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Working at the movie theater.Follow

#1 Feb 26 2006 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default
I've noticed a lot of things about people from working at a movie theater since last May.

First and foremost, what the **** is up with those deadbeat parents bringing their little kids (under 5 even) to midnight movies that won't get out until 3. The kids won't be home until 3:30, and knowing how I was at that age, won't fall asleep for at least half an hour being so wound up and excited.

These sorts of parents are ruining the joys of staying up late. When I was a little kid, staying up past midnight was something sacred, saved for my parents annual "New Years Eve Eve Eve" parties and New Years Eve itself. These kids... they're going to movies on random Friday nights until 3 am. I don't think that's normal or healthy. Those parents definetely need help.

And people don't seem to get the concept that movie times CHANGE. They bring in papers from days ago, not realizing that movie theaters change their times each Friday when new movies come out, and then yell at us because they are an hour late for the movie time that doesn't exist anymore.

Here's a few tips for moviegoers... or guests anywhere:

1. Don't grab your drinks by the top. Grab them by the sides so they don't spill.

2. If you want something special/different in your order, tell US before we make it, because otherwise you're wasting the valuable time of everyone else in line, when we have to dump out a soda because you didn't want ice.

3. Know what movie you are seeing before you get in the line to the box office. Do NOT ask obscure and inane questions such as: "What is popular movie?" or "What is good action movie?" Those aren't easily answered, and you're wasting everyone's time.

4. Clean up after yourself. Just because we're paid to clean up your trash doesn't mean we have to. Save time for everyone that is waiting for the next show by throwing away your own crap.

5. Don't blame us when you're 20 minutes late for a movie, and the lines make you 25 minutes late. You're late and it's your fault.

6. Learn to share. Seriously. Stupid families will buy 5 small popcorns and 5 small drinks instead of 1 large popcorn and 1 large drink... and it's seriously like 3 times as expensive for about the same amount of stuff. And if we tell you about that it's: "My kids don't want to share." Well teach them to share. Sharing saves you a lot of money. Besides, you even get refills at most places for large popcorns and drinks. So it's even a better deal.

7. Don't buy diet coke if you're a girl that isn't overweight... (Diabetics excluded from this) girls in general could stand to gain a few pounds.

8. Don't have your kids buy their own food when you're all together anyway. You're trying to teach them responsibility or whatever, but they're still with you, and you turn one transaction into two slow ones.

9. 100 dollar bills are annoying. We are not a bank. We don't always have change.

Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#2 Feb 26 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm sure I could go through point by point and find things to pick apart but most of it is "a good idea" so I won't. However, I do have to say that I...

-- Am not a girl nor overweight but I drink diet because the sugar in sodas is a major factor in tooth decay. Plus, have you seen how many calories are in a large soda? ~300-400. That's a quarter of your suggested daily caloric input.

-- Agree you should clean up after yourself but disagree with the "just because we're paid to clean up after you doesn't mean we have to" sentiment. That's pretty much exactly what it means, barring my grace from throwing away my own popcorn and soda containers. Luckily for you, I always do.

-- Have very, very... very little compassion for an industry that charges me $22.50 for two popcorns and sodas when they suddenly can't break a $100 bill. What are you guys doing with all those twenties?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Feb 26 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm thinking that if you don't like all the trash that people leave, then stop selling them disposable containers.

The movie theater industry created this problem. I have little sympathy for someone who works in that industry complaining about it.

It's right up there with **** stars complaining about the lack of romance in dating, Exxon complaining about oily tasting fish, or a tobacco company complaining about the rising cost of health insurance.

Get stuffed.
#4 Feb 26 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Jessrond in the feedback forum wrote:
I don't think that Asylum posts should count for Karma or against it. They tend to have... different... values than everyone else and rate down anyone who is from a different "country" in the world of Alla.
A crappy post is a crappy post, no matter the "country" of origin.

