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#252 Mar 03 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Readers Digest form of what happened:

  • Yan made fun of the guild tabard. Its a garden nome. Whats not to make fun of?

  • Smoggy ******* her out for it and when I say ******* I mean foul language.

  • Yan told Smog to fuck off.

  • Smog got extremly pissy told her to apologize for undermining his authority and making fun of the guild or face expulsion.

  • Yan repeated the GFY.

  • Smog started beating his keyboard in a tantrum and deguilded Yan.

  • (Did I mention he started yelling at her on their horde toons not allaince toons so technically she could say what she wants, IMO?)

  • People who were threw putting up his **** called him out. He starts demoting all his officers and kicking people out of guild/people leave guild on their own.

  • He's playing the martyr.

  • End of story.
    #253 Mar 03 2006 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
    Tracer Bullet
    12,636 posts
    Best Katie post to date.

    Its a garden nome. Whats not to make fun of?

    I laughed.

    #254 Mar 03 2006 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
    18,463 posts
    - Yan made fun of the guild tabard. Its a garden nome. Whats not to make fun of?

    I think he's rather cute.
    What? That's not him?
    #255 Mar 03 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
    12,735 posts
    Smiley: bah

    Cheese just had to be taken?

    Well, if you are still looking for a name, how about Kindred Karma Kampers (KKK for short, our tabards could even be white!)

    Though, Karma Campers sounds like a funny name for a guild. We'd recognize it, it's not going to sound like any existing guild (I agree that if there is already a Sanctuary, 'The Sanctuary' is just going to make us look like biters, likewise having Asylumites, Asylum, and 'The Asylum' runing around would be lame.)

    If you can set up different tabards for different ranks in the guild, it would be funny if they were corresponding to whatever your status was in Allakhazam. Gurus get one tabard, Sage others...ect...

    Smiley: laugh
    #256 Mar 03 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
    I came up with the name "Gold Plz" but Bhodi had already made the Lunatics charter Smiley: grin
    #257 Mar 03 2006 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
    Drama Nerdvana
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    Gold Plz would have been acceptable :)
    Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
    #258 Mar 03 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
    Will swallow your soul
    29,360 posts
    That would have been funny, for a while. We could have run around saying "Ni hao ma" and letting people think we were *gasp* gold farmers!

    Be hard to get a legitimate non-guild group, though. (Like it's easy, anyway.)

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

    #259 Mar 03 2006 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
    2,196 posts
    I'm glad you all found a new situation as you weren't happy with the way things were run in the Asylumites. We'll be moving on and the Asylumites are going to be fine. I'm sure you all will be, too, in your new guild.

    Actually, I'm really happy the way things have worked out. I will be sorry to see some of you go. Yes, it's a game - maybe I was more focused on that aspect than that of our supposed "friendship" here on the Asylum boards. Well, we see how nebulous that is, didn't we? Smiley: rolleyes

    But in WoW, we had (and still have, despite some drama queens' negative efforts) a chance to accomplish some really great and fun things in WoW. The guild will be much better for it without the negative, hysterical drama queens. Things will get done. We're still gonna have good times. Nothing you say or do will ever change that.

    Sure, I handled things ham-handedly. Sure, I made some mistakes. Bob knows none of you are perfect, either. While I was willing to work things out, the rats left the ship, despite for demands to have guild meetings to address the problems. Instead, you ran away. That's fine.

    Some of you feel the Asylum is the particular venue of only Drama Queens. This is false. While, yes, we do have a faction here that are Drama Queens, there is another faction of Grumpy Bastards. Despite what you think, I fall on that side of this Asylum. Gladly so.

    The psychotic princess wrote:
    I think it is extremely important to emphasize what I would call Smoggy being a weasel.

    He insists that all communication happens in private. This leads to a lot of people not even knowing what is going on. Also in private he is not the "Hallooooo!" Smoggy we all really like. Rather he is a "my way or the highway and if you choose to disagree with me openly or repeatedly I will boot your *** and spin some yarn about why I had to let you go". It is completely night and day.

    There were a bunch of concerned officers and players. Myself, Nexa, Nadenu, DSD etc who were aware of these types of actions before they happened and were kind of like "I would never think Smoggy would be that way". It took us by suprise. However when Yanari got the boot we kind of perked up our ears.

