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Ah. But it really wasn't about outing gay Republicans...Follow

#1 Oct 13 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
So. I'm listening to the (soon to be economically bankrupt, but already pretty morally bankrupt) Air America. Shultz is on, who's actually one of the more "moderate" hosts on the station (he actually talks about things rather then just make crude jokes about Conservatives). He's got some guy on with a blog. Ok. No big deal. It's a gay guy with a blog. And they're talking about Foley. Ok. Still no big deal. I'm just kinda listening and seeing where they're going with this.

Turns out that the gay guy with the blog is doing something that you'd think gay guys with blogs wouldn't actually do. Except in a world where political ferver has replaced common sense. He's outting gay men in Congress. But not all gay men in Congress. Republican gay men in Congress.

Yes. Apparently, if you are gay and *not* a Republican, it's perfectly ok to be "in the closet" and anyone who'd out you should be shamed and attacked. But if you are gay, Republican, and in the closet, it's all fair game.

He actually defended his actions by arguing that since the Republican agenda was "bad for gays", all in the closet gay Republicans must be shameful of their gayness and clearly are being used and abused by the "evil" Republican agenda, and he's actually doing them all a favor. Really! Honest!!!...

His blog

Funny how sometimes you can predict exactly what's going to happen. Several weeks ago, I said that the issue with Foley was far more about outting a gay Republican then protecting minors or finding and punishing sexual predators. Several people argued that there was no reason to do that, and apparently no percieved political gain among Liberals to do such a thing, so I must be wrong. "No one could possibly have a motive to out gay Republicans as a political attack" they argued. "It just plain doesn't make sense!".

Well. Suck on this guy for awhile and tell me that it still makes no sense. Ok. Actually I agree that it makes no sense. But that does not change the fact that he's doing it. And that so far the response from the Liberal talking heads has been supportive of what he's done...

Desperation on the Left? Yeah. I think so. We'll see what the gay rights folks say in response. I know where my bet on that is though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#2 Oct 13 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Ahh, I see.

A single nutcase with a blog is somehow indicative of the motivations of anyone who happens to vote for the same candidates he does.


#3 Oct 13 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Ambrya wrote:
Ahh, I see.

A single nutcase with a blog is somehow indicative of the motivations of anyone who happens to vote for the same candidates he does.


No a single nutcase with a blog is outting gay people who are currently in the closet. But he's getting the information from Washington insiders (has to be), so it's clearly not him alone. He's just the mouthpiece.

The point I'm making is that the very idea that outing gay Republicans somehow "hurts" Republicans is bizaare. Yet he clearly seems to think so. And so far every Liberal commentator I've heard on the issue seems to agree with him. The point is that if this was a conservative blogger, and he was outting gay Dems in DC, I'm pretty sure it would be on the front pages of most Newspapers by now, and every news outlet would be covering this and highlighting the massive condemnation from gay groups for doing something to cruel.

Admittedly, this is a pretty new story. We'll see what happens over the weekend with this. My prediction is that you *wont* hear much if any outcry from gay rights groups over this. My prediction is that you will hear some Conservative outcry over it, and those who complain will be painted as collaborators in some kind of Conservative plot to use in the closet gay men to push an anti-gay agenda, with the implication that by outing them, the cause of gay rights is served.

Um. I'd also point out that it does not matter where the outing occurs. When someone goes around pointing the finger at in the closet gay men in congress and publically declaring them gay, they're outed just as surely as if the NY times had printed it on page 1. The question you have to ask is "why"?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#4 Oct 13 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
1.) Not that this "liberal strategy" is right or fair, but the Republicans bring it on themselves whenever they tout themselves as the party of morality, and the Christian Right pompously declares homosexuality a sin (but don't hate the sinner!).

2.) No one listens to Air America anyway. This is probably why they have internet bloggers for guests.

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 5:50pm PDT by Jawbox
#5 Oct 13 2006 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
gbaji wrote:

The point I'm making is that the very idea that outing gay Republicans somehow "hurts" Republicans is bizaare.

How's that odd to you? You think being gay isn't going to hurt a pubbie canditate when the party istelf creates wedge issues such as marital sanctity being threatened by same-sex weddings?

As far as your best guesses as to what would occur if the tables were turned and dems were being dragged kicking and creaming out of the closet, I would propose that would be impossible to predict because democrat gays are comfortable with their alternate lifestyle and have already come out.

Outting gay pubbies is as valid a strategy as saying dems are soft on terror, perhaps even moreso, because at least dems are supposed to be limp-wristed.
#6 Oct 13 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
How's that odd to you? You think being gay isn't going to hurt a pubbie canditate when the party istelf creates wedge issues such as marital sanctity being threatened by same-sex weddings?

