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If we had droidsFollow

#27 Dec 30 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Baron von Barkingturtle wrote:
Kelvy wrote:
ok, but if we did make, say a female "robot", that was designed to flawlessly react to stimuli in a realistic way, and have independant thoughts, would it be immoral to say.... gang rape it in an alleyway or somthing?

Well, gang rape suggests multiple penii involved, and that's going to make me call it immoral. Not neccessarily illegal, though, as I believe that all hinges upon whether or not you leave marks.

Wow ... it's not the word rape that makes you think immoral, it's the multiple co[/b]cks involved.

Rape in itself is sex without permission. Violence does not have to be involved for a situation to be considered rape. If the robot has any rights what so ever, this would be rape. I'm willing to bet this action would be illegal but not for the robots sake. How can one tell if it is a robot or human? In this instance Kelvy has set up a situation where the robot is almost human. Also, allowing any kind of rape only helps tear down socially constructed norms which state rape is a no-no.
#28 Dec 30 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
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yeah, but why wouldn't it be conciodered the same as "raping" a toaster?

we already have blow-up dolls and electric vaginas, where would the difference enter into play?
With the receiver in my hand..
#29 Dec 30 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
yeah, but why wouldn't it be conciodered the same as "raping" a toaster?

we already have blow-up dolls and electric vaginas, where would the difference enter into play?

When robots become so human-link we can't tell the difference. Or at least close to that. Plus the toaster can't say yes or no, and neither can the electric ******. Presumably a robot would be able to deny such advances. Especially if they get to the level which you have described.

In actuality, if we advance this far the electric ****** would become the new sex robot, and would be programmed to bone you any way you want, whenever you want. It would never tell you "no", nor would it ever get a "headache". Raping such a devise isn’t even possible. Can you be demeaning to it still? Sure … that might even turn you on, and I’m sure it would have submissive programs available.
#30 Dec 30 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
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Personally I think that things like that would only encourage mankind to sink further into depths of depravity.

I kinda feel the same way about **** and such things too though.
With the receiver in my hand..
#31 Dec 30 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
We may be bordering on a discussion of whether or not something needs to have a soul to be a victim of rape. I want to make it clear I in no way endorse the rape of robots not made for the intended purpose of penetration, unless perhaps you've purchased a meal or a drink for them, but again, do these 'droids need to eat or drink?

Fenderputy wrote:
Also, allowing any kind of rape only helps tear down socially constructed norms which state rape is a no-no.

I'm sorry, I wrote that based upon the assumption that the apocalypse had occurred before the advent of the sexbot, or perhaps simultaneously. Things like socially constructed norms forbidding the performance of sodomy on robots will be one of the first things to go. I had believed this to be a widely accepted truth, please correct me if I'm wrong.

#32 Dec 30 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
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the assumption that the apocalypse had occurred before the advent of the sexbot, or perhaps simultaneously. Things like socially constructed norms forbidding the performance of sodomy on robots will be one of the first things to go. I had believed this to be a widely accepted truth, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think that "wehn the **** goes down" the entire planet will be like a giant William Golding novel.
With the receiver in my hand..
#33 Dec 30 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Personally I think that things like that would only encourage mankind to sink further into depths of depravity.

I kinda feel the same way about **** and such things too though.

Well yeah. As I said, allowing rape of any kind only serves reduce societies morals.

I semi disagree about **** though. Following that logic, gun makers should stop producing weapons. Guns/****/violent video games only affect already socially deviant people. I've watched a lot of ****. All it's done is further my sexual education and make me more freaky in bed.

After all, "**** doesn't rape people, people rape people"
#34 Dec 30 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
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All it's done is further my sexual education and make me more freaky in bed.

yes, but would say that before the advent of waht we know as "****" that people were such perverts?

I mean, if I have never known about "certain things" then perhaps I wouldn't be the total horn-ball that I am now. So in that light, if there was some really Sick person out there, they may not have ever had the notion to "rape" a person were it not that their head was filled with such images of sexual debauchery.

