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Take away our right to vote next?Follow

#27 Jul 04 2006 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
In order to quote me, click "Reply to this post", on my post, and then click "Quote Original".

Took me a while to figure it out...

vanelr wrote:
Is this a new religion?


Let's clarify, if something EVOLVES to the point that it is not recognizable by its our definition, can we than call it death?

Yes. However, liberalism has existed since the Eighteenth Century, at least, and feminism since... well, Joan of Arc, I guess. So I sincerely doubt either of those is about to "die".

When did this happen?

When the government tries to ban gay marriage through an amendment in the constitution. When they try to reverse Roe V Wade on any grounds other than science. When they try to pretend that creationism=evolution. For exemple.

I didnt even know that the gov. had a religious belief?

Well then you should pay closer attention to Mr Bush's speeches.

It is the role of the government to uphold the will of the majority while protecting the rights of the minority. If the majority ( 85% christains) wants to say a prayer in school, than it should be allowed as long as we dont force the minority to HAVE to participate.

I don't think so. You can pray at home, at work, in your head, whereever. Public schools, however, are a public space, that should not be used to prosyletise anyone. I really can't see waht religion has to do with schools. You send them there to get some education. If they want religious education, then let them go to church school.

But that's just my opinion. In Iran, they have a symbiosis of government and religion, and it seems to be dandy for them, so who knows.

Again, I have not witnessed this but my point is: What about the individual, who btw is also the majority, CHOOSES religion as a priority?

Iran. It can be done. I don't think it's healthy for secular democracies to do it, but once again, that's just my opinion.

And you can prove this how? Since the largest issue with abortion is determining when is life created,You could sway many many people (including me) to your side of the agrument IF you can but prove your above statement.

In humans, a fetus develops from the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, when the major structures and organ systems have formed. Before that, it is not much more than acluster of formative cells. Which, in my opinion, don't constitute an "individual". It is an embryo. No brain, no heart.

From 8 week onwards, I agree it's a more thorny issue. Until then, I can't say it is an "individual".

Hmmm, just because I'm a guy means I have no opinion? BTW, if YOU decide to keep the child, the law will require me to pay support for 18 years, and yet I'm still not entitled to voice an opinion?

Oh no, you have an opinion. It's just pretty much worthless because you have no direct experince of the situation. Just like me. It's like an accountant telling soldier how to best to his job. You can think about it, but thinking will never come close to experiencing. We don't have tht body, we don't carry kids, we have no friggin idea. Women don't tell me how to **** standing up, I don't tell tehm what to do with their body.

Finally, since you want to ban abortion, you'll have to pay support anyway, so this argument is pretty much redundant.

Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 5:25am EDT by RedPhoenixxxxxx
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#28 Jul 04 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
vanelr wrote:

Hmmm, just because I'm a guy means I have no opinion? BTW, if YOU decide to keep the child, the law will require me to pay support for 18 years, and yet I'm still not entitled to voice an opinion?

Ahh, this tired old chestnut again.

Kindly answer the following questions, referring only to the way ONLY a pregnancy and childbirth and childrearing will DIRECTLY impact you, as a male:

Will you, yourself, experience morning sickness? Not sympathetic morning sickness, but TRUE morning sickness, complete with scent sensitivities that can induce nausea at any given time of day.

Is there any possibility that the aforementioned morning sickness will be so severe it can keep you from performing your job and/or schoolwork, either by affecting your attendance or rendering you useless when you are present?

Will you experience three months where all your body wants to do is sleep, rendering you a zombie for the duration of the second trimester and again, potentially impacting your work and/or education?

Will your friends, family, neighbors, employers, coworkers, or fellow students all begin to treat you differently because of the pregnancy?

Will you have to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes because the baby is using your bladder as a trampoline?

Do you run the risk of being harassed and possibly injured by protesters outside a Planned Parenthood clinic if you so much as walk through the doors for information about your options?

Will you be denied a job opportunity because pending childbirth will mean you will have to take a chunk of time off work?

Will you experience...
...Stretch marks you have to slather in a fortune of Vitamin E lotion?
...Hemmorhoids so bad you have to sit on a doughnut-shaped thingy?
...Heartburn so bad you chomp on Rolaids like candy?
...backaches so bad it feels like your backache has a backache?
...the agony of a baby dancing the lambada on your sciatic nerve?

Will your belly become public domain so that any passing stranger will feel completely justified in walking up to you and touching the bulge?

Is there any chance you will be hospitalized for an abrupted placenta which places you in danger of death and forces you on bedrest for up to three or more months, again impacting your attendance and performance at work and/or school and possibly costing you your job or putting you on academic probation?

