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#77 Apr 17 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
cpcjlc, die. Just die. You are 10x worse than the the other 'IT' that I have already spoken to. Boobs won't even help your case.
#78 Apr 17 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
Elderon.. I love you to
#79 Apr 17 2006 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
before mine..last post was at 9 o'clock..all the kiddies must have been put to bed by mommie.
#80 Apr 17 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
I'd suggest that people do some actual research on poverty in the U.S. specificially what consititues it.

.5% of America's population controls appr. 50% of the wealth. It's been that way since the inception of the corporation.

Saying that opportunities are everywhere and that you can lift yourself up out of poverty is a dream. The practical reality is that you will only marginally increase your wealth but never in-fact become "wealthy".

I mean if you want to just shoot from the hip with WAG's with absolutly no anthropological or societal backup to it... fine. Sadly, to those that do have this background you'll give the impression that you're only quoting from CNN.
#81 Apr 17 2006 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
Mellina the Braindead wrote:
"That is unless you ..ummm CAN'T AFFORD to put away %15 percent of your income.... or.... CAN'T get a job because you're are too uneducated...and you CAN'T AFFORD to go to school because you aren't educated enugh to know about loans...
OR don't have time because you are already working two jobs to support yourself because your FAMILY was in the same boat that you are in and have been for hundreds of years."


Excuses.....opportunities abound. They are there if one really hungers to change their life. How hungry are you? I won't waste any more time trying to convince people who can afford computers and web access that they have the power to change their lives. You have to want to change it. Entitlement belief at it's worst....

I wasn't talking about about myself, you snooty kumquat.

I was speaking of those that I see around me everyday, as in most of the people in my city and in every city in the country.

You tell them to change. Well YOU cannot make people change; and it is people like you that are the reasons wars ar started. Expecting that you can make people change. You cannot. That's it.

So I think that it's time to stop barking up the "everyone has an equal opportunity" tree and start planting another one, cause this one.... it ain't workin', it ain't worked for 1000s of years and it ain't gonna start now.

and learn to fuc[Aqua][/Aqua]kin'
With the receiver in my hand..
#82 Apr 17 2006 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
and why is this ***** getting rated down? at least she puts up a good argument, pus[Aqua][/Aqua]sies.
With the receiver in my hand..
#83 Apr 18 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
Saying that opportunities are everywhere and that you can lift yourself up out of poverty is a dream. The practical reality is that you will only marginally increase your wealth but never in-fact become "wealthy".

While it is true that most people will not become "wealthy", they can lift themselves up from squalor and poverty to become something better. I've seen too many people do it to believe otherwise.

As far as doing research, I had to do it for my Economics thesis. The simple fact remains that there are more opportunities now than ever before for someone of low income to get help with education, housing, childcare, etc. The problem is that they are not willing to go and "beat the bushes" to find these programs. Many of the few who do find them either do not stick with them (such as educational programs) or fail to maintain their eligilability through various faults of their own.

Make no mistake, there are those that are willing to sacrifice to find, enter, maintain, and complete these programs. I've met many people with such humble beginnings and such spirit during graduate school.

To the others, I say stop with the victim mentality. The world owes you NOTHING. Yes I said NOTHING. If you want something, work for it and earn it. Don't cry to me that you are held back by society when you can't get over your own personal shortcommings to succeed.

To those who do strive, sacrifice, and achieve their goal, I say come and sit with me at the table of success, for you have truely earned it brother (or sister).
#84 Apr 18 2006 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
While it is true that most people will not become "wealthy", they can lift themselves up from squalor and poverty to become something better. I've seen too many people do it to believe otherwise.

How many? 10-20? 100? The truth is that unless a vast majority of people (and not just the ones that you "know") can improve their fininancial situation, then the system keeps stratifiying more and more.

The system was BUILT from the ground up by rich people to directly impact other rich people. You can just look at the names of the "Founding Fathers" to discover where their priorities were.

Yes, some people become more successful but if the vast majority of people do not (everything being equal) and more and more slip closer to poverty, it's a broken system.

The world owes you NOTHING. Yes I said NOTHING. If you want something, work for it and earn it

This is a farce. Most of the wealth in the WORLD has been in the same group of 5000-10000 people since the 1800's. The world does owe you something. The world owes you the chance to start out at exactly the same point as anyone else (without inherrent advantages) and continue till you die.

