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Blair to force those on incapacity benefit to workFollow

#27 Jan 25 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Hopefully, he'll use the same approach that Clinton did when he reformed our wlefare system here in the US. Clinton had a lot of short-comings, but who doesn't? Anyways, I think he did a good job at putting people back to work that really needed to.

As a rule, welfare systems are racked with fraud.
#29 Jan 25 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
and as aways there is an idot who butts into a grown up disgusion and pretends thay are hard core by spouting a load of sware words and beliving thay are clever when the truth is he is now seen as the forum clown or retared person I give u Molish our own ******/idot/clown (please delete non apropret or use all 3)

Holy sh[/b]it on a stick batman. For posts this bad, I have to use the old link.
Live it, learn it, use it.

there is plenty of evidence Duke Youshutup how ever im sure a person with you intrelcet dose not need me to provied them... try reading the paper.... and I dont mean the SUN/NEWS OF THE WORLD/THE MIRROR try for something not run by Blair and his cronys... like the Daily Mail.... or the Gardian..... or perhaps you dont read.....

Thanks chicken little, I'm sure the sky is falling where you live.

If you are as grown up as you claim to be, then our education system really has failed us. Fer fu[b]
cks sake man, you have the English comprehension of a 1st grader.

Edit: found the right comic this time.

Edited, Wed Jan 25 12:16:25 2006 by Molish
#30 Jan 25 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
334 posts



sorry every one I don't like useing my loud voice......

iv said all I have to say......
#31 Jan 25 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts

Thank you for proving my point that you are retarded. Don't like the fact that you can't write? Then don't post your illiterate sh[/b]it.


Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you snarl toothed, *** catching queens are the only ones allowed to comment on other countries political agendas. Get the fu[b]
ck out of the assylum if you don't like what I got to say.


Mine have teh boobi3$. What the fu[/b]ck is your excuse?

sorry every one I don't like useing my loud voice......

I'm sorry, I mistook that for your retarded voice. Thanks for clearing that up for me, you stupid piece of sh[b]
it. Go back through 2nd grade and learn how to fu[b][/b]cking type. Stop using some made up learning disability as a crutch.
#32 Jan 25 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
334 posts

#34 Jan 25 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent




#35 Jan 25 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
He sure Pwned you there YSU Smiley: oyvey

(No it's not my sock)

Yeah - those heavyweight conspiracy-busting tomes of literature the daily Male and the Grauniad!


Welcome to the Asylum

Varus has been replaced - YAY!!!!!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#36 Jan 25 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts


War for you is like competing in the special Olympics; even if you win, your still a fu[b][/b]cking ******.
#37 Jan 26 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
334 posts
Record Deleted order unknown

Edited, Thu Jan 26 13:26:05 2006 by Shasui
#38 Jan 26 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
334 posts
hmmm Molish look take a dicanray and look up the word ************ in the mean time please cheak out this link

and also so this one ya **** head

**** u and have a nice day
#39 Jan 26 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
You're dyslexic eh?

Want me to link the proof that Dyslexia is only found in Co[i][/i]cksuckers and Smasharoo?

Naah. I can't be ******
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#40 Jan 26 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
10,811 posts
I have no idea how disability works in England or in the US, but don't you get some sort of amount based on how much you are disabled? For instance, I am currently 0% disabled according to Veterans Affairs. That means I get free medical care for my disability, but no compensation. I am working on an appeal to my claim, and my goal is 10% disability, which gives you 112 bucks a month for the rest of your life. There is no way to live off of that, heh, therefore forcing me, who is perfectly capable of working, to work (eventually...I am just being a full time student at the moment).

As far as social security benefits in the US goes, its based on your earnings record to date. There is a maximum amount you can be credited per year. clicky

The one case I have personal experiance with, "percent disabled" was never mentioned. This case dealt with a degenerative, debilitating condition and payment awarded was based on how much had been paid into the system by the claiment during their employment history before contracting said disability and becoming unable to work.(run-on sentences ftw^^) I have heard of the percentage, but thought it might refer to more of a workman's comp-type issue? Every year you should receive a statement from SSA basically stating what you are worth disabled based on prior employment wages.
#41 Jan 26 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
334 posts
Im beinging to wounder if ou guys are the ones with this probelm not me what with the way a lot of u posting such vile words...

how ever not only are you entitled to your own opinons so I am....

