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#1 Sep 27 2006 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
After extensive discussions with some members of this board, it was stated that (In relation to various disagreements about T.W.A.T.) "its the liberal press wot dunnit".

Someone Said
The liberal media was shouting about the lack of a connection. However, they shouted about it even as Bush never made any connection. And by continually pointing at the Bush administration and saying "OMG!!! They're wrong because there's no connection between Iraq and 9/11", they created the impression that the Bush administration was making that connection.

The argument being, that the more the Bushies didn't connect Iraq and 9/11, the more the liberal press shouted that there wasn't a connection, thereby fooling us all into believing that there was a connection.

So, anyone have any thoughts on why the liberal press would do [link=[IMG][/IMG]]this[/link]

Because, if the liberal press is at it again, i think we should have some sort of explanation. I mean, really! is the story about the the resurgence of the Taleban NOT as important to the american readers, as it is to the readers in the rest of the world?

Or, more likely, taking into account the sneaky liberal press types, is the hope of the magazines' (commie, no doubt!) editor to get the people of America to buy a copy of his rag, thinking they were gonna get a story about a photographer of 'celebrities', when in fact they were gonna get a story on the sorry state of affairs in Afghanistan? thereby manipulating their feelings against the progress of ****.

Insideous! thats what it is.....

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#2 Sep 28 2006 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
the addministraition intentionally forged a connection by association.

in EVERY speach on security by ANYONE from this addministraition, and EVERY right wing affiliated organization, including Fox News, the buzz words Iraq, Terrorist, Al Queda and the biggie, 9-11 were mentioned within the same sentace many times, and certainly within the next run on sentance in EVERY whitehouse speach on the subject.

people hear what they want to hear. they tune out information that is contrary to what they want to believe, and focus on information that supports their ideology.

the result, even though the addministraition never said Iraq was connected to 9-11, over 76 percent of you Idiots believed they were.

these results were not an accident. they were intentioanlly cultivated by the way the speaches were put together. this particular line of public thinking was the dirtect result of crafted information designed to lead you down a certain path without spacifically defining that path.

mind controll, with plausable deniability built in.

the right, ALL of whom at some point actually believed Saddam Hussin trained the people who attacked us and was building a nuclear bomb to finnish the job, will hear "we never said that" because that is what they now WANT to hear facing for the first time HARD CONCLUSIVE PROOF their prior beliefs were in error.

the left will hear "they lied" now with supporting HARD CONCLUSIVE PROOF to back them becuase that is what they WANT to hear.

the reality is something totaly differant. while you idiots are bickering back and forth at each other, your country is being taken away from you little by little by DESIGN. little by little your rights and powers are being stripped away along with your protections. you are being PLAYED. big bussiness is OWNING you.

want to win a war? divide the enemy and get them to fight themselves.

want to win a country? split the people in two and get them to attack each other while you craft laws that bolster your power little by little in the guise of appeasing one side then the other. even now, your personal property can be stripped away from you and sold to a for profit developer under immenant domain for the financial benifit of the state because of an obscure law passed during the California wild fires giving total controll of state land back to state government and stripping away federal protections that USED to give individuals a say in how and why that land should be taken.

**** hits the fan? the right points at the judges actually supporting the law LEGISLATORS passed, the left is pointing at the right for letting it happen, and all the while big bussiness is basking in the sun of profits at YOUR EXPENSE while you bicker at each other like petulant children.

like a bunch of ignorant sheep.

well, in this hoodwink called Iraq, oil companies are exploding in profit at the expense of tens of thousands of human lives while you petulant sheep bicker at each other.

but keep blaming each other. the more you fight, the more you loose your country to big bussiness who already decide which one of their puppets you even get to choose to run YOUR country.

its funny. i see the right now justifying Iraq by saying they ended the killing of an average of 60,000 people a year while Hussin was in power. but the left cant seem to find enough balls to point out that between the two Bush,s, we have killed 10 fold that number in 1/3 the time.

look look mr Gotti, that man stole a car, we have to stop him.
#3 Sep 28 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
I had a nice bowl of homemade chili last night, but it gave me some hella wicked farts.
#4 Sep 28 2006 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
paulsol wrote:
I lol'ed.
#5 Sep 28 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
yak yak yak

who cares?. I have internet, a job, video games, and TV, and a car, a roof over my head and food.

Why should I care waht a bunch of rich people do overseas?
With the receiver in my hand..
#6 Sep 29 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
I agree it's quite crazy. You'd think the one group intrested in whats happening in Afghanistan are the ones fighting there.