Hard work =/= success. It's a component to it but there is much more to it than a simplistic view that if you work hard enough you will succeed. That's a fairy-tale.

Edited, Tue Apr 18 08:21:36 2006 by Diveos
#85 Apr 18 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Diveos wrote:
I'd suggest that people do some actual research on poverty in the U.S. specificially what consititues it.

.5% of America's population controls appr. 50% of the wealth. It's been that way since the inception of the corporation.

Strawman. How much wealth a .5% segment controls tells us absolutely nothing about poverty. But you've probably heard the argument phrased this way so many times that you aren't even aware that it makes no sense.

How about, if we're going to talk about poverty, that you actually list facts about poverty? How many people are in poverty? What does "being in poverty" really mean? How is it measured? What are the leading causes of poverty?

Let me give you a hint. When you're figuring out whether you can make a trip across country, which is more important? The total distance? Or the distance to the next gas station? It's not the gap between rich and poor that is the problem. It's the ease or difficulty of moving from one point on the economic scale (poor for example) to the next that is the major hinderance.

It doesn't matter how much of the wealth is controled by whom. What matters is how difficult is is for someone working minimum wage to work their way up in the world and improve themselves. What matters is the living level of those workers. Are they better or worse then they were in the past? And how do we measure that anyway? Ultimately, it's about opportunity. Obsessing on the gap between the endpoints of the economic spectrum is really a waste of time. It's the points in between that matter...

Saying that opportunities are everywhere and that you can lift yourself up out of poverty is a dream. The practical reality is that you will only marginally increase your wealth but never in-fact become "wealthy".

Wait! What exactly are you saying here. Is "saying it" a dream? Or did you mean "doing it" (ie: lifting yourself out of poverty). Cause clearly it's *not* an impossiblity. You've had several people in this thread say that they've done it.

And I'd say going from having no job and living out of my car to having about a million and a half in assets is more then just a marginal increase in wealth. That's my personal experience.

Are you talking about practical reality (ie: what can happen), or statistical reality? Because those aren't the same things. And I'd argue that the statistics suggest a very low rate of success, not because it's incredibly hard to do, but because so many people don't even try.

I know a good number of "well off" people. There is one thing every single one of them has in common. They set aside money early on and invested it. Every single one of them owns property and invests in the market in one form or another. And every single one of them started doing that *before* they were well off. You don't become wealthy just by earning a larger salary. You become wealthy by putting money aside and not spending it. That's what "wealth" is.

I mean if you want to just shoot from the hip with WAG's with absolutly no anthropological or societal backup to it... fine. Sadly, to those that do have this background you'll give the impression that you're only quoting from CNN.

Which is staggeringly amusing coming from someone who opened his post with a strawman, and hasn't actually listed any anthropological or societal facts, arguments, or conclusions. How about you follow your own advice and research the subject instead of simply assuming that your own beliefs are true?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#86 Apr 18 2006 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
The world does owe you something. The world owes you the chance to start out at exactly the same point as anyone else (without inherrent advantages) and continue till you die.

It is exactly this attitude (the world owes me something) that perpetuates the problem. While you are sitting there waiting to get what the world owes you (even though you are getting it because what the world owes is nothing), I'm out busting my rear end to make my life better. And it's not just people i "know". I work with community action groups and have seen many people make the sacrifices (including their pride and having that nice new pair of Nikes) to better their family.

The world does owe you something. The world owes you the chance to start out at exactly the same point as anyone else (without inherrent advantages) and continue till you die

This is also the same liberal attitude that causes the education system to be so screwed up. Instead of making the lower performing kids own up to a higher standard, you want to hold back the higher performing kids. After all, This would:
start [them] out at exactly the same point as anyone else (without inherrent advantages)...
For the sake of the future open your eyes. It's not about everyone being on the same "level playing field", it's about making people strive (yes that means they would have to get up off of their lazy but and turn off the TV) to EARN what they want.

I find it amusing that most "poor" people have cable television (in many cases more than one) and wear all the up to date fashion clothes. Yet they scream they can't afford to go to school and get an education. Don't ask me to feel sorry for someone who is not willing to shed some sweat and tears to get themselves up in the world.
#87 Apr 18 2006 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
it's about making people strive (yes that means they would have to get up off of their lazy but and turn off the TV) to EARN what they want.

