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Thermate in WTCFollow

#52 Jul 11 2006 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Rimesume wrote:
I would also like to add that different jetfuels burn at different tempratures.
Fifteen hundred is the usual max temperature I've seen bandied about. It's the one Popular Mechanics used in its debunking of the common 9/11 myths as well. Seems as good a temperature as any for my purposes.
Dronadesh wrote:
It does turn colors but it can't be seen in daylight conditions.
The garage photo was well lit and showed the aluminum glowing even as it cooled. Not too many people keep their foundries in their backyards so I'm not feeling too broken up that I can't find this perfect photo of spilling molten aluminum at high noon to satisfy you.

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 2:02am EDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#53 Jul 11 2006 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Rimesume wrote:
I would also like to add that different jetfuels burn at different tempratures.
Fifteen hundred is the usual max temperature I've seen bandied about. It's the one Popular Mechanics used in its debunking of the common 9/11 myths as well. Seems as good a temperature as any for my purposes.

In my line of work we run jet engines for a number of reasons. EGT(Engine Temprature) is usually 800-900F(Before afterburner), however there is also air running through an engine which would cool it down, and I've taken into consideration that the metals inside the engine are coated with heat resistant materials to keep EGT down as well.

I was not trying to falsify Popular Mechanics, yours, or anyones claims, however I am downgrading the tone of this thread that the heat of burning jet fuel is omnipotent.

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 2:17am EDT by Rimesume
#54 Jul 11 2006 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Rimesume wrote:
I was not trying to falsifying Popular Mechanics, yours, or anyones claims, however I am downgrading the tone of this thread that the heat of burning jet fuel is omnipotent.
No offense taken.

As a side note, that brilliantly glowing yellow mass that couldn't possibly be aluminum because of how brightly it glows in broad daylight is an enhanced photograph, according to the NIST (PDF Warning).
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#55 Jul 11 2006 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Dronadesh, waht exactly are you getting at with this?
With the receiver in my hand..
#56 Jul 11 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
One thing that debunkers such as Jones never address or explain to my personal satisfaction is the role played by the hundreds of thousands of tons of other material inside the towers.

These were not empty buildings. They were enormous office buildings at near full capacity. Jones' nattering on about the quality of aluminum fails to take into consideration the materials not related to the buildings themselves or to the planes, but to the office furnishings themselves.

Additionally, there was a large cloud of dust and smoke at ground level - hardly "broad daylight" conditions.

To echo Kelv, I too am curious about your purpose in posting this, aside from trolling.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#57 Jul 11 2006 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
6,471 posts
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Dronadesh, waht exactly are you getting at with this?

I've still yet to hear anyone give a viable motive for any kind of conspiracy about this thing.
#58 Jul 11 2006 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
2,501 posts
Eske wrote:
Kelvyquayo wrote:
Dronadesh, waht exactly are you getting at with this?

I've still yet to hear anyone give a viable motive for any kind of conspiracy about this thing.

Duh, to file for an insurance claim silly!

Or was that to go to war with Iraq?

Wait, no, I bet it was to jack up gas prices!!!

Or maybe, to cover up the paid hit on someone in the WTC 7 building!!!
#59 Jul 11 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
and since thermite was probably present within the building then this material coming out of the side of the building was most likely thermite.

Where do you get off saying it was most likely thermite? You say in the same sentence that thermite was probably present in the building. So probably makes things most likely? WTF? You might as well start pulling statistics and fake facts out of your ***, oh wait...

Samira wrote:

These were not empty buildings. They were enormous office buildings at near full capacity. Jones' nattering on about the quality of aluminum fails to take into consideration the materials not related to the buildings themselves or to the planes, but to the office furnishings themselves.

#60 Jul 11 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Frankly i'm amazed that anyone would think that flying a jet plane into a building would somehow not cause enough damage to the building that they had to plan in advance to blow them up with industrial explosives 6 hours later....

anyone find that just a little bit implausable?

Bush "Hey guys! i got a great idea!! lets fly a couple of planes into the WTC!! that will let us attack Iraq and get all that oil!"

Powell " great idea! hey but you think that a fully fueled 737 will be enough to knock the towers down? they are mighty big buildings..."

Bush "Your right, we should hire people to plant thousands of pounds of high explosives on the important structural points to make sure they fall down just in case... but hey don't let the press find out."

Powell " No problem, now all we need to do is find 30 islamic terrorists who are sympathetic to our cause.."
#61 Jul 11 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
I find it disturbing that people are willing to call a "scientific" paper purporting to detail how a structural building collapse occured "peer reviewed" when the peers in question were contributers to Research in Political Economy magazine, not an engineer amongst them.