But I think the editor realise there is a "war-failure" fatigue in the US. People just don't wanna read about how Iraq and Afghanistan are going wrong. And they certainly don't want to spend their money to read about some depressing stuff on the other side of the world.

Much better to read about some happy celebrity, and continue to live your perfect-life by proxy.

Eventhough it's plain obvious that losing in Afghanistan means the Talibans coming back, and Talibans = Al-Qaeda, and Al-Qaeda = teh suck.

In the end, it's just a commercial decision. Not political, just commercial.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#7 Sep 29 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I hear there are 8 foot tall marijuana plants growing on the side of the road in Afghanistan.

hubba hubba. they need to start smoking that **** and calm the fúck down.
With the receiver in my hand..
#8 Sep 29 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
shadowrelm wrote:
Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Hot tomales. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan.

Ameirca is t3h sux0r. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. I have a small *****. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan. Bush is satan.

Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Viva Fidel! Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy. Vast right wing conspiracy.

And that's why I believe I should be head of N.A.M.B.L.A.
#9 Sep 29 2006 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts

Why do you think that someone's opinions about Bush must be synonymous with their opinions of the United States as a whole?


Why is it so hard to swallow that the Bush administration is only in it for the money?

this is capitalism, right? To those who hold capitalism as dogma, he would be the best president America has ever seen, is he not running the governemtn buisness like a financial genious?

It's the people who think that theer is more to the World than money.and hoarding wealth that have a problem with him.

Ther are enough resources on thos planet for EVERYBODY and enough technology to distribute it to everybody.

it is people like Bush that will forver keep that from happening. Hoarders.

does this make any sense?
With the receiver in my hand..
#10 Sep 29 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
Kelvyquayo wrote:

Why do you think that someone's opinions about Bush must be synonymous with their opinions of the United States as a whole?


Why is it so hard to swallow that the Bush administration is only in it for the money?

this is capitalism, right? To those who hold capitalism as dogma, he would be the best president America has ever seen, is he not running the governemtn buisness like a financial genious?

It's the people who think that theer is more to the World than money.and hoarding wealth that have a problem with him.

Ther are enough resources on thos planet for EVERYBODY and enough technology to distribute it to everybody.

it is people like Bush that will forver keep that from happening. Hoarders.

does this make any sense?

It does if I put it in the context of you becoming shadows new sock, or maybe he's been yours all along! mind just exploded.

Edited, Sep 29th 2006 at 9:13am PDT by xtremereign
#11 Sep 29 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
let me shorten it for you.

you're a fúckin' idiot.
With the receiver in my hand..
#12 Sep 29 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
Kelvyquayo wrote:
let me shorten it for you.

you're a fúckin' idiot.


I was glad to hear from you that there are resources enough for everyone on the planet by the way. If only we could all just learn to share we would have peace, harmony, and all the **** we need forevers!

Unfortunately, that's not true. Population growth is sickening, and while it has to reach it's own "terminal velocity" at some point, it's a bit over our heads now. One of the things that is giving us a lot of hope for the future in terms of supplies of energy and food for everyone is technology. Capitalism is what is driving that technology's that "greed" that's pushing us toward a better tomorrow.

Sure, some people are real big *****. But there will always be things for them to be ***** about...even if we get a cheap renewable energy source. Which by the way, I really believe we'll end up with at some point...and am really looking forward to. Do real big companies suck? Sure. To much power concentrated anywhere sucks, big companies suck as much as big government does. If I had 300 million votes up my sleeve, I'd do something to change it right now. I don't though, so I'm going to go **** instead. Eating spicy things right before bed is a bad plan.
#13 Sep 29 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Why is it so hard to swallow that the Bush administration is only in it for the money?

this is capitalism, right? To those who hold capitalism as dogma, he would be the best president America has ever seen, is he not running the governemtn buisness like a financial genious?

Actually, going by that criterion, he'd be a HORRIBLE president. If the government were a company he'd be ousted as CEO and probably taken to court.

The "official" FY2005 budget deficit from the feds is $318 billion. That's pretty bad.

But if you calculate it according to standard accounting practices, the deficit is $760 billion. Good God. That's a deficit equal to $6,700 for every American household.

If you add in Social Security and Medicare (and you should), the deficit goes up to $3.5 trillion! Sweet mama, is dat sum debt!

#14 Sep 29 2006 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
Jawbox wrote:

But if you calculate it according to standard accounting practices, the deficit is $760 billion. Good God. That's a deficit equal to $6,700 for every American household.

I got my $6,700 covered.
#15 Sep 29 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
I once dated a girl who was really into T.W.A.T. We broke up due to a conflict of interest.
#16 Sep 29 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jawbox wrote:
Actually, going by that criterion, he'd be a HORRIBLE president. If the government were a company he'd be ousted as CEO and probably taken to court.

