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At the risk of being unpolitcally correct.Follow

#127 Aug 14 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Forgive me, i thought the checniyans where Gurilla fighters.

Still i don't think we need to worry about them at Heathrow though, do you?

But on to the shifty muslims (it's odd that you keep changing things here - you want Mr Hussein searched... what if he's Chaldean? You after Muslims or Brownies?):
I haven't switched at all. I lived in Rochdale for a long time which has a large Indian and Pakistani community, i went to collage with many from both and i could not be accurate in telling the difference, which is why i said all persons from the region. Pakistan was India at one stage and Muslims live on both sides of the border so it's pretty much pointless distinguishing them.

Jermaine Lindsay: one of four July 7 Tube bombers. Briton of Jamaican origin, converted to Islam
but we would still have got 3 out of the four right? probably all of them since they initailly travelled as a group.

thats really my point in all this.

It's not perfect, but it's at least something. We aren't solely hoping that the police catch them in time, we attually have something in place at the Airports that screens out 99% of people from extra checks and releases resources to make sure those checks are effective on the 1% and turn a massive delay into a negligable one.

as i said you will always get rogue elements but at least you have a chance to stop the majority.

Previously there was nothing and now there is a situation that could destroy the Airlines completely.
#128 Aug 14 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
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you're just panicing because you're some kinda aviation nut.
With the receiver in my hand..
#129 Aug 14 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Kelvy, i'm a sailor remember.

#130 Aug 14 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Forgive me, i thought the checniyans where Gurilla fighters.

Still i don't think we need to worry about them at Heathrow though, do you?

I guess it depends on if you believe that the Muslims want to rise up together and crush the world, eh? Besides, where in your question did it ask about threats to Heathrow. You implied that there was never a non-Arab/Indian Islamic suicide bomber until last year. Obviously that is not the case and now you want to apply other restrictions.

I haven't switched at all. I lived in Rochdale for a long time which has a large Indian and Pakistani community, i went to collage with many from both and i could not be accurate in telling the difference, which is why i said all persons from the region. Pakistan was India at one stage and Muslims live on both sides of the border so it's pretty much pointless distinguishing them.

I believe the point I and others have tried to make to you (that you seem to have completely missed as you think tricky is the only one who has responded to your point) is that it's not just whether their Indian/Pakistani/Arabic. Chechens are white, Tamils and Indonesians are yellow, Jamaican's be black, mon they don't physically resemble each other.

but we would still have got 3 out of the four right? probably all of them since they initailly travelled as a group.

thats really my point in all this.

So now you're proposing stopping brownies on the street for no reason now too?

It's not perfect, but it's at least something.

No, it's nothing. I like how you skipped over the 200 Indonesian (not Arabic, not Indian/Pakistani) Muslims that have threatened to attack US and British airlines. Why not? Are you getting the point we have all been trying to make?

You stop the Arabs and let the Indonesians stroll through and you lose planes.

So fine, since you think people keep ignoring your question:

Since we have no idea how to identify (beyond behavior that is already outlined in the manuals, I'm sure) based on appearance who will be committing the acts; yes, it would be impossible to target the searches.


#131 Aug 14 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Dude i've been awake for 30 hours now, i am so tired i'm not sure if i'm happy or just crazy... or a little of both.

I disagree with your assesment of the probable bombers, and i think that most security experts would agree when i say if there is going to be a bomber the likelihood is that he will.

1. Be second or third generation English/Pakistani or married to one

2. Have had contact with radical Ummams either in the UK or Pakistan and likely both.

3. In the months/year leading upto the attack have changed his dress and appearance to a more traditional Islamic atire.

If you choose to ignore these likelihoods then you are basically trying one arm behind your back.
#132 Aug 14 2006 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Kelvy, remember.

Smiley: laugh yeah, that's like saying: "Sun, cold"
With the receiver in my hand..
#133 Aug 14 2006 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Dude i've been awake for 30 hours now, i am so tired i'm not sure if i'm happy or just crazy... or a little of both.

Right there with ya.

1. Be second or third generation English/Pakistani or married to one

So are you just talking in England now? Or on all airlines/countries. Because if it's the latter, the Pakistani doesn't make any sense - if you want to stick to your Arab/Aryan only motif then Lebanese or Palestinians are just as likely.

2. Have had contact with radical Ummams either in the UK or Pakistan and likely both.

3. In the months/year leading upto the attack have changed his dress and appearance to a more traditional Islamic atire.

Typically this preparation is a shorter time period than that and when they enter this phase they keep themselves in seclusion so as not to disturb their spiritual preparation.

