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Damn *****.Follow

#77 Aug 31 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I don't recall who brought it up. But whoever did was saying it was a bad decision, but was blaming Conservatives for it. Apparently, they just assumed that any decision that was in clear violation of people's rights and freedoms must have come from a Conservatives (mental block perhaps?). I was the one who actually looked up which Justices ruled which way and pointed out that it was the Liberals who made the ruling, with the Conservatives dissenting. Odd that you don't seem to recall that at all, do you?

Get off your high horse and look it up, Tardly Whiplash. I disagreed with the decision without mention of teh ebil conserbatibes.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#78 Aug 31 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You linked a part of the FISA code that wasn't particularly relevant. And you did it after a couple pages of a debate had gone on that essentially was "OMG! They're spying on us!!!".

I was the first to actually link the pages that defined what exact types of electronic surveilance required a FISA court warrant under FISA. Funny how once I did that, you and everyone else kinda forgot about the thread and ran off to find some other shiney whirly thing to occupy yourselves.
Really? You have a funny memory. Gee! I linked to the ENTIRE act, linked again to the portion regarding spying during war and then YOU stopped posting Smiley: laugh

Got me there!
I was the one who actually looked up which Justices ruled which way and pointed out that it was the Liberals who made the ruling, with the Conservatives dissenting. Odd that you don't seem to recall that at all, do you?
I don't? Why would I find it unusual that you'd be crying about the liberals? You needed to find examples of people blowing off poor idea by the left. This wasn't a good example of it. Sorry.
Rumsfeld wasn't just talking about Iraq. See. This is another classic "liberal" methodology. Redefine the other guys argument to make it easier for you to bash.
Except that I already said that a vague "War Against Terror" (or whatever today's term for it is) isn't at all comparable to a classic conflict like WWII.

You're just batting a thousand today, aren't ya? Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#79 Aug 31 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Samira wrote:
I don't recall who brought it up. But whoever did was saying it was a bad decision, but was blaming Conservatives for it. Apparently, they just assumed that any decision that was in clear violation of people's rights and freedoms must have come from a Conservatives (mental block perhaps?). I was the one who actually looked up which Justices ruled which way and pointed out that it was the Liberals who made the ruling, with the Conservatives dissenting. Odd that you don't seem to recall that at all, do you?

Get off your high horse and look it up, Tardly Whiplash. I disagreed with the decision without mention of teh ebil conserbatibes.

Ok. I looked it up. We're both wrong (kinda). Joph started the thread. The one you started was this one. I can't tell what you were referring to there, but you did incorrectly identify the Justices involved (you claimed Ginsberg ruled with Souter and Scalia, which is wrong if we're talking about Kelo v New London).

In Joph's thread, you were the first one to mention that it was the 4 Conservatives who ruled against it, and 4 Liberals (with Kennedy as the swing) who ruled in favor of New London). I did in fact miss that.

Um. Doesn't change the point though. Even after you pointed it out, the "raving liberals" still managed to continue to try to blame the Bush administration. Joph, Mr. "I'd do the same thing regardless of which party was involved", even made this statement:

I'm just waiting for Gbaji to turn it into a Conservative/Liberal issue though

So. In a situation where the decision was clearly demarked upon Conservative/Libeal lines, he seems to think it's somehow "wrong" to point out that it's the Liberals that did this? Funny. It's never stopped him when it's the Conservatives "doing something bad".

Getting my point yet? Joph is trying to claim he'd respond identically if it was a Dem politician making the remarks Rumsfeld made. But his posting record is pretty clear on this. In a case that he vehemently disagrees with, and where the Jusitices are divided directly upon Liberal/Conservative lines, he's unwilling to make any condemnation of those Liberal Justices, unwilling to make any connection to the party that appointed them and who's views they represent, and even goes so far as to pre-emptively attack anyone who *might* make such a connection.

That thread supports my argument in this one beautifully.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#80 Aug 31 2006 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You linked a part of the FISA code that wasn't particularly relevant. And you did it after a couple pages of a debate had gone on that essentially was "OMG! They're spying on us!!!".