It's odd becuase it's not the Conservatives who are making a big deal out of gays in the Republican party. It's the Liberals. It's funny because the assumptions that many Liberals have are being shown to be incredibly false, but instead of realizing that, they keep going forward as if maybe if they can push the "Gays are in the Republican party!" statement hard enough, they'll eventually get the right wing to do "something". I'm kinda seeing it go like this:

LWNJ (left wing nut jobs): Hey! Look that the Congressman Foley. He was flirting with male pages!!!
RW (right wing): Ok. Yeah. He really shouldn't do that because pages shouldn't be subject to sexual advances by Congressmen. We'll take steps to prevent that kind of stuff.
LWNJ: Um... But that means Foley was GAY! See. He's a man. And the pages were male...
RW; Your point?
LWNJ: But. Doesn't that get the religious right outraged?
RW: Because he's gay? Um... This is the 21st century you know.
LWNJ: But he's Gaaaaayyyyy... And I'll bet there are other gay guys in the Republican party that you don't even know about.
RW: Yeah. Probably. We really don't care though.
LWNJ: No. I'm sure you're just saying that. We know that you guys really secretly hate gays.
RW: Um. Whatever floats your boat. Shouldn't we be concentrating on things that matter, like the economy or war in Iraq?
LWNJ: Hey. Look. We found some more in the closet gay guys in your party!
RW: Well, that was pretty rude of you. Most people respect the decision of gay folks to be in the closet if they want.
LWNJ: Ah. So you're upset that they're gay. We knew it!!!
RW: No. We just think you guys are morons is all....

Dunno. Something like that anyway.

As far as your best guesses as to what would occur if the tables were turned and dems were being dragged kicking and creaming out of the closet, I would propose that would be impossible to predict because democrat gays are comfortable with their alternate lifestyle and have already come out.

Ah. You know that? Or you just assume that?

See this is what I'm really trying to get you to understand. There's this assumption that the "left" is "good for gays" and the right isn't. And so, no one on the Left would feel the need to stay in the closet, while those on the right do so out of fear of their own party or something.

This is the assumption this blogger is operating on. I think he's wrong. I know for a fact that not all gay people define themselves by their sexuality. Not all of them choose their political affiliation based on which one *seems* more gay friendly. And finally, not all gay people feel that the agenda of the Left is the direction gay folks really need to go in.

The core assumption is that the agenda of the Right is automatically anti-gay. Thus, anyone who's gay and Conservative, must be either supressing his own gayness, or being forced to conceal it for some reason. But that only follows if you assume that agenda of the Left is the only valid one that gay people might choose to follow. Guess what? Not every gay person believes in gay marriage. Not every gay person wants "special rights". In fact, I'd argue that most gay people just want to live their lives without anyone giving any special notice to the fact that they're gay. And I'd imagine a strong reason for many gays to stay in the closet, especially one's involved in politics, is because if they come out, they become "the gay politician", and they're going to be expected to have specific positions on issues that they may not particularly agree with or want to get involved with in the first place.

Ever consider that gay politicians may want to push agendas on economics? Or the environment? But if they're openly gay, guess what? They're roped into every gay issue. They're roped into every gay function.

My issue with this whole thing is that it derives from incredibly flawed assumptions about why people do what they do. You can argue that it's just this one blogger, but my arguement is that while many people might not do exactly what he's doing, the core assumptions he's acting on *are* held by many people on the left. At least, I haven't seen anyone on the left condemn him for it yet...

Outting gay pubbies is as valid a strategy as saying dems are soft on terror, perhaps even moreso, because at least dems are supposed to be limp-wristed.

Really? But I thought it wasn't a "strategy". Just one blogger, right?

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 6:22pm PDT by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#7 Oct 13 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
I like it when you argue with my jokes.

It's unfair to paint either party with such a wide brush, but surely you'd agree that if someone is voting based on their disapproval of homosexuality, they're probably voting pubbie. If someone is looking to elect a caditate that is more likely to push a gay-friendly agenda, and this is their primary concern in electing officials, they are probably voting for a dem and want their stoool pushed in.

Also, since when did wanting to marry who you want become "special rights" instead of "equal rights"? Probably a discussion for another day, but it's this kind of phrasing that makes me think you're wacko.
#8 Oct 13 2006 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
Also, since when did wanting to marry who you want become "special rights" instead of "equal rights"? Probably a discussion for another day, but it's this kind of phrasing that makes me think you're wacko.