Will your blood pressure shoot up in a condition known as pre-eclampsia, again threatening your life when pre-eclampsia becomes eclampsia, complete with seizures?

Will gestational diabetes put you in danger of having an overlarge baby, requiring you to have the baby via C-section?

Will you be put on bedrest for up to three months to avoid pre-term labor, again impacting employment or academic performance?

Will you, yourself, actually have to experience the pain of childbirth?

Will you have to experience the pain of a Cesarian section, which is ultimately a euphemism for MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY.

Do you run the risk of hemmorhaging and possibly bleeding to death as a result of either of the above processes?

Will you, yourself, have to experience a protracted hospital stay due to complications of any of the above processes?

Will you experience days, or even weeks, of postpartum bleeding requiring you to wear a maxi-pad approximately the size of a diaper?

Will you have to experience breastfeeding, with all its attendant complications in a culture that doesn't make much of an effort to support breastfeeding, including...
...your nipples get chafed and sore?
...your blouses get stained when the milk lets down before you actually manage to get a kid attached to the nipple? have to hide in tbe bathroom to pump like it's something shameful? get glares from old biddies if you have the audacity to breastfeed in public? get a yeast infection in your nipples and the baby's mouth, meaning that it feels as though the baby is sucking ground glass through your nipples, and screaming in pain all the while its doing it, making breastfeeding not only painful but emotionally draining?

If you give the kid up for adoption, will you then have to explain to every casual acquaintance and coworker who knew you were pregnant and now sees you don't have a baby what your emotional and personal choice was?

Will you have to deal with the fact that your body will NEVER be the same again, not only in looks, but in function?

Will the way you are regarded by every friend, relative, neighbor, casual acquaintance, fellow student, coworker and employer be forever altered regardless of whether or not you kept the baby, because of whichever choice you made?

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. THIS is why men don't get an equal vote in the decision. THEY DON'T HAVE TO F'UCKING GO THROUGH IT. They can be on the fringes of it, and if they're nice guys, they might have a financial obligation they actually attempt to meet, but ultimately, after the sperm donation is made, any guy can skip out and refuse to experience ANY of the pregnancy, child-birth, or child-rearing complications. It's our bodies that are discomfitted, our health that is placed in danger, our lives that are at stake, both mortally and materially. Even if you give the baby up for adoption, the effects of pregnancy can significantly impact your life for months or years to come, especially as regards your health and employment situation.

So unless and until you, as a male, can take the burden of these effects from the woman and bear them yourself, consider yourself BLESSED if the woman in question is generous enough to give you a minority vote in the decision of whether or not to experience the pregnancy. The financial obligation of child support has NOTHING on the impact actually experiencing a pregnancy can have upon a woman's life, regardless of whether or not she keeps the baby.

Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 2:24pm EDT by Ambrya
#29 Jul 04 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Ahh, this tired old chestnut again.

Kindly answer the following questions, referring only to the way ONLY a pregnancy and childbirth and childrearing will DIRECTLY impact you, as a male:

Will you, yourself, experience morning sickness? Not sympathetic morning sickness, but TRUE morning sickness, complete with scent sensitivities that can induce nausea at any given time of day.

Is there any possibility that the aforementioned morning sickness will be so severe it can keep you from performing your job and/or schoolwork, either by affecting your attendance or rendering you useless when you are present?

Will you experience three months where all your body wants to do is sleep, rendering you a zombie for the duration of the second trimester and again, potentially impacting your work and/or education?

Will your friends, family, neighbors, employers, coworkers, or fellow students all begin to treat you differently because of the pregnancy?

Do you run the risk of being harassed and possibly injured by protesters outside a Planned Parenthood clinic if you so much as walk through the doors for information about your options?

Will you be denied a job opportunity because pending childbirth will mean you will have to take a chunk of time off work?

Will you experience...
...Stretch marks you have to slather in a fortune of Vitamin E lotion?
...Hemmorhoids so bad you have to sit on a doughnut-shaped thingy?
...Heartburn so bad you chomp on Rolaids like candy?

Will your belly become public domain so that any passing stranger will feel completely justified in walking up to you and touching the bulge?

Is there any chance you will be hospitalized for an abrupted placenta which places you in danger of death and forces you on bedrest for up to three or more months, again impacting your attendance and performance at work and/or school and possibly costing you your job or putting you on academic probation?

Will your blood pressure shoot up in a condition known as pre-eclampsia, again threatening your life when pre-eclampsia becomes eclampsia, complete with seizures?

Will you be put on bedrest for up to three months to avoid pre-term labor, again impacting employment or academic performance?

