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Christianity vs. Catholicism: which is religion?Follow

#102 Dec 07 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
ok, so we are limited in our understanding to phenomena in time-space because we cannot transcend it...

Humans very much have free will, however, without the bearing of time you have already made all of your decisions when time is irrelivent.Every moment of your existance has already happened. It simply exists. our decisions are not really time-based. There is a transcendent version of us that is beyond the space-time flow that is capable of making all of our decisions at once, with the benefit of seeing into our future and our past.

If some form of "us" exists beyond the space-time, how does this transcendent form of us that is making our decisions relate to the space-time-bound form of us? If it makes the decisions, is it part of consciousness?

#103 Dec 07 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
You've blended two seperate statements I made to Tarv.
First statement wrote:

Tarv, going to church no more makes you a Christian than going to McDonalds makes you a big mac.

Second statement wrote:
It doesn't sound like your Christian friends do a very good job of reflecting Christ.

Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#104 Dec 07 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
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I think you're overestimating yourself.

Nay this is based on empirical evidence.
#105 Dec 07 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
If some form of "us" exists beyond the space-time, how does this transcendent form of us that is making our decisions relate to the space-time-bound form of us? If it makes the decisions, is it part of consciousness?

Think of it this way to get sort of an idea. You live your life until your 60, then a brick falls and hits you in the head. You wake up remembering nothing. Within a weeks time you regain your memories chronologically. Your conciousness is experiencing this life for the first time, however, it is still you that made the decisions and lived the life. You are still the same person but you are experiencing your life much quicker than it happened.

Now reverse that. From your point of view your life is panning out in a timely fashion. You pick up a cup, you open the fridge, you fill the cup with a beverage, you drink some of the beverage, you set it on the edge of the table, the cup falls, some spills out, you wash the cup. All in the space of 10 minutes. Now to God all of this happened at exactly the same time. Still all your decisions, the cup fell because you chose to set it on the edge of the table, still looks like 10 minutes to you but that concept of time does not apply to God. He doesn't have to wait for you to make those decisions.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#106 Dec 07 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
Best analogy yet, but I don't think it answers the metaphysical question of the relationship between my space-time limited consciousness and the transcendant "me."

How is the transcendent "me" that has made my decisions related to the space-time limited me which I perceive.

Edited for clarity...well, attempted anyway.

Edited, Wed Dec 7 22:57:42 2005 by soulshaver
#107 Dec 07 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
Allegory wrote:
I hear the shortest distance from A to B is a straight line, but I also hear that's irrelevant in this discussion.


let me dumb it down for you.

If our existance from begining to end were merely a straight line.. (still with me?) whether you think of it as your life or as in the existance of your immortal soul... IF it were a "straight line" then that would intonate TOTAL PREDESTINATION; no options, no choices... straight line..

Now concider if at any "time" between the 2 points the line does not have to go straight but has the "options" or FREE WILL to traverse any of the many points that lie between Point A and point B.

All of these "other points" in between are the realms of possibility from within which we choose in which manner we are to procede.

So indeed waht you said, about the straight line... is indeed irrelevant.. however .. that thing that I said? about the many points between? Totally relevant.

With the receiver in my hand..
#108 Dec 07 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
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How is the transcendent "me" that has made my decisions related to the space-time limited me which I perceive.

possibly the same way that a particular colour through a prism is related to the original beam of light. basically

you could also think of yourself as puppet for your deeper self.

NO matter waht you are and where you are going.. your place in the universe is there and is straddling across all of "time" from beginging to end forever... it doesn't matter if you are going to Heaven or Hell because in "reality" you are already there.... and your entire life is a reflection of the entirety of your souls destiny.

Edited, Wed Dec 7 23:40:24 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#109 Dec 07 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
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let me dumb it down for you.

<3 the arrogance. Though it can be frustrating when it's not funny.

No I got it, but it really doesn't apply. You're distorting the situation for your arguement.
#110 Dec 07 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
no I'm not, I'm providing a workable and easily visualized model of an analogy of Freewill vs. Predestiny, which is waht the dialog at hand was about.

just admit that I am superior and of loftier intellectSmiley: wink2
With the receiver in my hand..
#111 Dec 08 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
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Jaja. You know I do deal with your type on a daily basis.^^ Unfortunately I've never gotten good at bringing people down to size, I fail there.

Do you not see how causation, omnipotence, and ominicience lead to complete control. How this takes away free will.

If the claims made by the zoroastrian religions (I use them as an example because of prominence) are correct then god put every act into motion cia creation, he also realises the outcome of every action and has the power to change this however he chooses. You can't even try to claim that god would lack responsibility because of omission because he did instigate the beginning processes that lead to the outcome.

