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the Aura?Follow

#1 Sep 26 2006 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
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The findings support prior research that suggested most living things, including plants, release light. Since disease and illness appear to affect the strength and pattern of the glow, the discovery might lead to less-invasive ways of diagnosing patients.

that's neat and I'm bored.

I believe in the classical aura. BUT I never fully concidered that it was anything other than psycological... In all the cheeseball witch books they try to say that the aura is just light that you can't see... jada jada..
I have always claimed to "see" auras, but as I said more of a mental thing than anything else... I think I can actually "see" them better with my eyes closed if that makes any sense... Third-eye and wahtnot.

To me the "aura" is more of a feeling that you get from a person, in which your mind may attach some logical aid to your logiccal mind.. such as a colour or a shape...

anyway. caffeine bordom. slow day.
With the receiver in my hand..
#2 Sep 26 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I always think of auras the way they were portrayed in Insomnia, like we all have "balloon strings" floating above our heads, and some crazy little gnome is just waiting for the right time to cut it. Smiley: frown
#3 Sep 26 2006 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
From the article it sounds like they are refering to a simply physical phenomina. I don't believe this and the classical aura which you speak of have much to do with each other since I don't believe what an aura is composed of can be measured by us just yet. At least not with anything that's been made public.

What I do find interesting is the points that they are saying give off light. The palms, forhead and soles of the feet are all supposed to be points where ki/chi/energy can easily pass into the body.
#4 Sep 26 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
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I fúcking Love that book. esp. the guy with the rainbow aura

I don't believe this and the classical aura which you speak of have much to do with each other since I don't believe what an aura is composed of can be measured by us just yet. At least not with anything that's been made public.

granted, IF there was some way to ever prove the classic myth Aura, no doubt we'd all know and not care anyway.
back wehn I was little I would see these things.. and started trying to find some rational explaination.. of which the most rational unfortunatly was the witch ****.... Although I undoubtably believe that it is a true phenomenon or I'm just crazy, same difference to me.

I had read though that they were studying about living things giving off light, however the mere shedding of photons does not account for the behaviours of such things as I have observed them.
however, the notion of the weaking of the light if a living thing is ill is interesting.
As I have observed "auras" in different people they do seem to take on a particular pattern with moods and such.

Keep in mind that I said that I think the "aura" is more of a "vibe" that you get from a person rather than a light that you see with your eyes surrounding them.

The palms, forhead and soles of the feet are all supposed to be points where ki/chi/energy can easily pass into the body.

well, there you go. Has anybody any proven the existance of "Chi" energy and Feng Shui?

I mean, I don;t really find it that hard to comprehend that all things have magnetic fields and energies of all degrees travel along these fields... so it only makes the most basic sense that light energy, or "X" energy surrounds us and is "doing things" that we just aren't consciouisly aware of.

on that note:

collaboration at the Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today that they have met the exacting standard to claim discovery of astonishingly rapid transitions between matter and antimatter: 3 trillion oscillations per second.

With the receiver in my hand..
#5 Sep 26 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Interesting stuff. However....

You acknowledge that the "vibes" you speak of do not involve light per se, and you acknowledge that the experiences you've had cannot be the detection of the very small number of photons described in this study. So why put so much stock into this finding? Smiley: wink2

Perhaps the photons are emitted mostly from our hands and feet because the nerve endings and blood vessels of our bodies are particularly concentrated there. And maybe low levels of photons are shed everywhere in nature, along with a whole bunch of other things (e.g., electromagnetic fields). It doesn't mean we're sensitive to those aspects, or can distinguish one thing from another simply based on that attribute. For starters, you'd have to identify some sort of human sensory organ that is sensitive to such a thing, and we're not aware of any.

Skepticism FTW!
#6 Sep 26 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
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It doesn't mean we're sensitive to those aspects, or can distinguish one thing from another simply based on that attribute. For starters, you'd have to identify some sort of human sensory organ that is sensitive to such a thing, and we're not aware of any.

waht organ do birds use to fly along the earth's magnetic fields?


So why put so much stock into this finding?

I already answerd that in my first post, I was bored. and to start this kind of sh*t.

