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#1 Dec 16 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
So i found out yesterday that an old highschool friend of mine is going to prison for 4 years 8 months. It was a year and 2 months ago when he originally got locked up in county; He has never been released.
So the story go, Dominic's little brother, being 17, whated alcohol bought for him and acouple of his buddies and a girl. Dominic being like most any big brother agreed. So he headed to the liquor store and got them some hard A.
Well from there they went to, i believe, Dominic's house for a safe place to drink. They all got drunk, and somehow, the girl ended up getting partially naked, then passed out on the couch. Now i don't know who took the picture. But i know Dominic's little brother was the one that showed it to her. ><
What the picture included, was a passed out girl on the couch with a skirt on, but no panties. To say it delicately, the picture focused on the fact the girl was exposed. Now even though they said the girl undressed herself, it's obvious she was young and didn't know how to handle herself while intoxicated.
The fact is, all the males involved were in the wrong. I don't believe Dominic took the picture due to lack of incentive. Plain and simple; He's in his early 20's and isn't known to pick-up on a minor to get laid. But, he was the one to supply them with alcohol. And being the oldest there, he should have delt with the escalating situation appropriately.
Ether way, Dominic knew about the picture, but didn't know his little brother showed it to her. So while sitting in his house, the police showed up and snatched him away. Later they arressed all the minor invloved as well. To my knowledge all the kids, including the one who took the actual picture, got a slap on the hand. Dominic however, has never been released since being arrested. Just last month he took a plea bargin of 4 years 8 months in, pound me in the *** prison, ether in salem OR, or somewhere on the border of Idaho.
Now in no way am i saying he doesn't deserve his time. But wow, he's the first person i know to go to real prison. And 6 years total, damn. It's like they gave him 2 years for his crime, and 4 years for his stupidity. I can't imagine how he's feeling about his transfer next month. But then again, i can't imagine how the girl felt when she found out about the picture...
#2 Dec 16 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
Was she hot? Is it on teh internets?

Frankly, you must be making it up. I demand proof by way of picture.
#3 Dec 16 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly what was the crime with which he was charged?
#4 Dec 16 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
Um, what was he convicted of?

Giving Alcohal to minors shouldn't carry that high a sentance.

So was he convicted of mollestation or something?

Sounds fishy.

(pun not intended, but it stays)
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#5 Dec 16 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
PackyMcStout wrote:
So i found out yesterday that an old highschool friend of mine is going to prison for 4 years 8 months. It was a year and 2 months ago when he originally got locked up in county; He has never been released.
So the story go, Dominic's little brother, being 17, whated alcohol bought for him and acouple of his buddies and a girl. Dominic being like most any big brother agreed. So he headed to the liquor store and got them some hard A.
Well from there they went to, i believe, Dominic's house for a safe place to drink. They all got drunk, and somehow, the girl ended up getting partially naked, then passed out on the couch. Now i don't know who took the picture. But i know Dominic's little brother was the one that showed it to her. ><
What the picture included, was a passed out girl on the couch with a skirt on, but no panties. To say it delicately, the picture focused on the fact the girl was exposed. Now even though they said the girl undressed herself, it's obvious she was young and didn't know how to handle herself while intoxicated.
The fact is, all the males involved were in the wrong. I don't believe Dominic took the picture due to lack of incentive. Plain and simple; He's in his early 20's and isn't known to pick-up on a minor to get laid. But, he was the one to supply them with alcohol. And being the oldest there, he should have delt with the escalating situation appropriately.
Ether way, Dominic knew about the picture, but didn't know his little brother showed it to her. So while sitting in his house, the police showed up and snatched him away. Later they arressed all the minor invloved as well. To my knowledge all the kids, including the one who took the actual picture, got a slap on the hand. Dominic however, has never been released since being arrested. Just last month he took a plea bargin of 4 years 8 months in, pound me in the *** prison, ether in salem OR, or somewhere on the border of Idaho.
Now in no way am i saying he doesn't deserve his time. But wow, he's the first person i know to go to real prison. And 6 years total, damn. It's like they gave him 2 years for his crime, and 4 years for his stupidity. I can't imagine how he's feeling about his transfer next month. But then again, i can't imagine how the girl felt when she found out about the picture...

Tell him to start working out now, or attack someone on his first day in prison
#6 Dec 16 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Your friend probably got charged with everything under the sun, from supplying alcohol to a minor to probably attempted sexual assault. And if the girl was passed out and this happened, the prosecutors can just make their wish list of what charges they want to bring.

As the adult, he's held to a higher standard. Minors will get a slap on the wrist, especially if it's a first offense because the justice system does not want to stigmatize and label a minor which may lead to the minor continuing a delinquent life. But as the adult, he should have known better. And since he didn't, the court is going to pound on him.

Your friend may be lucky and get credit for time served and be released in a shorter time. Also, most prisons will evaluate the prisoners and send them to a different level of security prison, if appropriate.

Good luck to your friend. I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson, but this is the justice system's way of 1) making sure he remembers it and 2) using him as an example of what not to do with alcohol and minors.
#7 Dec 16 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The One and Only Omegavegeta wrote:
Um, what was he convicted of?

Giving Alcohal to minors shouldn't carry that high a sentance.

So was he convicted of mollestation or something?
Probably the alcohol to minors plus a child **** charge in some form or fashion.

Which means he'll be visiting the neighbors when he moves for the next twenty or whatever years.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#8 Dec 16 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Dominics house essentially became a child pornography studio with his knowledge. That and contributing to the deliquency of a minor x however many where there.

