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Thermate in WTCFollow

#77 Jul 13 2006 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
Termites could not have possibly taken down these buildings. That is all.
#78 Jul 13 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
6,471 posts
Firstly, most of the quotes that you cited me for up there weren't my own. They were part of someone else's quote that I posted in full, but really for only a few selected lines. So I'll consider that for the most part a moot point.

If you support the idea that the Trade Centers were blown up by demolition charges, then me saying that you're advocating a massive government conspiracy really shouldn't be that out of line.

But I can see by the way that you responded that this is going to go the way of the last time this was argued, where you feign back and start ignoring points made against you. I already mentioned a few inconsistencies which you didn't address. If the government wished to use 9/11 as a way to scapegoat Iraq for an invasion for oil, then why even bother citing Osama Bin Laden and attacking Afghanistan? Isn't that completely illogical?

I'll be a little more specific about what I mean by the faulty risk/reward of the supposed government conspiracy to blow up the towers. An operation like this has MASSIVE risk, because of its horrific, large-scale, and public nature. Thousands of people between the government, airlines, media, rescue workers, and general citizenry would have to be privy to it for it run smoothly. Only one of these people would need to come forward to implicate the conspirators.

And what would all this risk be for? To invade Iraq? But the government's primary rationale for the war at the time of invasion was WMD's. Why would the government use this rationale if 9/11 was supposed to be their motivation? Wouldn't they have had a plan in place which tied 9/11 directly to Iraq in the first place? When the government finally did try to implicate Iraq in 9/11, they cited an indirect correlation about harboring terrorists, and ended up fumbling the ball when many people questioned it.

You expect me to believe that the government has enough confidence in its ability to control so many factors among so many people and groups that it enacted the most cunning conspiracy in our history, but then had the ham-handedness to not even utilize the supposed benefits to their advantage properly.

I mean, if the government is capable of what you think it is, then why would tens of thousands of "internet scholars" be able to debunk the conspiracy from the comfort of their living rooms? You alternate between thinking that the government is the greatest set of masterminds ever assembled, to a bunch of incompetents with itchy trigger fingers.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 1:45pm EDT by Eske

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 1:47pm EDT by Eske
#80 Jul 13 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Here's what's really going on in this thread:

Everyone knows Charlie Sheen believes the towers were brought down by timed demolitions.

Charlie Sheen got to boink Denise Richards.

Certain people think that if they also believe the towers were brought down by timed demolitions, they'll get to boink Denise Richards.

It's very simple.
#81 Jul 13 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
6,471 posts
Youshutup wrote:
If the government wished to use 9/11 as a way to scapegoat Iraq for an invasion for oil, then why even bother citing Osama Bin Laden and attacking Afghanistan? Isn't that completely illogical?

There's quite a large oil pipeline being built underneath Afghanistan right now.

Interesting. I'll check up for more info on it. It could refute that part of my argument, but it's not clear cut evidence of conspiracy, either. And my other points still stand.

Youshutup wrote:
On topic.. I reserve judgement. At the moment there isn't any evidence saying they did it, I don't assume they did.. I've also seen a lot of stuff that rules me out assuming they didn't. I'd just like some decent digging to find out once and for all, i.e. get a bunch of engineering, physics, aeronautics guys togethor and get them to scrutinise everything. That's all.

And Eske..

I'll break it down for you..

You want me to surrender civil liberites, unquestionably obey those in command, support unprovoked attacks on other countries, and perhaps a whole bunch of other stuff (trickle down economics, a complete disregard for the well-bring of this planet we have to live on)... no way!

Good Bob! Terrorists attack!


I'm scared. And angry.

What we need is a strong leader to see us through this turmoil.

I don't think I need a dumbed-down version of the conspiracy theory, but thanks.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 3:44pm EDT by Eske
#82 Jul 13 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Is it that hard to accept that Bush, or one of his aides, realized that they could use the 9/11 tragedy to push their own agenda after the fact?

