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about F'in time someone stands up and declares thisFollow

#1 Mar 01 2006 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good

and for the clicky impaired...


Writers issue cartoon row warning
A policeman armed with tear gas stands in front of protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The cartoons provoked outrage across the Muslim world
Salman Rushdie is among a dozen writers to have put their names to a statement in a French weekly paper warning against Islamic "totalitarianism".

The writers say the violence sparked by the publication of cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad shows the need to fight for secular values and freedom.

The statement is published in Charlie Hebdo, one of several European papers to reprint the caricatures.

The images, first published in Denmark, have angered Muslims across the world.

One showed the Prophet Muhammad, whose depiction is banned in Islam, as a terrorist bomber.

Many newspapers defended their decision to reprint the cartoons on the grounds of freedom of expression.

'Global threat'

Almost all of those who have signed the statement have experienced difficulties with Islamic militancy first-hand, says the BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Paris.

They include Dutch MP and filmmaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali and exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen.

Salman Rushdie - Indian-born British writer put under fatwa for The Satanic Verses
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Somali-born Dutch MP
Taslima Nasreen - exiled Bangladeshi writer, under fatwa
Bernard-Henri Levy - French philosopher
Chahla Chafiq - Iranian writer exiled in France
Caroline Fourest - French writer
Irshad Manji - Ugandan refugee and writer living in Canada
Mehdi Mozaffari - Iranian academic exiled in Denmark
Maryam Namazie - Iranian writer living in Britain
Antoine Sfeir - director of French review examining Middle East
Ibn Warraq - US academic of Indian/Pakistani origin
Philippe Val - director of Charlie Hebdo
"After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global threat: Islamism," the manifesto says.

"We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all."

The clashes over the cartoons "revealed the necessity of the struggle for these universal values," the statement continues.

"It is not a clash of civilisations nor an antagonism of West and East that we are witnessing, but a global struggle that confronts democrats and theocrats."

The writers said they refused to accept that Muslim men and women "should be deprived of their rights to equality, liberty or secularity in the name of respect for culture or tradition".

They also said they would not give up their critical spirit out of fear of being accused of Islamophobia.

"Islamism is a reactionary ideology which kills equality, freedom and secularism wherever it is present," the writers added, saying it is nurtured by fears and frustrations.
#2 Mar 01 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Fuel on the fire.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#3 Mar 01 2006 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
**** in the river, more like. Nobody cares.
#4 Mar 01 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
Wingchild wrote:
**** in the river, more like. Nobody cares.

Except for the Muslims
#5 Mar 01 2006 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
Nah. They don't care, either. There were plenty of folks blowing each other up before the cartoons came out, there will be plenty doing so now that the main controversy has passed. The state of affairs hasn't changed.

The news item of the day doesn't change the base reality.
#6 Mar 01 2006 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
LvKeniko the Quick wrote:
Wingchild wrote:

**** in the river, more like. Nobody cares.

Except for the Muslims

Fu[red][/red]ck'em. I for one, am tired of hearing about it.
#7 Mar 01 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
Wingchild wrote:
Nah. They don't care, either. There were plenty of folks blowing each other up before the cartoons came out, there will be plenty doing so now that the main controversy has passed. The state of affairs hasn't changed.

The news item of the day doesn't change the base reality.

Point taken
#8 Mar 01 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
Except for the Muslims

I'm a U.S. citizen, and I can say with a great deal of certainty that most of us don't give f'uck all for the muslims of the world. If they can't control their leaders and their whackos, they get the same treatment as said funda-MENTAL-ists.
#9 Mar 01 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
Wingchild wrote:
Nah. They don't care, either. There were plenty of folks blowing each other up before the cartoons came out, there will be plenty doing so now that the main controversy has passed. The state of affairs hasn't changed.

The news item of the day doesn't change the base reality.

Point taken.
#10 Mar 01 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
Except for the Muslims

I'm a U.S. citizen, and I can say with a great deal of certainty that most of us don't give f'uck all for the muslims of the world. If they can't control their leaders and their whackos, they get the same treatment as said funda-MENTAL-ists.

I wasn't defending the Muslims, I was just saying that they did, in fact, care.
#11 Mar 01 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
LvKeniko the Quick wrote:
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
Except for the Muslims

I'm a U.S. citizen, and I can say with a great deal of certainty that most of us don't give f'uck all for the muslims of the world. If they can't control their leaders and their whackos, they get the same treatment as said funda-MENTAL-ists.