    I volunteered to sit down and try to chat with the guy. Afterall I helped him start the guild, have been nothing but supportive of the guy. He was completely unreceptive, rude, confrontational and when I pushed the issue in a public forum he started threatening to demote me among other things.

    Finally last night while I was in WSG he demanded to talk to me. I told him if he could give me some time I would be more than happy to chat with him. He then was like "I dont have time, I am going to demote you tomorrow unless you shape up". So I logged on this morning. I was demoted, I tried to chat with him friendly like. He was not at all receptive. So I was like F'uck it. It is just a game and I dont care to deal with his bullsh*t so I ended all ties with the problem, other than my ragging on about it on this thread.

    edit - Graendel or Grimthor are my toons on Mal.

    You're so full of crap it's unbeliveable. Get back on your medication, princess, you're fooking delusional. Sure, it's your word against mine, so I won't bother going into it. The only reason I worked things in private with people to reduce guild drama - my mistake was not going to the officers about Yanari's situation. It was the way I handled the other problems that the guild as a whole didn't have to deal with. I wanted to keep the party going. I never demanded anything from you. I expected loyalty and support in my officers, not a cowardly back-stabbing mental case. Lesson learned here.

    DSD the overly-caffeinated harpy wrote:
    No, I knew what he was like. Smoggy pulled the same crap to me as he did to Yan, only instead of being deguilded I was demoted from officership. I just kept it quiet as I didnt want to start any guild drama.

    That's your twisted side of it. Now here is my side to this situation for the record: There was another guild problem that I was working and looking to officers for support and despite DSD, I got it. DSD made every effort to butt heads with me during this situation (Aegis brought in a child into the guild and we're an adult guild) for the third time, DSD's toon Meiune kept telling me she didn't want to be an officer nor have any of the responsibilities that go with it. I said, ok, fine, I'll take care of that for you. In public guild chat. She didn't disagree, she didn't say she was kidding.

    So in order not to create guild drama, I waited to demote her in the morning since nobody would likely be on to see the demotion message. Then, later that day, she sends me emails asking me why I demoted her?!? ....*boggle* Smiley: confusedSmiley: banghead I explained to her that I was only doing what she wanted. She wanted to be put back as an Officer. I said, well, since you are always saying you don't want the responsibility, that your time is split between EQ2 and WoW, that you can still be the Guild Archivist (i.e., making videos), I felt there wasn't a need to bring her back up as an Officer.

    She asked why. I was honest with her. While it's ok to disagree with me on issues, it's not ok and gets very tiresome to be having these knock down, dragged out arguments over the smallest details of a situation that she did often. Especially when I'm trying resolve a situation that needs my attention and the support of my officers. That's her nature and it had no reflection upon her as a great guild mate. But I deemed she wasn't the right fit for an Officer in the Asylumites.

    This is my call as Guild Leader. I assess and decide who and who isn't a good fit for an officer position. This isn't different from many guilds. Again, some officers turned out to be lousy officers. Some have turned out to be great. It's a roll of the dice.

    Oh and Katie, you were never really a part of the guild, since you made like two appearances at best. You're just a trailer-park bottom feeder that has no life. Both you and Joph should take the time up to look up the word, "martyr." I never said I was one - I said people are angry with me and I was trying to alleviate some of the tension by saying I'm being tarred and feathered - something I'm sure many of your ancestry are familiar with. It was a joke.

    Well, now that I feel better, I'm going to climb out of this mudpit of a thread. I won't be back on this thread, as we all need to move on - however, I had every right to respond to the two false characterizations above.

    For those of you who wanted to sit on the sidelines and avoid any further drama, it's safe to come out of hiding now. Join whatever guild that pleases you. It's only a game, after all.

    Flame on, beetches. Smiley: grin

    'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

    X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
    #260 Mar 03 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
    12,065 posts
    I'll probably be ignored here, but can we please just drop it. We all have VERY different views on the situation and the events that unfolded and it's obvious that no amount of rehashing is going to change that. I would like to not get to the point where people just can't stand each other. We've gone our seperate ways and have done what needed doing in the game. Let's keep that away from here.

    My two cents.