Get it?
#112 Dec 08 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

If the claims made by the zoroastrian religions (I use them as an example because of prominence) are correct then god put every act into motion cia creation, he also realises the outcome of every action and has the power to change this however he chooses.

Cognative dissonance aside, if he changed the outcome of something he would have been wrong about knowing it.

You're buttchering the concept of Metempsychosis badly.

A little bit of knowledge and all that.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#113 Dec 08 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
I like cheze sandwiches who else likes cheze sandwiches?
#114 Dec 08 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
248 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

Well I meant bad as in your reference to God a few posts up, but your definition of evil works as well. How can a creation attribute an arbitrary tag to it's creator like bad or evil. That's like my mashed potatoe statue deciding I am evil for smashing it. It's label has no bearing making it irrellivent. It cannot possibly comprehend my motivations, the thought process that led me to create it or the one to destroy it. It simply isn't capable. Human descriptors are not applicable to God. People can be bad, God cannot he just is.

You're really never going to understand much about the world untill you realize an important truism.

God is the mashed potatos.

good luck.

Oddly enough, in my own odd little belief system, since God is the sum and total of all matter and energy that comprises actuality...God really IS mashed potatoes...and aardvarks...and daisies...and 300Megaton ICBM's...and Nitrogen...etc


Edited, Thu Dec 8 06:41:48 2005 by Nagafen
#115 Dec 08 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Let me try another analogy. This time we will use space instead of time because it is easier to visualize. You are a gnat in a ringbox with a little maze in it. Let's pretend the maze is too narrow for you to turn around. You work your way through the maze, Turning left and right. Always at a different point in the maze. You are always moving forward to an area you haven't been too yet. The bounderies of the maze wall always keep you contained within the maze yet you are free to choose the path you take through the maze. You know nothing outside of the maze so it is your entire reality.

Now I come along and pick up the ringbox. My hand now encompasses every point in the maze. I am at every point you could possibly exist at. The mazes bounderies don't apply to me. I am able to physically occupy all points within the maze. Just because I am at every point does not change the gnats accomplishments. He still experienced different points at different times. He still has free will to move whereever he wants to in the maze within his bounderies it's just that I am at every point he could possibly occupy.

Now think of time as a 4th dimension. God occupies every point in time simulataniously, much like the hand holding the maze. Our boundery of time does not apply to him because he created it. He is greater than it.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#116 Dec 08 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Let me try another analogy. This time we will use space instead of time because it is easier to visualize. You are a gnat in a ringbox with a little maze in it. Let's pretend the maze is too narrow for you to turn around. You work your way through the maze, Turning left and right. Always at a different point in the maze. You are always moving forward to an area you haven't been too yet. The bounderies of the maze wall always keep you contained within the maze yet you are free to choose the path you take through the maze. You know nothing outside of the maze so it is your entire reality.

Now I come along and pick up the ringbox. My hand now encompasses every point in the maze. I am at every point you could possibly exist at. The mazes bounderies don't apply to me. I am able to physically occupy all points within the maze. Just because I am at every point does not change the gnats accomplishments. He still experienced different points at different times. He still has free will to move whereever he wants to in the maze within his bounderies it's just that I am at every point he could possibly occupy.

Now think of time as a 4th dimension. God occupies every point in time simulataniously, much like the hand holding the maze. Our boundery of time does not apply to him because he created it. He is greater than it.

Have another bong hit.

Seriously though, whackjob, the likelyhood of there being some sort of devine being who gives a fu[b][/b]ck about people is about in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to the 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 the power.

The likelhood that people would arbitrarily make up some sort of devine being who cares about them is about 1 in 1.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#117 Dec 08 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
The likelhood that people would arbitrarily make up some sort of devine being who cares about them is about 1 in 1.

I had to quote it just because it's a fantastic line.

I've gotta say this:

The one problem with you people discussing god is that you're trying to wrap your puny minds around something that you have no concept of. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that you could ever comprehend the idea of an omnipresent/omnipotent being.

Want an example?

Think of how many stars are in the sky. If you have a number that is less than 3 trillion, multiply by 12. That's a really rough (probably short changed it by a little) idea of how many stars are in our galaxy. Now, Take the same number and multiply by about 4 billion (huge shortchange there). That's the number of galaxies in our universe.

Now here is where conceptualization comes in.

How many times bigger is the universe than the earth.

If you can't do that (with easilly calculated numbers) then you have 0 chance of ever comprehending exactly what "God" can/can't/is/isn't.

It's just not possible.

Because I < the ....

Edited, Thu Dec 8 08:58:43 2005 by Diveos
#118 Dec 08 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
The one problem with you people discussing god is that you're trying to wrap your puny minds around something that you have no concept of.

