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#1 Jun 08 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
Ce message n'a aucun point et aucune raison. Il est simplement moi, dactylographiant dactylographier. Sans la rime ou la raison. N'osez pas me demandent pourquoi je ferais quelque chose tellement tout à fait injustifiée comme dactylographier quelque chose comme ceci. Les films publicitaires créent l'ennui. L'ennui engendre des mots, aussi bien que d'autres actions spontanées et folles (par exemple, la création malheureuse et désastreuse de Katie).

Le cela vous étant dit, pour toujours plus, toujours rendrez-vous compte de ce poteau injustifié. Votre mémoire ingraining le sur elle-même comme vous lisez. Elle se coincera dans votre tête comme une certaine chanson de fromage par N'Sync (bye, bye, bye). Parler des chansons qui deviennent des loges dans votre cerveau se rappellent cette chanson plus tôt que vous aviez collée dedans là ? Arg, ce qui était lui a appelé... oh... fichu, ne peut pas même se rappeler le quand vous avez besoin de lui.

Rappelez-vous cela chanson "bleue" ? Que la fichue chanson a obtenu a collé dans ma tête pendant une tout à fait certaine heure. Ah, sous-marin jaune, aussi. En arrière dans le noir... qui est une fichue bonne chanson.

AC/DC est la meilleure bande jamais. Je réalise que je peux ressembler à d'un sens de colle que je n'étais jamais vivant tandis qu'ils étaient grands. Je ne m'inquiète pas. Ils règnent. Vous avez perdu votre temps en courant cette inutilité par des poissons de rumeur ainsi ne le blâmez pas soyez, votre enterrement.

Rappelez-vous ce type qui a essayé de sauter la gorge grande sur un vélo et faite lui mais aimer a cassé sa jambe ? Ouais il. Outre de quelle secousse.

David Blaine, aussi. J'observe cela pour 2hrs et il ne meurt pas, ou retirez-au moins le. Secousse au loin. Ses tours sont article truqué. Son visage de tisonnier est bon cependant, hybride.

Enfer sanglant. Les ongles de coup, vont à l'enfer.

Filles. Fichues personnalités captivantes et courbes somptueuses...

J'aime insulter des personnes en ligne. Il me fait la sensation bon intérieur. Je me sens comme je rendais leur jour plus mauvais. Je n'agirais jamais comme ceci dans la vraie vie et n'aurais jamais, bien que je vous dise différent si vous me confrontiez. J'aime également vous affecter à GFY et à F, parce que votre moi est immédiatement écrasé. Continuez svp à faire un imbécile de vous-même aussi bien. Elle me donne plus de carburant pour vous flamber pratiquement. Je pourrais faire ceci pour toujours.

Juste badinant, je ne suis pas Nobby. Je veux dire, je ne suis pas socialement déplacé ou une perle de cabinet plus humide. Ironie mon ami, je t'aime.

J'ai eu l'amusement, et ainsi vous ai fait.

Spicing up the Asylum!â„¢

~Blix <3's BabelFish

Edited, Jun 8th 2006 at 9:31pm EST by TheBlix
#2 Jun 08 2006 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Du ziest vie ein affa aus, und ***** vie ein franzosich gemusehandler!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#3 Jun 08 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
It makes so much sense when you understand french and do not translate it back. NOT.

#4 Jun 08 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
Ah yes, people in these times only speak English...

This message has no point and no reason. It is simply me, typing to be typing. With no rhyme or reason. Don’t dare ask me why I’d do something so utterly pointless like typing something like this. Commercials create boredom. Boredom begets words, as well as other spontaneous and crazy actions (For example, the unfortunate and disastrous creation of Katie).

With that said you, forever more, always will be aware of this pointless post. Your memory is ingraining it upon itself as you read. It’ll get stuck in your head like some cheesy song by N’Sync (Bye, Bye, Bye). Speaking of songs which become lodges in your brain remember that song earlier that you had stuck in there? Arg, what was it called… ah… damn, can’t even remember it when you need it.

Remember that “Blue” song? That damn song got stuck in my head for quite some time. Oh, Yellow Submarine, too. Back In Black… that’s a damn good song.

AC/DC is the best band ever. I realize I may sound like a poser sense I was never alive while they were big. I don’t care. They rule. You wasted your time by running this pointlessness through Babble Fish so don’t blame be, your funeral.

Remember that guy who attempted to jump the Grand Canyon on a bike and made it but like broke his leg? Yeah him. What a jerk off.

David Blaine, too. I watch that for 2hrs and he doesn’t die, or at least pull it off. Jerk off. His tricks are fake. His poker face is good though, *******.

Bloody hell. Hang nails, go to hell.

Girls. Damn captivating personalities and sumptuous curves…

I like to insult people online. It makes me feel good inside. I feel like I made their day a little worse. I’d never act like this in real life and never have, though I’d tell you different if you confronted me. I also like to tell you to GFY and F Off, because your ego is immediately crushed. Please continue to make a fool of yourself as well. It gives me more fuel to flame you virtually. I could do this forever.

