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yet another teacher boinks student...Follow

#52 Nov 23 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
#53 Nov 23 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I got the "greek" reference **** nut but you failed to answer my question.
#54 Nov 23 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
I got the "greek" reference @#%^ nut but you failed to answer my question.

And I will continue to do so. You're trying to equate something that isn't equatable. The question isn't relevant to the argument you seem to want to make.

Quit playing games or else don't pooch your lower lip out when someone else does.
#55 Nov 23 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
here's the thing. The age of consent varies from state to state, country to country and even generation to generation. While we may think 14 is too young here and now, there are other places that do not think the same way. And it was not long ago that 14 was a normal age to marry. Granted, we're not talking marriage here, we're talking sex, but if it was common for people to marry at 14, than communities thought people 14 were of a consenting age. Which is one reason why I feel if the student, be it girl or boy, was not personally screaming out as a victim, and went into the sexual relationship willingly,then I look at it as purely "statutory" rape, which I think would be less "penance" time
#56 Nov 23 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
And I will continue to do so. You're trying to equate something that isn't equatable. The question isn't relevant to the argument you seem to want to make

How are what the guys in NAMBLA want to do and what this woman did different? You are using the same arguement that they use, that these children want to have sex therefore it isnt rape/molestation.

#57 Nov 23 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
If they're talking about 14-year-olds, you have a point. My understanding, though, is that 14 is pretty long in the tooth by their standards. Am I wrong?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#58 Nov 23 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
wouldn't the whole thing be about the fact that a 14 year old may not be able to properly process the events that are happening, and thus be possibly negitavly effected by it emotionally later on in life?

regardless if he was willing or not.... willingness shouldn't matter.. Same reason we have assisted suicide and seatbelt laws. To protect people from themselves.
With the receiver in my hand..
#59 Nov 23 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
f they're talking about 14-year-olds, you have a point. My understanding, though, is that 14 is pretty long in the tooth by their standards. Am I wrong?

I guess but I dont know. What age is too young? 13? 10? Where do you draw the line? Puberty? If so then that opens the door to some pretty young girls and boys. Personally I dont think an adult should be having a sexual relationship of any kind with a minor. Call me old fashion but it just doesnt sit right with me. In fact it makes me ill. Which is why I think it is such a travesty this woman will spend zero time in jail. She preyed apon on of the most vulenerable groups amoung us and we are letting her get away with it. Do you all honestly think this was the 14y/o's idea or that maybe just maybe this woman talked him into it and used the fact that she was much older, and a teacher to do it??

The other point that hasnt been made is that this woman was in a position of authority and trust. Im almost certain this kids parents would never have sent him to school if they thought his teacher was going to hit on him.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 13:07:58 2005 by DamthebiTch
#60 Nov 23 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts
She preyed apon the weakest amoung us and we are letting her get away with it.

thing is... i bet he doesn't have a problem with it.

Is really it a crime if the "victim" is glad it happened?

i know there's legally no consent at that age...
but I don't think she should really be in all that much trouble for it, either.

Edited, Wed Nov 23 13:10:09 2005 by PhlareWP
Wolfpack Linkshell
#61 Nov 23 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
189 posts
Is really it a crime if the "victim" is glad it happened?

if someone were to consider suicide and 'want' to die, would it be a crime for someone to murder him/her? the murderer wouldn't get away with it.
i know were not talking about a murder, were talking about sex between a teacher and pupil, but both of these are crimes and both of them include victims who wanted it to happen, but the murder wouldn't go unoticed.

anyway, who said anything about the pupil being glad about it?
#62 Nov 23 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
thing is... i bet he doesn't have a problem with it.

Is really it a crime if the "victim" is glad it happened?

i know there's legally no consent at that age...
but I don't think she should really be in all that much trouble for it, either.

Really are you a family friend? I bet this kid has problems later on in life because of this. There is no way he had the emotional maturity to deal with all this crap.

Besides what does that have to do with anything. Its the law she raped this kid (call it statatory call it whatever you want. She should be serving time, and lots of it. She preyed on a child people. I dont understand why this is so hard to grasp.

#63 Nov 23 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts

Its the law she raped this kid (call it statatory call it whatever you want. She should be serving time, and lots of it. She preyed on a child people. I dont understand why this is so hard to grasp.

It's hard to grasp because I remember having good looking teachers when i was at around that age, and if it were me, I likely wouldn't want her to be in trouble because of it. That's all.

And to be honest, i don't see this the same way that i probably would if the genders were reversed... now that i think of it that way... never mind.