So then should we just stop trying to understand? Take everything at face value? Not question our existance or origins? Are you suggesting that we should just sit down, stare at a wall and chant because we cannot fully understand reality?

Seriously though, whackjob, the likelyhood of there being some sort of devine being who gives a **** about people is about in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to the 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 the power.

So then you haven't ruled out the idea that there is a loving God? That's a start.

Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#119 Dec 08 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

So then you haven't ruled out the idea that there is a loving God?

No more then I've ruled out a spitefull sadistic god who tortures people.

Or that god is a crippled black lesbian firefighters vaginal fluids.

Or that god is a chainsaw weilding grizzly bear named Brutus.

See where I'm going with this?

It's impossible to know if a god exists. It is possible to say you having any sort of defined concept of one is delusisonal bullsh[b][/b]it.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#120 Dec 08 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
So then should we just stop trying to understand?

Who said that?

Maybe you should be aware of your limitations and work with what you can.

Perhaps start with how life on the planet interacts.
Maybe you should actually look at simple things that suggest (NOT PROVE) that "God" exists.

Maybe you should start with water. Figure out some of the VERY AMAZING THINGS that water does that almost no other natural compound does and you'll be actually engaging your brain and not your imagination.
#121 Dec 08 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

So then should we just stop trying to understand? Take everything at face value? Not question our existance or origins? Are you suggesting that we should just sit down, stare at a wall and chant because we cannot fully understand reality?

Learn to deal with saying "gee I don't know"

Gee, I don't know what happens when I die.

Gee, I don't know how the universe came into being.

Gee, I don't know why people die arbitrarily regardeless of their personal morrality.

Gee, I don't know why children die of SARS.

Gee, I don't know why I think that an infintessmilly small utterly insignifgant species on one of quadrillions of planets would ever think they were the most important thing in the univers other than moronic hubris.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#122 Dec 08 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
So instead of trying to understand whatever I feel compelled too I should only study things that others have already defined? If everyone only studied what others have already defined then how would we learn anything new? Maybe we should still believe the world is flat, after all it was delusional bullshi[/b]t thinking that it actually extended beyond the horizon. Everyone knew there was just sea monsters out there anyway.

Maybe I should attempt to find my limitations to better understand myself, instead of ensuring I keep a safe distance from them in order to not offend anyone. Is this what it is like to be an Aethiest? Frightened to explore any sort of limitations because it might offend someone, or your ideas might not make sense to someone else? Or you might even be wrong?

Well you guys can keep that. I'll stick to my delusional bullshi[/b]t. Always thinking maybe there is a something that someone has yet to define.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#123 Dec 08 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Learn to deal with saying "gee I don't know"

Thats certainly not a problem but I cannot leave it like that

Gee, I don't know what happens when I die, but I bet there is evidence around me that might give me some clues.

Gee, I don't know how the universe came into being, but there are some pretty good parables in this several thousand year old book that might have a thread of truth I can explore.

Gee, I don't know why people die arbitrarily regardeless of their personal morrality, but there must be some sort of explanation that I can look for.

Gee, I don't know why I think that an infintessmilly small utterly insignifgant species on one of quadrillions of planets would ever think they were the most important thing in the univers other than moronic hubris, but it sure seems to me that there must be a reason for us to exist.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#124 Dec 08 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Is this what it is like to be an Aethiest? Frightened to explore any sort of limitations because it might offend someone, or your ideas might not make sense to someone else? Or you might even be wrong?

No, what's it like to be an Athiest is not arbitrarily beliving things with ZERO evidence because it makes you feel better.

Explore away. Atheism has nothing to do with questioning. It has to do with coming to answers to those questions arbitrarily and without any evidence whatsoever.

You knew that allready though.

Stop being a moron because you can't deal with the fact that there are people in the world mentally strong enough to accept that there are many, many, many things they will die not understanding.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#125 Dec 08 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Well, I will die not understanding many many many things. But I will die trying to understand everything I can. I'm not going to just throw my hands up like these "strong minded" people you speak of and say well there's no way I can understand this so there is no sense in even trying. I fail to see how that makes me a moron.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#126 Dec 08 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Well, I will die not understanding many many many things. But I will die trying to understand everything I can. I'm not going to just throw my hands up like these "strong minded" people you speak of and say well there's no way I can understand this so there is no sense in even trying. I fail to see how that makes me a moron.

Can you see how someone who ran off the roof of his house daily trying to fly would be a moron?

How would you react when he told you there's no way he'll ever fly if he stops trying, but maybe, if he keeps at it, someday he will?

Get it yet?


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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