I was the first to actually link the pages that defined what exact types of electronic surveilance required a FISA court warrant under FISA. Funny how once I did that, you and everyone else kinda forgot about the thread and ran off to find some other shiney whirly thing to occupy yourselves.
Really? You have a funny memory. Gee! I linked to the ENTIRE act, linked again to the portion regarding spying during war and then YOU stopped posting Smiley: laugh

Got me there!

That's the wrong thread. I'll see if I can find it, but I actually quoted and diuscussed the section of FISA where electronic surveilance was defined. It's not in that thread. You do know that we tend to have these discussions in more then one place, right?

Same deal with the Kelo v New London issue. I'll grant the Samira was the first to point out which side voted how. But I know for a fact that I did look up the names for myself, and posted the list in a thread. Since it's not in the one I liked earlier, it's likely in another one that I haven't found yet (and may very well have been started by a shadowrelm rambling, so who knows where it is...).

You're also nit-picking irrelevancies. The issue is over whether you historically on this forum are "equal" with your condemnation of Dems and Republicans when they say/do something you disagree with. The thread I linked earlier clearly shows you are not. You disagreed with the ruling, but did not attack those who made it, and in fact attacked anyone who *might* do so. That's pretty clear Joph...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#81 Aug 31 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Ok. I looked it up. We're both wrong (kinda). Joph started the thread. The one you started was this one. I can't tell what you were referring to there, but you did incorrectly identify the Justices involved (you claimed Ginsberg ruled with Souter and Scalia, which is wrong if we're talking about Kelo v New London).

She did side with Souter. I was wrong about Scalia. My position was conservative in this instance, which I realize makes your pointy little head hurt. Nevertheless it's true.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#82 Aug 31 2006 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
Gbaji, are you feeling okay? Maybe you're coming down with something? You just seem kind of tired.

You've allowed yourself to be drawn into Joph's diabolical "prove I'm just a partisan mouthpiece" conundrum, and it's just a no-win, big guy. You're chasing your tail. I mean, if we turned the question around there'd be no difficulty in locating you following the party line to illogical ends. Dude, I think you might even be doing it in this thread by endorsing the rather ridiculous Islamo-Fascists are just like ***** stance.

When you look at Iraq, and I believe you'd say that it is the frontline in this war against the neo-fascist abu allahs, it can just as easily be argued that we're behaving like the "take a little bit" Hitler regime of days gone by. That is to say we've taken a small bit of the Middle-East, in an attempt to spread our ideals to the rest of the region. See how easy that is?

I'm just worried about you. I think maybe you should get some soup.

Edited, Aug 31st 2006 at 7:53pm EDT by Barkingturtle
#83 Aug 31 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
You've allowed yourself to be drawn into Joph's diabolical "prove I'm just a partisan mouthpiece" conundrum, and it's just a no-win, big guy. You're chasing your tail.

Except for being able to show Joph ignoring Liberal's when they do things he doesn't like, and attacking Conservatives when they do similar things, you're absolutely right! Lol...

Dude, I think you might even be doing it in this thread by endorsing the rather ridiculous Islamo-Fascists are just like ***** stance.

Explain to me the difference between the reaction of the UN to Hezbollah and Hamas, and the League of Nations to the annexing of the Sudetenland by Germany.

If you can't see the similarities, then I just don't know what to say. They're are startlingly similar. The nations are changed, and even the type of power and exapansion is different. But the methodologies are not. You've got one side taking small but continuous steps to gain power. You've got an international community that is unwilling to change their policy if a "small change" occurs. Over time, this allows those seeking power to gradualy up the degree and intensity of their attacks without drawing response.

This is exactly what Germany did in the 30s. They started small. Started rebuilding some military weapons in violation of Treaty. Well, that wasn't worth getting into a war over. Then they built some more. Still not enough. Then they annexed a territory that already identified themselves as "German". That wasn't quite enough. Then they annexed another territory that was only "part German". Well, that started a minor conflict, but no one wanted to get involved. Then they invaded another country purely to gain territory. Well. That was a violation and everyone knew they should do something, but again no one wanted to escalate the conflict, so they worked to get a promise from Hitler that he wouldn't attack any more nations. Of course, as soon as he'd finished in Poland, he turned right around and attacked Belgium, Holland, and France.