I wasn't defending the Muslims, I was just saying that they did, in fact, care.

i think its more of an excuse then anything else. im sorry, but killing people over a cartoon is just being the animals they are proving them self to be by their actions. no amount of words will change the fact that their actions are those of terrorist, human hating animals and deserve to be treated as such until they choose to grow up and play in the real world and act as humans again.
#12 Mar 01 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
Singdall wrote:
LvKeniko the Quick wrote:
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
Except for the Muslims

I'm a U.S. citizen, and I can say with a great deal of certainty that most of us don't give f'uck all for the muslims of the world. If they can't control their leaders and their whackos, they get the same treatment as said funda-MENTAL-ists.

I wasn't defending the Muslims, I was just saying that they did, in fact, care.

no amount of words will change the fact that their actions are those of terrorist, human hating animals and deserve to be treated as such until they choose to grow up and play in the real world and act as humans again.

I'm not defending the Muslims, I agree with everything you just posted. I was merely stating that the Muslim's did care that the cartoon was printed.
#13 Mar 01 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
I'm not defending the Muslims, I agree with everything you just posted. I was merely stating that the Muslim's did care that the cartoon was printed.

So, in other words, you're simply pointing out the f'ucking obvious like the pedantic little prick you are and acting innocent when it is pointed out that you are, in fact, a pedantic little prick and should probably insert yourself in to tepid bath and drop a hair dryer in for fun?
#14 Mar 01 2006 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
LvKeniko the Quick wrote:

I'm not defending the Muslims, I agree with everything you just posted. I was merely stating that the Muslim's did care that the cartoon was printed.

well some of their "leaders" did enough to egg the animals on that is for sure.

i doubt that the entire muslim world is as hateful and animalistic as they have appeared in the past month since the release and reprint of the cartoons have shown. my guess is due to their total lack of education in most parts of the muslim world and 400+ year old backwards thinking they are just supper easy to manipulate into doing stupid acts of terrorism and murder.
#15 Mar 01 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Singdall wrote:
LvKeniko the Quick wrote:
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
Except for the Muslims

I'm a U.S. citizen, and I can say with a great deal of certainty that most of us don't give f'uck all for the muslims of the world. If they can't control their leaders and their whackos, they get the same treatment as said funda-MENTAL-ists.

I wasn't defending the Muslims, I was just saying that they did, in fact, care.

i think its more of an excuse then anything else. im sorry, but killing people over a cartoon is just being the animals they are proving them self to be by their actions. no amount of words will change the fact that their actions are those of terrorist, human hating animals and deserve to be treated as such until they choose to grow up and play in the real world and act as humans again.

You're generalizing an entire group of people because of the extremists that associate with that group? Bhodi and Wing are correct, it's just fuel on the fire.

Edited, Wed Mar 1 13:11:03 2006 by fenderputy
#16 Mar 01 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Singdall wrote:
i think its more of an excuse then anything else. im sorry, but killing people over a cartoon is just being the animals they are proving them self to be by their actions.

It's clear that for whatever reason, there's a rapidly growing movement among Muslims who believe their ideals and their faith are under attack from the West. If you take this mindset as a starting point, it's easy to see why a violent reaction might result when a Western nation publishes a cartoon such as this.

I don't think dehumaninzing "the enemy" and calling them animals is really doing any good, other than perhaps simplifying the situation for you. This problem is growing fast, and the root causes are far more complicated than these being a bunch of backwards, uneducated animals acting like dogs with rabies.
#17 Mar 01 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
fenderputy the Shady wrote:

You're generalizing an entire group of people because of the extremists that associate with that group? Bhodi and Wing are correct, it's just fuel on the fire.

Edited, Wed Mar 1 13:11:03 2006 by fenderputy

generalization would be accurate if it were only a few people, but we are talking about tens of thousands at 1 time in more then one place, in all when you add it up you were talking well over 100,000 people and if the total numbers were released i would not be supprised to find it closer to 1million people involved.

that is not generalization, that is a rather large portion of the muslim population. that is not just the fundamentalists, it is the average joe smoe on the streets in the muslim world who were commiting those crimes just as they are today and have been.

it is more fule on the fire without a doubt, but it is feed even more by the leaders of the mass uneducated muslim world whos thinkings and actions are those of animals and a culture that has refused to grow up with the rest of the world.
#18 Mar 01 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
This problem is growing fast, and the root causes are far more complicated than these being a bunch of backwards, uneducated animals acting like dogs with rabies.

Is it though? I mean, maybe in the more advanced countries like Iran and Afghanistan they have t3h smart people, but our black muslims really are just street animals who would do well to get a cattle prod in the *** occasionally.
#19 Mar 01 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Singdall wrote:
fenderputy the Shady wrote:

You're generalizing an entire group of people because of the extremists that associate with that group? Bhodi and Wing are correct, it's just fuel on the fire.

