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#27 May 03 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Have you gone to see your doctor and document all your injuries? That's the first step. A clear chain of evidence is necessary in suing!
#28 May 03 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
Go see a lawyer. You have a case, and the fact that the guy who beat you is a cop, means he is held to a higher level of responsibilty not a lower one. People sue fro police brutality often, and the fact that you were not charged with a crime is further eveidence that cop was not justified in hurting you.
#30 May 03 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Did the taxi driver get a ticket? Call the taxi company and see if they have a record of who pulled you guys over. I wouldn't just let this slide by.

Edited, Wed May 3 12:32:51 2006 by fenderputy
#31 May 03 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
5,135 posts
I had no idea you were black BT. You deserved it, how dare you be in a taxi that's being pulled over with that color skin.


#32 May 03 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Elderon the Wise wrote:
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
The One and Only Katie wrote:
Take pictures of the bruises. Contact the taxi company and get the name of the driver. Then file charges. As long as you really werent doing anything you have a case.

1. He was drunk in public.
2. It was a cop, they do what they want.

Unless you had someone video taping the event a la Rodney King, I doubt there's much you can do about it. Cops are ***** and should all die in a fiery pit of sulfur(and/or brimstone).

Fuc[Cornsilk][/Cornsilk]kin' cops . . .
Even if the taxi driver is willing to testify?

I don't know how things work up yonder with your silly cops trotting around on their silly horses, but 'round these parts it takes a mighty big case to run toe to toe with the PD. They have a lot of immunity and you will most likely be subject to further harassment for having the audacity to make such a wild claim. Even if the taxi driver did testify, as long as the cop has a leg to stand on the courts will never touch him. That leg being BT was drunk.

What the **** are you talking about? He wasn't drunk. His BAC was a .06. That's under the legal limit. To top it off he was in a car. He wasn't in public. I don't know about other states but here in cali, if the cab driver lets you, you can even drink in the back seat. He has plenty to stand on. He just has to do something about it.
#33 May 03 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
Now would be a good time to change your screen name to Rodney, BT.

#34 May 03 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
bt wrote:
So sure, I say my name, offer my ID, do what anyone would do in light of events.

Next I know, I'm on muy ear, my head is literaly stomped on, and I can't explain it.

Elaborate the bolded part? You said you were less than cooperative but list your actions as "what anyone would do in light of events". What'd you do that pissed him off?

Second question; your post makes no mention of legal action, or indeed any remedy at all. Why? Not worth the effort to fight, despite your bleeding from unmentionable orifices? Random omission? Or did you do something stupid?
#36 May 03 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
I was drunk in a Bar ... they threw me into public

Don't misquote Tater Salad.

So sure, I say my name, offer my ID, do what anyone would do in light of events.
Next I know, I'm on muy ear, my head is literaly stomped on, and I can't explain it.

You didn't offer him a hummer leave you alone, did you? That could explain the reaction you got.

But seriously, after getting to the doctor and a lawyer, if there is any way to track down the officers name, make a complaint to Internal Affairs. Cops that do this sort of thing tend to have past complaints.
#37 May 03 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,700 posts
I was drunk in a Bar ... they threw me into public

Don't misquote Tater Salad.


Edited, Wed May 3 14:34:45 2006 by Kronig
#38 May 03 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
newbie wrote:
If you'd have read the post, you d1ck, you'd know that he hasn't taken any legal action because he dosen't know how to go about it, that was partly the point of the OP.

Hi there, new kid. Nice to see you getting over your fear of posting long enough to *****.

The OP doesn't say anything about not knowing how to go about filing a legal action. You're deriving a meaning that is not present in the words as-written.
#39 May 03 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Newbie wrote:
If you'd have read the post, you d1ck, you'd know that he hasn't taken any legal action because he dosen't know how to go about it, that was partly the point of the OP.

Hi there, new kid. Nice to see you getting over your fear of posting long enough to *****.

The OP doesn't say anything about not knowing how to go about filing a legal action. You're deriving a meaning that is not present in the words as-written.

#40 May 03 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
Wingchild wrote:
newbie wrote:
If you'd have read the post, you d1ck, you'd know that he hasn't taken any legal action because he dosen't know how to go about it, that was partly the point of the OP.

Hi there, new kid. Nice to see you getting over your fear of posting long enough to *****.
Badd-a boom WHOOSH! Smiley: lol
#42 May 03 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
Only if I can say my ***** is hypothetically 10x longer. :)
#43 May 03 2006 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
[i]A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before the show.
Patty waggon pulls up, instinct - Run man, let'ts just go!
Cop chases them through the streets and then they inside.
They run into the crowd where maybe they can hide!

Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police Brutality!
ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police Brutality!
Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police Brutality!
ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police Brutality!

He hides just standing in the crowd, there's no where he can run.
The cop comes up behind him and he cracks him with with a gun.
Drags his bloody *** outside and throws hated my chauffer, but when it came to harrassing me, I was less than cooperative. So sure, I say my name, offer my ID, do what anyone would do in light of events.

Next I know, I'm on muy ear, my head is literaly stomped on, and I can't explain it. I can be a foul hurtful ****, but I'm certain that this evening was nothing that warranted this special brand of abuse.

I got home a minute ago, after being dropped on the doorstep of detox, where they tested me and found I was a .067, purely pedantic drinky. I am covered in bruises, head to fuc[/red]king toe, and bleeding from orifices I'd rather not describe.

My anger is more than palpable. I am what I would consider an upstanding citizen, surely above the sort of abuse I reckon is heaped upon brown people. I am fuc[red]
king bleeding, for Bob's sake. I ca;;ed the detox center to see whom dropped me off, and not surprisingly they have NO record.

