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Thermate in WTCFollow

#152 Jul 18 2006 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
Samira wrote:
Please stop repeating this as though it were relevant. He's trained to analyze ancient stone structures - do carbon dating and what not, theorize as to whether people in those buildings cooked indoors and used pigment on the walls. It's a little different, to put it mildly.

I'm embarrassed for you.

Radiocarbon dating, metallurgical analysis of artifacts, isotope or other chemical analyses of materials or residues are all under the heading of "archaeometry". All of these techniques are used to reconstruct what happened at a particular location and are integral to forensic investigations of crime scenes. Jones is an expert in this field and that makes him qualified to study the samples on the steel at the wtc in order to come to an understanding of what happened.

#153 Jul 18 2006 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default

polio wrote:
I've decided to look these people up. Scholars for truth is a cesspool for lies so I was pretty much 100% positive that either these people don't really exist, or they arn't REALLY structural engineers.

The scholars for truth wikipedia site says this: "They also point to the fact there are 0 Structural Engineers, and 0 Middle Eastern or Arabic language experts, and the few Engineers have little relevant work with the appropriate discipline, for example Judy Wood, who has focused her work on the stresses of dentistry."

Hear that? Zero structural engineers? I think Fetzer/Jones would demand that to be changed if it weren't true.

Being that Judy Wood was already mentioned, lets start with her. She is a mechanical engineer. She is NOT a structural engineer. That was (surprise surprise) a conspiracy lie. And, as it says above, her main area of expertise is in DENTISTRY!!!!

Next... Ted Muga? Who is this man? He's a commercial pilot, a naval aviator, AND a structural engineer? That's quite the resume. Too bad the man either doesn't exist or his credentials are greatly exagerated. I can't find anything on him. Other people were sharing my problem.
""This gentleman, who I searched as "T* Muga", "Theodore Muga", and "Ted Muga" in the FAA certificate database only to get 0 matches""" So he's not a licenced pilot. What else were they lying about?

Ditto Michael Lovingier. I can't find anything on the man. I don't believe he is a structural engineer just because scholars for truth says so. The site has been proven to exagerate these 'scholars' credentials and I suspect this is another lie.

Ken Wrenu. I think you either spelled his name wrong or you just flat out made him up. Scholars for truth doesn't even list anyone with this name.

All the other experts on your list don't even claim to be structural engineers. So no point even bringing them up.

As far as Judy wood is concerned, you can see here her extensive qualifications in studying structural dynamics. She's also an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson.

As far as the other information, it's true that there's no information on the internet about most of the other people's qualifications as structural/civil engineers and thus I've emailed Fetzer and Jones in hopes of clarifying this issue.

I'm still interested in your response to my other points. In avoiding the actual evidence presented by attacking the qualifications of those presenting the evidence you show your inability to explain such evidence.

People are accusing me of repeating myself, but the reason why I'm doing that is because there are significant points that I've mentioned in this thread that haven't been addressed and are crucially important evidence about what's going on.
#154 Jul 18 2006 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
Jopiel wrote:
So, what? Jones's fingers broke off during the test? He can't send his metal off to any other independant metallurgy lab? No one else can verify his results?

You're admitting that Jones's results have not been independently verified by any other testing? The rest of your post has nothing at all to do with testing results for thermate -- I don't care, for sake of this thread, if it was done by the government or terrorists or whoever. Find me independent verification of the results by other qualified labs who can replicate Jones's results. Don't give me limp excuses why no one else on the planet can possibly run the same tests.

I said that Jones was submiting evidence for others to verify his results. It's simply a matter of time. It's not up to him to make other people confirm his results, other experts have to take the initiative to dedicate thier time to such a project.

My point that you where responding to, however, was a different point. My point was that such examinations should have been done right away, by FEMA, NIST, and whoever else is responsible for such investigations.
#155 Jul 18 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Dronadesh wrote:
I said that Jones was submiting evidence for others to verify his results. It's simply a matter of time. It's not up to him to make other people confirm his results
Why are you throwing around guesses based on admittedly unverified data as if they were fact?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#156 Jul 18 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
metastophicleas wrote:
If you do one day find relevant information, and uncover some goverment conspiracy, what will you have accomplished? Likely the people responsable will never see justice. The lives lost will never be recovered. People already can't even begin to trust the goverment anyway, so why the crusade? No one will feel that this work was good. People who have already let grief run it's course will hate and despise you. You, and those like you will be running for your lives. Is this what you want? Do you want the world to hate you for breaking the bubble, should it actually exist?