Then why do the pubbies want to get rid of the estate tax?

#88 Apr 18 2006 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
Then why do the pubbies want to get rid of the estate tax?

Maybe my density is shinning through, but what exactly does that have to do with getting up off you your(not you specifically)lazy but and doing something. If the estate tax dissapeared, would that not also help those who made something of themselves and wish to pass their spoils on to their children.

And even if you inhearit the money, you don't keep and grow it by spending it wildly and wrecklessly. You do it with well management.
#89 Apr 18 2006 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
trickybeck wrote:
it's about making people strive (yes that means they would have to get up off of their lazy but and turn off the TV) to EARN what they want.

Then why do the pubbies want to get rid of the estate tax?

Because part of the reason you save money is for your children. It's to give them a better life.

I think the problem is that you're looking at it as a comparison. It's "unfair" that one guys kids get to go to better schools then another. However, that guy did something to gain the money to send his kids to a better school. That's his right.

And here's the crux of the issue. If you take away that guys ability to hand his success on to his children, you don't take it away just from him. You take it away from *everyone*. So, the poor guy who struggles through a crappy school system and makes his way in the world doesn't get to hand his success on to his kids either. His kids will be just as "poor" as he is.

You can't make everyone rich. The only way to make everyone "equal" is to make everyone poor. And when you think about it, that's exactly what your ideology ends out doing. We'll all be poor people relying on the government to provide us with everything we need in live. I'm sorry, but that's a crappy ideology to follow...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#90 Apr 18 2006 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
I'll address the other points you brought up in a few days (I'm in the middle of a 5 day week of exams atm)

This is also the same liberal attitude that causes the education system to be so screwed up. Instead of making the lower performing kids own up to a higher standard, you want to hold back the higher performing kids. After all, This would:

That's taken out of context. Start OUT on an equal plane. That means that all things being equal that they rest on their abilities alone and not their familial connections.

I actually believe in a much stricter version of meritocracy culture but this is all i have time for.
#91 Apr 18 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default

First, let me empathize with you. I'm in the middle of exams myself

The simple fact of the matter is that everyone is NOT equal. I shouldn't be held to a lower standard just because someone can't (or most likely isn't willing to) rise to mine. If I bust my butt and earn what I have, my children should have more benefits that the man who sat on his duff watching tv while I spent 4 hours every night studying my rear end off. If that is unfair, TOO BAD. If they think it is so unfair, then come up to my standard and well be on "equal" ground.

And I wasn't trying to take your quote out of context. I just used that as an example to show what kinda of "action" that line of thinking leads to.
#92 Apr 18 2006 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Again... it's based on everyone being equal at birth... after that anything is fair game.
#93 Apr 19 2006 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
The simple fact of the matter is that everyone is NOT equal. I shouldn't be held to a lower standard just because someone can't (or most likely isn't willing to) rise to mine. If I buy a bunch of slaves, my children should have more benefits than the children who's parents *were slaves*. If that is unfair, TOO BAD. If they think it is so unfair, then come up to my standard and well be on "equal" ground.

PRetty compelling.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#94REDACTED, Posted: Apr 19 2006 at 9:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smashed,
#95 Apr 19 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
achileez wrote:
1rst generation millionaire here. =)


What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#96 Apr 19 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Is a million dollars really "wealth" in this day and age?

Not that I'd sneeze at a thousand grand but I don't most people would expect to see you walking around with a monocle, cigarette holder and silver-tipped cane over a million bucks.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#97REDACTED, Posted: Apr 19 2006 at 11:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Tare,
#98 Apr 19 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
There is enough wealth in the world for every single human to live comfortably with no one needing for basic things. Give everyone free housing, food, and healthcare for life and I'll be happy. Start everyone off with that safety net and you can have all the Laziez Faire capitalism you want.

I live quite comfortably as is, and I have a feeling this scheme would make me less comfortable. The healthcare would cost me more and be less effective, and it continues.

Also, if wealthy people only get wealth from parents... where do they get it from? My great grandfather had nothing when he immigrated (legally) to this country. He worked hard to bring his wife from Italy and to have enough to make a better life for the next generation. My grandfather was fairly wealthy as a result of his father's work and my father and his brothers had the capital to start a franchise chain that has stood them in good stead for the last 30 years in the south. From this I got a good education, and small head start on my graduating peers.