    “It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
    ― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
    #261 Mar 03 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
    How many votes does it take to default a guru?
    #262 Mar 03 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
    Smoggy to drink bleach! Kk? Thnx!
    #263 Mar 03 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
    Drama Nerdvana
    20,674 posts
    I've dropped it.

    How you doin nexa?
    Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
    #264 Mar 03 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
    12,065 posts
    bodhisattva wrote:
    I've dropped it.

    How you doin nexa?

    Well I'm just ducky thanks! How YOU doin?!

    “It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But a half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.”
    ― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones
    #265 Mar 03 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
    14,454 posts
    Disclaimer: Im willing to drop it after this, but it's only fair for all sides to be shown.

    You know, I had every hope that you would have possibly seen the light of what we were trying to get across to you after so many left. Weirdly enough, I still do. However, if you still want to sit in the corner and cry victim, after the atrocious way you have been acting to us, let's play old man. I am in shock that you could be that ignorant in what your actions accomplished.

    You continue to throw the word drama Queens at us. Pot, meet kettle. I was content to let lie what happened between you and I. There was no guild drama between our correspondance because unlike you, I don't like guild drama. Watching this soap opera unfold, I think I can safely say you're the biggest queen around here.

    Transcripts from emails between Smoggy and I after I was demoted:

    Previous Message:

    Did you take me off as an officer? I am unable to see the officer forums anymore. I was serious when I said I was fine with being one. While I was serious when I said I can not do as much as other officers, I thought you understood I was joking when I complained about it. If not then I assure you I was only playing around. However, if you have enough officers and you dont need me as one then I understand and accept that. Have a good one.

    Yes. I thought that's what you wanted, since you said so in-game and on the board here.
    I honestly thought you were serious about it. When I said I would take care of it, both on the board here and in-game, you didn't speak up and say you were kidding. Either here or in-game.

    So I waited until early this morning to demote you while nobody else was online - I did so in consideration that the promotion/demotion msg flashes across to the guild when it's done and I didn't want it to be conveyed to guildies that there was a problem or any drama.

    Since you have stated several times that your EQ2 raiding is your primary focus, your WoW game time is becoming more limited and the impression you've conveyed to me that you have never seemed thrilled with an Officer role or want any responsibility, maybe this is for the best.

    - Smoggy

    Yes, Smoggy I did say something when you said you would take care of it, but with so many other chats going on you must have missed it. I said don't worry about it I was fine being an officer so long as you understood I didnt have asmuch time as others to contribute. If thats a problem then as I said I understand and accept the demotion. However, with me complaining loudly, you have to understand, my sense of humor sometimes gets lost on people. And there are no rolling eye smileys in guild chat. Either way it doesnt matter to me. But with everything that was going on last night, and then coming on this morning to see I was booted after I thought I had conveyed my feelings on staying as an officer it looked like a slap in the face, particularly after you said that I was being the most vocal against changing our ways for one unkown person. You seemed quite upset that I had conveyed my differing opinion on keeping it clean. Im sure thats not your intentions. You were stressed out last night and I sympathize. Being a GL and making hard decisions can be VERY stressful. But the manner of which it was done, after our first issue brought up and there were disagreements, and by me finding out without a letter or a PM, but to find out by seeing I couldnt get into the officer forum, looks odd. Whether or not thats the case, it doesnt matter. I restarted this game to play with my friends and I intend to enjoy it with my friends. And I hope that despite being GL and having issues brought up, that you too, remember its a game to have fun with your friends.. It's hard to remember that when things like last night pop up. Anyways, good luck with your decisions and I'll see you in game.


    Obviously there is some miscommunication on both our parts. Please keep in mind that I consider you a friend and I''m not here to make your life miserable or offend you in any way. As I hope you do the same for me. I respect you and I hope you respect me. If we don''t have that mutual respect, the following is going to be harder for you to read. As the Guild Leader/Founder/Head Dumbass/The Man, what I''m putting forth here needs to be said.

    Initially, I removed you from officer status because you communicated to me on the officer forums and in-game that you wanted it that way. You said on at least two different occasions you didn''t want to be an officer or have to deal with the responsibility. Whether you were joking or not, it''s come up more than once in open forums instead of discussing it with me first. I only did what I thought you wanted me to. I didn''t realize it was a big deal or that you needed a PM first. Frankly, you''re sending me mixed signals.