In theory, the editor of the journal is supposed to ensure the peers are qualified. And the peers are supposed to understand the article or say they cannot review it.

However, the editor needs articles, the author wants to be published and may even pay the journal (ostensivly to defray the costs of publication - extra for colored images, etc). What of the peers? Generally they remain anonymous so they could be virtually anyone and generally don't speak up. Worse, the submitting author may actually help select the peers (generally by submitting a list of candidates who will understand the work).

If they publish crap, the reputation of the journal suffers. However, many journals have no real reputation to tarnish ergo the system fails.

At the moment, saying a journal is peer reviewed is like saying a man is a plumber because he has the tools. I know nothing about this journal in particular.
#62 Jul 11 2006 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
MentalFrog wrote:
Where do you get off saying it was most likely thermite? You say in the same sentence that thermite was probably present in the building. So probably makes things most likely?

Where I get off saying that the substance was most likely thermite in the context that you're reffering to is that, in the same sentance, I describe how molten metal was found in all 3 towers that fell and that thermite is a perfect explanation for how such heat could be produced and retained. Based on that information, it's very likely the substance in the footage was thermite. That was my argument, although in hindsight I can see how my choice of words made it easy to miss that point.

"Thermite accounts for the molten pools of metal wtc 1 2 and 7, as steel fueled by thermite could retain heat for long periods of time as did these pools of molten material, and since thermite was probably present within the building then this material coming out of the side of the building was most likely thermite."
#63 Jul 11 2006 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
I'm merely pointing out why you haven't proven anything to us. Your premise revolved around the point that it couldn't have been aluminum pouring from the building due to its color. You haven't made a very convincing argument for it.

My premise doesn't revolve simply around the evidence in that video footage, but revolves primarily around the sample of thermite found by Jones on the steel from the WTC. Then subsequently I brought up the molten metal pools, pictures of plumes ejecting from the WTC 1 and 2 during the collapse far below the falling structure, eye witness acounts of explosions, video/audio footage showing sound clips of explosions, and then the evidence which you chose to focus on which was the molten material flowing from the building.

As far as that evidence in particular, I've pointed out that Jones claims experiments where carried out to show that no visable glow could be seen in molten aluminum during a sunny day. I don't think that bright indoor lighting can be used as proof in place of actual sun shine, as there's significant difference in the brightness of indoor lighting and direct sunlight. It does appear that the material is in the shaded side of the building and that there is smoke in the air. Regardless, such evidence certainly isn't the cornerstone of my argument but the simplest explanation of such evidence, particularly in light of the rest of the evidence, is that thermite was used on the buildings.

Edit:I'm not sure the technical meaning of "enhanced photography" or how NIST came to the conclusion that this film footage matched that description, but if you compare the color of the material to the color of the actual fire above and to the left of it there's a very distinct difference of color. The fire is deep red and the material is bright yellow to orange.

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 9:54pm EDT by Dronadesh
#64 Jul 11 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
You know, I wonder what would pur out of a building containing acres of burning and melting nylon based office building carpet.


Oh, yeah, molten nylon and other melty office things and airplane things. Oh well that obviously leaves the Thermite issue then because Thermite isn't made of aluminum powder, iron filings, and fuel oil. oh, wait a minute, it is.

And i'm sure that aluminum building panels directly bolted to a steel structure for a couple decades wouldn't rub against eachother as a tower moved with the wind, potentially creating enogh aluminum powder to react with the girder itself and the tonnes of jet fuel released on impact. Except that similar cover panels on structures such as freeway bridges, do.


And of course, when you slam an airplane into a building and explode it, the overpressure wave of the directed and expanding explosion which is moveing away from the entry hole and would try to expand through the path of least resistance, i.e the windows surrounding the impact site, it couldn't posibly create what is commonly referred to an overpressure wave and blow all those windows out... Except that's exactly what happens when you hit something with a cruise missle (i.e. little airplane).


You mention eyewitness accounts as well. Discounting the general unreliability of eyewitness testimony, we have thousands more eyewitnesses that state that it wasn't thermite, it was a big assed airplane that crashed. Twice even. And there is video footage that does not show the building exterior panelsexplodeing before the airplane hit it.

So in conclusion, Dronadesh you are a ******* idiot of epic proportions.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#65 Jul 11 2006 at 9:34 PM Rating: Default
As far as motive is concerned, the main historical reason for false flag operations is to rally public support for offensive action against a nation or group of people. Another historical reason false flag operations where performed is to enact a state of national emergency that in effect gives the military leaders of the country greater power over people's rights and public policy.

