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Blair to force those on incapacity benefit to workFollow

#1 Jan 24 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent

Prime Minister Tony Blair says getting one million incapacity benefit claimants back to work within 10 years can be "a win for everyone"

He spoke out as ministers prepare to unveil plans to cut benefits for claimants who refuse to take part in back-to-work schemes

The more severely disabled people will receive a higher rate of benefit and have no obligation to look for work.

About 2.7m people claim the benefit, resulting in an annual bill of £12.5bn.

Now while I agree with this and my jaw also dropped to the floor to see 2.7 million people claiming this benefit ... (surely there must be some fraud, I cannot see that 5% of the population is unable to work AT ALL). I am not sure I like some of the ideology behind the goverments aims. I wonder if this will be used correctly?

I watched a programme on TV last night that left a nasty taste in my mouth. It was about Benefit *cheats* in the UK. Those who are apparently claiming benefits when they should not.

Now while some cases they showed were legitimate cases of fraud, others worried me silly at how the state was dictating the private lives of those on benefits.

In one example, a single mother had a boyfriend. The boyfriend was not the father of her children. The relationship was not cemented but still young, passionate and loose. The boyfriend was staying from 3 to 4 nights at her house. And now comes the part I really detest.
The benefits agency had the rights, to stop all benefit payments to this young mother simply because she had a boyfriend. The government claiming that if you have a lover, they should pay for your children. This is regardless of who is the legal parent and how long the relationship has gone on for.
If the partner is found to be living in the same residence, you can even be taken to court and have benefits taken.

Now, call me fickle but is this not cruel and barbaric? As a single parent, the goverment says that you cannot date anyone who is not prepared to shoulder the financial burden of your children. WTH, thats make you SO attractive for sure. The restrictions on your personal life are ludricrous. Now for most couples, when you first meet ... staying together is quite normal. Normal couples can meet, stay at each others houses when they like, how they like without comment. But if you are a single parent on benefits, you may not ... the government will stop your benefits if you stay at your partners or they stay with you for the night. Hell, they will stop your benefits just for daring to seek another partner.
I can just picture the add in the paper "single mum, seeks partner but you must pay up front for my children that you did not father because the government says so". Ridiculous.

Now if a relationship becomes serious and the BF accepts legal responsibility for your children, becomes a stepfather and you marry. Well yes, drop the benefits because you are then a FAMILY. But I wonder, do goverments think about how much they hurt their citizens and trap them in a single parent existence by making it financially punitive to date?

Bleh ...

And I rambled on there, but I really worry about any new scheme coming from a government that has such an appalling way of treating its citizens and prying into our personal lives. I saw something that shocked me last night with our benefits and how we (britain) treat single parents.
I honestly wonder if under this scheme will work.

Also, I am not worried so much about getting people back to work. I am wondering how on earth it is possible that 2.7 million people in the UK can claim they cannot work at all. Unless you are blind, deaf and armless there is work that you can do.

And yes .. maybe I am peeved to find out where far too much of my taxes are going.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 08:52:02 2006 by JennockFV
#2 Jan 24 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Just because Helen Keller had arms means you'd make the ***** work?

Helen Keller had arms, right?
#3 Jan 24 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent

I have no idea how disability works in England or in the US, but don't you get some sort of amount based on how much you are disabled? For instance, I am currently 0% disabled according to Veterans Affairs. That means I get free medical care for my disability, but no compensation. I am working on an appeal to my claim, and my goal is 10% disability, which gives you 112 bucks a month for the rest of your life. There is no way to live off of that, heh, therefore forcing me, who is perfectly capable of working, to work (eventually...I am just being a full time student at the moment).

Obviously compensation for an injury incurred during military service is somewhat different, but I was just curious how this works.

#4 Jan 24 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Chand the Furtive wrote:
Just because Helen Keller had arms means you'd make the ***** work?
She had a mouth too. There's people who'd pay good money for that. Real good money.

I'm so going to Hell.

Seriously speaking, Ms. Keller gave interviews and speeches and whatnot if I'm recalling correctly so she could find good employment as a motivational/public speaker. Which is more than a lot of people do.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Jan 24 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
It's about time he made those lazy bastards out there pull their weight. Good for him.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 10:48:19 2006 by NephthysWanderer
#6 Jan 24 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Fu[i][/i]ckin' handicapped with their "wheelchairs" and their "helper monkeys" Smiley: mad
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Jan 24 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
Alla prediction for 2013: Energetically Challenged becomes an accepted disability.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 10:49:58 2006 by NephthysWanderer
#8 Jan 24 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Wee-ooh wee-ooh!!!