And those countries were honestly surprised that he did this. They were confinced that his promise not to attack was truthful. Just as the UN is seeking promises from Hezbollah not to attack Isreal again, and promises from Iran not to build Nuclear weapons. Um... I'm sorry, but I think showing how utterly idiotic this process was the last time it was tried is a totally relevant and logical point. To then attack the guy making the point because apparently if you put the word **** into an article in the right way, everyone loses their intelligence and just startsly blindly attacking whoever called the other guy a "bad name".

Meanwhile, we're missing the point. That the UN is driving us down a path that is going to lead to disaster. It's just a matter of time.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#84 Aug 31 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
i woulda voted for bush, if i was 18 when he was reelected i woulda.

and yes, I do like in Ohio.
#85 Aug 31 2006 at 10:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You do know that we tend to have these discussions in more then one place, right?
Well, knock yourself out then. Find your thread and prove me wrong! Smiley: laugh

Although I thank you for giving me the chance to link to the one thread. Laughing at your ignorance of our legislative system was beautiful. Did you ever take that Constitution class?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#86 Aug 31 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Explain to me the difference between the reaction of the UN to Hezbollah and Hamas, and the League of Nations to the annexing of the Sudetenland by Germany.

Why would I do that when the context of the speach in question has nothing to do with the UN and their action or lack thereof concerning Hezbollah and Hamas? Aren't we talking about Rummy likening obstructionist dems to **** sympathizers for not goin' with the flow in Iraq? I mean, you're free to go off on this tangent and write next cycle's speaches for the administration but let's stick to this season's issues, okie? Are you sure you don't have a fever? You just broadened this argument like a young boy's **** at Neverland.

After a history lesson, Gbaji wrote:
To then attack the guy making the point because apparently if you put the word **** into an article in the right way, everyone loses their intelligence and just startsly blindly attacking whoever called the other guy a "bad name".

Well I do believe you've figured out the intent behind invoking the **** brand name. You take this seriously? Don't answer that. It's nothing more than a maneuver to further divide the voters and solidify the base by striking that moral highroad gong. It's what this administration does when all else is failing.

I will go on record as saying in this day and age any invocation of ****-time is aimed at nothing more than inflaming the public. I don't like people trying to manipulate me, so I'd feel the same if it was a pubbie, a dem or Ralph Nader.

#87 Sep 01 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
If you can't see the similarities, then I just don't know what to say. They're are startlingly similar. The nations are changed, and even the type of power and exapansion is different. But the methodologies are not. You've got one side taking small but continuous steps to gain power. You've got an international community that is unwilling to change their policy if a "small change" occurs. Over time, this allows those seeking power to gradualy up the degree and intensity of their attacks without drawing response.

This is exactly what Germany did in the 30s. They started small. Started rebuilding some military weapons in violation of Treaty. Well, that wasn't worth getting into a war over. Then they built some more. Still not enough. Then they annexed a territory that already identified themselves as "German". That wasn't quite enough. Then they annexed another territory that was only "part German". Well, that started a minor conflict, but no one wanted to get involved. Then they invaded another country purely to gain territory. Well. That was a violation and everyone knew they should do something, but again no one wanted to escalate the conflict, so they worked to get a promise from Hitler that he wouldn't attack any more nations. Of course, as soon as he'd finished in Poland, he turned right around and attacked Belgium, Holland, and France.

And how does that have anything to do with Hamas or Hezbollah?

So, let me get this right, you are comparing a small resistance movmeent capturing two soldiers to a the biggest nation-state in Western Europe with the biggest army in the world invading its neighbouring countries. I see.

Then, since this comparaison was not stupid enough, you are comparing the Leagu of Nations doing nothing to... Israel invading and destroying Lebanon with the implicit consent of the US and Britain. And thats what you call "doing nothing"?

Or are you comparing Hamas, democratically elected governement, trying to survive in the prison that is the Gaza strip, to **** Germany? What has Hamas done that can be even remotely comparable to invading Poland, Belgium, Holland and France and setting-up death camp? Please, explain that to me...

gbaji wrote:
Just as the UN is seeking promises from Hezbollah not to attack Isreal again, and promises from Iran not to build Nuclear weapons.