There is a whole host of sexual charges he could have been threatened with. He probably took the plea in order to avoid embarrasing testimony at a trial. There may very well be more to it than he is telling anyone.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#9 Dec 16 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
If this guy can get arrested, I garuntee you all I could be based off of pictures from Lake Havasu Spring Break alone.
#10 Dec 16 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Now, don't get me wrong based on what you've said 6 years really seems like bullshi[/b]t. At 17 years old she had a pretty good idea of what would happen if she got drunk to the point of passing out with a bunch of horny high schoolers. What she did was just plain stupid, we're not talking about little kids here getting taken advantage of, were talking about kids that could be in college. At the risk of sounding Gbajish she made a stupid move, decided to get drunk in a very stupid place and suffered a pretty minor consequence because of it.

Did they have a right to take the picture? Certainly not. But I don't think ruining this guys life over it is a fair punishment for the crime. Surely he shared some responsibility by providing the alcohol and crimescene but 6 years of federal prison worth?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#11 Dec 16 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Dominic made a handful of terrible decisions.

- opted to buy alcohol for minors
- provided a place for them to drink
- provided zero supervision for underaged drunks in mixed company

That last one is the really fatal blow. I would expect that quite a few teenagers have tried drinking while underage, and that older siblings, cousins, and friends were pressed into service to buy for them.

The problem is that Dominic allowed them to drink at his home, then improperly supervised them. If they were in his house he absolutely needed to be aware of what the hell they were up to in order to prevent situations just like this, particularly in mixed company.

Can you imagine if the girl had been raped? "Oh yeah, officer. I bought alcohol for my kid brother and his friends and their young female acquaintence, then I locked them in a room together and didn't hear a thing." It wouldn't go over real well.

Even with the high sentence the plea bargain was likely the only smart move he's made to date, as finding a sympathetic jury of 12 would prove to be more than a little difficult.
#12 Dec 16 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Man, you guys are right on the money. They charged him with everything under the sun. Including child pornography, furnishing to minor, and hugh list of other sexual charges. The reason he took the plea bargin is because they told him he was facing 80 years for all the charges. His attorney advised him to take the plea. And thanks to measure eleven, he's unable to get any time reduced, period.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 17:38:58 2005 by PackyMcStout
#13 Dec 16 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
Wouldn't they have to prove that he took the pictures and stuff?

Or would the fact that he was the adult and "in charge" mean he's responsible for their actions?

Um, and wouldn't they have to prove this stuff beyond a reasonable doubt?

Sounds like he had a pretty crappy lawyer. Also, the underage cousin should have taken the blame, not let his older cousin go to jail because he's a douche >.<
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#14 Dec 16 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Well I wonder how the girl feels that he is going to be doing 6 years of hard time for her stupid mistake.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#15 Dec 16 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
That's rough. I hope he gets to keep a copy of the picture.
#16 Dec 16 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Lord xythex wrote:
Well I wonder how the girl feels that he is going to be doing 6 years of hard time for her stupid mistake.

Probably a lot like the as[i][/i]shole who actually took the picture feels.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#17 Dec 16 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts

Probably a lot like the ******* who actually took the picture feels.

Good point. I guess there is plenty of blame to go around
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#18 Dec 16 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'd say stupidity abounded, yeah.

The kids involved should be required to spend their Saturday mornings visiting him in prison, in my opinion.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#19 Dec 16 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
PackyMcStout wrote:
...Now i don't know who took the picture. But i know Dominic's little brother was the one that showed it to her...

The lesson learned here is that only adults should be privy to kiddie ****, as kids just talk too much. I definitely question the ability of his lawyer, too, because if he was going to recommend a plea he should have milked Dominic for a couple more years of pre-trials and motions. How's that guy gonna make any more money if his client is incarcerated; totally irresponsible.

On a brighter note, Dominique is going to get alot of attention soon
#20 Dec 16 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
8,747 posts
Lord xythex wrote:

Probably a lot like the ******* who actually took the picture feels.

Good point. I guess there is plenty of blame to go around

Yeah and if they're anything like most teenagers they're probably pointing the finger at Dominic instead of taking an ounce of responsibility for their actions in an attempt to lay all the blame at his feet instead of his fair share.

No personal responsibility ftw.
#21 Dec 16 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Baron von Barkingturtle wrote:
The lesson learned here is that ******* should be kept locked up, so men don't have to suffer from their stupidity

#22 Dec 16 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
And the plot thickens...

So i just told my mom about Dominic while she was with my aunt. Seems my aunt knew about the story from the News. She said the News claimed the boys used a motion picture camera. Furthuremore, the News said the boys raped the girl and even molested her with object while on camera.
I know the motion camera part to be bullsh!t, so i speculate on the rest as well. But i now see why athorities didn't believe a single word out of Dominic. Even my friend that visited him in county said that was his big problem; No one wanted to listen to him, they'd already passed judgement.
#23 Dec 16 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
362 posts
If there had been video evidence of the boys raping the girl, they'd be getting more than a slap on the wrist. All of that would be admisable in court. They'd be doing time themselves.
#24 Dec 16 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
the police showed up and snatched him away
Smiley: lol
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#25REDACTED, Posted: Dec 16 2005 at 7:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lolnobbyfrons!
#26 Dec 16 2005 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
1,974 posts
That sucks.. Those kinda charges stick with you the rest of your life. Child ****... ewwwwwwwwwwww
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