................ ___@@@__
..... _____//_________\______
... o------- [/white]Complex Issue ------@)

edit - Is it possible to have a welfare system that is a sufficient safety net but not become a welfare state?

Edited, Tue Jan 24 11:08:28 2006 by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Jan 24 2006 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
That's sound of an ambulance, comin to take me away, because the sight of you stopped my heart.
#10 Jan 24 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Really? How flattering!

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Jan 24 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Wee-ooh wee-ooh!!!

................ ___@@@__
..... _____//____?_____\______
... o------- [/white]Complex Issue ------@)

edit - Is it possible to have a welfare system that is a sufficient safety net but not become a welfare state?

Edited, Tue Jan 24 11:08:28 2006 by bodhisattva

It's a fair question. When does a safety net become a hammock?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#12 Jan 24 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Samira wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
Wee-ooh wee-ooh!!!

................ ___@@@__
..... _____//____?_____\______
... o------- [/white]Complex Issue ------@)

edit - Is it possible to have a welfare system that is a sufficient safety net but not become a welfare state?

Edited, Tue Jan 24 11:08:28 2006 by bodhisattva

It's a fair question. When does a safety net become a hammock?
Oh Oh! I know, I know! When it's a Mexican Gardener laying on it?
#13 Jan 24 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Samira wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
Wee-ooh wee-ooh!!!

................ ___@@@__
..... _____//____?_____\______
... o------- [/white]Complex Issue ------@)

edit - Is it possible to have a welfare system that is a sufficient safety net but not become a welfare state?

It's a fair question. When does a safety net become a hammock?

First you must realize and define the actual purpose of welfare. Let say its a safety net to protect hard and honest workers in case of bad times such as a mill closure etc. Gives them a chance to get back on their feet and find new work. Then we must ask "how is this being abused?". Obviously people are abusing the rules and using it as a source of income with no intention of finding a job. So we must locate specific ways in which it is abused and specific rules that are twisted. We must then cut them out and restructure the system back to its original intent.

Welfare is their to help you get back up on your feet when you fall down. It is not a means of support. Welfare as well as job training programs will help you take care of yourself, they are not their to take care of you. The person should be given a period of time in which to collect their ****, after said period of time they are cut off from welfare. They are then given one of two option

Option One - Take care of yourself. If that means getting a job great. If that means you are homeless well to bad you were given a chance.

Option Two - For those more likely to go the homeless route. The Army. We will feed, cloth you, train you and pay you. If you stick around long enough you get benefits. The training you receive will be valuable in any number of civilian fields once you get out. Also it is better than starving. Earn your keep.

Edit - Conservatives that want to abolish welfare are just shooting themselves in the foot. Liberals that want to make welfare into a hand out are doing the same thing but at the other end of the spectrum.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 11:50:03 2006 by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 Jan 24 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
The problem in the Uk at the moment is that for the lower end of the work spectrum, it is often the case that being out of work and on benefits is far better financially for you than finding a Job.

This is especially true for young women with little or no qualfications and young men with easy access to low level crime.

Since having children is seen as rewarding and the risk/reward for low level crime is worth it we have some real problems at the moment.

Single Mothers and yobs robbing old lady's is an image that the press would have us believe is the norm in Britain today, it's not but certainly it is something we should be looking at ways to prevent without hurting those who genuinely deserve help.
#15 Jan 24 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
The boyfriend was staying from 3 to 4 nights at her house.

Over half the week? That money is to provide a place of residence for the "disabled" mother and her children. Not for whatever freeloader she takes in off the street. His responsibility isn't to provide for her children, his responsibility is to pay his own fair share. If he is living in the residence then he would be expected to contribute to it's rental.

I'm not sure about the U.K. but in the U.S. government subsidized housing is offered at significantly reduced rates based on the resident's income. If I'm pulling in $150,000 a year why should I pay 1/4 of the rent the couple next door pays for the same housing because my girlfriend is disabled? Our combined income is still over twice what theirs is, but their tax dollars are going to pay my rent.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#16 Jan 24 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Samira wrote:
It's a fair question. When does a safety net become a hammock?
When it's tied to the Twin Trees of Labor & Attitude, shaded by the Leaves of tax-payer dollars and supplied with the margaritas of Innovation! Occassionally, the Squirrel of Education comes around to chatter at you but the gentle hum of the Lawnmower of Laxitude drowns him out while you watch the Children of Freedom go running through the Lawn Sprinkler of Liberty.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Jan 24 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Over half the week? That money is to provide a place of residence for the "disabled" mother and her children. Not for whatever freeloader she takes in off the street. His responsibility isn't to provide for her children, his responsibility is to pay his own fair share. If he is living in the residence then he would be expected to contribute to it's rental.