The "official" FY2005 budget deficit from the feds is $318 billion. That's pretty bad.

But if you calculate it according to standard accounting practices, the deficit is $760 billion. Good God. That's a deficit equal to $6,700 for every American household.

If you add in Social Security and Medicare (and you should), the deficit goes up to $3.5 trillion! Sweet mama, is dat sum debt!


Wow. That's rich. First off, this is irrelevant with regards to Bush. He's calculating "deficit" using the same math that every previous administration has used. To suddenly insist that we change that method (apparently purely because it's Bush and you want his numbers to look bad) is a bit silly.

I note that you didn't read (or certainly repeat) that this accounting process would also turn Clinton's surplusses in the 90s into significant deficits as well. Hmmm... I wonder why that is?

"Deficit" and "surplus" in this context means one thing. The difference between the total revenue of the government this year and the total spending of the government this year. The type of accounting USA Today is insisting that we adopt requires that one predict the future costs of pensions and medical care. While that may be a useful calculation, it is *not* a budget calculation. Budget numbers record actual dollars that were obtained by the government and spent by the government over the course of a year. That's all they do. Reading any more into it then that is a mistake waiting to happen. Insisting that we change the numbers so that we can read more into them then that is doubly disasterous. Instead of having accurate raw data to work with, we'd end up with data that reflects someone's projections based on future events.

That's far more likely to be abused IMO. I have no problem with someone generating their own auditing information and projections based on future costs. But lets keep the budget data separate so that we can also see the actual dollars we spend and earn separate from projections.

Wow. The Libs are *really* desparate to try to come up with some way to make Bush's economic plan look bad if they're digging this idea out of the closet...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#17 Sep 29 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
I note that you didn't read (or certainly repeat) that this accounting process would also turn Clinton's surplusses in the 90s into significant deficits as well. Hmmm... I wonder why that is?
Wow. The Libs are *really* desparate to try to come up with some way to make Bush's economic plan look bad if they're digging this idea out of the closet...
Jawbox, near as I can tell from past conversations, leans pretty conservative. I'll let him declare a party affiliation if he wants but we've had many a spirited discussion and he's taken the more conservative stance in each one.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#18 Sep 29 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I note that you didn't read (or certainly repeat) that this accounting process would also turn Clinton's surplusses in the 90s into significant deficits as well. Hmmm... I wonder why that is?
Wow. The Libs are *really* desparate to try to come up with some way to make Bush's economic plan look bad if they're digging this idea out of the closet...
Jawbox, near as I can tell from past conversations, leans pretty conservative. I'll let him declare a party affiliation if he wants but we've had many a spirited discussion and he's taken the more conservative stance in each one.

I was referring to the article. The fact that Jawbox fell for it means nothing about how liberal or conservative he is. Only that he's gullible...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Sep 29 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
So you insinuating an ulterior motive for Jawbox not discussing Clinton's numbers was just for fun?

Smiley: dubious

Edited, Sep 29th 2006 at 4:08pm PDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#20 Sep 29 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
And (futile effort to get back on track INCOMING), what does that have to do with the purportedly liberal media using a different, non-alarmist cover story for the U.S. market than for the rest of the world?

That's the point of the thread, right? Everyone else in the world sees "LOSING AFGHANISTAN", and we see... what? a fluff piece about a celebrity photographer?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#21 Sep 29 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Samira wrote:
And (futile effort to get back on track INCOMING), what does that have to do with the purportedly liberal media using a different, non-alarmist cover story for the U.S. market than for the rest of the world?

That's the point of the thread, right? Everyone else in the world sees "LOSING AFGHANISTAN", and we see... what? a fluff piece about a celebrity photographer?

Well. The economic stuff was more interesting to me. And Joph? You're still proceeding on the assumption that one must be a "liberal|democrat" to dislike Bush. I'm simply pointing out that Jawbox chose to ignore the ramifications this new calculation caused for Clinton's much vaunted surplusses, while highlighting the negative aspect it implied for Bush's economic platform. There are many conservatives who get hooked into the "Bush's economic plan is bad because he only did half the things we think he should have done" (lowered taxes, but did not cut spending to match) argument. I didn't call him a Liberal. I just pointed out that he's holding Bush to a higher standard then Clinton in this case. Now that may very well be that since he's a conservative he believes a Republican *should* be held to a higher standard, but I'm going to point it out in any case.