Will you, yourself, actually have to experience the pain of childbirth?

Will you have to experience the pain of a Cesarian section, which is ultimately a euphemism for MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY.

Do you run the risk of hemmorhaging and possibly bleeding to death as a result of either of the above processes?

Will you, yourself, have to experience a protracted hospital stay due to complications of any of the above processes?

Will you experience days, or even weeks, of postpartum bleeding requiring you to wear a maxi-pad approximately the size of a diaper?

Will you have to experience breastfeeding, with all its attendant complications in a culture that doesn't make much of an effort to support breastfeeding, including...

...your nipples get chafed and sore?

...your blouses get stained when the milk lets down before you actually manage to get a kid attached to the nipple? have to hide in tbe bathroom to pump like it's something shameful? get glares from old biddies if you have the audacity to breastfeed in public? get a yeast infection in your nipples and the baby's mouth, meaning that it feels as though the baby is sucking ground glass through your nipples, and screaming in pain all the while its doing it, making breastfeeding not only painful but emotionally draining?

If you give the kid up for adoption, will you then have to explain to every casual acquaintance and coworker who knew you were pregnant and now sees you don't have a baby what your emotional and personal choice was?

Will you have to deal with the fact that your body will NEVER be the same again, not only in looks, but in function?

Will the way you are regarded by every friend, relative, neighbor, casual acquaintance, fellow student, coworker and employer be forever altered regardless of whether or not you kept the baby, because of whichever choice you made?

You are the pinnacle of the feminist whiner. Life is so tough as a girl isn't it? I hope you give your mom a nice mother's day card each year for her troubles. Wow you are a complete waste of space.

You do know that raising a child, watching him grow, and all the gifts beyond is probably one of the greatest gifts a human being will ever experience in their lifetime. But malcontent, aching vaginas in desperate need of an industrial portion of vagisil like yourself, would probably pollute the idea of child rearing. You would only focus on the negative, like cost, diapers, screaming, 3:00 AM feedings, kid messes up and becomes a pothead for little while in school, loses virginity at age 13, all of the above. I pity your species, you will never experience the real joys in this life, you have no concept of what they potentially are.
#30 Jul 04 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
You do realize you don't have to quote a whole long post if you don't actually plan to respond to any of the points in it, right?

Here I thought you'd given up stalking me, Praetorian. I admit, you've been doing well for a while about not following me around from thread to thread not for the purpose of actually contributing anything to the thread, but just for the purpose of flinging more of your hysterical diatribes at me. Now, however, you're falling back into your old ways again.

None of what you said counters the truth of what I said (or really has all that much to do with anything we are discussing here--way to be irrelevent!) It's a woman's decision because a woman has to go through it and deal with the consequences of it in a way that a man simply never can.

As for my personal sentiments as regards my own life, you have no idea what they are, and frankly couldn't be more wrong. I've said before that Ambrya 2.0 is in the "planning" stages (not conceived yet, but heading in that direction if all goes well.) I've also made it very clear a number of times that the career I am soon to embark upon is going to be providing medical care for pregnant women and deliverying babies. Do you think EITHER of these points would be true if I didn't have a VERY strong appreciation for the wonder and joy of pregnancy and childbirth? I WANT to be pregnant and experience the whole ride--that's why I've overcome a very strong reservation about contributing to the burgeoning population crisis enough to have a child of my own instead of just adopting. I WANT to share in the joy of other pregnant women and provide them with comfort, support and encouragement, which is why I have chosen to become a midwife.

I didn't say it's not without its rewards. But neither is it without its risks and consequences, almost ALL of which fall upon the woman to bear ultimately. And those risks and complications being upon the woman's shoulders are the reason that women are ultimately the ones who should rightfully decide the abortion question, not men.

#31 Jul 04 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
874 posts
Ambrya wrote:
Some giant dripping vigina sob story

A) Don't have kids
B) Adopt

I don't get any tail for 9 months (6, if your into that sort of thing), and I dealt with it just fine.
#32 Jul 04 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Molish wrote:
Ambrya wrote:
Some giant dripping vigina sob story

A) Don't have kids
B) Adopt

I don't get any tail for 9 months (6, if your into that sort of thing), and I dealt with it just fine.

You missed the point, Molish. The question of why the decision of whether or not to abort doesn't fall equally into the man's hands was raised. The laundry-list of pregnancy-related problems is the reason why. You say "don't have kids" well, that's kinda the point--my post is why women should be the ones to make the bulk of that call rather than men getting an equal vote in the question.
#33 Jul 04 2006 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
The One and Only Katie wrote:
All that bra burning down the drain!

