 Oct 19 2006 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
Wow. Someone making gbaji look almost reasonable.

I'd have never thought...
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#93 Oct 19 2006 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
I tell ya this gets better and better. By better I mean stupider wrote:
Father Mercieca is the priest who Mr. Foley has claimed sexually abused him.

On Tuesday, Mr. Foley’s lawyer, Gerald Richman, told reporters the alleged abuser was a Catholic priest whose name he planned to share with church officials as soon as Wednesday. He and another attorney for Mr. Foley, David Roth, refused further comment.
With the receiver in my hand..
#94 Oct 19 2006 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
Can I go further than calling it "creepy" and suggest that perhaps it's not what we should expect from an elected official? Moreover, I'd reckon that most folks don't find pushing the envelope on the whole age of consent thing quite as harmless a thing as you do.

Sure. But, as I indicated earlier, that's really between Foley and his constituents. And since Foley resigned, that issue is really somewhat moot. The point I've been getting at is that it seems as though the current "attack" is to try to drive a wedge between those "most folks" (aka: conservative voters) and their politicians, not so much on the issue of age, but over the issue of homosexuality itself. It's certainly a morals issue, but over which issue?

I'm simply suggesting that had Foley been heterosexual and the teens involved female (or had he just been a Democrat), it's unlikely he would have resigned so quickly, nor would this scandal have gotten nearly as much action as it has. The question you have to ask yourself is whether the assumption is that the "folks" would be more shocked about a Congressman flirting with teens and engaging in sexual acts with "young adults", or over the fact that he's gay. While that's certainly debatable, I'm firmly of the belief that Foley resigned more over the sex of the teens then their ages.

Having known a very close friend of mine who struggled with his homosexuality for many years, I know pretty well how difficult it can be for those in that situation. The decision to come out of the closet is not an easy one and those transitioning from in to out often take other drastic measures along the way. The friend in question literally broke off all contact with anyone he'd known prior to coming out. He was simply so uncomfortable with the issue that he didn't want to see, hear, or talk to anyone he'd known prior to coming out.

So no. I don't find it unlikely at all that Foley's decision to resign had more to do with being outted as homosexual then with the ages of those he was attracted to. In fact, I find it to be the most likely reason. Furthermore, I think that those that did this *knew* that Foley was that uncomfortable with his sexuality being public and that the issue of teens was basically a veneer cast over the real objective of outting him.

You can disagree with me on this, but given that the FBI was handed the same emails and IMs and basically said: "We don't see a crime here", you've got to question the motives behind tossing it to the media as a second action.

Feels like a pretty standard progression toward something clearly illegal, or at least an action based upon some fantasy to pull aside a youngin's Underoos and fondle his hairless package. I'll agree, there's no place in our society for "thought police", but when a pattern of behavior lends itself to a diagnosis of illegal sexual depravity I for one don't think we should be paying the man's salary with tax dollars. He should be selling records to fund his fantasies.

I'm not sure how you get from "adult male being attracted to 16-21 year old males" to pulling aside underoos and fondling hairless packages. Aren't you still trying to equate this to pedophilia? Isn't that a stretch? Can we please stop with this? Unless you're arguing that homosexuals are somehow inherently linked to being attracted to pre-adolescent males? But then that ties right back to my original argument, doesn't it (and says something more about your own prejudices then anything else)?

Gbaji wrote:
Jesus man, that's a dangerous argument, don't you think? I don't think the laws are in place to protect those who aren't as biologically mature as they are in effect to protect those who are not mentally mature enough to be engaging in sex with congressmen. I mean, a twelve year-old girl can get pregnant and give birth, but can she deal with the non-physical consequences of her actions? Don't answer that, you sicko.

Correct. And based on the evidence I've seen so far, Foley abided by those laws. He did not have sex with any minors.

Why bring this up? Show me where he violated the law and your point makes sense.

Anyway, I thought the issue here was Foley being *****? Or is that just what you find the offensive part, since you clearly have no qualms with petting teens.

Um. My point is that since there isn't any illegality so far found in Foley's actions, then it's down really to a moral judgement about his actions and not a legal one. And on that moral judgement, I believe that the agenda was more about his homosexuality then his preference for young partners.