I suppose that you have no care for anyone elses feelings, thoughts, or facts, so let me ask you this: What's the point? It's over. Nothing can change that. Most of us know someone who died as a result of 9/11. I have friends that I served with that have died in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. A friend of mine lost her older sister in the WTC attack, and another friend lost her father in the Pentagon attack. People like you are causing more pain, harm, and doing more to hurt these people than you are doing good. Just please stop your stupid crusade. Stop going out of your way to hurt these people.

With all due respect, I find your statements to be very disconcerting. There are numerous victems of 9/11 who have had thier family members killed, many of whom witnessed the events directly and survived, who believe that the government was complicit. Cognative dissonance is the greatest weapon that our government can use against us in order to subvert public dissent and keep us in the dark as to what's going on. It doesn't make any sense that victems wouldn't be interested in evidence of who attacked them unless they truly didn't want to know. And that, in my opinion, is a very dangerous position to be in.

If it's true that the government performed the 9/11 attacks, then it should be obvious why such knowledge is relevant beyond helping people stay in the comfort of self delusion. It's that very state of fear and ignorance that allows our government to do what they're doing unchecked. We have the power to hold our government officials accountable and we have the civic duty to do so.

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
- Mark Twain

"This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them, cannot be enslaved."
- Benjamin Franklin

Let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.
- Thomas Jefferson

"Fear can only prevail when victims are ignorant of the facts ".
- Thomas Jefferson

"When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny"
- Thomas Jefferson

"It is the fist responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
- Benjamin Franklin

The greatest fight that is being fought is that of psychological warfare. Pentagon war planners have admited that 90% of thier battle plans are psychological rather than physical. Edward Bernaise is a poineer in using psychological techniques against mass populations. His clientell include many major news orginizations, multiple presidents, the US army, and many different corperations.

Here's a quote from Bernaise' book "Propaganda"

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the orginized habbits and opinions of the masses is an essential element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of soiciety constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our government. We are governed, our minds molded, our tasts formed, our ideas sugested largely by men we have never heard of."
Here you can find some inside information on how the news is used to manipulate public opinion for political purposes.

This nonesense that we can't do anything to change what's going on, and the idea that everything the government says is true is conterproductive to preserving the interests of americans as a free people.

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 10:30am EDT by Dronadesh
#157 Jul 18 2006 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
Jopiel wrote:
Drona wrote:

I said that Jones was submiting evidence for others to verify his results. It's simply a matter of time. It's not up to him to make other people confirm his results

Why are you throwing around guesses based on admittedly unverified data as if they were fact?

I spoke to him directly and this is what he said. I know that it was video taped. If you'd like I can locate the person who taped it and post it here.

#158 Jul 18 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Oh yeah? Well I spoke to jones and he said you are a doody head!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#159 Jul 18 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
I just watched the preview for World Trade Center starring N. Cage and there was no visible evidence of either thermate or termites. This one is officially debunked.
#160 Jul 18 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
5,677 posts
Dronadesh wrote:
Jopiel wrote:
Drona wrote:

I said that Jones was submiting evidence for others to verify his results. It's simply a matter of time. It's not up to him to make other people confirm his results

Why are you throwing around guesses based on admittedly unverified data as if they were fact?

I spoke to him directly and this is what he said. I know that it was video taped.

niobia.... dat choo?!
#161 Jul 18 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Dronadesh wrote:
I spoke to him directly and this is what he said. I know that it was video taped. If you'd like I can locate the person who taped it and post it here.
What does that have to do with the data being independently verified?

Jones could have had the Pope videotape it and it still wouldn't make your's or Jones's claims that it was thermate based on anything except a single, unverified and unreplicated test. That's some pretty shitty science.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#162 Jul 18 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
Ok Dronadesh, I'll respond to the rest of your post. And I'm interested to see what Jones and Fetzer have to say about their lies and exagerations of their 'scholars' credentials.

Dronadesh wrote:

As I've noted before, Jones is also an expert in the field of archaeometry, part of which involves chemical analysis to ascertain the history of a particular place. And furthermore, to accept one person's opinion above another based on thier official qualifications can be an alternative to addressing the actual evidence they present.

On that note, perhaps you'd like to take a look at Jones' response to Frank Greening's material which you've linked to.