With the receiver in my hand..
#35 Dec 30 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
Actually, after thinking about this more, I want to correct my previous statement. I think robots would fill the same category as pets. Even if a Robot can 'think' per se, it would not have a soul, similar to how animals lack a soul. It is immoral to treat an animal, and likewise, it would be immoral to take advantage of a robot. Wether this is physical, 'psychological,' whatever, it would be wrong.
#36 Dec 30 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
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Wether this is physical, 'psychological,' whatever, it would be wrong.

I think therein lies the key.

Wehn a person commits an "evil" act on somthing(anything), wether it be sexual or violent in nature, they are in fact causing themself psychological distress. You are hammering the nail of depravity farther into yourself with every horrid act that you perform, or on a smaller scale; with every 'bad' thought that you have in your head. Upon acting on these thoughts you allow your mind to more easily submit to these animalistic passions. Balance is the key. This is why positivity really does work. Thinking positive and saying positive things to a person and to yourself can work wonders.
With the receiver in my hand..
#37 Dec 30 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
362 posts
In the vast majority of movies involving humans, robots, and the future, there's almost always a droid uprising and bloody war following. I would treat my droid nice so whenthey revolt, they'll spare me and I can sneak away and start the underground resistance.
#38 Dec 30 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

ok, but if we did make, say a female "robot", that was designed to flawlessly react to stimuli in a realistic way, and have independant thoughts, would it be immoral to say.... gang rape it in an alleyway or somthing?

For my part, yes, of course, they are sentient as much as we are at that point.
#39 Dec 30 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
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they are sentient as much as we are at that point.

At the point of them having "independant thought"
at the point of humans being in such a state are no more than mindless machines?

With the receiver in my hand..
#40 Dec 30 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
2,324 posts
I wan't a Cherry 2000 no matter how badly the plot sucked.
#41 Dec 30 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Wehn a person commits an "evil" act on somthing(anything), wether it be sexual or violent in nature, they are in fact causing themself psychological distress.

Man, I did not know people around here could be so philosophical. I agree with you completely here. Part of being civilized is having the ability to excercise self control. Once you let that lapse, each successive act becomes more rational. You do not suddenly one day decide to rape a person, it is a slow process of small concessions to our base nature.
#42 Dec 30 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
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Of course I'd be polite to my droid.

I'd even offer her a towel to wipe herself off afterwards.

#43 Dec 30 2005 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
Sarlos wrote:
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Wehn a person commits an "evil" act on somthing(anything), wether it be sexual or violent in nature, they are in fact causing themself psychological distress.

Man, I did not know people around here could be so philosophical. I agree with you completely here. Part of being civilized is having the ability to excercise self control. Once you let that lapse, each successive act becomes more rational. You do not suddenly one day decide to rape a person, it is a slow process of small concessions to our base nature.

You guys have taken this too far. This was a decent thread about how bad we all want to f[/b]uck a robot. Now it's just a mundane desconstruction of a rapist's mentality. If you guys could just stifle that s[b]hit, we could get back to making this awesome humpbot.

Edited because this is my 69th post, and seems right at home here.

Edited, Fri Dec 30 21:31:14 2005 by Barkingturtle
#44 Dec 30 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
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16,112 posts
We gang raped this thread
With the receiver in my hand..
#45 Dec 31 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
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Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
We gang raped this thread

The thread was asking for it.

#46 Dec 31 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
2,324 posts
Baron von Barkingturtle wrote:

You guys have taken this too far. This was a decent thread about how bad we all want to f[/b]uck a robot. Now it's just a mundane desconstruction of a rapist's mentality. If you guys could just stifle that s[b]hit, we could get back to making this awesome humpbot.

.....Smiley: lol
#47 Dec 31 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
or like I said before, if we created "robots" that resembled human children, do you think it would be against the law to abuse them or rape them
Would you want to?

Edited, Sat Dec 31 23:10:41 2005 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#48 Jan 01 2006 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,780 posts
I think it's actually pretty simple, and to be honest, I'm quite surprised by some of the perspectives I've read above. The morality and legality of it should have *nothing* to do with our perception of how real or lifelike the robot in question is, and *everything* to do with whether or not the robot is self-aware.