The Neocons who are a part of the "Project For The New American Century" advocate the military dominance of the US in world politics particularly in securing valuable resources such as oil. They advocate pre-emptive war and talk about the need for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor" in order to boost the miliatary spending budget to fund this stated adjenda of global military dominance. And since 9/11 the "defense" budjet has dramatically increased. The patriot act was passed supposedly giving the government the freedom to bypass our rights simply by deeming someone a terrorist. (greenpeace and PITA are considered terrorists according to declassified FBI documents, and who knows who else is).

The fact that 9/11 was exploited and is currently being exploited to fulfill these people's adjenda certainly shows vested interest in an event like 9/11 and indicates a very probable motive to enact such an action
#66 Jul 11 2006 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Smiley: clapSmiley: schooled
Feel better now Kao? Smiley: laugh
Oh for the love of god he's still talking. Your plan didn't work Kao he's just spewing out more.

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 10:36pm EDT by Buffyisagoddess
#67 Jul 11 2006 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Dronadesh wrote:
My premise doesn't revolve simply around the evidence in that video footage, but revolves primarily around the sample of thermite found by Jones on the steel from the WTC.
When that's independently verified from findings from multiple sources, you might have something.
Regardless, such evidence certainly isn't the cornerstone of my argument but the simplest explanation of such evidence, particularly in light of the rest of the evidence, is that thermite was used on the buildings.
No, it's not. Knowing that molten aluminum can indeed reach that color, it's a much simplier explanation to say that it was glowing hot aluminum pouring forth than to weave an elaborate theory of how the building came to be filled with thermate charges to explain the material.
Edit:I'm not sure the technical meaning of "enhanced photography" or how NIST came to the conclusion that this film footage matched that description, but if you compare the color of the material to the color of the actual fire above and to the left of it there's a very distinct difference of color. The fire is deep red and the material is bright yellow to orange.
Yeah, they call that "contrast". You know, to help you better make things out? Which is the normal purpose of enhancing a photograph?

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 11:07pm EDT by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#68 Jul 11 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
Kaolian wrote:
You know, I wonder what would pur out of a building containing acres of burning and melting nylon based office building carpet.


Oh, yeah, molten nylon and other melty office things and airplane things. Oh well that obviously leaves the Thermite issue then because Thermite isn't made of aluminum powder, iron filings, and fuel oil. oh, wait a minute, it is.

And i'm sure that aluminum building panels directly bolted to a steel structure for a couple decades wouldn't rub against eachother as a tower moved with the wind, potentially creating enogh aluminum powder to react with the girder itself and the tonnes of jet fuel released on impact. Except that similar cover panels on structures such as freeway bridges, do.


And of course, when you slam an airplane into a building and explode it, the overpressure wave of the directed and expanding explosion which is moveing away from the entry hole and would try to expand through the path of least resistance, i.e the windows surrounding the impact site, it couldn't posibly create what is commonly referred to an overpressure wave and blow all those windows out... Except that's exactly what happens when you hit something with a cruise missle (i.e. little airplane).

Jones deals with this in his "Experiments with Molten Aluminum" page. Check it out.

You mention eyewitness accounts as well. Discounting the general unreliability of eyewitness testimony, we have thousands more eyewitnesses that state that it wasn't thermite, it was a big assed airplane that crashed. Twice even. And there is video footage that does not show the building exterior panelsexplodeing before the airplane hit it.

Eye witness testimony may be unreliable, but when you get multitudes of different people giving the same acount of events, then such testemony gains a lot of credibility. Especially when backed up by other evidence such as this audio/video footage. And as a side note I fail to see how accounts of the planes hitting the towers contradicts accounts that explosions where heard and felt.

Some eyewitness testimony;

fireman talking about a bomb in the building

news talks about explosions

"secondary explosions

"3 thuds"

"heavy duty explosion"

"secondary device"

reporter experiencing multiple explosions


"boom boom boom boom boom boom"


And some of course there's the extended account of eyewitness and 9/11 hero William Rodriguez who was the head janitor at the WTC.
William Rodriguez

Edited, Jul 11th 2006 at 11:18pm EDT by Dronadesh
#69 Jul 11 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
4,158 posts
Personally, after various discussions with Gbaji and others, I totally believe that the government explanation is the only one that is possible.

After all, everything that the government says is true. And, as a born again believer in all things official, who am I, an uneducated drone, unable to think or form my own personal opinions, to doubt that the Bush administration has anything but the best intentions in mind for each and every one of us.

