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#27 May 01 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
$950 in gas, moving truck rental(s) and milage, as well as first month's rent in the new place

Neph popped down a grand and I beat you both combined. Psshh. No cookie for j00!
Yeah yeah, your wallet's epeen is teh huge!1!!one! Smiley: rolleyes
#28 May 01 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
Yeah yeah, your wallet's epeen is teh huge!1!!one!

I wish.
#29 May 01 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Today I am working...but the place is basically vacant. The fields I passed on the way in have perhaps 10% of their typical number of workers.
#30 May 01 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I just bought a ruben and fries for lunch. $5.00 into the hands of capitalists!

The TV was on in the joint where I picked up lunch and had the local news playing. There's quite a crowd out there in Chicago and, apparently, a number of businesses are shut down for the day. Namely, grocers, wholesale markets and distributors and other places like that. So your shopping at Best Buy probably won't be affected but, if you had a restaurant needing to stock on fresh lettuce, you might be out of luck.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#31 May 01 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Illegal immigrants (not just mexicans) are illegal and they should either apply for citizenship, put up the $1k, jump threw all the hoops the same as everyone else or go back to which ever country they came from. The system has errors and needs be fixed but that is no excuse to not even try to do it legally.

They are a liablity and the fact that we have so many is terrifying in the thought that if they can get threw and be here 10 years unnoticed, who or what else has been smuggled into the USA. For our safety and the safety of our children we need tighter borders and increased security at the check points to keep drugs/weapons, ect out.

#32 May 01 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Not spending today but will fork over $350 for hubby's root canal tommorrow. His portion that insurance doesn't cover. Of course that doesn't even include the crown. Dental work is expensive!
#33 May 01 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The One and Only Katie wrote:
Illegal immigrants (not just mexicans) are illegal and they should either apply for citizenship
Just to be pedantic, I'll point out that it's entirely possible to reside in the country legally without ever applying for citizenship.
The system has errors and needs be fixed but that is no excuse to not even try to do it legally.
To you, anyway. To someone who was willing to be smuggled into the country and live under a false identity or whatever, it was probably a pretty good reason. Be it over the Mexican border, in a freighter from China or over the Canadian border from Latvia.
For our safety and the safety of our children we need tighter borders and increased security at the check points to keep drugs/weapons, ect out.
Tightening security today has absolutely nothing to do with enacting punative measures against Pedro the Radish Harvester who entered the nation illegally in 2003. Likewise, any sneaky Al'Qaeda who entered with a suitcase nuke through Mexico last year aren't going to be arrested because we raid the housekeeping staff of a Best Western.

Border security and the existing illegal population are two very seperate issues.

Edited, Mon May 1 13:37:33 2006 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#34 May 01 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
Katie wrote:
For our safety and the safety of our children


I love that "for the safety of our children" always gets included to appeal to people's emotional side and dumbass rednecks.

Despite the fact that simply "for our safety" is a completely fitting all-inclusive term.

#35 May 01 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I didnt pay out nearly as much as Mor or Neph, but I did get 2 snazzy ruffle skirts, a jean jacket, pair of pants and a couple shirts. Im looking good for the alla fest.
#36 May 01 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just as a "News You Can Use" briefing, at about 1:00pm, Chicago police estimated there to be about three hundred thousand marchers. The protest population is expected to grow now that they're at Grant Park and people who did work or attend class join up.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#37 May 01 2006 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Lady DSD wrote:
I didnt pay out nearly as much as Mor or Neph, but I did get 2 snazzy ruffle skirts,

You can never have too many of these. Yay!
#38 May 01 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Took about two hours for the march to pass our office, with Market Street jammed full of walkers. Granted, they weren't exactly jogging, but that's still a lot of bodies. I'll be interested to hear the numbers.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#39 May 01 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
I would have loved to spend 1000$ but it just isn’t in the cards today.. or for a LONG tome for that matter. I just had to tear apart my couch to get enough change to put some money in my account to keep it from bouncing anything and costing me more. on top of all that i got a speeding ticket today too Smiley: mad

at least the cop was cool, before I even gave him my info he said he wouldn't do the 190$ 4 point on license speeding ticket and instead give me a "Failure to obey traffic devices" citation ($108.50). and he was fast to boot! I wasn't even late for my class!
#40 May 01 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
Psssst! Joph.. where in any of that did I imply ANYONE's race or ethnicity. I doubt they are just raiding best western's house keepers or Chong's Nail technicians. Dont put words in my mouth just because they are on your mind. Come to Texas and then tell me Border Patrol and the illegal population arent an issue. There are plenty of women I know from the military that persued or are persuing citizenship when they came here.