Or is it easier to believe that there was this massive government conspiracy that had to involve hundreds of people, thousands of pounds of explosives (plus the knowledge of how to perfectly place them), and coordination with terrorists who were going to hijack planes and fly them into buildings? Oh, and hope, pray, bribe, or kill these hundreds of people, who had to be involved in the conspiracy, to not tell anyone? (And no one legitimate has in the last 5 years).

And out of sheer curiousity, just what is your explanation of the other two jets? You know the one that crashed into the Pentagon (there is an easy place to plant all of those explosives) and the one that was going to hit the White House or Capital building? Were they part of the president's grand scheme too?

Look, we all know Bush is a potlicker, but give me a break if you seriously think he had 1.the intelligence to pull that off or 2.the ability to keep such an action quiet all these years.
#83 Jul 13 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Dronadesh wrote:

Jet fuel isn't a component of thermite. Thermite is a mixture of aluminum and another metal to oxidize the aluminum. Rust can be used to oxidize the aluminum, but it's not a very powerful oxidizing component. Manganese is a much more powerful oxidizing material and is what Prof Jones found in the sample he studied from the steel beam. (he also found sulfer, which would reduce the melting point of iron and is used specifically in thermite for that purpose creating a compound called thermate)

You flunked chemistry didn't you?

By the way, you might want to look up what jet aircraft frames and engine mounts are made of. They just happen to contain high concentrations of manganese and aluminum manganese alloys.

Dronadesh wrote:

Professor jones experimented with rusty steel and aluminum, aluminum and concreat, aluminum and rust powder, as well as combinations of those with plastic, gypsum (drywall), and water. In all experiments, there was no explosive reaction and no heat retention. The only role that jet fuel would play is to increase the temperature, which was done in the experiments by heating the aluminum manually to molten temperatures.

So you think ignoring existing conditions entirely is sound scientific principal. Neat.

Dronadesh wrote:

(the aluminum used was an alloy similar to what would be found in the material that made up the planes)

No, it was similar to what would be found in the outer skin of an aircraft. Not the frame and engine mounts.

Dronadesh wrote:

As far as other materials mixing with molten aluminum in order to change the color as it poured out of the buildings, his experiment wasn't designed to study the possibility of contaminants changing the color of aluminum.

Yet he and you both are willing to draw conclusions from the color of the aluminum in his experement. Thank you for proving my point beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Dronadesh wrote:

However, this whole aluminum from the planes theory is a load of crap anyways because no plane hit WTC 7 and it also collapsed and had pools of molten metal underneath it.

which was itself within the debris field ratios for WTC 1 and 2.

Dronadesh wrote:

The "skeleton" of the buiding would also consist of the 80 cm tall web joist connecting the core to the perimeter at each floor. These horizontal joists are integrally a part of the skeleton of the building. I don't understand what you mean when you say the floors and the skeletons aren't the same structure.

Yup, then they failed due to extreme heat and aircraft impact damage, and the floors started collapsing, and would have cllapsed faster because those 80cm web joist connections are a shear point, and the outer walls retained their integrity until after the floors themselves were no longer attached

Dronadesh wrote:

Furthermore, the buildings fell at close to free fall speed, and thus the speculation that the floors would be falling faster and independent from the rest of the building is completly absurd. Not to mention that the exposive blasts where stagered and appeared at multiple floors at the same time. (as can be seen in the loose change 2 footage - check it) Just take a look at this picture to see how far down these blasts go. (the shaking of the camera tripod and the debris falling right before the collapse is another compelling proof that there where explosions prior to the collapse)

Gbaji got that one.

Dronadesh wrote:

That aside, there's no way that any of the plane would have remained intact in order for there to be something to be exploded (like in the bacement for instance where multiple people witnessed explosions.) According to William Rodriguez, the head janitor of the WTC building 1 who worked there for 20 years, it was a class A building which means that all the kitchens where electric and that there was no gas piplines or tanks in the kitchens.