Thanx to all those involved in my conversion and assimilation.

Kill the Iraqis! Those towel heads deserve it whats comin' to 'em for destroying those towers!

Oh! Wait hang on tho.......
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#70 Jul 11 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
paulsol wrote:
Personally, after various discussions with Gbaji and others, I totally believe that the government explanation is the only one that is possible.
I certainly believe it's the one most plausible.
[W]ho am I, an uneducated drone, unable to think or form my own personal opinions, to doubt that the Bush administration has anything but the best intentions in mind for each and every one of us.
Perhaps you won't think so but I find it somewhat telling that the people on this forum who most often take Bush and the administration to task are still of the opinion that the government explanation is most probably the correct one.

Despite your evocation of Gbaji's name, this isn't really a partisan issue.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#71 Jul 11 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Dronadesh wrote:

Jones deals with this in his "Experiments with Molten Aluminum" page. Check it out.

So, ummm, like where's the part where he did an experiment on a piece of rusty steel sitting in a vat of Jet A fuel and then drops some molten aluminum on it eh? Or the one that shows what color molten aluminum is when you mix it with contaminants such as those found in a melting office building? Because in my admittedly limited Molten aluminum casting experiance, if you contaminate the aluminum, (especially if you melt a teflon (nylon based) coated pan in your smelter and then pour it) it turns darker when melted. I'm sure that he did an experiment like that too right? because it would be criminally stupid to draw "conclusions" from an experement without first testing the known conditions of the event you are trying to replicate. Even if i'm wrong in thinking that aluminum powder plus iron plus jet fuel = potential small scale thermite residue, the fact that he didn't test any of those conditions shows he's an idiot.

Dronadesh wrote:

Especially when backed up by other evidence such as this audio/video footage.

Ok, let's make this simple for you. Take two pieces of bread, Glob a whole bunch of jelly in between them, then put them on the table together as a sandwich. got that? Ok, this is your two building floors. The jelly is flameing horrible death fire. this is allgoing on inside the building several floors down from impact, where the jet fuel has been pooling for a few minutes now.

Next, Find a large book. The phone book will work nicely for this. The phone book represents the weight of the collapsing floors above.

Now drop it on your sandwich. Note what happens to the Jelly. Huh, it squirts out the side. Or try this. Clap your hands close to your face. Feel that air rushing out when you do? See where i'm going with this now?

Now keep in mind, that the building skeliton and the floors are not entirely the same structure. the floors are supported by the skeleton, the walls are supported by themselves. A floor collapse does not necessarily pull the wall down at the same time, though by the same token a floor collapse will eventually cause the rest of the floors to collapse in a cascade effect, which will squish the building. You are seeing the overpressure from the collapse of the floors above pop the side panels, the fire is then abruptly snuffed out when the floor above finally impacts, removing the source of oxygen.

Dronadesh wrote:

And as a side note I fail to see how accounts of the planes hitting the towers contradicts accounts that explosions where heard and felt.

They don't. It was the airplanes explodeing, or floors colapsing onto one another.

Dronadesh wrote:

Some eyewitness testimony;

There is no time or date stamp on the firefighter video. that could very well be from 1993 for all I know. the rest of them described exactly what sounds you would expect from collapsing tons of steel. Secondary explosion sounds? i don't know, maybe one of the belly tanks in the airplane survived initial impact? Or it could be collapse related, or maybe a gas store in one of the scattered building cafeterias on many of the floors. Not suprising at me at all.

So lets examine your Thermite charge idea here. The floors where these thermite charges supposedly would have been placed are all actively used office spaces. We can see the exterior of the building, so the charges are not placed outside. That skyline was lit pretty much 24/7, so a bunch of military people repelling down the outside to place charges would have been noticed. It's new york, don't try to tell me everyone would have been asleep.

Now to get the effect you are talking about having occured, you would need to place the thermite charge around the girder itself directly, or use a charge in excess of 5 pounds per girder if you are away from the girder itself, say, seperated by the exterior wall insulation and drywall. There's alot of structural redundancy here, so you have to be sure you cut or severely weaken over half the girders to ensure a colapse. That means that there was either an explosive pack every oh, lets say 10 feet around the outer perimiter wall? or there were new drywall holes every 10 feet. Yet no one from any of those floors, several of whom did in fact escape before the collapse reported seeing such explosives.

So where were the charges? built into the building themselves? Nah. if nothing else the detonators would have begun to deteriorate after that long. In the roofs above the drop celing? Your explosion pictures show explosions below and in the window line.