Why do the people who are screaming for amnesty think they are any more special than the people who applied for either a visa or citizenship and went the extra mile to get it taken care of? They arent. I dont care how long they've been here or what country they came from. If you are here illegaly and not trying to get some form of a visa or persuing citizenship and dont plan on it, then they should GO HOME.

Should we grant amnesty to each new batch of illegals every 10 years? No. We should fix our program and tighten the security on the borders. I have no issue with letting the people stay who are applying for citizenship/other form of visa to stay. The ones who snuck over the border and never had a thought to get legal should go.

Then again, I'm also for cutting welfare and making tons of these lazy *** breeders get to work. These women who have children just for the increased WIC or Food Stamps is bull. Fund some kind of govt run day care for these people and get them out the door. There are jobs to be had and wether or not they like them is not the issue. They should work if they can work and not just collect a check every month! If they dont want a **** job then there is always college and I KNOW for a fact if you are a single parent you can apply for govt assistance (HUD,WIC,Food Stamps, Day care) so that you can attend some kind of school to move forward.
#41 May 01 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Default
I went out to lunch at this whole in the wall Mexican joint. Went shoe shopping, got my hair done, misc shopping and filled up my gas tank. Not much.
#42 May 01 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good

I randomly spent 350 bucks on clothes yesterday. Hubby still doesn't know.

#43 May 01 2006 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The One and Only Katie wrote:
Psssst! Joph.. where in any of that did I imply ANYONE's race or ethnicity. I doubt they are just raiding best western's house keepers or Chong's Nail technicians. Dont put words in my mouth just because they are on your mind.
Who said you did? I mentioned immigrants from Mexico, Asia and Europe. Where exactly do you think INS is raiding for terrorists?
Come to Texas and then tell me Border Patrol and the illegal population arent an issue.
They are issues. I have no argument with increased border security in general terms. I do have an issue with using terrorism as a boogieman to chase down illegal immigrants who are already in the country and have nothing at all to do with terrorism. The 9/11 hijackers, for example, entered on tourist visas that were later (and ironicly, posthumously) upgraded to student visas.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#44 May 01 2006 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Anyone else find it "interesting" that the biggest rallies, marches, and walkouts are occuring in cities like Chicago and New York? But not so much in actual border states? Hmmm...

First off, if the issue really is border security, then how on earth do things like raising minumum wage and protesting *against* even the suggestion that there might be a need to secure the border help anything? You may not like the idea of a big fence across our southern border (and I'd agree with you), but it at least addresses the issue of border security. You may not like the idea of a guest worker program, but it *also* will reduce the number of people sneaking across the border, and therefore addresses the issue of border security.

Sure. Raiding a Best Western to find illegals doesn't do anything about terrorists crossing the border. But neither does doing nothing about illegal immigration. The difference is that the real proposals being put out there include things like increased border patrols and guest worker programs and yes... even amnesty programs for those already here. Why are those being blocked as well? Political ideology is getting in the way of real solutions, once again...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#45 May 01 2006 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Three hundred thousand in Los Angeles. California a border state, yet?

Still don't know how many up here.

And Chicago has a HUGE immigrant population, as does NYC. Just because they're not Mexicans doesn't mean they're native born.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#46 May 01 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
The One and Only Katie wrote:
People who hire illegal immigrants (not just mexicans) are criminals and they should either up wages to the point legal workers will accept or move their business to which ever country where workers will accept such low pay. The system has errors and needs be fixed but that is no excuse to not even try to do it legally.

