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Waht are thoughts made of?Follow

#27 Dec 07 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,506 posts
On the topic of confusing the hell out of eachother...

I am in between being and becoming, what am I?

                                     ↓His opinion is ****.↓
#28 Dec 07 2005 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
Reeve wrote:
On the topic of confusing the hell out of eachother...

I am in between being and becoming, what am I?


"and" ?
Do what now?
#29 Dec 07 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,506 posts

Smiley: lol

To tell the truth, I don't know. My science teacher said it yesterday.
                                     ↓His opinion is ****.↓
#30 Dec 07 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Snips, snails and puppy dog tails.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#31 Dec 07 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Smiley: motz My head..

No do you think the god damn tree cares that no one is listening no it doesn't and its going to make the damn sound wether you like it or not! Even if you won't hear the dam thing
#32 Dec 07 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
I am in between being and becoming, what am I?

You are lost.
#33 Dec 07 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
so if you forgot that you exist... would you? Or would that fact that other people knew you keep you in existance? Or if n one knew you existed and you forgot.. would you cease to exist?

Is there a tree falling in the ******* forest at all!!?

I have stood by (mostly when I'm horribly tired/bored) the idea that if you truely believe it, it is true! (Or, well, I stand by it when there is absolutely nothing to talk about.)

The problem is there are few people in this world who can really believe (read: "know") that that object we call a rock over there is, indeed a snow leopard.

It may not appear to be a snow leopard in the traditional sense but if they know that it's a snow leopard then it is a snow leopard. It just is.

We then run into the dilemma of all these people currently residing in asylums (o...wait ~_^)

Basicly, your view of the world defines what the world is. If I know that you don't exist my brain will phase you out of the signal it recieves from my eyes.

even though I don't think you should ever be able to really do this, this is why parents need to be able to donate their children to medical science. XD Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't ever want any child much less my own being used as ginea pigs but if they could take children from birth and teach them only specific things as well as telling them other things that are right in front of them don't exist their view of the world will change and to them those things won't exist. Hypothetical, and anyone who actually does it should be tortured in the worst way but I'm just saying.

Is there a tree falling in the @#%^ing forest at all!!?
If you believe there is ~_^ lol

Edited, Wed Dec 7 21:45:22 2005 by Pandorra
#34 Dec 07 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Next question, who pushed the tree over?
#35 Dec 07 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
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if they could take children from birth and teach them only specific things

I'll teach my kid that it's godSmiley: lol
With the receiver in my hand..
#36 Dec 07 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
It depends on the thought, I suppose. Thoughts such as:

*********** chrismas and **** YOU!![/quote]

are made of bile and puss-covered toe nails...
#37 Dec 08 2005 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
Thoughts are eletric impulses generated by your brain. Thoughts are also uncontrollable and chaotic. Sure a person can sit and focus on a object, subject, or thought, but free-thought is without reason. This is what I believe.
#38 Dec 08 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Thoughts have existed for all eternity. Every thought from the beginning of time to the end of time all exist at once all around us. It is when our brains have been elevated through training and growth do these thoughts become available to us.

Such as the phenom of when two people half way across the world have the same idea at the same time. Such as when the French and Americans came up with similar drugs to fight aids.

All time and all thought coexist side by side. We just need to find a way to open those portals to walk between them.

Though I do not believe time travel will ever be possible because if it could then someone from the future would have already done it, they would have interacted with us and we would have knowledge of it. Though I do believe we could observe time, past, present and future if the technology was available.

Such as the Theory of Relativity explains it. If we could move faster than the speed of light from an object, then we were to stop and let the light catch up to us, we would see what had transpired in the light as it caught up to us.

But back to thoughts. Thoughts are energy and as we know energy can never be destroyed only converted to something else. So all thoughts exist in time and space as one type of electromagetic enery and is converted by our brains into another form of electromagnetic energy through the conditioning of our brain (education/experience/and being in the right place at the right time).

Keep this in mind, everything that ever was, ever is and ever will be exist all at once. We just need to find a way to reach out and touch it. Example: Everything that we can ever conceive can become reality. Take the original Star Trek episodes. Microwaves, cell phones and space flight was thought of then and exist now.

Hope this helps.
#39 Dec 08 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
waht was that about hats again?
With the receiver in my hand..
#40 Dec 08 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
LOL, reminds me of a joke

Rumsfeld and Cheney are discussing the effects of the war in Iraq with the media. They say, "Well, we will have to make some sacrifices. 60,000 Iraqi civilians will have to die. We will also have to sacrifice 10 busty blonde babes."

A reporter stops them and asks, "What was that about blondes? Why would we have to sacrifice blonde babes?"

Then Cheney leans over to Rumsfeld and says, "See, I told you they wouldn't care about the Iraqis."

#41 Dec 08 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
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Thoughts have existed for all eternity. Every thought from the beginning of time to the end of time all exist at once all around us.