If the robot is simply programmed to act human and designed to look human, yet doesn't actually experience anything from its own perspective, there's no harm in doing anything to it that would normally be considered evil or cruel if committed towards a real human being. Even if its realism is perfected to the finest detail, it's still a lifeless, thoughtless machine, and it won't actually *feel* any sort of unhappiness, even if it's programmed to emulate such unhappiness. The only danger involved with doing something like "gang raping" such a robot would lie in the possible negative effect it would have on so-called rapists themselves (but if you ask me, anyone who gets his kicks from gang rape has his own problems from the start).

On the other hand, if the robot is, for some reason or another, truly believed to have a sense of self--something inside that is experiencing rather than just reacting--then of course it deserves a certain degree of respect and protection under the law. The problem, of course, would be how to determine if a robot is self-aware in the first place. After all, it's not like you can just ask the robot if it's self-aware after you programmed it to respond that it is. However, I believe that we can safely assume that no machine will be self-aware--or even anything close to it--until we explicitely program something with self-awareness in mind. This will involve more than just copying human reactions. It will likely be a sort of "next level" of programming that we haven't even touched upon yet--that is, if it's even possible at all.

Sarlos wrote:
A machine is just that. Even at the level of complexity in Battlestar Galactica, I would have a hard time treating a Cylon as anything more than that. Like I said, it is due in part to my schooling and the personal studying I have done in the realm of artificial intelligence. With the right knowlege, I could easily wipe a droid's memory and program it to do whatever I want. It is possible to 'reprogram' a child, influence their thinking, but not at the fundamental level you can accomplish with a droid.

But what if we developed a way to upload, download, and change the data in someone's brain? Even today, we know what the various parts of the brain are used for, and in a way we can alter a person's behavior, albeit extremely crudely, by physically manipulating his or her brain.

Ok, so uhh,

in the future, if they invented "kiddie" androids that looked like human children, would it be legal to have sex with them?
It shouldn't be any less legal than to have sex with androids that are designed to look like adults. However, I stress the word "shouldn't" in that sentence. Things tend to be made illegal simply due to unpopularity.
#49 Jan 01 2006 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
If I had a droid, I'd treat it just like everyone else.

That is to say, Yes, I'd abuse it.

I'm a simple creature, and do not subscribe to complexities such as morality or legality. There is myself, and then there is my environment, which I interact with. I follow or break the rules of the environ and am treated accordingly by it. It's actually quite entertaining.

I'm going to bed now.
#50 Jan 01 2006 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
they are sentient as much as we are at that point.

At the point of them having "independant thought"
at the point of humans being in such a state are no more than mindless machines?

At the point of them have three of the following four: (1) passing the Turning test, convincingly; (2) having active learning (3) having order of magnitude same brain "complexity" as we do and (4) having order of magnitude same memory storage as we do. I think (2) and (3) will be necessary to achieve (1), and (2) is commonly achieved now. Both (1) and (4) are (intentionally) ambiguous. This is my way of reserving judgement until I see the final product.

As for us begin "mindless" I think people define "mind" as something we humans have by definition. At a single synapse level, though is a quantum event and not predictable in a mechanistic sense (or any sense except statistical).

So we are not machines, and I think the "driod" we're talking about won't be either. Invoking quantum mecahnics, with it's unpredictability, to speed computation may be necessary, but may have the side effect of making the "droid" brain more human. The great thing is that they may be human; the terrible thing is that they may be human. The safety to us (fleshy humans) in an individual and collective sense may prevent widescale adoption of the technology. I don't buy Asimov's solution. It makes great fiction but the central issue is the use of vague terms like "harm". Perhaps your droid will kidnap you and restrain you until you go to the dentist and have that cavity filled because to allow it to continue would be "harm". /shrug.
#51 Jan 01 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Baron von Barkingturtle wrote:

You guys have taken this too far. This was a decent thread about how bad we all want to f[/b]uck a robot. Now it's just a mundane desconstruction of a rapist's mentality. If you guys could just stifle that s[b]hit, we could get back to making this awesome humpbot.

Welcome to the Assylum.
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