The ban would apply to all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest, except when the mother's life is threatened.

I realize this will not take effect unless the supreme court over turns Roe vs. Wade. I still think this is Shit. Complete and fUcking bull Shit! Give up with the Abstinence Shit already and teach people how to protect themselves. Make birth control OTC already! Out law abortion and people will turn to back alley abortions that kill both mother and child. Imagine the increase in well fare!

Hahhahaha telling a bunch of rednecks who were doing their cousins at aage 12 to promote safe sex rather than no sex. I don't even know where to start ...

Smiley: oyvey
#34 Jul 04 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Ambrya wrote:
vanelr wrote:

Hmmm, just because I'm a guy means I have no opinion? BTW, if YOU decide to keep the child, the law will require me to pay support for 18 years, and yet I'm still not entitled to voice an opinion?

Ahh, this tired old chestnut again.

Kindly answer the following questions, referring only to the way ONLY a pregnancy and childbirth and childrearing will DIRECTLY impact you, as a male:

Will you, yourself, experience morning sickness? Not sympathetic morning sickness, but TRUE morning sickness, complete with scent sensitivities that can induce nausea at any given time of day.

Is there any possibility that the aforementioned morning sickness will be so severe it can keep you from performing your job and/or schoolwork, either by affecting your attendance or rendering you useless when you are present?

Will you experience three months where all your body wants to do is sleep, rendering you a zombie for the duration of the second trimester and again, potentially impacting your work and/or education?

Will your friends, family, neighbors, employers, coworkers, or fellow students all begin to treat you differently because of the pregnancy?

Will you have to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes because the baby is using your bladder as a trampoline?

Do you run the risk of being harassed and possibly injured by protesters outside a Planned Parenthood clinic if you so much as walk through the doors for information about your options?

Will you be denied a job opportunity because pending childbirth will mean you will have to take a chunk of time off work?

Will you experience...
...Stretch marks you have to slather in a fortune of Vitamin E lotion?
...Hemmorhoids so bad you have to sit on a doughnut-shaped thingy?
...Heartburn so bad you chomp on Rolaids like candy?
...backaches so bad it feels like your backache has a backache?
...the agony of a baby dancing the lambada on your sciatic nerve?

Will your belly become public domain so that any passing stranger will feel completely justified in walking up to you and touching the bulge?

Is there any chance you will be hospitalized for an abrupted placenta which places you in danger of death and forces you on bedrest for up to three or more months, again impacting your attendance and performance at work and/or school and possibly costing you your job or putting you on academic probation?

Will your blood pressure shoot up in a condition known as pre-eclampsia, again threatening your life when pre-eclampsia becomes eclampsia, complete with seizures?

Will gestational diabetes put you in danger of having an overlarge baby, requiring you to have the baby via C-section?

Will you be put on bedrest for up to three months to avoid pre-term labor, again impacting employment or academic performance?

Will you, yourself, actually have to experience the pain of childbirth?

Will you have to experience the pain of a Cesarian section, which is ultimately a euphemism for MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY.

Do you run the risk of hemmorhaging and possibly bleeding to death as a result of either of the above processes?

Will you, yourself, have to experience a protracted hospital stay due to complications of any of the above processes?

Will you experience days, or even weeks, of postpartum bleeding requiring you to wear a maxi-pad approximately the size of a diaper?

Will you have to experience breastfeeding, with all its attendant complications in a culture that doesn't make much of an effort to support breastfeeding, including...
...your nipples get chafed and sore?
...your blouses get stained when the milk lets down before you actually manage to get a kid attached to the nipple? have to hide in tbe bathroom to pump like it's something shameful? get glares from old biddies if you have the audacity to breastfeed in public? get a yeast infection in your nipples and the baby's mouth, meaning that it feels as though the baby is sucking ground glass through your nipples, and screaming in pain all the while its doing it, making breastfeeding not only painful but emotionally draining?

If you give the kid up for adoption, will you then have to explain to every casual acquaintance and coworker who knew you were pregnant and now sees you don't have a baby what your emotional and personal choice was?

Will you have to deal with the fact that your body will NEVER be the same again, not only in looks, but in function?

Will the way you are regarded by every friend, relative, neighbor, casual acquaintance, fellow student, coworker and employer be forever altered regardless of whether or not you kept the baby, because of whichever choice you made?