Oh please, you missed the entire point of my post. First off, the boyfriend had his own house that he was paying for and living in.

So direct to the point, are you saying that she cannot have boyfriends? And that if she has one, she is not entitled to have him stay the night? Bear in mind they are lovers, not husband and wife or cohabiting seriously. They are not in a serious *committed* relationship.

I wonder .. how many people from allas have been in relationships where early in, you stayed nights reguarly at your lovers house? Are single parents on benefits not allowed this freedom? Are they somehow beholden to draconic laws that limit their ability to date normally? Really ...... please re-examine what you just said.
Her BF has his own house, he is simply staying with her so they can ... well .. fill in the blanks yourself.

If this boyfriend turned serious, *if* the relationship was to progress. *IF* he decided that he wished to play happy families and become a guardian to the children, move OUT of his OWN home and in to HERS full time and make a family unit .. THEN the benefits should be stopped and the family should shoulder the cost, as one parent can work full time to support the family while the children are under school age. On that I totally agree.
But why play god and demand that anyone who dares go near a single parent has to pay for the entire families upkeep?

In the long term, allowing someone to find a partner helps all involved. With a partner you can share parental duties. It makes it easier for both parents to work. But I think the crucial thing here is ... seperating what is a casual relationship - "getting to know each other" and a committed relationship of "happy families". You really have to allow for a period of transition.
#18 Jan 24 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Are they somehow beholden to draconic laws that limit their ability to date normally?

When they are living off my tax dollar then ya. You're stretching the situation here. Living in a residence 4 nights a week is greater than half the time, technically making her residence his permanant residence. The goverment doesn't buy me a hotel room to use when I'm dating why should it buy one for this guy.

If this boyfriend turned serious, *if* the relationship was to progress. *IF* he decided that he wished to play happy families and become a guardian to the children, move OUT of his OWN home and in to HERS full time and make a family unit .. THEN the benefits should be stopped and the family should shoulder the cost, as one parent can work full time to support the family while the children are under school age. On that I totally agree.

But who makes this determination? If I keep a 3x3 storage shed for $20 as my "primary residence" and make $200,000 a year should I be allowed to live in government assisted housing that would normally rent for $800 for $150 a month with my girlfriend and her kids indefinitally? Is that fair to every family that manages to make ends meet on one income and doesn't soak up tax dollars to live beyond their means? Where do you draw the line? You would draw it farther out than I but were both talking about drawing the same line.

This isn't about the oppressed womans right to have a relationship, this about not allowing disabled people to run hotels on the government's and ultimatly mine and your dime.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#19 Jan 24 2006 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
Fear is a prime motivator in the economy. Although we may prefer not to use it, considering ourselves civilized, it is impossible to remove completely. Too little and people will not achieve as much as they could. Too much and people develop psychological issues.

The nature of our fears have changed dramatically just over the last hundred years within the first world. In general we no longer fear starvation or death due to the elements. A prime motivator for the middle class has become health care. Such as the death of a child which could be prevented by care beyond the means of the parents to provide.

Our tools to remove certain fears have been criticized for being rather digital: either you gain the benefit or nothing. This has been said to snare people by making intermediate states between reliance on the state and absolutely no need of the state very difficult to achieve.

Jennock has brought up a similar point. Yet Xythex brings up a counter point about fairness. It isn't fair that someone who at least is potentially escaping from poverty still gains full benefits. Yet another point could be made that none of this is the government's business - either because of privacy concerns or social darwinism. That's why we vote. It's pretty important.
#20 Jan 24 2006 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
In the U.S., if someone lives in subsidized housing and has a guest stay the night that frequently, they will be stripped of their benefits. You are allowed to have someone stay in your unit for a maximum of 2 weeks I believe. This allows people to have family or friends over for visits, while preventing abuse of the system.

At work we got a call from a woman who's mother watched her children during the evening, while she was at work. Her benefits were also threatened, the housing authority accused her of having her mother live there. It was cleared up when the mother was able to prove her established residence elsewhere. This kind of thing comes up all of the time, it is the price you pay for people abusing the system.

The benefits agency had the rights, to stop all benefit payments to this young mother simply because she had a boyfriend. The government claiming that if you have a lover, they should pay for your children.