Who is violating that UN cease-fire at the moment by still conducting operations in Lebanese territory?

Second, how can you compare a UN-negotiated cease-fire after a full-scale invasion to letting **** Germany invade half of Western Europe?

Thridly, NO ONE is taking Iran's promises seriously, thats why they are being refered to the Security Council. Unless you're advocating full-scale invasion of Iran, then I don't know what else can be done. But I'm sure you can enlighten me on this one.

gbaj wrote:
I'm sorry, but I think showing how utterly idiotic this process was the last time it was tried is a totally relevant and logical point. To then attack the guy making the point because apparently if you put the word **** into an article in the right way, everyone loses their intelligence and just startsly blindly attacking whoever called the other guy a "bad name".

Meanwhile, we're missing the point. That the UN is driving us down a path that is going to lead to disaster. It's just a matter of time.

But who the fuck is the UN? It's not some non-entity invisible force called "the international community". The UN is the Security Council, which is the US, the UK, France, China and Russia. That's the "UN", buddy. It's you, and me, and the Brits, and the two ex-commies.

The UN is "driving" no one. The UN is being driven by those 5 countries.

The reason people are up ina rms about this mind-numbingly stupid comparaison is precisely because it is incredibly stupid, misguided, ignorant, simplistic, and plain wrong. It is not acurate, nor helpful. It is a petty political point-scoring using Godwin's.

I have no doubt anyone with an IQ over their shoesize has problems understanding the validity of comparing these two drastically different situations as though they were "the same".

The "invading country" is Israel. Not Hezbollah. Not Hamas. Those two organisations have not invaded anyone. They have not built "camps" where they put undesirables. They do not threaten to invade anyone in the near or distant future. Their "actions" are always followed by strong reprisals from Israel. They have a legitimate goal (the withdrawal of Israel from territories it conquered illegally). But sure, they use violence, and that's wrong.

These two situations (Hamas and Hezbollah) have NOTHING to do with **** Germany. In fact, it is hard to think of a more inappropriate and worst comparaison to make.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#88 Sep 01 2006 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
So, let me get this right, you are comparing a small resistance movmeent capturing two soldiers to a the biggest nation-state in Western Europe with the biggest army in the world invading its neighbouring countries. I see.
Dude, see the situation you describe was someone kinda getting what they wanted and, in Germany, they kind of got what they wanted so any time two prople or groups get what they want, it's an apt comparison!

Just the other night, my son asked me for a brownie and I'm like "Ok". Then it occured to me that I was TOTALLY playing Chamberlain to his Hitler and, sure as shit, by eight o'clock that night he has annexed the family room and kitchen. I had to ally with Peru to drive him out.

Now if I could just get those Russian neighbors to return the eastern half of his bedroom.

I was actually pretty much pro-Israel in the Lebanon thing but I still think it's a stupid comparison. You know, just because I'm liberal.

Edited, Sep 1st 2006 at 8:51am EDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#89 Sep 01 2006 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Hezbollah is a resistance movment that was set-up to repel Israel from Lebanon's territory. It does not invade other countries

Had me fooled.
#90 Sep 01 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Just the other night, my son asked me for a brownie and I'm like "Ok". Then it occured to me that I was TOTALLY playing Chamberlain to his Hitler and, sure as shit, by eight o'clock that night he has annexed the family room and kitchen. I had to ally with Peru to drive him out.


Jophiel wrote:
I was actually pretty much pro-Israel in the Lebanon thing but I still think it's a stupid comparison. You know, just because I'm liberal.

I know I appear very anti-Israeli in my rants. But it's only because I'm arguing against gbaji. I really think both sides are to blame, pretty much equally. I just really hate this simplification of one side is "good" and the other is "evil". If only the world was that simple...

One of my best friend is Lebanese, we studied law in London together, and he then went to live in Beirut. He was evacuated by the Royal Navy when this crap broke out. Along with nearly all of the Lebanese intelligensia. He is Muslim, and yet drinks (in moderation) and smokes pot (in moderation). He hates Hezbollah as much as Israel's government. Like most decent Lebanese, he is caught hostage between the two. And he's not sure when/if he's going to go back.