Just kidding, I’m not Nobby. I mean, I’m not socially inept or a closet bead wetter. Irony my friend, I love you.

I had fun, and so did you.

Spicing up the Asylum!â„¢


Edited, Jun 8th 2006 at 10:24pm EST by TheBlix
#5 Jun 08 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous avez gaspillé votre écriture de temps au sujet de N Sync et bleu en français, mais vous m'avez juste préparé complètement pour le lit. Merci, de m'ennuyer pour dormir.

Edited, Jun 8th 2006 at 10:29pm EST by DSD
#6 Jun 09 2006 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
I'm just shocked at the pitiful translating abilities of some websites. Being myself french I had trouble understanding half of what the translator popped out.

Babelfish fails, maybe another translator would give something better. Try comparing a few next time?


Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 12:17am EST by Ikkian
#7 Jun 09 2006 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Cu[Aqua][/Aqua]nt - in french
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#8 Jun 09 2006 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Je suis entierement d'accord, ce message est un ramassi de conneries.

Et puis, a quoi bon apprendre le francais, quand des traductions sur internet le font pour vous? Si ce n'est le fait que personne n'y comprends quoi que ce soit, bien sur...

Some gems, though:

Bloody hell = Enfer sanglant.

I had fun, and so did you = J'ai eu l'amusement, et ainsi vous ai fait.

Hehe, c'est n'importe quoi...

"****" en francais = chatte.

Mais c'est plus mignon en francais...
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#9 Jun 09 2006 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?
#10 Jun 09 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 8:11am EST by ArmaniofIfrit
#11 Jun 09 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
Nobby added plenty of spice earlier. The good type that gives you ring sting in the morning.
#12 Jun 09 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
God has smiled apon you this day
the fate of the nation in your hands
and blessed all the children be
who fight with all our bravery
till only the righteous stand

you see the distant flames
they bellow in the night
you fight in all our names
for what we know is right
but when you all get shot
and cannot carry on
though you die la resistance lives on

you may get stabbed in the head
with a dagger or a sword
you may be burned to death
or skinned alive or worse
but when they torture you
you will not feel the need to run
for though you die la resistance lives on

Blame Canada Blame Canada
because the countys gone ary
tommorrow night these freaks will fry!

tommorrow night our lives will change
tommorrow night we'll be entertained
an execution what a sight!
tommorrow night

up there theres so much room
where babies burp and flowers bloom
tommorrow night up there is doom
and so i will be going soon

shut your fu[/black]cking face uncle fu[black]cker
your a ***** biting ******* uncle fu[/black]cker
looks like we may be outa luck
tommorrow night were pretty fu[black]

why did our mothers start this war
what the fu[/black]ck are they fighting for
when did this song become a marathon

(I want to be up there)
when Canada is dead and gone
there'll be no more celine deon!

Then they cut your d[black]
ick in half
and serve it to a pig
and though it hurts you'll laugh
and dance a d[black][/black]ickless jig
but thats the way it goes
in war you are shat apon
though you die la resistance lives ooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn
#13 Jun 09 2006 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
When Translated:

This message does not have any point and any reason. It is simply me, typing to type. Without the rhyme or the reason. Do not dare ask me why I would do something so much completely unjustified like typing something like this. The advertising films create the trouble. The trouble generates words, as well as other spontaneous and insane actions (for example, the unhappy and disastrous creation of Katie). That being said you, for always more, always you will return counts of this unjustified post. Your memory ingraining it on itself as you read. It will be wedged in your head like a certain cheese song by Sync (bye, bye, bye). To speak about the songs which become cabins in your brain remember this song earlier than you had stuck inside there? Arg, which was called him... oh... rotten, cannot even remember when you need him. Do you point out that "blue" song? That the rotten song obtained stuck in my head during a completely certain hour. Ah, yellow submarine, too. Behind in the black... which is rotten a good song. AC/DC is the best band never. I realize that I can resemble direction of adhesive which I was never alive while they were large. I do not worry. They reign. You wasted your time while running this uselessness by fish of rumour thus do not blame it are, your burial. Do you point out this type which tried to jump the large throat on a bicycle and made but to like to him its leg broke? Ouais it. In addition to which jolt. David Blaine, too. I observe that for 2hrs and he does not die, or withdraw-with less it. Jolt with far. Its turns are fake. Its face of poker is good however, hybrid. Bloody hell. The nails of blow, go to the hell. Girls. Rotten captivating personalities and sumptuous curves... I like to insult people on line. It creates the sensation good to me interior. I feel as I made their day worse. I would never act like this in the true life and would never have, although I say to you different if you confront me. I also like to assign to you to GFY and F, because your me is immediately crushed. Please continue to make an imbecile of yourself as well. It gives me more fuel to practically flame you. I could do this for always. Just badinant, I am not Nobby. I want to say, I am not socially moved or a wetter pearl of cabinet. Irony my friend, I love you. I had the recreation, and thus made you.

Smiley: confused
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
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