In all of his posts, it wasn't until that phrase that you came to that conclusion?
#9 Oct 13 2006 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
(soon to be economically bankrupt, but already pretty morally bankrupt) Air America.
Grats on swiping a week old Prickly City joke.

According to the blogger, he's been doing this for over two years. You're going to need a time machine to prove cause and effect to the Foley scandal or that this is some liberal election year tactic. The only reason he's getting press now is because of the scandal.

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 7:58pm PDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Oct 13 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
(soon to be economically bankrupt, but already pretty morally bankrupt) Air America.
Grats on swiping a week old Prickly City joke.

No clue what Prickly City is or what you're talking about.

According to the blogger, he's been doing this for over two years. You're going to need a time machine to prove cause and effect to the Foley scandal or that this is some liberal election year tactic. The only reason he's getting press now is because of the scandal.

Sure. Why do you suppose that is Joph? Could it be because many commentators on the left realized the exact same thing I did on day one of the Foley scandal?

That it was really about trying to embarass the Right by outing members of their party that were gay. When it didn't work with Foley, they went right to looking for more, figuring that if they keep at it, they'll gain something. Somehow...

Also. While he's been *trying* to do this for some time, since the Foley thing, it appears he's suddenly gained a whole buch of new information about who is gay in the Republican party, and gained a lot of media coverage. Coincidence? Or part of a planned attack that I'm pretty sure is going to backfire horribly?. If there wasn't some sort of "out gay republicans" agenda, then why is he suddenly getting media play? Why would this be considered relevant to anything? The only common point is the outing of gay Republicans. So that *must* be the media interest, right? Clearly, I'm not the only person who made that connection...

I just find it amusing that my first impression of the Foley issue seems to have been right on the money. I said it was about outing gay Republicans hidden behind the veneer of protecting teens. And sure enough, as soon as it starts to become apparent that the "protect our kids" angle isn't really working in the media, we start seeing direct attacks just to out gay Republicans.

I swear, the worst enemy of the Liberals is themselves. They just can't help their own nature. Could have kept quiet on this and maybe gotten away with the Foley thing, but noooooo. They had to take that extra step. And IMO, it's going to kill them.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#11 Oct 13 2006 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Also. While he's been *trying* to do this for some time, since the Foley thing, it appears he's suddenly gained a whole buch of new information about who is gay in the Republican party, and gained a lot of media coverage. Coincidence?
Of course not. The guy says he outted Foley over a year ago. The guy has a blog dedicated to outting gay Republicans. Now Foley, a gay Republican, is engaged in a gay sex scandal. What? Folks in the media think there might be a story in talking to the guy who outted Foley as gay while Foley is big in the news?

This truely is amazing stuff. I had NO idea that the media tried to find tie-in stories during a major news event. If this idea catches on, it might revolutionize newscasting.

Did he gain a "bunch of new information"? Not from a casual look at his blog archives. In the October 2005 archive, he has a list of people he's outted "so far". That list looks a whole lot like his current list. He has 30 people listed in Oct 2005. He has.. umm.. 31 listed now. Holy Hell, the information tidal wave must have been overwhelming!

Did you even read this blog before you started crowing about it?

Look, we both know that you're going to cling to this tooth & nail and go on about how foolish the Left is and yadda yadda. But do try to come up with something a bit more damning than this.

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 8:42pm PDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Oct 13 2006 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
6,730 posts
Since when is outing hypocrites bad?
#13 Oct 13 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
GitSlayer wrote:
Since when is outing hypocrites bad?

Well, remember - if you refuse to put up with a society where everything you say is going to be monitored and may be used as a reason to lock you up without a trial, then the terrorists have already won.

At least, that's how the reasoning seems to be going at times...
#14 Oct 13 2006 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
GitSlayer wrote:
Since when is outing hypocrites bad?

Sigh. I'll say it again:

Your statement assumes that a Conservative agenda with regards to gay issues is automatically "anti-gay", and that any gay Republican must be a hypocrite by extension.

Isn't it the height of assumption to believe that gays must be Liberals, or they're somehow hypocritical? It's funny, because I state over and over that this is the false belief being perpetrated by the Left, everyone argues that I'm wrong, but then people repeatedly post statements like this that prove what I'm saying is correct.

The whole thing is about this assumption folks. Everything.

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 9:14pm PDT by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#15 Oct 13 2006 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
GitSlayer wrote:
Since when is outing hypocrites bad?
Speaking of, and because I don't feel like starting another thread, here's a fine fellow!
Craig Schelske, in talking about himself, wrote:
Craig Schelske is the Chairman of CRAIG PAC, a national political action committee dedicated to electing Republicans at the federal and state level.