Was part of this woman’s benefits free housing? I know your system is likely to be different, but if so, I seriously doubt that this woman lost her benefits because she had a boyfriend. If he did not stay over at her home, but she went to his home instead, do you really think they would remove her benefits? The variable here is not the fact that she had a boyfriend, it is that he was a guest in her home so frequently. If she does pay for her own housing, then my sympathy goes out to her.

On a separate note, way to set an example for your kids. How healthy is it for them to have Mom’s new boyfriend in which a relationship isn’t even “cemented” sleeping over so often? The ones I really feel sorry for in this situation are the children.
#21 Jan 24 2006 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
JennockFV wrote:
Are single parents on benefits not allowed this freedom? Are they somehow beholden to draconic laws that limit their ability to date normally? Really ...... please re-examine what you just said.

The cost of the dignity granted by social liberalism is liberty of those who recieve it and those who pay for it. How many times in the past have I stated that the least free people in any society are those on some form of government assistance? Now do you understand what I was talking about?

In an ideal world people would take only what they needed, and there woulnd't be a problem. However, in the real world, people are greedy and will take more if offered. This fact ensures that any social services program must have rules that those wishing those services must adhere to. And yeah. The end result is always a reduction of the liberty of those in the programs. It's a pretty much guaranteed result.

If this boyfriend turned serious, *if* the relationship was to progress. *IF* he decided that he wished to play happy families and become a guardian to the children, move OUT of his OWN home and in to HERS full time and make a family unit .. THEN the benefits should be stopped and the family should shoulder the cost, as one parent can work full time to support the family while the children are under school age. On that I totally agree.

Ok. I'll put on the other aspect of the social conservative now. Um... Then why ever formalize the relationship? If the guy marries her, then he takes on responsiblity for her and her existing children. If he just shacks up with her he is at worst responsible for any children he generates. Or, she can simply claim that she doesn't know who the father is, continue to get more funding from the government for another child, he can continue in the relationship with her (such as it is). Congratulations! You've just brought down the entire concept of familiy units in your society via economic dissencentives. Be proud though because you're "helping those in need"...

Yeah. I'm being a bit snarky, but the downsides of these types of systems that you seem to be just now noticing have been somewhat obvious for decades.

But why play god and demand that anyone who dares go near a single parent has to pay for the entire families upkeep?

Good point! So how about we just get rid of the benefits? Then she can do whatever she wants and no one will care where anyone lives or stays. That's "freedom"...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Jan 25 2006 at 4:45 AM Rating: Default
334 posts
at the mo in the Uk there is a Tax crisis..... the truth is Blair and the rest of that retarded party of his are realy useing that money for there own needs..... like bumping up the wages of not only them selfs but also persons in the civl-service in order to sercure more votes in the next election....

thay calm to be spending the money on education.... the Health service..... Transport..... the Police..... but as it is well know that money is going in to private pensions.... theres.....

and if your too blind to see this **** then there is soming wrong with you......

#24 Jan 25 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
334 posts
tpical the masses are blind to the cruption in the goverment that is surpost to be serving the people not it self.... and yet there are some like my self who can see clearly that a crime has been comited......

you see what I thought I do is be one of those deaf-mutes then I would not have to have any goddamn stupid useless conversations with anybody. or should I?
#25 Jan 25 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Wow. When then fu[b][/b]ck did you start blowing old men in the back alley of 7-11 to get the cash for FFXI, shadowrealm?

EDIT: wait, no. I just thought about it. It can't be him. I didn't see "the morol majorty werkin fer j00!" tag line.....

or did i?

tpical the masses are blind to the cruption in the goverment that is surpost to be serving the people not it self.... and yet there are some like my self who can see clearly that a crime has been comited...... saying the same thing.... and teh spelling.... SHADOW! It is you! How I've missed your stories of whimsey and strikeing air traffic controllers.

Edited, Wed Jan 25 10:40:38 2006 by Molish
#26 Jan 25 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
334 posts
and as aways there is an idot who butts into a grown up disgusion and pretends thay are hard core by spouting a load of sware words and beliving thay are clever when the truth is he is now seen as the forum clown or retared person I give u Molish our own ******/idot/clown (please delete non apropret or use all 3)

there is plenty of evidence Duke Youshutup how ever im sure a person with you intrelcet dose not need me to provied them... try reading the paper.... and I dont mean the SUN/NEWS OF THE WORLD/THE MIRROR try for something not run by Blair and his cronys... like the Daily Mail.... or the Gardian..... or perhaps you dont read.....
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