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Cops to police manners?Follow

#1 Feb 27 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
Lunch time hits the office on yet another Monday. So I make my trek over to the local Subway to get a little slice of Heaven in a meatball sub. So I'm waiting for my turn, in line with what appears to be a Lawyer (ahead of me) and a Cop (behind me. I order my sam'ich and head to the register.

Subway Sandwich Artist: [:Insertlaughingmya[/red]ssoffsmileyfacebutIdon'thavepremiumtoshow:]
"Would you like the combo meal today?"

Me: "No."

I pay and receive a "Have a nice day!"

I, in my quest for nourishment, reply with the standard "Need food, belly empty" grunt and start to head for the door.

Where I am promptly stopped by Waterloos Finest...

"You didn't say Thank you." says the Badge.

Stupid conversation ensues where I drop the word Fu[red]
ck in the middle of our conversation (not to the Cop, just in front of the Cop) and receive a 55 Dollar ticket for "Polluting the airwaves and Disturbing the Peace."

Most. Expense. Lunch. Ever.

I think I can beat the ticket.

#2 Feb 27 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Kaelesh wrote:
Stupid conversation ensues where I drop the word Fu[red][/red]ck in the middle of our conversation (not to the Cop, just in front of the Cop)

Elaborate please, I'm curious.
#4 Feb 27 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Professor klyia wrote:
Kaelesh wrote:
Stupid conversation ensues where I drop the word Fu[red][/red]ck in the middle of our conversation (not to the Cop, just in front of the Cop)

Elaborate please, I'm curious.

I'm guessing he felt the need to make the verbal equivalent of a urine spray.
#5 Feb 27 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I had a friend that went to pull out of a parkade and a cop car was parked across the entrance so she couldnt get out. She saw the cop in the bank paying a bill and complained to him (seeing as how he was doing his banking not his job and illegally parked). 5 minutes later driving down the street he pulled her over and gave her a ticket for some bullsh'it traffic violation.

The girl talked to our buddy who is a policeman out of town and he told her how to report the guy. She filled out some paper work. The ticket was dropped.

or there was the time

My brother was driving down the road and a cop was on his bumper the whole time. Making him speed up and speed up. He then passed my brother and put on his breaks. My brother followed the car to the local Tim Hortons asked the police officer for his name and badge number. The police officer asked why. My brother told him so he could report him for dangerous driving. The police officer declined to give his number. My brother told him that he could either give him the number or else he would write down the guys license plate and car number and report him and mention how he refused to give his badge number. He got the guys number. The cop got in sh'it.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 16:10:13 2006 by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Feb 27 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Flea wrote:
Professor klyia wrote:

Kalesh wrote:

Stupid conversation ensues where I drop the word F[/red]uck in the middle of our conversation (not to the Cop, just in front of the Cop)

Elaborate please, I'm curious.

I'm guessing he felt the need to make the verbal equivalent of a urine spray.

He started to lecture me on my "Bad manners" to which I said "I don't give a fu[red]ck. I was only getting a sandwich." That's it, in a nutshell.

Edit: The whole point of this thread, Swearing

Edited, Mon Feb 27 16:12:06 2006 by Kaelesh
#8 Feb 27 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
WarMaverick the Tulip wrote:
Ah but Flea, you overestimate the testosteroine levels of your average male. I'm sure he just happend to utter the word in disapproval of the situation.

Or maybe his sandwich wasn't up to par, and the cop took it to heart? Smiley: frown

F*ckin' sammich.
#9 Feb 27 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
WarMaverick the Tulip wrote:

Is this some kind of testosterone+heroin hybrid? Arkansas is always last in everything. Around here they are still hooked on meth.
#10 Feb 27 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
Well now that was kind of dumb dont you think? I mean even if you do get out of the ticket you still have to waste a bunch of your time getting it straightened out. Wouldn't it have been easier to just thank the "sandwich artist", and then **** and moan about it once you were out of earshot of the cop?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#12 Feb 27 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
WarMaverick the Tulip wrote:
Ah but Flea, you overestimate the testosteroine levels of your average male. I'm sure he just happend to utter the word in disapproval of the situation.

Or maybe his sandwich wasn't up to par, and the cop took it to heart? Smiley: frown

F*ckin' sammich.

I'm guessing he was at subway trying to lose weight (a la Jared) and instinctively ordered the 12" when he knew he really only needed the 6". It wasn't until he was talking to the cop that he looked down at his sandwich and discovered his error. Out of frustration at his own lack of self-control, he said, slightly under his breath, "F*ckin Pig".
#14 Feb 27 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Lord xythex wrote:
Well now that was kind of dumb dont you think? I mean even if you do get out of the ticket you still have to waste a bunch of your time getting it straightened out. Wouldn't it have been easier to just thank the "sandwich artist", and then **** and moan about it once you were out of earshot of the cop?

Pssst. Xythex.

It's waaaaaay more entertaining to make up why he did it, as the real reason is dumb. Here, try it.

I'm pretty sure the cop spit on him, and rather than pull out his nine and let him eat lead, he chose the gentlemen's way out and deployed the f-bomb in hopes that his opponent's ********* would shrink and he'd run crying from the scene like a wee girl.
#15 Feb 27 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
15,953 posts
I know I just hate it when people trick me into swearing. I've lost 4 jobs that way.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#16 Feb 27 2006 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
Flea wrote:
I'm pretty sure the cop spit on him, and rather than pull out his nine and let him eat lead, he chose the gentlemen's way out and deployed the f-bomb in hopes that his opponent's ********* would shrink and he'd run crying from the scene like a wee girl.