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. THIS is why men don't get an equal vote in the decision. THEY DON'T HAVE TO F'UCKING GO THROUGH IT. They can be on the fringes of it, and if they're nice guys, they might have a financial obligation they actually attempt to meet, but ultimately, after the sperm donation is made, any guy can skip out and refuse to experience ANY of the pregnancy, child-birth, or child-rearing complications. It's our bodies that are discomfitted, our health that is placed in danger, our lives that are at stake, both mortally and materially. Even if you give the baby up for adoption, the effects of pregnancy can significantly impact your life for months or years to come, especially as regards your health and employment situation.

So unless and until you, as a male, can take the burden of these effects from the woman and bear them yourself, consider yourself BLESSED if the woman in question is generous enough to give you a minority vote in the decision of whether or not to experience the pregnancy. The financial obligation of child support has NOTHING on the impact actually experiencing a pregnancy can have upon a woman's life, regardless of whether or not she keeps the baby.

Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 2:24pm EDT by Ambrya

In a word ... Smiley: cry
#35 Jul 04 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
As for my personal sentiments as regards my own life, you have no idea what they are, and frankly couldn't be more wrong. I've said before that Ambrya 2.0 is in the "planning" stages (not conceived yet, but heading in that direction if all goes well.) I've also made it very clear a number of times that the career I am soon to embark upon is going to be providing medical care for pregnant women and deliverying babies. Do you think EITHER of these points would be true if I didn't have a VERY strong appreciation for the wonder and joy of pregnancy and childbirth? I WANT to be pregnant and experience the whole ride--that's why I've overcome a very strong reservation about contributing to the burgeoning population crisis enough to have a child of my own instead of just adopting. I WANT to share in the joy of other pregnant women and provide them with comfort, support and encouragement, which is why I have chosen to become a midwife.

Funny, no one on this planet would have ever realized these noble qualities about you unless you actually revealed it to them. You would be better off handing out rim jobs, refrain from reproduction.
#36 Jul 04 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Ambrya wrote:
Molish wrote:
Ambrya wrote:
Some giant dripping vigina sob story

A) Don't have kids
B) Adopt

I don't get any tail for 9 months (6, if your into that sort of thing), and I dealt with it just fine.

You missed the point, Molish. The question of why the decision of whether or not to abort doesn't fall equally into the man's hands was raised. The laundry-list of pregnancy-related problems is the reason why. You say "don't have kids" well, that's kinda the point--my post is why women should be the ones to make the bulk of that call rather than men getting an equal vote in the question.

Meh, the fact still stands. I get tired of hearing that sob story.

A real man will be with you through that 1000%, the whole way. Ever heard of sympathy pains? Having to work twice as hard for two more now that you might not be able to? 3/4 of what you posted statistically won't happen to a woman during her pregnancy. I statistically won't get run over by a car if I carefully cross the street. Do that mean it won't happen? Of course not, but it's highly unlikely. I can go toe to toe with your whole sob story crap you posted.

A REAL man will do it all in stride and provide everything you may ever need to help you through that stage in your life.

Whatever you go through, a real man will make damn sure he keeps you as happy, healthy, and alive as possible.

You can't do it without me. That is my DNA in there too. You felt I was a valid choice when you slept with me. 50%-50% straight.

Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 3:34pm EDT by Molish
#37 Jul 04 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
You know what time it is? It's time for a sexy party.
#38 Jul 04 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Molish wrote:

A REAL man will do it all in stride and provide everything you may ever need to help you through that stage in your life.

Whatever you go through, a real man will make damn sure he keeps you as happy, healthy, and alive as possible.

You can't do it without me. That is my DNA in there too. You felt I was a valid choice when you slept with me. 50%-50% straight.

And if every man who knocked up a woman, or even most of them, were "real" men, then it wouldn't be a problem to give them more of a voice. But the fact is, there aren't that many "real" men out there, and even if there were, there are still parts of this burden that they cannot shoulder for us, or help make better for us, so ultimately, the decision rightfully belongs in the hands of the person most impacted by the outcome, and until men start becoming pregnant, that's going to be the woman.

#39 Jul 04 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts
Ambrya wrote:
Molish wrote:

A REAL man will do it all in stride and provide everything you may ever need to help you through that stage in your life.

Whatever you go through, a real man will make damn sure he keeps you as happy, healthy, and alive as possible.

You can't do it without me. That is my DNA in there too. You felt I was a valid choice when you slept with me. 50%-50% straight.

And if every man who knocked up a woman, or even most of them, were "real" men, then it wouldn't be a problem to give them more of a voice. But the fact is, there aren't that many "real" men out there, and even if there were, there are still parts of this burden that they cannot shoulder for us, or help make better for us, so ultimately, the decision rightfully belongs in the hands of the person most impacted by the outcome, and until men start becoming pregnant, that's going to be the woman.