    It was not meant as a slap in the face. At the end of the day, we are on the same page regarding kids in the guild. I realized after everyone''s feedback, not just yours, that a compromise was not going to work.

    Your behavior in last night''s issue, while not directly affecting my actions this morning, have upon further consideration caused me some concern. I think it''s fair to say you can be at times, inflexible and a combative arguer. You don''t like being told what to do. That''s fine, neither do I. Maybe we''re long lost siblings. Who knows. At times, I feel you perceive me as the all-oppressive The Man and you are the valiant fighter for the People. If so, I really, really hate that unfair characterization.

    I''m not saying you said anything disrespectful to me last night, but the constant arguing can be construed as disrespect. It undermines my leadership and what we are trying to achieve - resolving an issue. As officers, we''re supposed to be on the same team. I need people I can rely on to work things out together - not be combative.

    HOW can we achieve resolutions to issues? We have two extremely different styles in achieving this. You prefer a combatively argumentive approach. I prefer to work together in a cooperative manner. I find your current approach only exacerbates the situation - creating unnecessary drama and making the issue about you. At least, that is how it played out last night. I don''t think it''s conducive to resolving issues. I find it a waste of our valuable free time and delays solving the issue.

    I need to know I can count on my officers to help me resolve an issue. I value everyone''s feedback and opinions. I need options and suggestions, not drama and hostility.

    As an officer, your first concern has to be for the greater good of the guild. Like I said before, I was very unhappy that Aegis brought this kid into the guild - he obviously missed what was thought to be an understood rule. My first thought was not how it affects my gameplay. No, my first thought was how can we make this work so everyone will be happy?

    So while my stance on this issue was, "How can I make everyone happy and come up with a viable compromise?" Your stance was, "this affects my gameplay experience and I''m not budging from my stance." You put yourself first before the guild. That''s fine as a member. And yes, it''s a game, we all pay for it and everyone wants to play with their friends in their own way. As an officer, though, you''ve got to take it a step further and put the guild before your personal preferences.

    I would rather have officers in the guild working together towards a solution - yes, opinions can vary, but as long as we strive to work for a common solution or be willing to compromise, things will run smoother. I have enough to deal with as it is in real life and running this guild. Frankly, I don''t need the hostile tone that you brought to the table in an officer capacity.

    Now, if you want to still be an officer, you need to consider what I''ve put forth here and be less combative and more constructive. I''m willing to work with you if you can work with me.

    If you want me to **** off, I understand that, too. =P If that''s the case, I think we''ll both be fine in this arrangement. No hard feelings on my part. Perhaps it will be less stressful for the both of us.

    It''s up to you.


    "Your behavior in last night''s issue, while not directly affecting my actions this morning, have upon further consideration caused me some concern. I think it''s fair to say you can be at times, inflexible and a combative arguer. You don''t like being told what to do. That''s fine, neither do I. Maybe we''re long lost siblings. Who knows. At times, I feel you perceive me as the all-oppressive The Man and you are the valiant fighter for the People. If so, I really, really hate that unfair characterization. I''m not saying you said anything disrespectful to me last night, but the constant arguing can be construed as disrespect. It undermines my leadership and what we are trying to achieve - resolving an issue. As officers, we''re supposed to be on the same team. I need people I can rely on to work things out together - not be combative."

    I dont see how I was being argumentative or even combatant last night. You asked for opinions and I gave you mine. Last night was a discussion, a debate on differing ways of opinions,not an argument. If you thinkI was argumentative because I was giving reasons why I held my opinion then Im sorry you feel that way. Let me say never once was I upset or even peeved by last nights discussion. I knew you were stressed but Im sincerely shocked you thought I was arguing with you. I hate to say this hon, but that is how I am and I cant change it. Im blunt, to the point, I dont beat around the bush. If you ask for my opinion on something I will give it to you point blank and with the reasons why I fewel that way. But I was not arguing. I'm sure you'll never see it, but if I were arguing or being combative, you would sense the immdiate difference. I held no disrespect for you, but I think its better I am not an officer if you can not understand the difference between voicing and explaining reasons for my opinion, which is what you asked for, and trying to undermine your leadership. I'm going to drop this now and leave it be. I think after getting this last note from you its better for the both of us if I stay out of any responsible role for this guild. I dont think I would be the kind of voice youre looking for and frankly I dont want to wonder everytime an issue comes up and you need opinions if Im inadvertantly being disrepectful when it was not my intention in the first place.