You want to take some of that money and time that my family has invested over almost the last hundred years and use it to make others "comfortable". Excuse me for being calous, but ******* off[/i].

It seems to me when you tax the top of a population to help the bottom you deal with a resentment factor. Why should some wanna-be Rockafeller donate $10M to a cause when the government is going to tax him for $1M anyway. "They can take that and be glad". People stop handing out bread in the streets when the government starts taking it from their kitchens.

Thats how I feel when I see 30% of my paycheck dissapear every other week anyway. I still give to charity, the red cross, march of dimes, and just about any other cause that I have money for when I can. I'm not at the point where I can create jobs by starting buisinesses or anything, but I can tell you I'll get there 30% slower. I'm not living hand to mouth either, so I can afford to give a little.

Don't think I'm proposing a donation only tax system or anything but I just can't see that taking, even just enough for housing, from the rich to give to the poor. You then have a society that minimaly rewards non-working units. It cheapens the value of work in general, and if poor people had houses, the Govn't would probably see fit to drop minimum wage since they can't tax you on it anyway.

I think you'd have more luck with a sales-only tax. That way you could keep all of what you didn't want to spend. You could invest easier by not spending and wouldn't need to worry about the government taking what you want to save.

Of course, niether the "fair" tax or the current tax are perfect solutions as our nation needs a reliable form of income represented by the income tax. But trust me, every time you tax one of the Bill Gates, George Bushes, or Microsofts of the world... they're taking that dollar back from the consumer.

I have managed to ramble on and on. Bottom line: I'm not getting Social Security, FAFSA, or any government aid and I never will because I'll never qualify. Keep your mits off my money because I'll need it when I don't.
#99 Apr 19 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
The simple fact of the matter is that everyone is NOT equal. I shouldn't be held to a lower standard just because someone can't (or most likely isn't willing to) rise to mine. If I buy a bunch of slaves, my children should have more benefits than the children who's parents *were slaves*. If that is unfair, TOO BAD. If they think it is so unfair, then come up to my standard and well be on "equal" ground.

I'm talking about the inherrent advantages that the small percentage of the population (no time for research atm, but it's a very small percentage) has over the rest of the population because of who their families are and what their connections to the rest of the "elite".

When you have a system that was designed from the ground up to benifit the rich and only somewhat benifit the middle-class and not really benifit the poor, there is a problem.

Since a lot of what I'm trying to say is tied up in history and I'm in the middle of a crapton of exams and projects I can't devote the time to actually explaining my resoning so I don't sound like some radical socialist trying to give everyone the same opportunities as everyone else.

I recognise that everyone isn't equal but I'm trying to say that; if there is an inherrent advantage that is in place due to decisions and circumstances that conspired to create the current inequalities, then there is something wrong with the system.

I'm not saying it's wrong to have an advantage but when the advantage was put into place by manipulation and remarkable forsight to deliberatly create an advantage for "yours" and a disadvantage for "them" there was too much power somewhere.

Gah... that's a mess... i'll straighten it out later. Maybe. If i'm cognizant enough after celibrating.
#100 Apr 19 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Undead.. Wake the **** up. No one wants you to. It's the people that control the HUGE amount of wealth that need to give it up.

When you have millions of dollars being forwarded on through generations (Rothechilds, Rockefellers, Buggers) you end up with inherited wealth. It's not just wealth though, it's the home, businesses, connections and associtions that are passed as well.

When you have such an established base of wealth you SHOULD be giving it up because wealth for wealth sake is a bad way to run a society and most of the wealth either donated should be used to bring up the rest of the country.

There is something like 300 trillion dollars locked up in the top percentage of the U.S. right now. You don't think that that money could be better spent at the healthcare issues? So that the poor that can't afford it can, don't get sick, make more money and then put it back into the economy? Makes sence to me... but then i'd be taking some of someone elses hard earned cash...and god knows that money is all that matters.
#101 Apr 19 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Boy, it'd suck to be the heir apparent to the Rockefeller fortune only to have it yoinked away just as dear ol' Dad kicks the bucket.

I dunno if that scenario is fair. A person should have say in where his earthly possessions go and not just automatically have them plowed back into the system. You'd have billions spent on frivolous things rather than investing it in order to keep Unca Sammy from getting his hands on it.

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