All this to say that this is far from a simple case of good/bad, *****/nice people, as gbaji would have us believe.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#91 Sep 01 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You do know that we tend to have these discussions in more then one place, right?
Well, knock yourself out then. Find your thread and prove me wrong!

Why? That's an irrelevant side issue Joph. Who said what first isn't at issue here (as much as you'd love to sidetrack us into that). You took offense at being included in a group of people ("you all") that I claimed were biased in their responses towards Republicans and Democrats. You argued that this did not apply to you because you don't do such things (presumably, else why be offended by the comment?).

I don't need to prove more then I've already proven. I linked a thread in which you started the thread by stating on opposition to a SCOTUS decision. But when it was revealed that it was Democrat appointed Liberal justices that made the ruling, your first response is to pre-emptively attack *me* for pointing out that it was Liberal Justices who made the decision.

If that's not "deflecting blame from Dem/liberals when they're at fault", I don't know what else to call it.

Meanwhile, are you actually trying to argue that you *don't* link blame to Bush/Republicans whenever they can be shown to be at fault for something? Lol...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#92 Sep 01 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, you convinced me! Smiley: laugh

Me saying a decision made by some liberal Supreme Court justices was a poor one is definate proof that I'd have applauded Kerry for making asinine remarks trying to link WWII with Iraq (or the war on terror, if you prefer).

Edit: Actually bothering to look at the thread you cite as evidence, I saw this damning tidbit:
Jophiel previously wrote:
Liberal or conservative, I disagree with the ruling and think it's a bad thing. I really saw it as more a Democrat thing anyway between the Supreme Court ruling on a case in Conn. and my own story out of Chicago. Be that as it may, there's a whole lotta stuff I disagree with more from the Pubbie side so your gripes about how Pubbies want to save me don't hold much water.

Unlike some folks, I'm willing to admit when my party's making a mistake Smiley: grin
Wow, I feel SO owned! You're right.. I would NEVER say my party did something I disagree with! Never, ever, ever!

Smiley: laugh

Edited, Sep 1st 2006 at 8:40pm EDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#93 Sep 01 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Well, you convinced me!

Hell Joph. Let's look just at this thread. You chose to create a thread in which you linked a story about Rumsfeld comparing the appeasement policies towards terrorist groups and states today to appeasement towards Germany back in the 30s. You bashed Rumsfeld for doing so.

When Jawbox linked a statement by Dean comparing the Iraq war to Vietnam, you "waggled the finger of blame" at Dean.

Great. But you're missing the point. You *choose* to post and link stories when they appear to be negative towards Republicans and/or the Bush administration. You choose to ignore stories that might reflect negatively on Dems (by the fact that you don't find, link, and comment on them). You play the "I'm impartial and willing to place blame wherever I see it" card really well. And I believe that you honestly *believe* you are impartial in this. But your choices of which stories to follow, and which ones to create threads about shows otherwise. Your linked stories are overwhelmingly critical of Republicans. That's where your bias is.

I'm not saying that this is "wrong". I'm certainly not going to argue that the Liberal posters on this board must search the news for negative stories about Liberals and post them. That would be silly. But I do expect that if you are Liberal, and you do overwhelmingly find and post stories that attack Conservatives rather then Liberals, that you at least accept that this is what you are doing. Being "offended" when someone points out that you've got a bias is ridiculous.

How about if I rephrase my original statement? If I said "If a Liberal politicial had said something similar, you'd never have created a thread about it", would you be offended by that statement? Because if you are, then you've got to seriously stop and look at your posting methodology and agenda. Because from where I'm sitting, it's pretty obvious that you do this pretty consistently.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#94 Sep 01 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
When Jawbox linked a statement by Dean comparing the Iraq war to Vietnam, you "waggled the finger of blame" at Dean.
It was a story from 2003. Sorry I didn't get more riled up.
You *choose* to post and link stories when they appear to be negative towards Republicans and/or the Bush administration. You choose to ignore stories that might reflect negatively on Dems (by the fact that you don't find, link, and comment on them).
I've started several threads off the top of my head that have complained about decisions made my Democrats. I've never once claimed to be impartial. I've even said before that I'm not impartial. But, yes, I'm certainly more open minded than you are. And, yes, I'd still think it was a stupid comparison.