Jone's experiments with molten aluminum

Listen, I linked to a man with a Chemistry PhD. You followed with a link to a Physicist that specializes in fusion. I don't care that Jones has "worked with chemicals before". Greenings specialty in life is the study of chemical reactions. He's dedicated his life to this study. Compared to Greening, Jones is an amateur in the subject. If you really want to combat Greenings paper, than please provide an expert that is QUALIFIED IN THE FIELD to counter him with. Find another man with a PhD in chemistry. Don't quote me a theologist. Don't quote me a philosopher. Don't quote me a physicist. I don't care if they've once worked with a chemical before. That doesn't make them experts in chemicals at the level Greening is. And as it stands, I'm going to believe what the RELEVENT experts say over the agenda pushing physicist under a 'jack of all trades' guise.

Dronadesh wrote:
As far as the Bazant and Zhou paper that you linked to, in the paper they claim that "This paper presents a simplified approximate analysis of the overall collapse of the towers of World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001." Jones does respond to thier paper here stating that they in no way show how temperatures could have reached the 800 degrees celcius that they claimed melted the support beams. And concerning WTC 7 Jones had this to say:

As for WTC 7, Bazant & Zhou say little but mention in a separate “addendum” that burning natural gas might have been a source of the needed heat (Bazant and Zhou, March 2002, p. 370). The FEMA report (FEMA, 2002) addresses this issue:

Early news reports had indicated that a high pressure, 24-inch gas main was located in the vicinity of the building [WTC 7]; however, this proved not to be true." (FEMA, 2002, chapter 5; emphasis added)

Hmmm... back to this again. I quote a paper written by the most relevent experts in the world when it comes to building collapses: structural engineers. The paper passed peer review. I also linked to at least 30 more structural engineers. You countered with a Physicist again. Man. You just don't get it, do you? When your car breaks down, do you bring it to your barber for repairs? When your pet is sick, do you take him to your dry cleaner for medication?
Do you understand the concept of experts in relevent fields? Why is it that I have zero problems finding RELEVENT experts whose qualifications are EASILY PROVEN in the various fields we're discussing? When chemistry comes into play, I quote the most relevent experts. A chemist. When building collapses come in to play, I quote over 30 of the most relevent experts, structural engineers. In both cases, you quote the same physicist and other irrelevent experts with (as best we can tell) made up qualifications. Doesn't that send some warning signals to you? Are you starting to consider the fact that you were maybe duped?

I have to go now, but I'll be back later to laugh at the rest of your post.
#163 Jul 18 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,501 posts
Dronadork, you missed the point. You're on a crusade to smoke the goverment out of it's hole, and prove that there is some "vast right-wing conspiracy" to rule the world through fear and death.

You are not out to expose injustice, nor are you doing this for anyone other than yourself. Fact is, you have nothing better to do with your life than suck the teets of people far smarter than you, that hate the goverment far more than you. You've bitten the fruit of stupidity. You have seen what you think is the light and the way, when all you've done is follow some idiot and his socialist anti-agenda, and repeated the same loose played facts that they've said.

You are nothing new, special, or interesting. You've made no points that haven't been debunked, or easily dismissed. Joph has far more patients to bother searching and posting the facts than I do. I did enough research three years ago to come to the same conclusion that the rest of the sane population did (I simplified it for you so that God willing, you will understand it): airplanes hit buildings and go booom, buildings fell down and go boom, people died /sadface, it was sad.

I state again, come up with something new, original, or factual (that you can back up and prove without a shadow of a doubt). If you cannot do these things, please go outside and meet a woman. Women are those creatures that have bewbs. They love men almost as much as men love them. After you meet one, maybe you'll have a girlfriend and get laid!!!!111!!!!oneoneone!!!! Moron.

I guess I should confess now, before Dronadork figures it out...I blew up the WTC. Along with some gnomes, and some dwarves and faries. Oh, wait, there was a unicorn too...
#164 Jul 18 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Here's a quote from Bernaise' book "Propaganda"

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the orginized habbits

All that tells me is that this Bernaise person (love the sauce, by the way) can't spell either.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#165 Jul 18 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Samira wrote:
Here's a quote from Bernaise' book "Propaganda"

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the orginized habbits

All that tells me is that this Bernaise person (love the sauce, by the way) can't spell either.

Yeah. He misspelled "hobbits". :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#166 Jul 30 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I have yet to see anything that passes as a real argument about this. Everything is a bunch of re-hashed logical nitpicking. Regardless of anything else; it must be denied based on popular sentiment and nothing more; no real counter-facts that disprove or discredit the conjecture, merely empty antagonistic knee-jerk exasperations.
With the receiver in my hand..
#167 Jul 30 2006 at 8:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Smiley: disappointed
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#168 Jul 30 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Kelvyquayo wrote:

publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#169 Jul 30 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Debalic wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Kelvyquayo wrote:

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