Tomorrow, I'm going to hurt something perty. waggon pulls up, instinct - Run man, let'ts just go!
Cop chases them through the streets and then they inside.
They run into the crowd where maybe they can hide!

Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police Brutality!
ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police Brutality!
Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police Brutality!
ck Police! Fu[/Beige]ck Police! Fu[Beige]ck Police Brutality!

He hides just standing in the crowd, there's no where he can run.
The cop comes up behind him and he cracks him with with a gun.
Drags his bloody *** outside and throws h
#44 May 03 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts

Waht the FU[Aqua][/Aqua]CK is going on here?

WHY is my post of retarded lyrics merged with the OP? I didn't even try to quote the OP?

Smiley: confused?
With the receiver in my hand..
#45 May 03 2006 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
The **** boys are startin to get out of control.

But, last time I checked, it was perfectly fine to be drunk inside a taxi cab, just as long as you werent disturbing the driver. Atleast you werent one of those jackasses who tries to drive home drunk.
#46 May 04 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
to the OP.

i know its not going to help, but, it could have been much worse.

my brother was out on teh town in a similar manner when he was pulled over. a couple wise remarks later, 5 cops were standing around him as he was body slamed onto the pavement. offering no resistance, they proceeded to kick the shiet out of him and lay into him with nitesticks.

thinking he was going to die, he pushed up and knocked down the officer that was standing on his back, shoved two others out of the way, knocking another one to the ground, jumped in his car while 3 of them were unloading their weapons at him and took off.

a sad note, over 20 shots were fired, and they hit him in the leg through the drivers door, and hit the mini van only four times at point blank range. my wife is a better shot.

anyway, a chase and one hour later............

he is sitting in jail, convicted of attempted murder of a police officer with a deadly weapon.....his mini van.

he has been in jail for 3 years and will be in jail for 5 more.....for running away from an **** whipping.

the trial? 5 cops word against his. no chance. by by. 11 years cut down to 8 with good behavior WAS the plea deal. the alternative was 25 to life....for running away from an **** whipping.

welcome to america.
#47 May 04 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
What kind of self respecting brownie doesn't run from the police? You confused and startled him. The only thing he could do was react by skipping the chasing phase altogether and getting on with the brutality. You shouldn't be so mean to cops! Next time be the stereotype.

Seriously though, I've never had a problem with cops. Ever.
#48 May 04 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
I've contacted Yellow Cab, the company I used to get on home, and they have no reports of an employee being ticketed and barring the cabbie self-reporting they won't. I don't really see any other recourse available to me; I don't really see anyway to identify the officers.

Today, now that the swellings gone down some and I'm feeling a bit more chipper I feel sort of lucky things didn't get even more out of hand. A second officer showed up on the scene while I was face-down on the concrete and basically rescued me. He was also the one who ended up transporting me to detox. The great irony in this is that the offending officer was in fact a caucasian, while my hero was a black fellow.

I've therefore drawn the conclusion that all officers of the law should be black, as they are made more cool-headed by their tremendous wangs.

I was going to take a cab back to the bar today to collect my vehicle, but I've called a friend, instead.

Edited, Thu May 4 12:50:55 2006 by Barkingturtle
#49 May 04 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
all offices of the law should be black, as they are made more cool-headed by their tremendous wangs.


I'll trust a black cop over a white one EVERY time.
With the receiver in my hand..
#50 May 04 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
BT, perhaps you have another angle in this matter. Maybe you can contact the police Chief of the force that the black officer belongs to. You tell the Chief that you would like to reccomend that officer for a commendation. The chief sets up a meeting, you tell him how this officer saved you from a brutal beating and you wanted to thank him for saving your ***.

Questions will be raised:
Why didn't the officer file a report?
Now the black guy can't lie because it's his *** on the line for not doing his job. It forces him to spill the beans on the dirty cop and presto! The white cop is now in trouble with internal affairs.

Reverse psycology FTW!
#51 May 04 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
Questions will be raised:
Why didn't the officer file a report?

no, it wont.

nothing will be said, ever, unless there is a big media stink about it.

why? because they KNOW what is going on.

here is a little tid bit for you. police are TRAINED to be overly aggressive. it is a psycological battle every time they make a stop. and the more aggressive the officer is, the more intimidated and COMPLYANT a suspect becomes.

after a while of constantly treating people like the enemy, it becomes second nature, ans sometimes, the innocent get caught up in the middle.

but if you think about it, it HAS to be that way. people dont want to be arrested. and if mister nice guy stops this person, holds the door for him, is polite to him, that person will see it as a sign of weakness and look for the first advantage to get the upper hand.

on the other hand, if that person is treated as if the officer would rather shoot him than arrest him, is handled forcefully, letting him know it is NOT a REQUEST, that person will be more likely to do what he is told out of fear of something worse happening to him.

the delima: how do cops tell the differance between someone basicaly good, just a liittle drunk, form someone who will try to kill him the second his guard is down or he gives the slightest hint the officer doesnt really WANT to hurt him?

just like iraq, you cant. so you go safe. treat them ALL like potential killers. in the end, some pride gets hurt, some bruses get taken, but every one goes home alive.

and every once in a while, you push someone over the edge like my brother, adn something bad happenes that should not have happened.

you cant police the masses and be right EVERY time. but if you error on the side of complacency, you WILL end up dead the FIRST time you guess wrong about someones character.

they are as they are because they have to be that way. and for the masses to walk around in relative safety, sometimes you have to accept a few innocent getting a raw deal. the world is not a perfect place. never will be.

welcome to civization.
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