Sorry that the world screwed you over.

It is, however, still run by men.

(I'm totally pro-choice, I'm just saying ...)

#40 Jul 04 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
Ambrya wrote:
I am bitter against the male gender. I make vast generalizations with no evidence to support. Men are evil, and the majority of men are out there to use women.

Someone sounds a little /butthurt over the male population. Why don't you get yourself a nice slinky ***** and some hemorrhoid cream to go with it? Stop generalizing men and deal with whatever past fck up you committed and move on.
#41 Jul 04 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PraetorianX wrote:
Ambrya wrote:
I am bitter against the male gender. I make vast generalizations with no evidence to support. Men are evil, and the majority of men are out there to use women.

Someone sounds a little /butthurt over the male population. Why don't you get yourself a nice slinky ***** and some hemorrhoid cream to go with it? Stop generalizing men and deal with whatever past fck up you committed and move on.

Must be easy to convince yourself that you've won a debate when you fabricate assumptions about your opponents position so that you can argue against those instead of what they're actually arguing.

The only one of us that's /butthurt is you, because, as with every time you've come at me, I deal in facts and argue the subject actually being discussed, and you just make up issues as you go along.

Now take my size 7-1/2 high heel out of your *** and crawl back under whatever rock from whence you emerged until you know how to actually argue a debate like an educated person.

#42 Jul 04 2006 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Ambrya wrote:
Molish wrote:

A REAL man will do it all in stride and provide everything you may ever need to help you through that stage in your life.

Whatever you go through, a real man will make damn sure he keeps you as happy, healthy, and alive as possible.

You can't do it without me. That is my DNA in there too. You felt I was a valid choice when you slept with me. 50%-50% straight.

And if every man who knocked up a woman, or even most of them, were "real" men, then it wouldn't be a problem to give them more of a voice. But the fact is, there aren't that many "real" men out there, and even if there were, there are still parts of this burden that they cannot shoulder for us, or help make better for us, so ultimately, the decision rightfully belongs in the hands of the person most impacted by the outcome, and until men start becoming pregnant, that's going to be the woman.

Ahhh, Moral majority werkin for j00!

Nice to see you support the majority suppression of the minority. However, it's ultimately WRONG. Using myself as an example (how YOU doin'?), it's a life from created from my own DNA sequence and yours. It is 50% me and 50% you. I don't give a crap how it came to this world, a whole is only the sum of it's parts. MY parts and your parts. I don't give a damn what you have to go through, you knew those consequences when you agreed to sleep with me and have unprotected sex (I know your down with some polish sausage). YOU KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. The consequences of your actions are what you reap. Just because you didn't consider these consequences, doesn't mean I don't get a say in what happens to my unborn child.

Now, if it seriously endangers your life, then I full support the "your choice" thing. My fiancée wants (if it should come to that) her child to live, and sacrifice herself. Course, I'll do my damnest to not let that happen. Think about it, how could I face the child that killed my love of 7 years every day?

If you got problems with the way things work, take it up with the big golden bearded man upstairs. He's the one who dictated how this process of reproduction works.
#43 Jul 04 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
3,829 posts
Warchief Jordster wrote:

Sorry that the world screwed you over.

Actually, I've been fairly lucky with the few men I've had in my life, and been blessed enough to be loved in particular by one truly amazing, remarkable man. However, I've seen enough women have to deal with immature, self-absorbed, irresponsible deadbeats to know that I am exceptionally fortunate. It's useless to argue on the assumption that pregnancy is a 50/50 obligation for men and women when it's so easy for men to skip out on the whole ordeal that they frequently do.


It is, however, still run by men.

Too true. It does not, however, alter the fact that when measured on the scale of how much impact a pregnancy is going to have on the person's life, women quite properly should have the lion's portion of control when making the decision whether or not to carry a pregnancy through.

(I'm totally pro-choice, I'm just saying ...)

Understood, and you're not wrong. But none of it changes the point I'm trying to make.

#44 Jul 04 2006 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
Ambrya wrote:
The only one of us that's /butthurt is you, because, as with every time you've come at me, I deal in facts and argue the subject actually being discussed, and you just make up issues as you go along.

Still waiting on those documented facts of yours.

Ambrya wrote:
Now take my size 7-1/2 high heel out of your *** and crawl back under whatever rock from whence you emerged until you know how to actually argue a debate like an educated person.


Edited, Jul 4th 2006 at 9:12pm EDT by PraetorianX
#45 Jul 04 2006 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PraetorianX wrote:

Still waiting on those documented facts of yours.