Maybe magic evil pixies planted them?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#72 Jul 11 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
F'uck the thermate.
Answer this...

#73 Jul 12 2006 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Dronadesh wrote:
As far as motive is concerned, the main historical reason for false flag operations is to rally public support for offensive action against a nation or group of people. Another historical reason false flag operations where performed is to enact a state of national emergency that in effect gives the military leaders of the country greater power over people's rights and public policy.

The Neocons who are a part of the "Project For The New American Century" advocate the military dominance of the US in world politics particularly in securing valuable resources such as oil. They advocate pre-emptive war and talk about the need for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor" in order to boost the miliatary spending budget to fund this stated adjenda of global military dominance. And since 9/11 the "defense" budjet has dramatically increased. The patriot act was passed supposedly giving the government the freedom to bypass our rights simply by deeming someone a terrorist. (greenpeace and PITA are considered terrorists according to declassified FBI documents, and who knows who else is).

The fact that 9/11 was exploited and is currently being exploited to fulfill these people's adjenda certainly shows vested interest in an event like 9/11 and indicates a very probable motive to enact such an action

I'm going to quote a response to that statement from the last time you brought this up, back in the other thread:

fortnight wrote:
Look, we need to put this in a sticky or something.

Before you start implicating anyone in anykind of conspiracy to cover anything up, please have the following prepared.

1) A plausible motive. For anything to be worth doing the reward has to outwiegh the risks or else people have no motivation to do it. Please establis some kind of motive, even if you pull it out of your ***, before continuing. Would you jump into a pool of starving sharks for a dollar? Nither would Bush. Why? Because it's not worth it.

2) An explination of how they did it. Did they fly real planes into the WTC or was is cruise missiles? If not real planes, then how did the fake the existance of all the victims onboard the hijacked aircraft? Where are the aircraft? How did they get the people at both the FAA and all the involved airlines to go along with this. Remeber, eventually all these record become public domain under the freedom of information act. They have to match the official story or else our conspirators will be undone.

3) Enough statements that do not include the phrase "everybody knows that ______ is controlled by the government" or any permutation of that wretched argument to make your case in full. It was pointed out in another thread that everybody knows the governemnt controlls the media. Oh really? Guess I'm not included in everybody then.

4) A good understanding of occams razor and the process of logical reasoning. If you're making leaps like, "There were four clouds in the sky on an odd numbered day, so it must have been F-15 firing missiles." I don't want to talk to you. Ever.

5) A healthy respect for the people who did loose their lives that day, and no, trying to find the "truth about this" doesn't count. Loose that respect and I have none for you.

That is all for now.

The kind of conspiracy theory that you're pushing is completely implausible. It's loaded with inconsistencies and potential error which undermine the kind of precision that someone would need to execute what would be the most horrific con in the history of mankind. There's massive potential for error with controlling witnesses, documents, and the media. Why would the government take such absurd risks? There's the inconsitency of citing Al'Qaeda as the culprit and attacking Afghanistan, if the motive was actually to seize Iraq for oil. Our government has already had to say "mea culpa" about the WMD fiasco. Why would these issues even arise if they were to orchestrate 9/11 with such intents?

A conspiracy like the one you're implying reeks of heavy-handedness that counters the relative cunning that you'd like to believe the government had. There are methods to achieve a greater military presence which are hundreds of times more viable than what you suggest.

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 1:44am EDT by Eske

Edited, Jul 12th 2006 at 1:40pm EDT by Eske
#74 Jul 13 2006 at 4:14 AM Rating: Default
kaolian wrote:
So, ummm, like where's the part where he did an experiment on a piece of rusty steel sitting in a vat of Jet A fuel and then drops some molten aluminum on it eh? Or the one that shows what color molten aluminum is when you mix it with contaminants such as those found in a melting office building? Because in my admittedly limited Molten aluminum casting experiance, if you contaminate the aluminum, (especially if you melt a teflon (nylon based) coated pan in your smelter and then pour it) it turns darker when melted. I'm sure that he did an experiment like that too right? because it would be criminally stupid to draw "conclusions" from an experement without first testing the known conditions of the event you are trying to replicate. Even if i'm wrong in thinking that aluminum powder plus iron plus jet fuel = potential small scale thermite residue, the fact that he didn't test any of those conditions shows he's an idiot.