A lifelong Republican, Craig is assisting candidates and Republican organizations in raising money and preparing for the 2006 elections.
In addition, CRAIG PAC will assist the Republican Party in promoting common-sense, conservative policies to guide elected officials.
Craig has been a congressional candidate having sought the 5th Congressional District seat in the State of Oregon. In 2004, he served as a Steering Committee Member for the reelection campaign of President George W. Bush.

He also serves as the Executive Director for, an educational organization that seeks to reeducate the American population and students in particular, as to the philosophical and religious origins of the American Civilization.
A fine, upstanding man indeed. One who is making a mission (per his site) of getting social conservatives elected into office.

I guess it's a good thing he wasn't elected into Congress...
The Tennessean wrote:
Sara Evans filed for divorce Thursday from her husband of 13 years, Craig Schelske, in Williamson County, alleging that he had committed adultery, verbally abused her and frequently watched pornography at home. On Thursday, Evans announced that she has dropped out of the ABC show "Dancing with the Stars" to give her family her full attention.

According to the document filed in chancery court, Schelske allegedly has on his computer at least 100 photographs of himself posing in an aroused state. There are several photographs of him having sex with other women, the filings stated.

"On his computers, husband maintains 'Craigs Lists.' Many of them involve requests for three party sex and **** sex. Husband's 'Craigs Lists' are composed of personal ads on his personal sex engine involving him and prospective sex partners," the documents stated.

The court document included an exhibit of nine recent "Craigs Lists" items stored in the temporary files of his computers.

Craigslist is an online ad service.

On Sept. 28, one of the children confronted Schelske, 43, at the couple's Franklin home when he was watching pornography on TV, the filing stated. The couple's children are 2, 3 and 7 years old.
Congress needs more men who keep a photo library of their hard-ons, troll the web looking for extra-martial affairs and watch **** around their young children.

Edited to add link

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 9:16pm PDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Oct 13 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
No clue what Prickly City is or what you're talking about.

Ya right, like Gbaji hasn't heard of the only conservative comic in the entire paper. That little fox is a ***** anyway.

Your statement assumes that a Conservative agenda with regards to gay issues is automatically "anti-gay", and that any gay Republican must be a hypocrite by extension.

Can you name any Republican Senators that openly support gay marriage? I think it's not hypocritical so much as
morally bankrupt
to not support your people for the sake of power. It should also be poited out that many "pink elephants", that is the openly gay Republicans in Washington, are more geared towards fiscal conservatism, while they are totally opposed to the Republican's views on their rights, as well as their treatment of their lifestyle.

Gays are just the new African-Americans 40 years later. I think it's sad their representatives in Congress don't "have a dream..."

We'll see what the gay rights folks say in response

Does that make you against gay rights?

Oh and,
Gay Republican Senator = Rufus on The Boondocks
#17 Oct 13 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
The other day I wrote:
One of the dogs I'm taking care of has loose stools. He's the biggest animal here, roughly three feet tall at the shoulder and maybe one hundred-forty pounds. Probably one the biggest german shephards alive; he's the size of a great dane.

So anyway, he has loose stools, putrid puddles of ****. The problem is, he eats his own Shit, then craps it out, and quickly gobbles it up again. Each incarnation of his **** become more and more fluid, watered down, if you will. He's the living embodiment of the phrase: same Shit, different day.

His name is Rex, but I've taken to calling him Gbaji.

This thread is a real ****.
#18 Oct 13 2006 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

Why is this forum enthralled and consumed by this singular poster?

There are more productive endeavors.


#19 Oct 13 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Excellent
6,730 posts
trickybeck wrote:

Why is this forum enthralled and consumed by this singular poster?

There are more productive endeavors.


Why do people slow down to look at a car accident? Why are people enthralled by the possible gore, death and general misery? Because it's not them. It could be them if their eyes left the road for a moment or some asshat makes a sudden lane change and they know it. Looking at the accident enlivens them. They realise: this time it's not me, it could be but it's not. I'm alive, I'm driving home and I will be able to watch T.V. and eat dinner soon. That poor fucker wont. Reading what gbaji writes you realise: I'm not ******* crazy. I could be, but I'm not. All it takes is some messed genetics, a poor life choice concerning to many drugs or to much faith in the wrong belief system. Reading what gbaji has to say you see all three of these in full color and sound. We end up responding to him because ...well who can't help making faces at the monkeys in hopes they will start throwing poo at everyone?
#20 Oct 14 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
What an awful story about Sara Evans, she was getting pretty good on the show too. =[
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#21 Oct 14 2006 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
Yes. Apparently, if you are gay and *not* a Republican, it's perfectly ok to be "in the closet" and anyone who'd out you should be shamed and attacked. But if you are gay, Republican, and in the closet, it's all fair game.