Edited, Wed Mar 1 13:11:03 2006 by fenderputy

generalization would be accurate if it were only a few people, but we are talking about tens of thousands at 1 time in more then one place, in all when you add it up you were talking well over 100,000 people and if the total numbers were released i would not be supprised to find it closer to 1million people involved.

that is not generalization, that is a rather large portion of the muslim population.

Here are some estimates of the numbers of Muslims. 100,000 is a tiny portion. You're generalizing.
#20 Mar 01 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
Jawbox the Furtive wrote:
Singdall wrote:
i think its more of an excuse then anything else. im sorry, but killing people over a cartoon is just being the animals they are proving them self to be by their actions.

It's clear that for whatever reason, there's a rapidly growing movement among Muslims who believe their ideals and their faith are under attack from the West. If you take this mindset as a starting point, it's easy to see why a violent reaction might result when a Western nation publishes a cartoon such as this.

I don't think dehumaninzing "the enemy" and calling them animals is really doing any good, other than perhaps simplifying the situation for you. This problem is growing fast, and the root causes are far more complicated than these being a bunch of backwards, uneducated animals acting like dogs with rabies.

i would not call them my enemy, but i will continue to call their actions animalistic and thus by association them animals.

animals act in very predictable ways, mostly they will fight or flee. well these animals are fighting for NO good reason.

a cartoon is not a good reason to kill someone in any ones eyes who is a civilized human. that is why we have jails and why we have places to lock up people who are not well in the head.

just look at the history of the ME and the muslim world for the past 50 years only. what do they do? they kill people who are differnt just because they can. they do it every day.

that is like a pack of rabid worlves running around killing everything that is not part of the pack, then when everything is gone, they turn on them self. not much different then what these uneducated masses are doing around the world today in the name of islam.

since 9/11 the islamic world has been trying to say the koran (sp?) teaches PEACE and harmony with all life.

hmm, well your actions shure as h3ll do not show that. your actions are those of the devil, your actions are lies, deciept, terror, torture, murder, beheadings of innocents, that is the actions of the muslim world.

were is the outcry for peace, were is the outrage at the terrorist actions, were is the demand for the terrorist and the extreemist to lay down their arms?

it does not exsist because they do not want it to happen. they do not want peace, they want only their kind to be left alive and doing anything. they do not want freedom, they want war with the rest of the wolrd. christian, budist, everything that is not muslim, they want to see destroyed.

this is what their actions are saying. their words be damned as they are worthless lies so say their actions.
#21 Mar 01 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
5,677 posts
our black muslims really are just street animals who would do well to get a cattle prod in the *** occasionally.

Perhaps your right. Draft-dodging pu[blue][/blue]ssies like Muhammed Ali only understand the language of pain....
#22 Mar 01 2006 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
shady, you forgot to read deeper into my post. the total estamated number of protestors was closer to 1 million, that would be 1,000,000 people, and not a small portion of the muslim world.

in over 17 nations riots happend in each case it was tens to hundreds of thosands of people involved. it is those nations leaders as well both political and religious leaders calling for the protests. only a small handful asked for peacefull demonstrations, but most just turned a blind eye to the burning of buildings, the muder of people, the destruction of property.

hmm why is that? maybe because they WANTED it to happen too...

who knows could be.
#23 Mar 01 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
3,101 posts
Singdall wrote:
shady, you forgot to read deeper into my post. the total estamated number of protestors was closer to 1 million, that would be 1,000,000 people, and not a small portion of the muslim world.

No ... I read that part. I'm just not going to beleive those numbers until I see a reliable source report that. You are not what I would call a good reliable source.
#24 Mar 01 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
fair enough. its out there just add up the numbers. i got the 17 nations from the BBC, the numbers reported at the multiple "attacks" within those nations came from places like MSNBC, Fox (yuck), and the BBC as well as CNN.

i prefer to get most of my news from the BBC.
#25 Mar 01 2006 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
So, burkas: sexier than a chick wearing a trashbag, just about the same or less sexy? I'm saying less sexy, because trashbags are a choking hazzard.
#26 Mar 01 2006 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,808 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I'm not defending the Muslims, I agree with everything you just posted. I was merely stating that the Muslim's did care that the cartoon was printed.

So, in other words, you're simply pointing out the f'ucking obvious like the pedantic little prick you are and acting innocent when it is pointed out that you are, in fact, a pedantic little prick and should probably insert yourself in to tepid bath and drop a hair dryer in for fun?

Yeah, pretty much.

Why are you so damn angry though?

Edited, Wed Mar 1 16:39:28 2006 by LvKeniko
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