Almost makes it sound like you are substituting 'thoughts' for "quantum stuff".

All time and all thought coexist side by side. We just need to find a way to open those portals to walk between them.

back to the "quantum stuff"

concider that thoughts are comprised of collections of quantum particles such as electrons or photons or wahthaveyou..

These particles are One Dimensional, thus are merely virtual points of information.

They have no mass, and hence are uneffected by the usual laws of time and space... meaning that they all are connected through this quantum "hub" which is the point in existance where all matter and energy break down into a uniform and timeless state.

In that sense.. the "portals" as you put it are already open... they are waht we and out thoughts and the rest of the world are made of.

Though I do not believe time travel will ever be possible

Aside from the fact that we arleady are time-traveling.. I believe that the only way that it would be possible woud involve a "soul"s "past" physical incarnation and rearranging the physical reality around said person as to reflect the deeper aspects of the souls memory in accordance to it's placement in the "timeline". This assumes however that the only existing state of actual physical reality is the present moment and that the past and the future are merely random particles floating in a virtual state of quantum possibility... "waiting" to be observered and rearranged by a consciousness.

Thoughts are energy and as we know energy can never be destroyed only converted to something else. So all thoughts exist in time and space as one type of electromagetic enery and is converted by our brains into another form of electromagnetic energy through the conditioning of our brain (education/experience/and being in the right place at the right time).

Break down waht that "energy" actually is though... is "energy" actually the thought.. or merely a manifestation of it?

Think of a Hydrogen Atom. It consists of 2 1-dimensional quantum "units". 1-dimensional indicates that they are massless and formless.. ect.. (I won't go into the notion taht nothing really "physically" exists lol because everything is made of collections of mere information) So a Hydrogen Atom is effectivly a unit that has MASS, because ot consists of 2 1-dimensional points making it 2-dimensional.

The question therein would be about the force that causes these "points" to form together to create mass.

As well as the nature of Thought.... and whether it be rooted in these Quantum Units themselves or part of wahtever pattern or force causes them to form.

Keep this in mind, everything that ever was, ever is and ever will be exist all at once.

That is oversimplifying it.

Just because everything is made of "space dust" does not offer explanation for ORDER as opposed to CHAOS. My concern is that these "patterns" are the framework for the super-structuring of reality as we know it. If we assume that physical reality is simply a "hardened shell" on the suface of the quantum universe of information... then you would have to ask yourself from where these patterns spring... Then concider concepts such as memory and observation and how that may come into play with the entire order of the universe.

A frequent debate with concepts such as this is that wehn we DIE; if our individual "pattern" remains somwhere in the universe or whether it is instead merely re-integrated and lost into a collective universe of quantum chaos..

With the receiver in my hand..
#42 Dec 08 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Thinking is just talking without the use of vocal chords. The only thing that makes it "special" is that I'm the only one who experiences my thoughts, whereas other people can directly experience and react to what I say outloud (or write).

No one ever seems to ponder metaphysically about vocal speech and text.

Edit: did I just say that outloud?

Edited, Thu Dec 8 18:46:07 2005 by Jawbox
#43 Dec 08 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
Thinking is just talking without the use of vocal chords.

that's dumbSmiley: grin

That would have to mean that Talking is just Thinking without the use of the brain,

or in some cases.. typing...
With the receiver in my hand..
#44 Dec 08 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
Why is that dumb? And how does that mean that talking doesn't use the brain?

Talking and thinking both use the brain in very similar ways, which was my whole point. There is nothing special about either one other than that one does not also utilize the vocal chords.

A lot of your musings about thoughts amount to a whole lot of mental ************ and very little substance, although I'm not going to assume any similarities in brain activity on that count.
#45 Dec 08 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
Been a while since i have posted on the asylum, but as i am working on a Biophysics take home final and enjoy procrastinating more than anything, ill bite and give my perspective as a physicist.

Thoughts: are the result of an intricit neural network composed of billions of neurons acting together to transmit and interpret the multitude of senses taken in by each of the bodies sensory inputs.
The resulting cognitive awareness develops from a mere recording and storing of surrounding stimuli to a complex reaction oriented network of responses over the course of a humans life.
As a child, the mental aptitude is primarily sensory input and storage, the infant takes in his/her environment and over time neural pathways are built in which link responses and intellectual aptitude. The baby learns that by making noise, he/she will get attention, food, changed. As the baby then learns to focus the words into previously heard vocal responses, a form a reactionary/benificiary communication is deveoped, known as speech.
As the child develops, these words, or vocal fragments translated in the brain to represent a visual or tachtile object become more complex and link to other objects increasing the child's ability to percive and understand the universe around him/her.
Eventually, the child becomes self aware to the point of questioning his/her own existance, and typically answers the question with the resources given at hand. Coping with self awareness has been one of the most intersting side effects of macroscopic biological creatures evolution.