#17 Feb 27 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Kaelesh wrote:
Flea wrote:
I'm pretty sure the cop spit on him, and rather than pull out his nine and let him eat lead, he chose the gentlemen's way out and deployed the f-bomb in hopes that his opponent's ********* would shrink and he'd run crying from the scene like a wee girl.


Dude, I'm like fuckin' psychic.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 16:26:29 2006 by Atomicflea
#19 Feb 27 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Being polite seems to be a lost talent in today's youth. I was raised to say "please" and "thank you" growing up, and to respect other people. For the most part, I follow that fairly well. After all, if I didn't do it when I was a kid my folks would smack me on the back of the head. There's something to be said for negative reinforcement.

While I may be in a sh[Aqua][/Aqua]itty mood occasionally, I still try to remain polite to others. Those in the service industry deserve my respect too, as long as it is given in kind.

So yeah, pay the ticket and learn a lesson asshat.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#20 Feb 27 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Kakar the Vile wrote:
Being polite seems to be a lost talent in today's youth. I was raised to say "please" and "thank you" growing up, and to respect other people. For the most part, I follow that fairly well. After all, if I didn't do it when I was a kid my folks would smack me on the back of the head. There's something to be said for negative reinforcement.

While I may be in a sh[Aqua][/Aqua]itty mood occasionally, I still try to remain polite to others. Those in the service industry deserve my respect too, as long as it is given in kind.

So yeah, pay the ticket and learn a lesson asshat.

/rebel nonconformist

#22 Feb 27 2006 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Kakar the Vile wrote:
Being polite seems to be a lost talent in today's youth. I was raised to say "please" and "thank you" growing up, and to respect other people. For the most part, I follow that fairly well.


When I graduated high school this lady that I didn't even know made me a present for graduation. She had some sort of sewing shop and hand-made me a leather backpack for college. When I asked her why she wanted to make me a present she said it was because she saw me around town a lot and I was always nice and opened the door for her on the way out of the convenient store and stuff. I didn't even remember her because that's just how I act. I wasn't doing anything special for her.

I didn't actually end up using the backpack (I suspect it was just one she had used to level up on) but I really appreciated the gesture. That was really the first time I realized that people really do pay attention to how you act in random encounters and that it can come back to help or hurt you later.
#23 Feb 27 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
I didn't actually end up using the backpack (I suspect it was just one she had used to level up on)

Smiley: lol
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#24 Feb 27 2006 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Being polite seems to be a lost talent in today's youth. I was raised to say "please" and "thank you" growing up, and to respect other people. For the most part, I follow that fairly well. After all, if I didn't do it when I was a kid my folks would smack me on the back of the head. There's something to be said for negative reinforcement.

While I may be in a ****** mood occasionally, I still try to remain polite to others. Those in the service industry deserve my respect too, as long as it is given in kind.

So yeah, pay the ticket and learn a lesson asshat.

I understand what you are saying but at the same time, I hate when a random stranger walks up to some one to correct them on their manners. The older generation is so quick to judge the younger generation, I know plenty of people my age who say please and thank you all the time. But if I'm in a bad mood I might not say it, but that does not mean I'm being disrespectful. Also, some cops don't have anything better to do than to flash their badges thinking they are some one special. I have had plenty of older people disrespect me so its not just today's youth. You give respect you get it back. Times have changed, it's hard to trust people like you could back in the day, so people have changed. You never know who's crazy lol , so people need to be careful who they choose to say something to, cause they might take it the wrong way and something might happen to them.

edited to add: What he said shouldn't have gotten him aticket, the cop was just being an ***. Saying "I don't give a ****. It's only a sandwich." is nothing, I don't believe kissing anyones azz, no matter who they are. Yeah, it was his choice to say what he said, but it was also the cops choice to say something in the first place, so who was the *******..the cop.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 17:36:35 2006 by kalaria
#25 Feb 27 2006 at 7:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Personally, I'm glad you got a ticket. If you'd have had the common decency to say thank you to someone who handed you a meal or the common sense to PRETEND that you were actually contrite about the matter when confronted by a man who gets paid to tote a gun, you wouldn't have a ticket. If you'd have had just little enough hubris that you were able to stand there quietly and accept an admonishment from an authority figure without opening your piehole and making some defiant gesture for no other reason than to prove that you could and thus would, you wouldn't have a ticket.

I know $55 won't break you. That's too bad. Not because I'd like to know that you wound up suffering (I really don't care enough to wish bad things upon you, only enough to giggle when they do happen), but in hopes that you might actually become a better person for the experience. Fat chance, I know.
#26 Feb 27 2006 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
But if I'm in a bad mood I might not say it, but that does not mean I'm being disrespectful.
Yes, it pretty much means exactly that. Withholding common courtesy because you're in a pissy mood is disrespectful.
I have had plenty of older people disrespect me so its not just today's youth. You give respect you get it back
In what way was the person behind the counter at the sandwich shop not giving respect (actually, what you're talking about is courtesy)?

Nobody said all adults exhibit perfect manners at all times. If that were the case, we wouldn't have those fabulous TV shows like "Cops" and "Jerry Springer". Many of us improve over time.

Edited, Mon Feb 27 19:43:47 2006 by Yanari
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