Sure there could have been. you ever hear what an aircraft tire sounds like when it explodes from being overheated? it's really loud. there were 6 of them in the center wing structural box, the strongest portion of the aircraft. I wouldn't be suprised if they made a noise or two. Then there are the hydraulic reserve tanks, several of which are heavy gauge steel, cook them off enough, they'll explode. And there were probably janitorial closets filled with aresol cleaners and paint cans, etc. There are lots of things that can explode in a building, none of the so called secondary explosions were loud enough to be heared outside the building, and none were recorded. Do i know what those people heared? no. But i'm pretty sure it wasn't a thermite charge, which has a sort of <hiss zip> sound when it burns rather than a loud boom.

Dronadesh wrote:

As far as how thermite would have been planted and where it would have been placed, one substantial factor is that Marvin Bush, George's brother, was a board member for securicom which provided security for the world trade center (and therefor would have access to the building). If you really wanted to examine the feasibility of planting explosives/cutter charges in the wtc you'd have to look at the floor plans, observe videos/pictures of where some of the explosions came out of (i.e. the "squibs"), what support beams would have to be taken out to make it fall the way it did, how/when it could have been done, and a lot of other technical data that would have to be put together. (I heard talk that some of the scholars for 9/11 truth crew where working on something similar to that).

I just gave you the basic data on what you would have to cut to have the top half of the building fall the way it did. Sure it might be a little rough, but there is a large margin of error in your favor with my estimate. You can wait on your crackpot friends though if it will make you feel any better

Dronadesh wrote:

Regardless, the evidence that thermite was used is overwhelming

No, it's not. Not even close.

Dronadesh wrote:

and it's rediculous to state that such thermte was created from random scrap materials put together by chance that was able to pour profusely from the side of the building and creat pools of molten metal that retained heat for weeks when in labratory conditions using the same materials (minus jet fuel and nylon as you stated which have no effect in producing thermite other than to heat up the materials) not even once where they able to create anything which remotely resembled an actual thermite reaction such as what would be needed to create the conditions seen on 9/11.

Occams razor. We know a plane hit the buildings, we know they collapsed shortly thereafter, we know that it would be absurdly difficult to get thermite charges in place, not to mention detonate them without running your onw control wires, or wirelessly which would have been picked up.

Besides it took you longer than 24 hours to put that together, so i win. Thanks for playing.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#84 Jul 13 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
People also hear explosions after earthquakes.

The guberment is detonating thermite charges in order to bring down buildings and blaming it on earthquakes! Ignore the millsions of eye witness accounts of ground shaking and physical damage!

#85 Jul 13 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,471 posts
mrwookie wrote:
Is it that hard to accept that Bush, or one of his aides, realized that they could use the 9/11 tragedy to push their own agenda after the fact?

Or is it easier to believe that there was this massive government conspiracy that had to involve hundreds of people, thousands of pounds of explosives (plus the knowledge of how to perfectly place them), and coordination with terrorists who were going to hijack planes and fly them into buildings? Oh, and hope, pray, bribe, or kill these hundreds of people, who had to be involved in the conspiracy, to not tell anyone? (And no one legitimate has in the last 5 years).

And out of sheer curiousity, just what is your explanation of the other two jets? You know the one that crashed into the Pentagon (there is an easy place to plant all of those explosives) and the one that was going to hit the White House or Capital building? Were they part of the president's grand scheme too?

Look, we all know Bush is a potlicker, but give me a break if you seriously think he had 1.the intelligence to pull that off or 2.the ability to keep such an action quiet all these years.

That's pretty much how I see it. The administration is capitalizing off of 9/11 profusely, no doubt. But that alone is not evidence of anything, especially when stacked up against the implausibility of deciding upon executing such a plan flawlessly, and the way the government has failed so publicly to properly rationalize our current military endeavors.
#87 Jul 13 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Youshutup wrote:
which was itself within the debris field ratios for WTC 1 and 2.