Are you claiming that any of the things I listed as being complications or discomforts of pregnancy doesn't actually occur? Ask any woman here who has been pregnant or is presently pregnant (I know we have a couple of those) if you want "documentation." Methinks you haven't been around many pregnant women if you can claim the things I listed do not actually occur.

Fact: women, on the whole, experience all the things I listed. Some women experience them to a greater degree than others, some experience very few of them, but on the whole, all those problems occur very commonly in pregnancy.

Fact: Aside from "sympathy" pains, ONLY women experience most of those symptoms I listed as a result of pregnancy or childbirth.

Fact: Because men don't experience those things, men's bodies, health and lives are not as impacted by the decision to carry a pregnacy to term as women's are.

Conclusion based upon these facts: being the one's with the most to lose--up to and including one's life--as a result of the decision to carry a child to term, the decision to abort quite properly belongs primarily in the hands of women.

If you honestly believe any of these things is not true, why don't YOU try showing documentation. My "facts" are common far as I'm aware, you have presented no "facts" whatsoever, but if you want to debate any of mine, try showing how they are inaccurate.

Go ahead. I dare ya.

#46 Jul 05 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Someone has let their ****** go to their head. Not that I disagree with you, Ambrya, but you come off as so militant that I can't help but imagine your lesbian affairs. That goes for the rest of you dames, too.

I was sitting in my apartment last night and the brother upstairs is yelling at his baby-momma about how he doesn't give a fuck 'bout that kid and isn't afraid to go to jail and will crack her fucking face open. So she moves out, and later on, his other baby-momma stops by and proceeds to yell at his door, mostly inquiring as to the whereabouts of her child-support check. I know he's there, because I've been snooping, but he ain't answering that door. Maybe an hour after baby-momma numero dos exits, his girlfriend shows up, and I hear them making more babies.

Now somebody needs to take the initiative in this situation, and get to destroying some potential life every-now-and-again. Clearly these women cannot be trusted to do so, because they're blinded by the appeal of having some twenty year-old kid who works third shift at Walmart father their kids. I think it's clear he'd rather be pimpin' in the city, and what-not, and that the kids are just a hinderance to that plan o' action.

I'd like to see some sort of neighborhood vote deciding when and whom we abort.

Much ado about nothing, perhaps, but at least I finished that last beer and can get to sleep now. Happy Fourth of July, everybody.
#47 Jul 05 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
Someone has let their ****** go to their head. Not that I disagree with you, Ambrya, but you come off as so militant that I can't help but imagine your lesbian affairs. That goes for the rest of you dames, too.

That was militant?


Sheesh, I can't win. I've got women on one side telling me I'm not a "true" feminist because I enjoy sex with men, and men telling me that a well-reasoned argument makes me a bra-burner...

Dude, I have not yet BEGUN to roar. I mean, seriously...

Edited, Jul 5th 2006 at 4:54am EDT by Ambrya
#48 Jul 05 2006 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
I thought proper feminism was all about enjoying sex with men and not feeling bad about it, like Sex and the City and all that crap. Isn't that post-modern feminism?

Because hardcore "we don't need men they are all pigs" attitude, is not feminism. It's hate. The point is not to be able to liv without each other. What would be the ******* point. The point is to respect each other as equals. We like sex, you like sex. You need us for babies, and so do we. You're a pain in the ***, and so are we.

So fuck all that "men are pigs" attitude, that's just good old emo-miserabilism. It's the equivalent of "all women are ************** Dumb-*** one-size-fits-all catchphrases for people who are too retarded to deal with the complexities of real life.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#49 Jul 05 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Smasharoo wrote:
katie wrote:

I realize this will not take effect unless the supreme court over turns Roe vs. Wade. I still think this is sh*t. Complete and @#%^ing bull sh*t! Give up with the Abstinence sh*t already and teach people how to protect themselves. Make birth control OTC already! Out law abortion and people will turn to back alley abortions that kill both mother and child. Imagine the increase in welfare!

Because you feel so strongly is why you ddon't vote Repbulican right?

Oh wait.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would virtually ensure the Democrats significant gains in the federal government. Many, many people who support freedom of choice vote Republican without concern because the issue is out of the hands of the legislature. Put it back into their hands and see what happens.

This is but one of our fundamental rights the Republicans are trying to take away from us: my freedom to keep private my phone records, my library records and my financial and medical records are basically gone now. All I ask is that they need a warrent - it can be issued by a secret court I don't care - but apparently that is simply too much work.

Of course, Deomcrats will also take away your rights: you right to work (and hire workers) for under a new, higher minimum wage and (perhaps, eventually) your right to go without health insurance if you wish.