Jet fuel isn't a component of thermite. Thermite is a mixture of aluminum and another metal to oxidize the aluminum. Rust can be used to oxidize the aluminum, but it's not a very powerful oxidizing component. Manganese is a much more powerful oxidizing material and is what Prof Jones found in the sample he studied from the steel beam. (he also found sulfer, which would reduce the melting point of iron and is used specifically in thermite for that purpose creating a compound called thermate)

Professor jones experimented with rusty steel and aluminum, aluminum and concreat, aluminum and rust powder, as well as combinations of those with plastic, gypsum (drywall), and water. In all experiments, there was no explosive reaction and no heat retention. The only role that jet fuel would play is to increase the temperature, which was done in the experiments by heating the aluminum manually to molten temperatures. (the aluminum used was an alloy similar to what would be found in the material that made up the planes)

As far as other materials mixing with molten aluminum in order to change the color as it poured out of the buildings, his experiment wasn't designed to study the possibility of contaminants changing the color of aluminum. However, this whole aluminum from the planes theory is a load of crap anyways because no plane hit WTC 7 and it also collapsed and had pools of molten metal underneath it.

kaolian wrote:
Ok, let's make this simple for you. Take two pieces of bread, Glob a whole bunch of jelly in between them, then put them on the table together as a sandwich. got that? Ok, this is your two building floors. The jelly is flameing horrible death fire. this is allgoing on inside the building several floors down from impact, where the jet fuel has been pooling for a few minutes now.

Next, Find a large book. The phone book will work nicely for this. The phone book represents the weight of the collapsing floors above.

Now drop it on your sandwich. Note what happens to the Jelly. Huh, it squirts out the side. Or try this. Clap your hands close to your face. Feel that air rushing out when you do? See where i'm going with this now?

Now keep in mind, that the building skeliton and the floors are not entirely the same structure. the floors are supported by the skeleton, the walls are supported by themselves. A floor collapse does not necessarily pull the wall down at the same time, though by the same token a floor collapse will eventually cause the rest of the floors to collapse in a cascade effect, which will squish the building. You are seeing the overpressure from the collapse of the floors above pop the side panels, the fire is then abruptly snuffed out when the floor above finally impacts, removing the source of oxygen.

I assume that you're trying to explain the ejection of material from the building below the collapse of the buildings (the link that I'd posted that you where responding to was focused on the audo recording of explosives before the collapse of the building which confirms the testimony of people hearing multiple explosions before and during the collapse of the buildings and is a different subject than what you're explaining). The "skeleton" of the buiding would also consist of the 80 cm tall web joist connecting the core to the perimeter at each floor. These horizontal joists are integrally a part of the skeleton of the building. I don't understand what you mean when you say the floors and the skeletons aren't the same structure. Furthermore, the buildings fell at close to free fall speed, and thus the speculation that the floors would be falling faster and independent from the rest of the building is completly absurd. Not to mention that the exposive blasts where stagered and appeared at multiple floors at the same time. (as can be seen in the loose change 2 footage - check it) Just take a look at this picture to see how far down these blasts go. (the shaking of the camera tripod and the debris falling right before the collapse is another compelling proof that there where explosions prior to the collapse)

kaolian wrote:
Dronadesh wrote:
And as a side note I fail to see how accounts of the planes hitting the towers contradicts accounts that explosions where heard and felt.

They don't. It was the airplanes explodeing, or floors colapsing onto one another.

Dronadesh wrote:
Some eyewitness testimony;

There is no time or date stamp on the firefighter video. that could very well be from 1993 for all I know. the rest of them described exactly what sounds you would expect from collapsing tons of steel. Secondary explosion sounds? i don't know, maybe one of the belly tanks in the airplane survived initial impact? Or it could be collapse related, or maybe a gas store in one of the scattered building cafeterias on many of the floors. Not suprising at me at all.

So lets examine your Thermite charge idea here. The floors where these thermite charges supposedly would have been placed are all actively used office spaces. We can see the exterior of the building, so the charges are not placed outside. That skyline was lit pretty much 24/7, so a bunch of military people repelling down the outside to place charges would have been noticed. It's new york, don't try to tell me everyone would have been asleep.

Now to get the effect you are talking about having occured, you would need to place the thermite charge around the girder itself directly, or use a charge in excess of 5 pounds per girder if you are away from the girder itself, say, seperated by the exterior wall insulation and drywall. There's alot of structural redundancy here, so you have to be sure you cut or severely weaken over half the girders to ensure a colapse. That means that there was either an explosive pack every oh, lets say 10 feet around the outer perimiter wall? or there were new drywall holes every 10 feet. Yet no one from any of those floors, several of whom did in fact escape before the collapse reported seeing such explosives.