But tell us again about that one time no one else can remember six years ago when someone called you a liberal in OOT.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Sep 01 2006 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Jophiel wrote:
trying to link WWII with Iraq (or the war on terror, if you prefer).
No it's "the fight against radical Islamic fascism" now.

Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
When Jawbox linked a statement by Dean comparing the Iraq war to Vietnam, you "waggled the finger of blame" at Dean.

It was a story from 2003. Sorry I didn't get more riled up.

What? You think Howard Dean has changed his tune in the last 3 years? Smiley: lol
#96 Sep 01 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I've started several threads off the top of my head that have complained about decisions made my Democrats.

Not really true. You've started several threads in which you complained about something that happened in our government (at whatever level). When it's clear from the article/whatever that you sourced, it's *always* critical of Republicans. When it's unclear, you don't seem to put any effort into figuring out who's responsible (much less pointing out who you might think is), and are perfectly willing to allow anyone who reads your post to assume it was Republicans (which "magically" seems to be the first assumption of the board members as a whole). And, if it turns out that it was really Dems behind it all, you kinda shrug and downplay it. You accept a "non-partisan" position only when you've already made a stink about something and later discovered it was Dems/Liberals behind it. Kinda convenient that...

Look. I'm not aiming this directly at you and you alone. I did not name you in my original statement. I was referring to the typical reaction of the board as a whole. One needs only look at the linked thread about the SCOTUS decision to see this in action. When the makeup of Justices for/against the decision was unknown, there were a number of attacks against the Bush administration and Republicans in general. Lots of statements like "We'll see more of this now that Georgie is in power". Strangly, once it was pointed out that it was Liberal Justices who did it, I did not see *one* single statement about how it's a good thing Republicans got to appoint replacements for O'connor and Rhenquist rather then Dems (based on the obvious realization that this would further the strength of the New London side of the issue). Ok. Aside from *me*, that is. In fact, even afterwords, we still got posts like this one:

Even the evil repubs/cons can think straight sometimes. Doesn't change the fact that they worship capitalism/corporatism with a blind faith that is rivaled only by the christian conservatives worship of christian mythology.

So. The poster accepts that this time it wasn't the Republicans who did this, but he's not willing to actually blame the side that did, and he's going to spin it off into a general diatribe about how horrible Republicans are. You wonder why I get so frustrated about the typical membership of this board? It's blindly partisan statements like that one. And it's hardly the exception. Whenver the Republicans do something "bad", it's splattered all over the forums. When they don't do something bad, they get blamed anyway. When it's pointed out that they didn't do it, it's responded with "but they're bad anyway".

The degree to which my "you all" statement applies to you is based on how much you believe you fit the criteria of what I was talking about. If you didn't identify yourself with that group of posters, then don't be offended by my statement. You are definately one of the more moderate posters Joph, but you still exhibit a degree of bias quite often. Nothing wrong with that, but don't get offended when someone points it out (doubly so when they aren't even talking about you in particular).

I've never once claimed to be impartial. I've even said before that I'm not impartial. But, yes, I'm certainly more open minded than you are. And, yes, I'd still think it was a stupid comparison.

Sure. But would you have created a thread about it if a Dem had made the statement (or a similar one)? That's all I was talking about. That "you all" tend to only bash these kind of statements when they are made by a Conservative. Of course, I'm also quite sure that had a Dem made a similar comment, the story written about it would have been quite different, with less of an attack aspect in the first place.

After all, the article bashes Rumsfeld for comparing people to **** appeasers. But it doesn't say that he's wrong. Isn't that the key issue here? The article is trying to rile people up based on the words being used (and note again that Rumsfeld did not use the word ****, the article writer did). Meanwhile, missing the real point which is that the appeasement process going on right now is a really stupid course of action.