Suck less.
#5 Feb 26 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
Good god you whiney little snot, you work in a movie theater! If the rest of us are unlucky enough for you to reach adulthood you do realize you're going to look back at this pathetic rant and realize how meaningless your gripes are, right? Is your job really so stressfull you carry it home with you and bring it here? I'm astuonded at you lack of perspective, when did mother take her teet away, or has she?

If you're able to maneuver the difficult years full of acne and ************ ahead of you might someday have a job that has any degree of gravity. You know what pisses me off about my job? When people blatantly lie to me about their insurance claims. Or how about when they call me and can't pay their bills because the bank they used is under water in some moist corner of New Orleans and I have to let them know about moratoriums and reassure them that we won't cancel their policy for nonpayment due to their displacement? Well that doesn't **** me off so much as it depresses me, but maybe you get my point: Your Complaints Are As Insignificant As You.

So in summary: GFY & ESAD.
#6 Feb 26 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
If you quit your job then we wouldn't have to listen to you complain about it.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#7 Feb 26 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
I love my job, there are just some things that people don't seem to understand.

I don't mind cleaing even, it's just that the more mess there is, the longer it takes to clean it, especially if its opening night.
Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#8 Feb 26 2006 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone ever notice her/his name? Jessrond the Picky.
#9 Feb 26 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
It implies to my food tastes.

If I could make my own it'd be Cheesehater or Burgereater.
Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#10 Feb 26 2006 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
I don't do any of those things! Altough I despise it when I have to share my large soda and popcorn with 4 other people and then run them up for re-fills every goddamn time.

Anyways, I'm not kewl yet, am I?
#11 Feb 26 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Of course you're not. Stop trying to be like me.
#12 Feb 26 2006 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
I don't do any of those things! Altough I despise it when I have to share my large soda and popcorn with 4 other people and then run them up for re-fills every goddamn time.

I'm talking more about families with kids that will hardly eat half of a small popcorn in the first place, not general people that eat greedily... such as myself. :-P
Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#13 Feb 26 2006 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
Jessrond the Picky wrote:
4. Clean up after yourself. Just because we're paid to clean up your trash doesn't mean we have to. Save time for everyone that is waiting for the next show by throwing away your own crap.

And exactly why I refuse to throw away my own food.

When you signed up for a job, you consciously agreed to uphold specific demands required of you; whether they have you throw away my bottle of soda or clean up the puke of some kid who had to sit through Hostel, somewhere in your job description it specifically says that your duty is to keep the theater room clean.

Therefore, I have little to no incentive for cleaning up overpriced food that I know someone will clean up for me anyways.

Isn't capitalism a beautiful thing?
#14 Feb 26 2006 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
Think about it beyond yourself. When 200 other people have an attiude just like yours... that's 200 sodas, 200 popcorns, etc all in the theater.

That hurts everyone who has to wait longer for their movie, and causes us to have to move people from other places in the theater just for that one theater...
Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#15 Feb 26 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
Jophiel wrote:
-- Have very, very... very little compassion for an industry that charges me $22.50 for two popcorns and sodas when they suddenly can't break a $100 bill. What are you guys doing with all those twenties?

I don't know about all businesses, but at some, your drawer will signal you when it reaches a certain dollar amount, like $300, and you have to take out $150 and put it in the safe.

#16 Feb 26 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
For safety a lot of places keep very few twenties accessible, and thus it really is hard to break a twenty... it takes a lot of extra time, especially if someone just started work and doesn't have any..
Cheese is evil. As a Paladin, I destroy cheese-based creatures.
#17 Feb 26 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
3,908 posts
As a Canadian are country has completely embraced interac,(99.9% of buisness it's available) Why is it that when I go down to the U.S.A for a weekend trip, I always get a stunned looked when I say can a put it on my debit card. When I explain it too them they say "Oh we take credit cards but we can't take your bank card here, you need to go to a bank machine and look at me like I'm the stupid one." Get with the 21th century, I love the ability just to take money out of my checking account without carrying cash.
#18 Feb 26 2006 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
As a Canadian are country has completely embraced interac,(99.9% of buisness it's available) Why is it that when I go down to the U.S.A for a weekend trip, I always get a stunned looked when I say can a put it on my debit card. When I explain it too them they say "Oh we take credit cards but we can't take your bank card here, you need to go to a bank machine and look at me like I'm the stupid one."