So where were the charges? built into the building themselves? Nah. if nothing else the detonators would have begun to deteriorate after that long. In the roofs above the drop celing? Your explosion pictures show explosions below and in the window line.

Maybe magic evil pixies planted them?

After close examination of the "there's a bomb in the building, start clearing out" footage, I agree with you that there's no way to link it to 9/11 WTC attacks. Otherwise, the rest of the eyewitness testimony makes it abundantly clear that police, firemen, reporters, and civilians all experienced multiple explosions that can't be explained as the collapse of the towers.

That aside, there's no way that any of the plane would have remained intact in order for there to be something to be exploded (like in the bacement for instance where multiple people witnessed explosions.) According to William Rodriguez, the head janitor of the WTC building 1 who worked there for 20 years, it was a class A building which means that all the kitchens where electric and that there was no gas piplines or tanks in the kitchens.

As far as how thermite would have been planted and where it would have been placed, one substantial factor is that Marvin Bush, George's brother, was a board member for securicom which provided security for the world trade center (and therefor would have access to the building). If you really wanted to examine the feasibility of planting explosives/cutter charges in the wtc you'd have to look at the floor plans, observe videos/pictures of where some of the explosions came out of (i.e. the "squibs"), what support beams would have to be taken out to make it fall the way it did, how/when it could have been done, and a lot of other technical data that would have to be put together. (I heard talk that some of the scholars for 9/11 truth crew where working on something similar to that).

Regardless, the evidence that thermite was used is overwhelming and it's rediculous to state that such thermte was created from random scrap materials put together by chance that was able to pour profusely from the side of the building and creat pools of molten metal that retained heat for weeks when in labratory conditions using the same materials (minus jet fuel and nylon as you stated which have no effect in producing thermite other than to heat up the materials) not even once where they able to create anything which remotely resembled an actual thermite reaction such as what would be needed to create the conditions seen on 9/11.
#75 Jul 13 2006 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Let me get this straight. Basically, this professor found traces of manganese on the steel, and so he concludes that there must have been thermite used as explosives to collapse the building?

Bit of a stretch, don't you think? And really crappy sceince. He needs to show that this is the most likely explanation for the material, not just that it's a possibility. We're talking about a *really* large pair of buildings. With a bunch of stuff in them. I'm pretty sure you'll find trace amounts of virtually every element under the sun on that steel.

Oh. And stop saying that building fell at free-fall speed. It didn't. The makers of the Loose Change video just said it and you (and other CTs just swallow it without spending a half second's brainpower). Watch the video. See the debris falling? Notice it's falling *faster* then the building is collapsing?

Even demolitioned buildings don't fall at free-fall speed. Can't. Ok. They can, but only if you perfectly time your demolitions to blow every single floor support out at the exact same time. No one does this, and the tiny number of flashes seen when the WTC buildings fell are nowhere near what you'd see if this happened. Watch actual footage of a demolition sometime. You don't see random flashes coming out of windows. You see neat ordered lines of flashes firing in a precise pattern and order. Because that's what has to happen for a demolition to work.

The flashes and debris expulsion is completely explained by overpressure. In fact every single thing seen or witnessed is consistent with a building that collapsed as a result of a large fully fueled 757 plowing into it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#76 Jul 13 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
eske wrote:

1) A plausible motive. For anything to be worth doing the reward has to outwiegh the risks or else people have no motivation to do it. Please establis some kind of motive, even if you pull it out of your ***, before continuing. Would you jump into a pool of starving sharks for a dollar? Nither would Bush. Why? Because it's not worth it.

I posted what I thought was a relevant motive. Perhaps you'd like to coment on it.

eske wrote:
2) An explination of how they did it. Did they fly real planes into the WTC or was is cruise missiles? If not real planes, then how did the fake the existance of all the victims onboard the hijacked aircraft? Where are the aircraft? How did they get the people at both the FAA and all the involved airlines to go along with this. Remeber, eventually all these record become public domain under the freedom of information act. They have to match the official story or else our conspirators will be undone.

You can't generate a plausible theory before you collect all the data. We need to have a real investigation into these matters before we begin to draw conclusioins.

On the FBI's most wanted poster of Osama Bin Laden he's not wanted for 9/11, just the '93 wtc bombing. When asked about it the FBI spokesman comented that they didn't have sufficiant evidence that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks.

And as for the 9/11 comission, there are multitudes of reasons why such investigations can't be considered authoritative. Don't take my word for it, 25 current and former intelligence officials from orginizations like the CIA, FBI, FAA, DoD, Naval Intelligence, and Homeland Security signed this letter to Congress heavily critisizing the 9/11 commission.