If interested in a more detailed scientific explanation as to the exact transmision of the electro-chemical signals from each neuron and each cognitive and eprceptive group, please feel free to ask or study on you own. A very good book for this is "The color of Vision", which goes into neural transmission and focuses on the input of stimuli into the eye.
#46 Dec 08 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
A lot of your musings about thoughts amount to a whole lot of mental ************

Oh come on we're having an erotic conversation and you have to bring biophysics into it.
#47 Dec 08 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
That would have to mean that Talking is just Thinking without the use of the brain,

Sadly I doubt I use my brain when I speak type Smiley: frown.
#48 Dec 08 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Just because everything is made of "space dust" does not offer explanation for ORDER as opposed to CHAOS. My concern is that these "patterns" are the framework for the super-structuring of reality as we know it. If we assume that physical reality is simply a "hardened shell" on the suface of the quantum universe of information... then you would have to ask yourself from where these patterns spring... Then concider concepts such as memory and observation and how that may come into play with the entire order of the universe.

A frequent debate with concepts such as this is that wehn we DIE; if our individual "pattern" remains somwhere in the universe or whether it is instead merely re-integrated and lost into a collective universe of quantum chaos..

Well i do admire this approach to the universe, as it points out that our physical surroundings are simply the universe in which we have been developed to percieve, and that there is a infinitely complex system of unknowns yet to be discovered (if its possible to discover beyond our own plane of existance), i beleive this concept is too easily taken to another domain. Particularly in the realm of thought and perception. I think humanity is desperate to make more out of themselves in the grasp of immortality, and leaves open the cold fact that perhaps we are just one form of this "hardend shell". Just another form of matter that percieves the other matter on this plane in the only way it can.

Personally, i beleive that there is a complex network of the unknown, but i also beleive that the network is as oblivious to us as we are to it, and a "lasting existance" or linked existance with this through thought or some sort of soul is just taking that fear of death and manifesting a form of inter-reality hocus pocus, without much evidence or reason for decree other than the ever questioning vagueness of the unknown.

In short, thoughts and existance is alot less sophisticated then that, but then again, who knows, i just like to go with what i can prove, which may be my limitation or my strength, i havent decided yet.

As for the order instead of chaos, as you probably know, most of the chemical reactions that you see as "order" are simply results of a system attempting to increase its entropy. The ordered systems that most people look at and place awe inspiring meaning are typically the very reactions that most scientists look at and see beautiful random chaos at work. I may be the result of random processes and entropic responses, but i still enjoy the fair amount of the universe that im able to sense and understand (fair amount is relative since i will probably never understand even a small fraction of our great mystery).

Edited, Thu Dec 8 21:14:41 2005 by EvilPhysicist
#49 Dec 09 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
Waht are thoughts made of?

Burgers and fries and cherry pies.

Whips, chips, and nipple clips.

... ok I am done.
#50 Dec 09 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I'll go about making a few whimsical corrections. Most of them due to scientific romanticism.

Thoughts have existed for all eternity. Every thought from the beginning of time to the end of time all exist at once all around us.

Wrong thoughts exist in a moment in time. The definition for a specific thought excludes it from existing udner that same definition for all other moments in time. Say at 8 am this moment you though about a the taste of hot dogs, and then at 8:01 you stopped. That thought is now gone. You can think about hot dogs again, but it will not be the same thought.

Break down waht that "energy" actually is though... is "energy" actually the thought.. or merely a manifestation of it?

Wrong. This is a prime example of romanticism. A thought is an occurence. It is when specific impuslse get sent to specific cells. That organized transfer of energy is a thought.

Just because everything is made of "space dust" does not offer explanation for ORDER as opposed to CHAOS.

The reason for order is obvious. Things seek to be in the lowest state of energy. Drop a bunch of marbles in a bucket and you will see triangular patterns appear. The reason this is not so apparaent is because order can often be incredibly complex and confusing, like in fractals, yet still it is order.

Stop being wrong.
#51 Dec 09 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
Quote:Break down waht that "energy" actually is though... is "energy" actually the thought.. or merely a manifestation of it?


a question is wrong?


The reason for order is obvious. Things seek to be in the lowest state of energy. Drop a bunch of marbles in a bucket and you will see triangular patterns appear. The reason this is not so apparaent is because order can often be incredibly complex and confusing, like in fractals, yet still it is order.

All I was commenting on was the person who said that waht we are made up has always been around...

I was merely pointing out that just because we are all made of space dust, doesn't explain the "pattern" of the "reason for order"

If you actually understood any of my other post, you would find that I agree that everything invitably is rooted down to the "lowest denominator" ......such as I was saying about "quantum units".

None of this however explains "Why" though.

nice try, but you're borderline trolling here.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 08:29:45 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
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