Besides, you've now gone from identifying and yanking people out from the airline gate to staking them out for months or a year - Hi, if you've identified a radical Imam and someone who has gone to see him has then gone into seclusion for a time well... that's not really profiling now is it. It's good old fashioned investigative work. Probably even enough for a pesky warrant.

And you know! Something that crazy just might work!

Profiling and searching only the Arabs/Indians at the airline gate is a heck of a far cry from staking out a radical Imam to see who comes to see him.

Go to sleep.

#134 Aug 14 2006 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
Isn't there some risk that because you ease up on other, erm, non-terrorist-looking people, then you're likely than one woud go through? And one is enough to blow up one airplane.

So ok, the delays are lessened, but the risks are in fact heightened.

The system goes from long but fullproof (everyone is searched), to quicker and not full-proof (since it's based on the subjective view of some custom official as to whether he looks like a "terrorist").

Secondly, the second terrorists learn about this, they're off looking for a nice white chechen grand-ma whose daughter and grand-daughters have just been raped and then shot dead by half the Russian army in front of her.

And boom.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#135 Aug 14 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Everybody knows the dice are loaded,
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.

Everybody knows the war is over,
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
The poor stay poor and the rich get rich
That's how it goes...
Everybody knows.

I love Don Henley...such a cynic.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 9:17pm EDT by Ambrya
#136 Aug 14 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
Isn't there some risk that because you ease up on other, erm, non-terrorist-looking people, then you're likely than one woud go through? And one is enough to blow up one airplane.


Secondly, the second terrorists learn about this, they're off looking for a nice white chechen grand-ma whose daughter and grand-daughters have just been raped and then shot dead by half the Russian army in front of her.

And boom.

And yep.

But I seem to be having trouble conveying that. Maybe yours will work.
#137 Aug 14 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Tarv asked
Would it really be impossible to target the searches to the people who we know are going to be commiting the acts?

And the answer is 'yes. It would be impossible to target the searches at people who we know are going to be commiting these acts.

Because we dont know who is going to be commiting these acts, and because 'profiling' is a tactic that has so many flaws and loopholes, that it doesnt work.

Profiling suspects is an incredibly lazy form of policing, that leads to infringements of the citizens rights, and resentments in the community that is targeted.

Simple. Next question.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#138 Aug 14 2006 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Everybody knows the war is over,
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
The poor stay poor and the rich get rich
That's how it goes...
Everybody knows.

I love Don Henley...such a cynic.

isn't that Leonard Cohen?
With the receiver in my hand..
#139 Aug 14 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
"Godwin's." --Celcio

How so? I believe Danny was refering the pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clover of me Lucky charms. They're magically delicious!

#140 Aug 14 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Everybody knows the war is over,
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
The poor stay poor and the rich get rich
That's how it goes...
Everybody knows.

I love Don Henley...such a cynic.

isn't that Leonard Cohen?

Only place I've ever heard it was on a Don Henley album. Maybe Leonard Cohen did a cover, or vice versa. But I kinda suspect Henley wrote it. If you ever have listened to some of his other songs ("Dirty Laundry", "All She Wants to Do Is Dance", "Midnight in the Garden of Allah" or even "New York Minute") it's the same cynical tone.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 11:21pm EDT by Ambrya
#141 Aug 14 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts

you got to get some Leonard Cohen if you like cynicism.
With the receiver in my hand..
#142 Aug 15 2006 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:

you got to get some Leonard Cohen if you like cynicism.

Will check it out. Definitely love the cynics. If you've never listened to Henley's "Garden of Allah" you gotta check it out.

Today, I made an appearance downtown
I am an expert witness, because I say I am
And I said, "Gentlemen--and I use that word loosely--
I will testify for you.
I'm a gun for hire, I'm a saint, I'm a liar,
Because there are no facts, there is no truth
Just data to be manipulated
I can get you any result you want--what's it worth to you?
Because there is no wrong, there is no right,
And I sleep very well at night
No shame, no solution, no remorse, no retribution
Just people selling t-shirts
Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus
And winning, winning, winning..."

It was a pretty good year for penitance
The marketplace was on a roll
And the land of opportunity
Spawned a whole new breed of men without souls
This year notoriety got all confused with fame
And the devil is downhearted, babe,
Cuz there's nothing left for him to claim.

He said "It's just like home!
So down low I can't stand it.
I guess my work around here has all been done."
And the fruit is rotten, the serpent's eyes shine
As he wraps around the vine...
In the garden of Allah.

Good stuff.

Edited, Aug 15th 2006 at 1:05am EDT by Ambrya
#143 Aug 15 2006 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Back and more avlive... er awake after 8 hours in bed.

So are you just talking in England now? Or on all airlines/countries. Because if it's the latter, the Pakistani doesn't make any sense - if you want to stick to your Arab/Aryan only motif then Lebanese or Palestinians are just as likely.
I realise that this issue has bounced of many issues and topics and can get a little confusing.