The founder's vision of America did not include anything like any of this. However, if they were alive today I'm certain they would write a very different constitution.
#50 Jul 05 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
1,137 posts

So unless and until you, as a male, can take the burden of these effects from the woman and bear them yourself, consider yourself BLESSED if the woman in question is generous enough to give you a minority vote in the decision of whether or not to experience the pregnancy.


The financial obligation of child support has NOTHING on the impact actually experiencing a pregnancy can have upon a woman's life, regardless of whether or not she keeps the baby.


vanelr wrote:

Hmmm, just because I'm a guy means I have no opinion? BTW, if YOU decide to keep the child, the law will require me to pay support for 18 years, and yet I'm still not entitled to voice an opinion?

Ahh, this tired old chestnut again.

Kindly answer the following questions, referring only to the way ONLY a pregnancy and childbirth and childrearing will DIRECTLY impact you, as a male

OK, so let me get this straight. According to you, since I am a man and cannot "fully" experience childbirth - nor will I ever - I have no right to feel I should have a say in an abortion. You, being a woman, never having to face a court order to pay child support, feel that you are somehow above your own you-don’t-experience-it-so-stfu attitude, going so far as to trivialize a man's contribution to rearing a child by saying something as callous as "ahh, this tired old chestnut again?" How can you tell me I shouldn’t have an opinion about something because I will never experience it, yet feel righteous enough to make such a bold statement when YOU will never experience our side of the fence?

And, guess what? Maybe if you would get off your high horse you would actually see that raising a child affects both the man and the woman. You focus on the first 9 months of the kids development, and that’s it. How noble.

Since you believe that you "can never know" what someone else goes through, let me give you a taste of a man's world. The same society that oppresses women does the same thing to men - just differently. The major one is making sure your family (or children) are financially stable, and if you happen to lose your job or fall on hard times you are labeled a loser. This is a much bigger deal to men than it is to woman, because society STRESSES the fact that it is the man who is to keep the family afloat financially, and if the family fails it is his fault. So what do you do to keep your family afloat? You work six days a week. You work 70 hours a week. You work in conditions that are VERY hazardous to your health. You do anything you can to make sure your kids have a good life.

For twenty years, my father worked in the HVAC world - in fact, he worked three jobs in the same industry at once. He worked on ladders 200 feet in the air. He lugged 500 lb pieces of equipment up several flights of stairs with only one other guy - because there were no elevators and no other ways of getting the equipment on the roof. He breathed in asbestos, which puts you at HIGH risk for several fatal lung diseases. He regularly was covered in oil - which is carcinogenic. He ALWAYS had cuts and bruises from the job. He would work in extreme temperatures, and in the hot ones (over 120 degrees F) he would constantly be dehydrated. He did this so his kids could go to college.

And his father did the same exact work for fifty years, and now has severe medical problems due to the nature of the work.

And his father's father did the same work.

They did this work - this VERY dangerous, VERY physically demanding work - for DECADES (not just 9 months) so their children could have good lives. Who the fuck are you to complain of stretch marks and pain when men like my father have been permanently scarred by cuts, burns over decades? Who are you to complain of possible medical ailments when guys like my father were exposed to highly toxic chemicals all to make money for their family? One of my father's friends died of asbestos poisoning trying to feed his family. Would you be willing to tell this guy, a guy that literally gave his life in an attempt to better his family, that his opinion shouldn’t matter when it came to having children?

And you don’t just have to do physical labor either. A good friend of mine is SO worried that he is going to be let go from his company that he works 70+ hour weeks. He never takes a day off. He doesn’t go a half an hour without checking his email in fear he will miss something from work. He is worried that if he loses his job he will not be able to provide for his sick child. I think he will succumb to a heart attack before he turns 45. Are you going to tell him that his efforts amount to a pile of shit by telling him his opinion does not matter in having a child that has already been conceived?

And these four men are typical fathers. For centuries, men have worked in hot, dirty, loud, demeaning, tiresome, draining, and dangerous jobs just to support their family - and they do it for decades of their life. And usually, they die younger than they should due to their working environment (ever wonder why men die at a younger age than women?).

So yes, men should have a say in if a fetus they helped to germinate develops into a child or not.

The above was the long answer. The short answer is the one you supplied: if you cant experience it (and you cant, society doesn’t place the financial burden on you as it does on a man), stfu. You have no right to discredit the financial aspect of raising (or having) a child from a father's perspective.
#51 Jul 05 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
ManifestOfKujata wrote:
Waaaa Waaaa
Time of the month Kujata?
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
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