They're being stupid.

Just don't tell them it's a debit card, have them run it as credit. Works the same 99% of the time.

#19 Feb 27 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
trickybeck wrote:
As a Canadian are country has completely embraced interac,(99.9% of buisness it's available) Why is it that when I go down to the U.S.A for a weekend trip, I always get a stunned looked when I say can a put it on my debit card. When I explain it too them they say "Oh we take credit cards but we can't take your bank card here, you need to go to a bank machine and look at me like I'm the stupid one."

They're being stupid.

Just don't tell them it's a debit card, have them run it as credit. Works the same 99% of the time.

When I was younger, anywhere retail that I worked could run a debit card as credit (seeing as how most were and still are part of visa) and normally most people caught on quite easily.

The only problem I ever ran into were the people who couldn't handle the fact that they were using their debit card and I still needed to see I.D. or/and have them sign those little crappy pads that never really look like your signature.

The only way I can see a business in the U.S. which takes credit cards not taking debit would be if it was small - like ma & pop small and couldnt pay the extra fee to process debit and really that seems like kind of a **** poor reason.

Seems they're the morons, but it is true here in the U.S. even when you're using debit it will probably run credit through whatever company is stamped on your card (visa, mastercard and such) but it'll do exactly the same thing.
#20 Feb 27 2006 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
I've never had a problem when trying to pay with my Debit card.

If they give you any shi't, make sure you throw a hissy fit before you leave the store/restaurant. Always brightens my day to **** some people off.
#22 Feb 27 2006 at 12:39 AM Rating: Default
To sum it up: people expect too much. Is that right?
#23 Feb 27 2006 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
I did the theatre gig for about 1 month in High School, so while I feel for you.. I think your ******** is useless. Lord forbid you do this oddly strange concept called "work" for that extremely rare "paycheck" I hear about quite often.

First and foremost, what the @#%^ is up with those deadbeat parents bringing their little kids (under 5 even) to midnight movies that won't get out until 3. The kids won't be home until 3:30, and knowing how I was at that age, won't fall asleep for at least half an hour being so wound up and excited.
Well here in AZ, Harkin's actually has a daycare center for morons like this. You know if your management staff grew a set of balls they would enforce the ratings system and "please be quiet" system. But wait, they don't want to comp people tickets or refund admissions because they were stupid ***** who couldn't pay for a babysitter but yet could pay 20 bucks+ for tickets and 30 bucks in food.
And people don't seem to get the concept that movie times CHANGE. They bring in papers from days ago, not realizing that movie theaters change their times each Friday when new movies come out, and then yell at us because they are an hour late for the movie time that doesn't exist anymore.
Well you see most paper's advertise times for the whole week, so Fri-Thurs is the advertised times,if your theatre is changing times on a semi dailey basis.. Your theatre sucks..
Here's a few tips for moviegoers... or guests anywhere:

1. Don't grab your drinks by the top. Grab them by the sides so they don't spill.
Talk with your manager's about getting better quality or start letting people bring in their own food from the local retailer's that basically give quality serving products like reinforced cups where the lid won't pop off at the slightest breeze.
2. If you want something special/different in your order, tell US before we make it, because otherwise you're wasting the valuable time of everyone else in line, when we have to dump out a soda because you didn't want ice.
How about you ask me first? Your after all taking MY order. You will spend less time asking me "You want/don't want ice, extra or no butter" than coming back and finding out I didn't want it like that, thus causing you to sink more time into something when you could have handled the situation the first time.
3. Know what movie you are seeing before you get in the line to the box office. Do NOT ask obscure and inane questions such as: "What is popular movie?" or "What is good action movie?" Those aren't easily answered, and you're wasting everyone's time.
Last time I checked, you worked in the industry.. IT'S PART OF YOUR JOB..You need to know these things, grandma and grandpa usually don't read the critic's reviews. And some folks just don't watch alot of TV let alone check Quicktime or Yahoo movies on a dailey basis to even know what the hell alot of movies are about.
. Clean up after yourself. Just because we're paid to clean up your trash doesn't mean we have to. Save time for everyone that is waiting for the next show by throwing away your own crap.
Just for this I'm buying a jumbo popcorn and on the way to the theatre, it's getting dumped outside the entrance.. Gives you something to do I think..
5. Don't blame us when you're 20 minutes late for a movie, and the lines make you 25 minutes late. You're late and it's your fault.
Well sorry people are stupid at time's and poor time managers. Just smile and nod and tell them "you know the more time you spend talking to me,the more your missing of the movie"
6. Learn to share. Seriously. Stupid families will buy 5 small popcorns and 5 small drinks instead of 1 large popcorn and 1 large drink... and it's seriously like 3 times as expensive for about the same amount of stuff. And if we tell you about that it's: "My kids don't want to share." Well teach them to share. Sharing saves you a lot of money. Besides, you even get refills at most places for large popcorns and drinks. So it's even a better deal.
So wait.. your complaining because people are helping make your paycheck possible? If I want to be an idiot and blow 30 bucks on things I could easily get for 15.00 if I spent a moment looking at your menu and pricing schemes well hey I'm a moron and you get to smile and say "sucker" when I walk away.
7. Don't buy diet coke if you're a girl that isn't overweight... (Diabetics excluded from this) girls in general could stand to gain a few pounds.
If someone wants to buy a Diet Coke, who cares? Last time I checked little timmy at the concession stand wasn't dubbed "soda specialist".
8. Don't have your kids buy their own food when you're all together anyway. You're trying to teach them responsibility or whatever, but they're still with you, and you turn one transaction into two slow ones.
Well hey the kids are learning math, or maybe they are spending their allowance since mom and dad don't want to buy them those "snicker doodle ju ju bees laced with sugar that simulates speed". I suggest learning to appreciate someone teaching their kids financial responsibility to some extent. When your a greeter at Wal mart those kids will be handling your payroll,hope they can add 1+1.
9. 100 dollar bills are annoying. We are not a bank. We don't always have change.
But you have alot of cash being brought in dailey. And over all be thankful for larger bills because they make your end of day till counting alot faster and easier.
#24 Feb 28 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
trickybeck wrote:
I don't know about all businesses, but at some, your drawer will signal you when it reaches a certain dollar amount, like $300, and you have to take out $150 and put it in the safe.
While I may sympathise with you as a theater wage slave, that's really a problem with the theater's management policies not my wallet.

Keep enough cash in the drawer to break a $100 and the problem is solved. I wasn't the one to tell them to squirrel it all away in the vault every five minutes.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Feb 28 2006 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
Jophiel wrote:
trickybeck wrote:
I don't know about all businesses, but at some, your drawer will signal you when it reaches a certain dollar amount, like $300, and you have to take out $150 and put it in the safe.
While I may sympathise with you as a theater wage slave, that's really a problem with the theater's management policies not my wallet.

Keep enough cash in the drawer to break a $100 and the problem is solved. I wasn't the one to tell them to squirrel it all away in the vault every five minutes.

This is just to minimize losses from theft as I'm sure you can guess. Happened to me one time.
#26 Feb 28 2006 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Oh, I know why they do it, having worked retail myself. But that still doesn't make it my problem when the popcorn-jockey sighs deeply at my $100 bill.

The management decides how to balance loss prevention against having available funds. That's fine but when they balance it poorly and don't have enough cash in drawer to break a bill that's their fault, not mine.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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