gbaji, as usual you are missing the most republicans. just cant see past your own nose.

its not about being gay. its about hypocracy. its the rigt wingers pointing the finger and calling gays immoral. gays are justtrying to point out the right wingers are the fire calling the kettle black.

nothing to do about being gay. nothing to do about foley. everything to do with the rebubs pointing fingers at pink elephants when a large chunk of their own party is run by pink elephants.

hypocracy. the point. get it now? or still tunning out what you dont want to see?

about foley. most people dont really care if he is a twinky or not. could care less. guarentee you the left couldnt give two spits. most americans do care he was using his position and influence to target minors. he is a criminal. a predator. the sort of thing the "moral majority" claims they are not about. hyprocacy rearing its ugly head again.

gays are bad....said the gay man.
#22 Oct 14 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
its not about being gay. its about hypocracy. its the rigt wingers pointing the finger and calling gays immoral. gays are justtrying to point out the right wingers are the fire calling the kettle black.

Not this "right winger", and not any other ones I know either. I didn't realize that once I support things like tax cuts I immediately hate gays...that's kinda cool. I like that it also assumes I care whether or not they're "married".

Quick stance on that whole deal, they can get married sure, but not in a church until the pope deems it so. Seperation of church and state remember? Now, on the flip side, the government has a responsibility to its people to provide equal rights to its citizens, and as such should provide the same rights for any "union", "marriage", "legal get together", whatever you want to call it.

This issue is so insanely retarded it boggles my mind, how it is even an issue in the first place...dunno. But it is, and lets not assume that once you cross that center line toward the right you pick up a bat and go gay hunting, mmk? God, you're all a bunch of ****.

Ed. By the way, I am not a supporter of any organized religion. Also, let's not pretend that only big bad Christianity doesn't allow gay marriages either, all asshat major religions don't for the most part. Are we going to force it on Muslims too? Jews? Don't make me laugh, we can't even draw cartoons of Mohammed.

Edited, Oct 14th 2006 at 10:39am PDT by xtremereign
#23 Oct 14 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
trickybeck wrote:
Why is this forum enthralled and consumed by this singular poster?

It was more of an exercise in debate before he started slipping into frequent Varrus-esque bouts of "Here's something barely connected to the Democratic party which PROVES how evil and foolish the Left is!"

I expect Drudge links to be a standard before 2007.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#24 Oct 14 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
trickybeck wrote:

Why is this forum enthralled and consumed by this singular poster?

There are more productive endeavors.


I have been told my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Oh, were you talking about Gbaji?
#25 Oct 16 2006 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
Gbaji wrote:
LWNJ (left wing nut jobs): Hey! Look that the Congressman Foley. He was flirting with male pages!!!
RW (right wing): Ok. Yeah. He really shouldn't do that because pages shouldn't be subject to sexual advances by Congressmen. We'll take steps to prevent that kind of stuff.
LWNJ: Um... But that means Foley was GAY! See. He's a man. And the pages were male...
RW; Your point?
LWNJ: But. Doesn't that get the religious right outraged?
RW: Because he's gay? Um... This is the 21st century you know.
LWNJ: But he's Gaaaaayyyyy... And I'll bet there are other gay guys in the Republican party that you don't even know about.
RW: Yeah. Probably. We really don't care though.
LWNJ: No. I'm sure you're just saying that. We know that you guys really secretly hate gays.
RW: Um. Whatever floats your boat. Shouldn't we be concentrating on things that matter, like the economy or war in Iraq?
LWNJ: Hey. Look. We found some more in the closet gay guys in your party!
RW: Well, that was pretty rude of you. Most people respect the decision of gay folks to be in the closet if they want.
LWNJ: Ah. So you're upset that they're gay. We knew it!!!
RW: No. We just think you guys are morons is all....

Could you do a puppet verison and put it on youtube? I would rate that up.

#26 Oct 16 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
gbaji wrote:
GitSlayer wrote:
Since when is outing hypocrites bad?

Sigh. I'll say it again:

Your statement assumes that a Conservative agenda with regards to gay issues is automatically "anti-gay", and that any gay Republican must be a hypocrite by extension.

I wouldn't say automatically, but I'd say usually.

And by usually, I probably mean 9.99 times out of 10.
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