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 2:11pm EDT by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#7 Sep 26 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:

So why put so much stock into this finding?

I already answerd that in my first post, I was bored. and to start this kind of sh*t.

No no no! You're not playing the game!

See, you're supposed to say something like "well, it's true the photons being emitted aren't detectable by the human eye, but it's possible they react with other particles at the quantum level to generate fields of energy that we detect via our subconscious thoughts, and we sometimes even react to this field of energy without even knowing it."
#8 Sep 26 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Teh Good Laard says, dôn't change the súbject, júst answer the fúcking question.
With the receiver in my hand..
#9 Sep 26 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
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you're supposed to say something like "well, it's true the photons being emitted aren't detectable by the human eye, but it's possible they react with other particles at the quantum level to generate fields of energy that we detect via our subconscious thoughts, and we sometimes even react to this field of energy without even knowing it."

and I did say that, n00b.
With the receiver in my hand..
#10 Sep 26 2006 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
well, there you go. Has anybody any proven the existance of "Chi" energy and Feng Shui?

There's some data to back up it's existance, but nothing hard so far. Quantum physics seems to be headed in this direction though. It's already stated that everything is connected at the quantum level which is a massive step towards that way of thinking. Give it another 50 years or so and I think our perception of reality will be greatly altered.

For starters, you'd have to identify some sort of human sensory organ that is sensitive to such a thing, and we're not aware of any.

Ah, but that would confine what it is to be human to a completely physical definition. Our thought's have been proven to be a form of energy and not some chemical process, so it's not completely out of the question to hypothisize a portion of our bodies are made of one or more forms of energy.
#11 Sep 26 2006 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts

waht organ do birds use to fly along the earth's magnetic fields?

why Kelvy, I'm not sure of the true answer to that, but this old article right here seems to shed some light on itSmiley: smile wrote:
"Are magnetic sensing and light sensing related?" Phillip's lab has conducted research that has demonstrated that the magnetic "compass" sense involves a light-dependent mechanism in some animals. In earlier papers published in Nature, Phillips' lab showed that changing the color of light altered directional information obtained from the magnetic compass in amphibians, and that the photoreceptors responsible were not located in the eyes, but in the pineal organ, or "third eye," located on top of the head.

For a photoreceptor to detect light, a molecule, referred to as a photopigment, has to absorb light, Phillips said. Light energy then starts a series of biochemical events that result in a change in the electrical charge across the cell membrane. This neural impulse can then be communicated to other cells in the nervous system.

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 2:12pm EDT by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#12 Sep 26 2006 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
I told Joph the other day that one of my interpreters interrupted me during a morning briefing to tell me I had the purest white aura she had ever seen.

Whatever that means. I looked it up, but I forgot.
#13 Sep 26 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
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Atomicflea wrote:
I told Joph the other day that one of my interpreters interrupted me during a morning briefing to tell me I had the purest white aura she had ever seen.

Waht was your response to her? and waht was Joph's response?
With the receiver in my hand..
#14 Sep 26 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Waht was your response to her?

"Really? You can see it?"

and waht was Joph's response?

Probably something noncommittal and faintly doubtful. He is Scully to my Mulder.
#15 Sep 26 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
If I'm not mistaken white is actually supposed to mean you're unhealthy. When I was in middle school one of my english teachers told me she'd seen a white aura on an aquantence and they died less than a week later from supposed normal health.
#16 Sep 26 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I'm sure the meaning of colours is relative.

Colour is a sight thing. The "vibe" isn't. The colour that you interpret is based on your interpretation of the vibe and offers the mind some visual reference.
colours do mean many differnt things to many different people.
With the receiver in my hand..
#17 Sep 26 2006 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
I'm sure the meaning of colours is relative.

Colour is a sight thing. The "vibe" isn't. The colour that you interpret is based on your interpretation of the vibe and offers the mind some visual reference.
colours do mean many differnt things to many different people.
I'm not sure what a vibe is, but when I looked up the color, it said it was anything from "I don't know how to look for color in an aura yet" to a person who was very spiritual, transcendent. If you are on the threshold of death, I can see where your body would become an afterthought, I suppose.