I am talk specifically about the Englands Airports, and the methods that should be employed to manage the risk of suicide bombers travelling on Aircraft leaving from them.

I'm not talking about Russia, i'm not talking about Iraq or Indonesia or any other hotbed of Islam.

The threat of Lebanese or Palestinian terrorists is much lower in this context.

You need to identify the what the threat is before you can make a security system to deal with it.
Because we dont know who is going to be commiting these acts
Yes we do! Stop lying to yourself, you know who the liklihood of the bombers being Jimbob Johnson from Texas and Chin Sun Hi from China is extremely small and if it where they would have set of all sorts of alarms in the security sevices.

Besides you can't have a security system that removes all risk and still maintain itself, if you remove the vast majority of the threat then ou have to be happy.
'profiling' is a tactic that has so many flaws and loopholes, that it doesnt work.
It's used by every police force in the world so it must have SOME uses.
#144 Aug 15 2006 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
I always thought it was Leonard Cohen as well who wrote those. I don't even know who the other guy is, but I might check him out. Those lyrics sounded cool.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#145 Aug 15 2006 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
and i sat wondering to myself, we know that the old lady on her way to Rome to meet her sister or the Hen party of to some sunny resort in the med are not going to be blowing the plane up, so why are they being treated in the same way as those who are in the high risk groups?

Would it really be impossible to target the searches to the people who we know are going to be commiting the acts?

they look just like you or me. the people recently arested in the U.S. were 100 percent american. there have been several women suicide bombers. quite a few of the male suicide bombers had american schooling.

you want to be the one who is telling a jury you didnt search the old lady with a couple ounces of c4 (thats all it would take)because she didnt LOOK like a terrorist?

they are doing what they have to do. personally, they are not going far enough IMO. our western attitude that the world should bow to our incessant demand for instant gratification is catching up with us. infact, it is that very attitude that has landed us in this dark place to begine with.

some day, we will start dealing with the CAUSE of terrorism instead of constantly cleaning up after the fact. you take a group of people who are small and not powerfull, but willing to die for what they believe in, strip them of their voice and any choices, you get.....this.

mabe we should have listened when they told us they didnt want us on THEIR land. mabe we shouldnt have stayed where we were not welcome. mabe. mabe we should have respected THEIR freedom to live as THEY choose. mabe we shouldnt have tried to shove capitolism down their throats.

and mabe they shouldnt have been so demanding while sitting on all that oil..........

blood for oil. death for instant gratification. the american way.
#146 Aug 15 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
RedPhoenixxxxxx wrote:
I always thought it was Leonard Cohen as well who wrote those. I don't even know who the other guy is, but I might check him out. Those lyrics sounded cool.

You don't know who Don Henley is? Front man/drummer/guitarist for the Eagles? Wow.

Edit: Okay, checked my disc insert. Cohen did write "Everybody Knows" but the rest are written by Henley.

Edited, Aug 15th 2006 at 11:08am EDT by Ambrya
#147 Aug 15 2006 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Bloody Hell tarv

I'm gone for a couple of days and you hand your **** over to the entire forum.

I could make a cheap shot and remind you that Richard Whatsisname (Shoe Bomber) was a white Englishman converted to radical Islamism, or that one of the 7/7 bombers was an Englishman of African-Caribbean descent, similarly radicalised.
I could mention the clear links (via Al'Qaeda) between Chechnya and the 7/7 chappies. I might recall that our security chums believe that Osama's Friends & Family speed-dial pals are developing networks of innocent looking allies (older, whiter, more 'middle-class' looking) to take advantage of any weakening of security that you describe.

But I won't Smiley: sly

****-poor arguments, I'm afraid, my little jjt.
Profiling would alienate even more currently moderate followers of Mo, and further alienate a disgruntled and harassed minority.

For what? So ickle Billy-Bob in the next seat can annoy the fUck out of me with his PSP making beeps and whistles, or his iPod playing the tinny version of Justine Timberland. FFS. it's hand-luggage, not manacles and tasers!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#148 Aug 15 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
I like curry and chips!
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#149 Aug 15 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Tare wrote:
I like curry and chips!
Re there any Women here?

I don't want anyone to throw any stones until. . . and I want to make myself absolutely clear. . until I blow this whistle. Even if somebody does say Jehovah.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#150 Aug 15 2006 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
King Nobby wrote:
Tare wrote:
I like curry and chips!
Re there any Women here?


I especially like curry and chips after 7 pints of beer. Gawd bless you, Blighty!
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#151 Aug 15 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Not a fan of curry, but I'll put a hurtin' on some chips.
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