Ultimately, no theory will be acceptable until a real investigation has been conducted considering any and all of the possible evidence concerning 9/11 including testemony by subpena and accountability for "mistakes" made by officials within our government. A good example is that Steven Jones, a concerned citizen with the expertise to study the steel for evidence of demolitions, is the only effing person to conduct such a study! Obviously if there's no foul play there's certainly a gross inadequecy in our government's ability to investigate crucial events and protect us from a highly preventable attack. However, as I'd be more than happy to proove, there's ample evidence that such failures are the result of foul play and we need to do something about it.

"eske" wrote:
3) Enough statements that do not include the phrase "everybody knows that ______ is controlled by the government" or any permutation of that wretched argument to make your case in full. It was pointed out in another thread that everybody knows the governemnt controlls the media. Oh really? Guess I'm not included in everybody then.

I resent the fact that you're insinuating that I'm making generalizations without pointing out how I may be doing so. Essentially you're being a hypocrite by making a generalization without giving any evidence to support it.

"eske" wrote:
4) A good understanding of occams razor and the process of logical reasoning. If you're making leaps like, "There were four clouds in the sky on an odd numbered day, so it must have been F-15 firing missiles." I don't want to talk to you. Ever.

Again, you're making unfair insinuations. Actually occams razor has been brought up in this thread and I think that such principles should certainly be applied to the interpretation of evidence.

eske" wrote:
5) A healthy respect for the people who did loose their lives that day, and no, trying to find the "truth about this" doesn't count. Loose that respect and I have none for you.

I can't believe that you're saying this. I don't understand how in any way questioning the status quo about what happened is disrespectful at all to the victems and those who where directly effected by 9/11. I do, however, think it's disrespectful to speak on behalf of such people saying what thier feelings are about 9/11 and who they think was responsible. It's our duty to make sure that those who are accountable for this attack are identified and held accountable, and public discourse is a vital component in this process.

The kind of conspiracy theory that you're pushing is completely implausible. It's loaded with inconsistencies and potential error which undermine the kind of precision that someone would need to execute what would be the most horrific con in the history of mankind. There's massive potential for error with controlling witnesses, documents, and the media. Why would the government take such absurd risks? There's the inconsitency of citing Al'Qaeda as the culprit and attacking Afghanistan, if the motive was actually to seize Iraq for oil. Our government has already had to say "mea culpa" about the WMD fiasco. Why would these issues even arise if they were to orchestrate 9/11 with such intents?

A conspiracy like the one you're implying reeks of heavy-handedness that counters the relative cunning that you'd like to believe the government had. There are methods to achieve a greater military presence which are hundreds of times more viable than what you suggest.

You say that such conspiracy thoerys as those that I advocate are full of inconsistancies and are implausible. Perhaps you should address the exact thoeries that I'm promoting and tell me how they are inconsistant with facts and implausable rather than making a blanket statement putting everything into a convinient package that can be stamped and labled without even looking into and confronting it's contents.

It's funny that you should mention the relationship between Al'Qaeda and Iraq. It seems very odd to me that they used the war on terror as a pretext to make war with Iraq. It doesn't seem implausable to me that Al'Qaeda is just a patsy orginization meant to rally public support for a war on the middle east, as that seems to be what it's done. Especially considering that the FBI themselves have admitted that they have no evidence linking 9/11 with Osama Bin Laden. (not to mention that many of the 19 highjackers have been found to be alive) There's no doubt that there's a governmental conspiracy, that's the very nature of the CIA and classified military documents. It's a question of what exactly they're conspiring and whether 9/11 was one of those operations.

And furthermore, who are you to understand what potential the government has and how they calculate risks. It's a fact that the CIA places agents in stratigic positions to oversee the workings of orginizations which effect global interests. It's certainly not implausible for such people to oversee compartmentalized operations on a need to know basis, keeping those under them in the dark while enacting plans that only a few people understand. It's possible that under such a system that they could orchistrate something like 9/11. And it's not unplausable for agents who understand what's going on to be silenced as is being done currently with many intelligence officials who have taken the role of whistle blowers.

I'd be happy to discuss all this on a case by case basis to give you the opertunity to proove how my thoeries are implausible and inconsistant. Currently I've been discussing evidence that demolitions where used to take down the WTC. Perhaps you've found some inconsistancies with those arguments that you'd like to point out. Just don't pigeon hole me and assume that I support all varieties of conspiracy thoeries as I know there are multitudes of thoeries that are based on weak evidence or even none at all.
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