They are a liablity and the fact that we have so many is terrifying in the thought that if they can get break the law for 10 years unnoticed, what other laws have they broken? For our safety and the safety of our children we need increased enforcement of labor laws.

The other side of the coin...
#47 May 01 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Anyone else find it "interesting" that the biggest rallies, marches, and walkouts are occuring in cities like Chicago and New York? But not so much in actual border states?
Do I find it odd that the cities with the largest populations in the nation are having the largest rallies? Amazing! Smiley: dubious

Really, what on earth was your point? That immigrants in Arizona and New Mexico don't want rights or the ability to gain citizenship?
Raiding a Best Western to find illegals doesn't do anything about terrorists crossing the border. But neither does doing nothing about illegal immigration.
So we've determined that neither does anything to stop terrorism. What exactly are we arguing about?

My point was that going after illegal aliens presently in the United States does nothing to prevent future terrorists from entering the country. Katie was mentioning the illegals in the country being a liability and, in the same breath, going on about the "safety of our children". I was pointing out that one has little to do with the other.

Edited, Mon May 1 19:51:45 2006 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#48 May 01 2006 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just for **********
The United States Census Bureau wrote:
- The largest Mexican populations lived in Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio and Phoenix. wrote:
The 2000 census counted more than 530,000 Mexicans in the city of Chicago, with more than 1.1 million in the metropolitan area
I'm telling ya, it's insane that there'd be a large turn-out in Chicago! Insane and.... suspicious!

Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Mon May 1 19:57:16 2006 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#49 May 01 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Samira wrote:
Three hundred thousand in Los Angeles. California a border state, yet?

Still don't know how many up here.

And Chicago has a HUGE immigrant population, as does NYC. Just because they're not Mexicans doesn't mean they're native born.

I'd like to see numbers from a media source actually in Los Angeles. From everything I've heard from people I know personally who've been on scene, the rallys have been smaller then expected.

Even the 300k figure is 200k fewer then they had back in March. Los Angeles is a *big* city. That's not as many people as you might think...

And I really think this is still politization of the issue. The "issue" is supposed to be border security. Specifically discussing how to reduce the numbers of people sneaking across the US/Mexico border. It's not about, nor ever was about finding and deporting folks who've outstayed their visas. That's the "boogyman" that everyone's being scared with, and to which a good percentage of people are reacting.

But it seems like anytime an issue vaguely related to a broader issue of immigration comes up, everyone has to pop out of the woodwork with their own ideas, and then more people pop up to protest those people, and then more yell and ***** about those people, and in the end, the original point which was supposed to be about securing the border kinda gets lost, doesn't it...?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#50 May 01 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
K! Here you go.

2:58 p.m.
LAPD estimates the downtown crowd at 300,000.

And shame on them for politicizing a political issue! Shame, I say.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#51 May 01 2006 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
My point was that going after illegal aliens presently in the United States does nothing to prevent future terrorists from entering the country. Katie was mentioning the illegals in the country being a liability and, in the same breath, going on about the "safety of our children". I was pointing out that one has little to do with the other.

And my point is that you've chosen to focus on opposing the entire issue, but mention only the worst bill proposed by the House on this issue. Let's ignore what President Bush proposed. Let's ignore two bills in the Senate. Nope. We'll look at one bill proposed in the house and protest the entire issue on that one bill.

Can you not also see that by blanketly opposing "immigration reform", you end up blocking not only the "bad" bills like the one house bill, but also the "good ideas" that are out there and which a majority of people who actually live in border states agree with?

I saw a poll last week (I'll need to dig it up) that stated that 4/5ths of Californians polled agreed that a guest worker program was a good idea and would be a viable solution to border security problems while still allowing immigrants the opportunities they desire. Yet, interestingly enough, instead of focusing on the solutions that are overwhelmingly popular, it seems as though the issue is being hijacked to make it seem to be broadly opposed to immigration reform of any kind.

I've got not beef with the rallys. I do have a problem with how they'll be interpreted by the policy makers though. Heck. The Dems are already lining up to get in front of any camera they can find and proclaim the rallies to be defacto opposition to any and all Republican proposed solutions. Which will only result in all of us losing on this issue. Including those who are marching right now.

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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