Ignore the **** comparison Joph. Do you, or do you not think that the process of appeasement of states like Iran, and groups like Hezbollah is a good idea? Because that's the point that matters. And if you think that appeasement is a bad idea, then you're put in the odd position of agreeing completely with Rumsfeld's argument, but somehow bashing him for it because of the way the story was presented to you in a newspaper.

Isn't that a stupid reason to bash someone? I'd think that taking a position on a global reaction to a nation like Iran is vastly more important then frittering on about what words were used in a statement (or not used, but later injected into the issue). Don't you? But apparently, the fluff matters the most...

But tell us again about that one time no one else can remember six years ago when someone called you a liberal in OOT.

Doesn't matter Joph. My MO is that I don't blindly attack people based on the words they say, or an interpretation of the surface level of an issue. I look at what really matters. What does a ruling by the SC mean? What does a position by the administration really mean? How significant is a president getting a ******** really? I don't react to the rhetoric. I react to the facts of the issue. And that means that I point out when others are using pure rhetoric while ignoring facts. The fact that this puts me in the position of defending the Bush administration quite often has far less to do with my personal political affiliations, and far more to do with the posts that others make. You'll note that I don't start very many threads. I tend to wait to see what others have to say about an issue, and then inject my opinion. And most of the time, my first post is to point out some misdirection that is occuring in the thread and attempting to point out the parts that actually matter.

Just as with this thread. I was pointing out that the knee-jerk reaction to Rumsfeld's statement had less to do with what he actually said, and mostly to do with what party and position he held. I stand by that observation. The observation Rumsfeld made was absolutely correct. The fact that he's being bashed for it based on semantics is where the partisan aspect creeps in.

If I appear to be a hard core right winger, it's only becasue the vast majority of political threads on this forum consist of attacks on the Bush administration based quite often on completely flawed logic and/or purely rhetoric based analysis of statements. And yeah. I'm going to point that out. I do the same whether it's a right or left issue. I bash folks who argue for prayer in school just as much as I bash folks who say that Bush lied to us about WMD in Iraq. The difference is the number of posts bashing Bush are overwhelming...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#97 Sep 01 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
But would you have created a thread about it if a Dem had made the statement (or a similar one)?
Probably. It was just that silly. Feel free not to believe me and type another six paragraphs about it but, well, I know me better than you do Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#98 Sep 03 2006 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
Even the evil libs/democrats can think straight sometimes. Doesn't change the fact that they worship socialism/godlessness with a blind faith that is rivaled only by the islamo fascists worship of Hate of women.

fixed, and "lol".
#99 Sep 03 2006 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
gbaji wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
I've started several threads off the top of my head that have complained about decisions made my Democrats.

Not really true. You've started several threads in which you complained about something that happened in our government (at whatever level). When it's clear from the article/whatever that you sourced, it's *always* critical of Republicans. When it's unclear, you don't seem to put any effort into figuring out who's responsible (much less pointing out who you might think is), and are perfectly willing to allow anyone who reads your post to assume it was Republicans (which "magically" seems to be the first assumption of the board members as a whole). And, if it turns out that it was really Dems behind it all, you kinda shrug and downplay it. You accept a "non-partisan" position only when you've already made a stink about something and later discovered it was Dems/Liberals behind it. Kinda convenient that...

Look. I'm not aiming this directly at you and you alone. I did not name you in my original statement. I was referring to the typical reaction of the board as a whole. One needs only look at the linked thread about the SCOTUS decision to see this in action. When the makeup of Justices for/against the decision was unknown, there were a number of attacks against the Bush administration and Republicans in general. Lots of statements like "We'll see more of this now that Georgie is in power". Strangly, once it was pointed out that it was Liberal Justices who did it, I did not see *one* single statement about how it's a good thing Republicans got to appoint replacements for O'connor and Rhenquist rather then Dems (based on the obvious realization that this would further the strength of the New London side of the issue). Ok. Aside from *me*, that is. In fact, even afterwords, we still got posts like this one:

Even the evil repubs/cons can think straight sometimes. Doesn't change the fact that they worship capitalism/corporatism with a blind faith that is rivaled only by the christian conservatives worship of christian mythology.