I took it as the latter, since she told me she saw auras since she was a small child, and she had never seen one my color. It's odd, because it's not the first time I'm told something along those same lines, but I certainly don't feel like the most amazingly spiritual being... Maybe I'm just undead. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 3:51pm EDT by Atomicflea
#18 Sep 26 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Vibe, in this context I would bascially descibe as the feeling or ompression that you get about a person.

i could rant on about energy patterns and all that stuff, and that each person's "aura" is merely some kind of frequency of their being... thier thoughts, their self, their magnetic field... all as one self contained unit. The colour would just be the way the brain interprets it as one of the 5 senses..


a person who was very spiritual, transcendent. If you are on the threshold of death, I can see where your body would become an afterthought, I suppose.

could be that your "soul" is more fully manifested in you than in others. In otherwords, most people's consciousness and their souls are rather "distant" from each other.. thus I suppose wehn a person is closer to death their soul and their physical selves would get closer to one another...

of course I am forced to use concepts like distance.. but that's out of lack of a better dimension (term).

your soul shines through the curtain of your incarnation very brightly, most likely for some purpose.
you don't necessarily have to be conscious of Why... either way, you're still playing your part.

we are all kind of floating flames in the spirit world (in relation to the real world). some are brighter than others... shed more like, shed more warmth... others burn things down...

With the receiver in my hand..
#19 Sep 26 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
I found a quiz!

I scored highest in Yellow.

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet.

Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously.

Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.

To learn more about Yellows in relationships, their career choices, temperament and life purpose, please order Life Colors.

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 4:13pm EDT by Elderon
#20 Sep 26 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing and supportive personalities of the Life Colors. They live from their heart and emotions. Their purpose for being on the planet is to give love, to teach love and to learn that they are loved. Their priorities are love, relationships, and spirituality.

Blues are traditionally teachers, counselors, and nurses---basically the loving, nurturers and caretakers on the planet. Blues are constantly helping others. They want to make sure that everyone feels loved and accepted. People are always turning to Blues for comfort and counsel because Blues will always be there for them. They consistently provide a shoulder for others to cry on.

Blues are the most emotional personalities in the aura spectrum. They can cry at the drop of a hat. Blues cry when they are happy, hurt, angry, sad, or for no apparent reason at all. Even watching a sentimental commercial on television can bring on tears.

Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here, Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness.

At this writing, most of the Indigos are children, although there are a few Indigos who came as forerunners years ago. The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive.

Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they've come from. Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings. Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities. Parents are often at a loss as to how to raise these amazing little beings.

An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. It's as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality.

Everything else is in the 4-ish range.

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 1:31pm PDT by Atomicflea
#21 Sep 26 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Logical Tan

The Logical Tan has a light tan-colored band that encircles the body and is usually kept tightly drawn to it. This reflects the Logical Tans’ tendency to keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves.

Logical Tans are very logical and analytical. They choose to process every step, from one through ten. Logical Tans do not like to skip or miss anything. Their method of processing cannot be rushed. They need to analyze and comprehend the logic in each step before proceeding to the next.

Logical Tans like to establish a firm foundation, and then slowly build brick by brick, step by step. Otherwise, they are afraid the entire project will collapse on them.

Not being risk-takers, these methodical thinkers need to see all the data and all the facts before making any moves. Everything for Logical Tans is done in an orderly and sequential manner. Every detail is meticulously processed.

Logical Tans typically form very habitual patterns. They are more comfortable repeating the same duties day after day. They don’t like their routines to be altered. Even rearranging the furniture in their homes can throw them off and cause them to feel awkward until they are able to readjust to the new situation.

Logical Tans are the least flexible and adaptable personalities of the aura spectrum. Their sense of security is attached to sameness, reliability and predictability.
To learn more about Logical Tans in relationships, their career choices, temperament and life purpose, please order Life Colors.

Makes me sound like a machine. But it's sort of right...

Second highest is a three-way tie between blue, yellow and lavender.

I'm complex!
#22 Sep 26 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
My aura is spookily shaped like a 1957 Jaguar police car. It's neon tangerine coloUred, smells of glass, and sounds like a deafening velvet worry.

I'm told that's normal.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
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