let me tell u somthing about me I have a mild form of dyspraxia

I dont have have it as bad as some of u may think.... I live a normal life like most of you well some of you well I was young I had a above advrige score when it came to reading.... but my only down side was my writing, spelling, and Gramare at that time dyspraxia was never heard of and people was begining to understand Dyslexia..... but it did not put me off my writing improved but I wrote slowly.... my spelling did not how ever..... I went thoruge school with this problem.... and becuse of it I got low grades in the end...... now people still dont get Dyslexia and dyspraxia has only just begun to be understood...... but there are still some people who will never understand because thay are just too stupid to.... when ever I go out people dont see some sort of backward person as you have been quick to make me out as no thay just see you advrige Joe...
and thats how I want to be treated here.....

now back to this Blair Business but first I must stress to any amrican who wishes to make a point do so in a maner that is constuctive if not then STFU... your sort should be focased on your own goverment......

ok so it mabe all just a lame conspiracy thery and fantasy but it is common nolige that Blair has been fidling his funds dispite this you still dont see the big picture.... last year he made sevral trips to spain and the south of france on Tax payers money im not talk about the money we pay in to his wages no I mean out of the tresiory then there is the promise of funding for the 2012 olimpics in London dispite the promices made not one penny has been put in to the fund.... I could go on but some of you brits here get what im saying and there is no dening it...... you can burry your head in the sand or walk away.... Im not the only one with this in mind there is others and there are some who have seen more then this..... but I leave it up to u now to deside where this gose from here

so yeh u can say its a lame conspiracy thery and others mite agree..... oh and by the way Nobby and Molish before you start shoting your selves in the foot again I would chose my words carfuly........

#42 Jan 26 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
but my only down side was my writing, spelling, and Gramare
Respectfully i disagree your downside is the inablity to form cohearant and sencible posts.

So far all you have managed is unsubstanciated claims of corruption in Westminster backed up by nothing but hearsay and a rather bazaar notion that civil servents get huge pensions...

I'm Military, my pension is good but trust me it's no more than any other company would offer given the hazardous nature of my job and it's far better than the average Civil servant.

I could go on but some of you brits here get what im saying and there is no dening it.
Please go on because i haven't got a clue what you're talking about and i doubt any other brit on the forum does either.

A few accusation other than pensions and T.Blair going to spain twice a year backed up with atual facts rather than conjecture would help your cause.
#43 Jan 26 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Option One - Take care of yourself. If that means getting a job great. If that means you are homeless well to bad you were given a chance.

I don't ******* get it. I know people who work 2 jobs all day long and barely get by with the social security they're givin. My family was that way growing up. Everyone who was old enough to work had jobs, my mom had two jobs and we all did nothing but work. We were barely able to pay the bills and if we didn't get child support(gasp socialist welfare OMG) from our deceased father we would have been homeless. I don't get where everyone things "having a job" is the end all solution to poverty, especially seeing how prices for everything keep going up and wages stay the same.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#44 Jan 26 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
kuwoobie wrote:
Option One - Take care of yourself. If that means getting a job great. If that means you are homeless well to bad you were given a chance.

I don't ******* get it. I know people who work 2 jobs all day long and barely get by with the social security they're givin. My family was that way growing up. Everyone who was old enough to work had jobs, my mom had two jobs and we all did nothing but work. We were barely able to pay the bills and if we didn't get child support(gasp socialist welfare OMG) from our deceased father we would have been homeless. I don't get where everyone things "having a job" is the end all solution to poverty, especially seeing how prices for everything keep going up and wages stay the same.

Well. Some would argue that if we didn't have those social programs (or at least if they were much smaller), then having a job *would* be a solution. Why do you think "prices keep going up and wages stay the same"? Who do you think pays those wages and sets those prices? It's the same people/businesses who bear the brunt of the tax burden used to pay for those social services in the first place.

I also really don't agree with your assertion about prices and wages to begin with. Prices for staple goods have been pretty flat for a long time (housing is what's increased, but that's due to totally different market pressures). Minimum wage increases have kept up with inflation rates. It's not really the single person living on minimum wage that's suffering. It's the family trying to survive on one salary that is. And that has little to do with minimum wage (it's not intended to support a family by itself). It has to do with the flexibility of wages in the range between "poor" and "middle class". And that range is most hit by taxes on businesses since that's the most flexible wage range.

Highly skilled labor can charge high dollar values. So those in those ranges typically aren't hit that hard by taxes on business (in one form or another). The wages that get lowered and the jobs that get elimintated are the low and entry level slots that people trying to move up need to make that transition. The jobs that might pay 10 or 12 bucks an hour get axed, not the ones making 20 or 30.