Get it? If he'd actually broken some laws, then I could look at the decision to go public with his actions and accept that the reason for doing so was to "protect children". But as more and more information and facts are coming out, and it's turning out that he didn't actually do anything illegal with regards to age and sex, then I've got to wonder why this was pushed out into the media in the first place. And the first obvious reason is that they knew Foley was sensitive about his sexuality, and that by doing this in a way that had at least the appearance of protecting children (again, note the way ABC uses very vague references to age to make it seem like the worse IMs involved minors when they actually didn't), they could out him without it looking obvious that they were simply outting a gay republican.

The fact that the next target (aside from Hastert in relation to Foley) is another in the closet gay republican kinda supports my theory, don't you think?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#95 Oct 19 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:

I'm not sure how you get from "adult male being attracted to 16-21 year old males" to pulling aside underoos and fondling hairless packages. Aren't you still trying to equate this to pedophilia? Isn't that a stretch? Can we please stop with this? Unless you're arguing that homosexuals are somehow inherently linked to being attracted to pre-adolescent males? But then that ties right back to my original argument, doesn't it (and says something more about your own prejudices then anything else)?

I get there by following your rather uncharacteristic admission that perhaps Foley was actually seeding potential lovers before they were legal so that he could bed them once they came of age. To basically repeat what I said previously, he's excited by riding that boundary. Do you think that's because he isn't attracted to younger than legal lovers? Has nothing to do with him being a gay man, if a straight dude flirts with jail-bait to facilitate a someday legal hook-up, I'm calling kid-toucher. Whether any law is broken or not doesn't matter, the very fact that he's excited by the situation is enough of an indicator of what will occur if the behavior is left unchecked.

I don't think you understand: it is not okay to think little girls or boys are sexy, it's just not right to sexualize them, at all. If you think it is natural for a grown man to fantasize about a potential sex partner because they are biologically an adult, whatever the fUck you mean by that, then you have a problem, and I can help you find help.

Edit: I enjoy this post even more because I have a teddy bear exposing his genitals as an avatar. For the kids!

Edited, Oct 19th 2006 at 8:37pm PDT by Barkingturtle
#96 Oct 19 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
gbaji wrote:

I'm simply suggesting that had Foley been heterosexual and the teens involved female (or had he just been a Democrat), it's unlikely he would have resigned so quickly, nor would this scandal have gotten nearly as much action as it has.

And, again, this is where you are wrong. Any elected official hitting on an underaged party quite properly would be subject to this sort of scrutiny and thank God for it.

#97 Oct 19 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lets look at an obvious example. Clinton. The guy recieved a sloppy yawn from a chubby intern (who was of age biologically and legally). He got impeached. Now the argument was not because of his sexual misconduct but that he lied under oath about getting blown by tonnes of fun Lewinsky. Fair enough. However pubbies chose to play the moral card anyways (even Foley).

If a Republican is then found to be sexually harrassing under age male teens over a long period of time and the powers that be in the Republican party do nothing about it and even tried to keep it under wraps in order to protect the party from scandal isn't that kind of worse.

If you have been standing on the pulpit attacking people for this kind of thing (both the sexual act and lying about it to protect ones self) it stands to reason that people are gonna taken down a notch not just as a person, but as a party as a whole.

Trying to hide behind the whole 'you're just making a fuss cause he is a sissy' is about as laughable you can get. The fact that he is a Tugger is only icing on an already delicious cake.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#98 Oct 20 2006 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
sloppy yawn Smiley: lol
With the receiver in my hand..
#99 Oct 20 2006 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
The fact that he is a Tugger is only icing on an already delicious ****.

Freudian slip much?
#100 Oct 20 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Default
If a Republican is then found to be sexually harrassing under age male teens over a long period of time and the powers that be in the Republican party do nothing about it and even tried to keep it under wraps in order to protect the party from scandal isn't that kind of worse.

Yes, because him resigning is doing nothing about it. You don't think he would have resigned if he thought his fellow Republicans would have backed him to stay do ya?
#101 Oct 20 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
xtremereign wrote:
If a Republican is then found to be sexually harrassing under age male teens over a long period of time and the powers that be in the Republican party do nothing about it and even tried to keep it under wraps in order to protect the party from scandal isn't that kind of worse.

Yes, because him resigning is doing nothing about it.

Are you retarded?

Trying to counter with that only shows that you have an amputees grasp of the entire situation.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
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