What the hell is that meant to mean?
This means that there was more metal than crystal found in the DF.
#88 Jul 13 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Elderon the Wise wrote:
Youshutup wrote:
which was itself within the debris field ratios for WTC 1 and 2.

What the hell is that meant to mean?
This means that there was more metal than crystal found in the DF.

Smiley: lol
#89 Jul 13 2006 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Youshutup wrote:
which was itself within the debris field ratios for WTC 1 and 2.

What the hell is that meant to mean?

Radius, I think, instead of ratios.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#90 Jul 13 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
too much ogame I guess. meant radius.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#92 Jul 14 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
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Large debris, no, but smaller stuff certanly. I was not implying that debris brought 7 down, but that the molten metal found outside it could very well have been explosive ejectia from WTC 1 or 2. They didn't find very much.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#94 Jul 14 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Okay, I have to chime in as a no-kidding Chemist who has spent the better part of 10 years working with just the metal oxidizing reactions that are in question here. This is the funniest damn thread I've read in days! Everyone citing information which they claim is 'fact' and contradicting everyone else. Watching movies which claim the blow stuff up with the dreaded Thermite Bomb does not impart knowledge. Please try and at least learn a bit about the subject before trying to hing an argument on it. I've used thermite reactions in processes, and it's damn simple. If you want to take down a building, there are about a dozen ways to do this which would leave much less of a chemical signature. Please keep this going, I need more humor in my life!
#95 Jul 14 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Odzmye the Venerable wrote:
Okay, I have to chime in as a no-kidding Chemist who has spent the better part of 10 years working with just the metal oxidizing reactions that are in question here. This is the funniest damn thread I've read in days! Everyone citing information which they claim is 'fact' and contradicting everyone else. Watching movies which claim the blow stuff up with the dreaded Thermite Bomb does not impart knowledge. Please try and at least learn a bit about the subject before trying to hing an argument on it. I've used thermite reactions in processes, and it's damn simple. If you want to take down a building, there are about a dozen ways to do this which would leave much less of a chemical signature. Please keep this going, I need more humor in my life!

Finally! Some respect for your lame career choice eh comrad?

And just so you know, Joph looks stuff up on google AND yahoo search. How do you like them apples?
#97 Jul 14 2006 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:
And just so you know, Joph looks stuff up on google AND yahoo search. How do you like them apples?
Google Image search, actually.

I'm not a chemist nor an metallurgist nor an expert in physics. But, when someone says that molten aluminium can't be yellow or red, I know how to type "aluminum foundry" into a search bar Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#98 Jul 14 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Jophiel wrote:
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:
And just so you know, Joph looks stuff up on google AND yahoo search. How do you like them apples?
Google Image search, actually.

I'm not a chemist nor an metallurgist nor an expert in physics. But, when someone says that molten aluminium can't be yellow or red, I know how to type "aluminum foundry" into a search bar Smiley: grin

Exactly. BAM! Take that random nobody.
#99 Jul 14 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Punchy today, aren't we? Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#100 Jul 14 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Punchy today, aren't we? Smiley: laugh

Worked till 2, and now back in the office. Punchy doesn't describe it.
#101 Jul 14 2006 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Youshutup wrote:
Are ou implying that molten metal spat out and landed on the building?

No Kao, you can find footage of it quite easily after the time of the attacks. It looks pretty spiffy.

Not to mention that quite a lot of additional people would have been "inconvenienced" had molten metal been spitting out that far. And you would be able to find other traces of it on the other surrounding buildings.

Maybe my science is crap, but I still don't get it.

Not that this has any major bearing on the main argument of the thread, but still.

I'll admit that was just an off the cuff conjecture on my part. Maybe one or more of the aircraft that impacted had redlined their engines before impact and started melting the second stage vanes, maybe the goivernment planted the metal, or aliens, or governmental aliens, or feral chickens? So I dunno how it got there, but i'm guessing neither does desh the conspiracy drone.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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