    Perceptions are a funny thing. We'll just have to agree to disagree. It''s very difficult to determine another's tone on typed messages or understand how others perceive our own tones.

    Assuming I was "stressed out" is an unfair characterization. I was simply trying to resolve an issue. Just as you perceive my characterizations of your behavior to be unfair or as you say, "don''t see it." I''ve tried to explain how it came across to me. We''re obviously on two very different wavelengths...but that''s ok.

    I do agree with you that your status in the guild should remain as is for now. I apologize if I've offended you in any way. That is not my intention. I consider you a friend and I always beleived if there is a problem, friends should be honest with each other and try to clear the air. You''re not only a friend, but a respected guild member.

    I''m going to go **** off now. =P

    Sound familiar? While not nearly as harsh as he was to Yan, the implications are the same. Its like listening to a broken record player. Respect this respect that. Where's the respect for everyone else? Respect is earned. You've lost any respect you may have earned by the disrespect to us as a whole and individualy. I can handle heat on my own and I did not make a fuss over our situation. But when I find out you're doing similiar things to other guildmates and treating them even harsher? Get a grip. It's a game. You lost site of the fact that this was supposed to be a place for friends to hang out and relax. This is not a place where the GL gets to push and shovethe word "respect" down everyones throats while being exempt himself.

    Actually, I'm really happy the way things have worked out. I will be sorry to see some of you go. Yes, it's a game - maybe I was more focused on that aspect than that of our supposed "friendship" here on the Asylum boards. Well, we see how nebulous that is, didn't we?

    You still dont get it? You take everything as a personal attack. When this episode was initiated, there was not one person who insulted, attacked, or accused you of anything. The worst you got was constructive critisism after light was shed on events. Instead of taking that in stride and looking at your decisions in different angles you held strong to your stances as a victim and attacked us. Your actions and inability to listen to the majority of the group forced us to step in and remake what our goal was: to have a fun place where we can all hang out and play a game together. There is no one to blame for what happened but you now. Things could have easily been salvaged, but you refused multpile times to even try. Anyone who was not an officer had no say in anything by your point of view, and any officer who held differing opinions were demoted.

    Wake up Smoggy before you begin to lose more than just the guild. I and others have no problems being able to set aside game issues with personal issues. But you can only push someone too far before you burn the bridge

    Edited, Fri Mar 3 11:03:29 2006 by DSD
    #266 Mar 03 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
    Ministry of Silly Cnuts
    19,524 posts

    [Poking The Hornets' Nest]
    Coz "wE" thrive on conflict Smiley: king

    [/Poking The Hornets' Nest]

    Edited, Fri Mar 3 12:29:52 2006 by Nobby
    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #267 Mar 03 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
    We prefers that you capitalize it's name correctly when using it in conversation. We demands that it be treated with the respect it deserves.
    #268 Mar 03 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
    Ministry of Silly Cnuts
    19,524 posts
    His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
    We prefers that you capitalize it's name correctly when using it in conversation. We demands that it be treated with the respect it deserves.
    Duly noted
    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #269 Mar 03 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
    Anyone care to tell me what's going on here? Are we breaking up or something? Can't we all just get it on?
    #270 Mar 03 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    3,101 posts
    #271 Mar 03 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
    14,454 posts

    new guild if you're interested

    There is no pressure to leave and join this one and those who wish to stay in the original guild understand that those who did leave are still going to be on the lookout for groups and inanae chit chat. But if you do decide to hop on over, just look for anyone under Lunatics.
    #272 Mar 03 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
    It should be noted that We encourages members of both guilds to /join Asylum. It is the easiest way that contact can be maintained in game. Your leader will not be called a raging c'unt if our membership is not referred to as the drama queens.
    #273 Mar 03 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
    Liberal Conspiracy
    Can we get a sticky on this thread?

    Just to **** off Nexa?
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #274 Mar 03 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
    10,755 posts
    #275 Mar 03 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good

    Because she (no, not Yan yan san) is a c'unt and I can.
    #276 Mar 03 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
    Liberal Conspiracy
    Bumped to knock the stupid one letter threads off the front page!

    Irony's a *****
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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