This is really well beyond the original topic though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#45 Jan 27 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Well. Some would argue that if we didn't have those social programs (or at least if they were much smaller), then having a job *would* be a solution.

How so? Why is having a job the solution to a person who already has a job? What does a person do when having a job is not enough, when having two jobs is not enough? I hear in the news about how social security is threatened by the likes of all these "conservatives" calling it "hand outs for lazy people."

On the other hand-- Sometimes I wonder how it is possible for these same people to have so much money, when it would seem they havn't worked a day in their lives. They come in and **** away $15,000 on custom appliences and doorknobs and other trivial things like it's nothing yet cannot comprehend something as simple as an exit door that won't open from the outside. Clearly these are not educated people, yet they're loaded with cash at all times. They cannot all be lottery winners. How do all these people get their money I wonder? These are the same people who believe welfare is socialism and must be eliminated. They've apparantly never had to live with every available friend and family member just to get by as we have. To them me and my family are filth, we are their servants. They even own the homes we live in as if this were some feudal society, calling themselves "land lords." You mention the expense in housing, and the news flaunts it as "proof of booming economy". Booming economy for those who are already rich.

"Savings and wise investments" I can hear some of them say, but to do that there needs to BE money to save and invest. They can't just pull money out of their asses, and they sure as hell didn't just "get a job" for it.

Sorry, I've been rambling. Just answer the first part. How is getting a job the answer for those who have a job already? Apparantly welfare is not just for those who don't want to work when there are many who do work, and work hard, but nomatter how hard they work it is never enough.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#46 Jan 27 2006 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
874 posts
Oh fer fuc[/b]ks sake, don't you know when to just shut the fu[b]ck up? Oh, boo hoo! Cry for me, I'm a fu[/b]cking ******! I can't form a coherent sentence and everyone makes fun of me for it.

You won't get any fu[b]
cking sympathy from me, you slow *******. Either learn to overcome your "disability" or don't fuc[/b]king cry about the fact that you can't type for sh[b]it.

I don't have to read some half-assed website to know it's bullsh[b][/b]it. Go try and pawn your mental retardation off on the government to get your free money. They are stupid enough to buy it, I'm not.

#47 Jan 27 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
334 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#48 Jan 27 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
ah @#%^ it have cant take this sh*t any more so @#%^ you all you inbread sh*t im out of here!
Wow bloke from Norwich calling someone Inbred? talk about pot and kettle, they only allow wheels in East Anglia if they are attached to Tractors.

I used to take leave whenever HMS Norfolk had a visit to Norwich as it pains me to watch reverse Darwinism in action.
#49 Jan 27 2006 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Shasui wrote:
/butthurt Smiley: crySmiley: crySmiley: cry
Pure comedy gold!! Smiley: lol
#50 Jan 27 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
im not saying that but it seams your the one who is retared by coming out with the same old song and shouting rude words to people who are having a talk about poltics why dont u grow the @#%^ up.... judgeing by most of the topics on this forum I think you all nead to grow the @#%^ up so dont go and tell me to grow the @#%^ up you @#%^ing retared YANK!

Lets examine this....poorly structured argument for a sec.

Aside from your blatant racism, I've seen nothing but sad attempts at "rude" words coming for your side of the pond. Can't be on any high horse if you yourself are at the very fault of what you try to blame others for.



I think you all nead to grow the @#%^ up so dont go and tell me to grow the @#%^ up you @#%^ing retared YANK!

More Racism.
Face it, your a ignorant piece of racist sh[/b]it.

Moving on....

Why do you keep coming back? Do you like getting raped? Or are you just that fu[b]
cking mental? Are you "disabilities" just preventing you from the realization that you are indeed being monstrously raped with a 20 foot ***** by one of the simple lurkers of the asylum? Could you fathom receiving a verbatim 10000 times worse form the regulars here?

Leave if you don't like it, but don't expect your retarded *** to EVER get this.....
and thats how I want to be treated here.....

Your treated upon how you act, you 1st grade educmicated cnut.
#51 Jan 27 2006 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Molish wrote:

Face it, your a ignorant piece of racist sh[/b]it.

Leave if you don't like it, but don't expect your retarded *** to EVER get this[b].....

and thats how I want to be treated here.....

Your treated upon how you act, you 1st grade educmicated cnut.

I'm not sure which is funnier; the irony in the cripple fight or the fact that we have officially found Varus's British counterpart. Smiley: lol

Please stop, I can hardly contain myself.
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