So. The poster accepts that this time it wasn't the Republicans who did this, but he's not willing to actually blame the side that did, and he's going to spin it off into a general diatribe about how horrible Republicans are. You wonder why I get so frustrated about the typical membership of this board? It's blindly partisan statements like that one. And it's hardly the exception. Whenver the Republicans do something "bad", it's splattered all over the forums. When they don't do something bad, they get blamed anyway. When it's pointed out that they didn't do it, it's responded with "but they're bad anyway".

The degree to which my "you all" statement applies to you is based on how much you believe you fit the criteria of what I was talking about. If you didn't identify yourself with that group of posters, then don't be offended by my statement. You are definately one of the more moderate posters Joph, but you still exhibit a degree of bias quite often. Nothing wrong with that, but don't get offended when someone points it out (doubly so when they aren't even talking about you in particular).

I've never once claimed to be impartial. I've even said before that I'm not impartial. But, yes, I'm certainly more open minded than you are. And, yes, I'd still think it was a stupid comparison.

Sure. But would you have created a thread about it if a Dem had made the statement (or a similar one)? That's all I was talking about. That "you all" tend to only bash these kind of statements when they are made by a Conservative. Of course, I'm also quite sure that had a Dem made a similar comment, the story written about it would have been quite different, with less of an attack aspect in the first place.

After all, the article bashes Rumsfeld for comparing people to **** appeasers. But it doesn't say that he's wrong. Isn't that the key issue here? The article is trying to rile people up based on the words being used (and note again that Rumsfeld did not use the word ****, the article writer did). Meanwhile, missing the real point which is that the appeasement process going on right now is a really stupid course of action.

Ignore the **** comparison Joph. Do you, or do you not think that the process of appeasement of states like Iran, and groups like Hezbollah is a good idea? Because that's the point that matters. And if you think that appeasement is a bad idea, then you're put in the odd position of agreeing completely with Rumsfeld's argument, but somehow bashing him for it because of the way the story was presented to you in a newspaper.

Isn't that a stupid reason to bash someone? I'd think that taking a position on a global reaction to a nation like Iran is vastly more important then frittering on about what words were used in a statement (or not used, but later injected into the issue). Don't you? But apparently, the fluff matters the most...

But tell us again about that one time no one else can remember six years ago when someone called you a liberal in OOT.

Doesn't matter Joph. My MO is that I don't blindly attack people based on the words they say, or an interpretation of the surface level of an issue. I look at what really matters. What does a ruling by the SC mean? What does a position by the administration really mean? How significant is a president getting a ******** really? I don't react to the rhetoric. I react to the facts of the issue. And that means that I point out when others are using pure rhetoric while ignoring facts. The fact that this puts me in the position of defending the Bush administration quite often has far less to do with my personal political affiliations, and far more to do with the posts that others make. You'll note that I don't start very many threads. I tend to wait to see what others have to say about an issue, and then inject my opinion. And most of the time, my first post is to point out some misdirection that is occuring in the thread and attempting to point out the parts that actually matter.

Just as with this thread. I was pointing out that the knee-jerk reaction to Rumsfeld's statement had less to do with what he actually said, and mostly to do with what party and position he held. I stand by that observation. The observation Rumsfeld made was absolutely correct. The fact that he's being bashed for it based on semantics is where the partisan aspect creeps in.

If I appear to be a hard core right winger, it's only becasue the vast majority of political threads on this forum consist of attacks on the Bush administration based quite often on completely flawed logic and/or purely rhetoric based analysis of statements. And yeah. I'm going to point that out. I do the same whether it's a right or left issue. I bash folks who argue for prayer in school just as much as I bash folks who say that Bush lied to us about WMD in Iraq. The difference is the number of posts bashing Bush are overwhelming...


GAH I can't take it anymore. I didn't even read more than 3 words of this crap. Don't you have something better to do than wear out the scroll wheel of my mouse?

And Joph you must be fucking bored if you read that whole thing. Go knit a sweater or something.

#100 Sep 03 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I tend to skim until I find a single line to respond to and see how many new paragraphs it'll generate.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#101 Sep 03 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
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