As to the OP. He was mixing two very different concepts. He quoted something I said in context to why so many people think Bush made Iraq seem to be behind 9/11. My argument was basically that Bush did not make that connection, but the Liberal Media(tm) countered every statement he did make (many of which did include both Iraq and 9/11) with an argument that Iraq was not involved in 9/11, therefore (in my theory) creating the impression in the minds of mosts people listening or watching that this was, in fact, what the Bush administration was trying to say.

What that has to do with Newsweek choosing to run different covers on its product in different parts of the world, I'm really not sure. I never said that this was *all* the media did (or even the "Liberal Media"). Certainly, a news magazine may make decisions that don't revolve around trying to create a strawman argument to use against Bush.

Heh. But how much do you want to bet that the difference in covers will be pointed at by some Liberals and blamed on Bush for trying to "hush up" problems in Afghanistan?

Any takers?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Sep 29 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Smiley: yippee nice one Samira!
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#23 Sep 29 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Bush did not make that connection, but the Liberal Media(tm) countered every statement he did make (many of which did include both Iraq and 9/11) with an argument that Iraq was not involved in 9/11, therefore (in my theory) creating the impression in the minds of mosts people listening or watching that this was, in fact, what the Bush administration was trying to say.

oh, how convienient for the Bush War-administration

Smiley: rolleyes

Gbaji, are you suggesting that it is not the governemnt's responsibility to keep the citizens properly informed, even if it means correcting a misconception (from wahtever source) that is CLEARLy being formed about a very important issue?

you are saying that the only reason the people thought that Bush said that there was a connection Iraq/911 was because the Liberal media accused Bush of making the connection, and even though Bush never denied it (if he indeed NEver made a connection, which he has, and still does, even after denying it).

THAT assumes that people did not already make a connection anyway, on their own, independantly, which they did, regardless.

A lie of omission is still a lie.

Edited, Sep 29th 2006 at 5:22pm PDT by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#24 Sep 29 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
paulsol wrote:
After extensive discussions with some members of this board, it was stated that (In relation to various disagreements about T.W.A.T.) "its the liberal press wot dunnit".

Someone Said
The liberal media was shouting about the lack of a connection. However, they shouted about it even as Bush never made any connection. And by continually pointing at the Bush administration and saying "OMG!!! They're wrong because there's no connection between Iraq and 9/11", they created the impression that the Bush administration was making that connection.

The argument being, that the more the Bushies didn't connect Iraq and 9/11, the more the liberal press shouted that there wasn't a connection, thereby fooling us all into believing that there was a connection.

So, anyone have any thoughts on why the liberal press would do [link=[IMG][/IMG]]this[/link]

Because, if the liberal press is at it again, i think we should have some sort of explanation. I mean, really! is the story about the the resurgence of the Taleban NOT as important to the american readers, as it is to the readers in the rest of the world?

Or, more likely, taking into account the sneaky liberal press types, is the hope of the magazines' (commie, no doubt!) editor to get the people of America to buy a copy of his rag, thinking they were gonna get a story about a photographer of 'celebrities', when in fact they were gonna get a story on the sorry state of affairs in Afghanistan? thereby manipulating their feelings against the progress of ****.

Insideous! thats what it is.....

Anna has bewbs. The only thing that sells more than bewbs is big bewbs. And quite frankly, I think the "omg we are teh lose everywhere" schtick is getting old. Go figure.
#25 Sep 29 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Bush did not make that connection, but the Liberal Media(tm) countered every statement he did make (many of which did include both Iraq and 9/11) with an argument that Iraq was not involved in 9/11, therefore (in my theory) creating the impression in the minds of mosts people listening or watching that this was, in fact, what the Bush administration was trying to say.

oh, how convienient for the Bush War-administration

Sigh. I'll present the same challenge I present every time this subject comes up:

Find me a single quote by a senior named Bush administration member where that official states that Iraq was involved in the planning and/or execution of the 9/11 attacks.

And no. Quotes that are responses to someone asking about allegations of such a connection do not count. You need to find actual statements where they make that connection themselves. Press releases, interviews, speaches.

If you cannot do that, then ask yourself "why do I think they said that?". The answer lies in the absolutely huge volume of news articles, reports, and op-ed pieces that appeared between 9/11 and 2003 in which that very connection was discussed (in one way or another). When there's a dozen articles every week "speculating" about something, many people will start to believe that the something might just be true...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#26 Sep 29 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
People don't seem to understand that Saddam and AlQaeda ARE connected. They are both people that wanted to bomb the U.S. off the face of the earth. We just did it first.

I didn't need a picture of Saddam and Osama holding hands while holding up a piece of paper marked "9/11 plans."
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