Wolfpack Linkshell
#64 Nov 24 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Baron von DamthebiTch wrote:
f they're talking about 14-year-olds, you have a point. My understanding, though, is that 14 is pretty long in the tooth by their standards. Am I wrong?

I guess but I dont know. What age is too young? 13? 10? Where do you draw the line? Puberty? If so then that opens the door to some pretty young girls and boys.

That's one line, certainly. One of the things that always bothers me with cases like this is the way the word "child" is tossed around. Can we not agree that there's a significant difference between having sex with someone who is past puberty versus having sex with someone who hasn't hit it yet?

That's why it's statutory rape instead of child molestation. Two totally different crimes (as they should be). Biologically, and at least historically, there's no specific reason why any specific age should matter in terms of sex. What matters is whether someone is biologically an "adult", which occurs at puberty. Having sex with someone prior to that point is pretty much wrong no matter what. Everything past that point is a matter of culture and legality.

You also have to consider that the original reasons for our laws restricting minors from consenting to sex has very little to do with protecting their fragile selves, or some idea that they aren't psychologically able to handle it. Those sort of rules and laws are the holdovers from a time when marriages were arranged by the parents, and those minors could have "value" by marrying them off. Clearly, you didn't want your 15 year old daughter going off and banging the stableboy and ruining her value in marrying her off to a wealthy nobleman. Those laws originally had *nothing* to do with protecting the minors themselves, and everything to do with protecting a parents rights to control the lives of their offspring.

Personally I dont think an adult should be having a sexual relationship of any kind with a minor. Call me old fashion but it just doesnt sit right with me. In fact it makes me ill. Which is why I think it is such a travesty this woman will spend zero time in jail. She preyed apon on of the most vulenerable groups amoung us and we are letting her get away with it. Do you all honestly think this was the 14y/o's idea or that maybe just maybe this woman talked him into it and used the fact that she was much older, and a teacher to do it??

Well. First off, I'd hardly call 14 year old boys the "most vulnerable groups among us". Again. Wouldn't it be worse if this was a molestation of a 7 year old? I just don't buy that bit at all. It's "wrong" because our laws and societal norms say it's wrong. There's nothing biologically "wrong" with it though. If he's mature enough to get wood and perform sexually, he's old enough to have sex. Everything else is purely social construct. I wouldn't rate this crime even on the same scale as things like murder, molestation, kidnapping, etc...

She certainly abused her position of authority. But should she spend 15 years in prison? I'm not really convinced of that. Again. There's nothing "unatural" about a 25 year old woman having sex with a 14 year old boy. It happens to be illegal is all. There are lots of things that are illegal that I don't find particularly immoral. I'm not going to hell for speeding, but I can get a ticket. You could go to jail for smoking pot, but is that "immoral"?

I'm honestly of the opinion that we overprotect our young in our society. But that's just me...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#65 Nov 24 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
That's why it's statutory rape instead of child molestation. Two totally different crimes (as they should be). Biologically, and at least historically, there's no specific reason why any specific age should matter in terms of sex. What matters is whether someone is biologically an "adult", which occurs at puberty. Having sex with someone prior to that point is pretty much wrong no matter what. Everything past that point is a matter of culture and legality.

I know that as a men we all want to think at when we were 14 we were all ready to handle this kind of thing but truth be told we werent. Do you honestly believe that this kid wont be affected negativly later in life by this? I dont. Just because an individual is capable biologically to have sex doesnt mean they are ready emotionally and psycologically to deal with the ramifications of having sex.

You also have to consider that the original reasons for our laws restricting minors from consenting to sex has very little to do with protecting their fragile selves, or some idea that they aren't psychologically able to handle it. Those sort of rules and laws are the holdovers from a time when marriages were arranged by the parents, and those minors could have "value" by marrying them off. Clearly, you didn't want your 15 year old daughter going off and banging the stableboy and ruining her value in marrying her off to a wealthy nobleman. Those laws originally had *nothing* to do with protecting the minors themselves, and everything to do with protecting a parents rights to control the lives of their offspring.[/quote]

Here's a news flash it isnt the 1400's and there is absolutly no reason to be having sex with kids. I would hope in the hundreds of years since the origin of these laws that we have come to realize that there are consequences for the children having sex at a very young age and few of them are good consequences.

And lets put this into perspective. At 14 you cant drive, vote, see a rated R movie, you cant even get your ear pierced without parental consent, but it's ok for some adult to con this kid into having sex? I dont buy it.

Well. First off, I'd hardly call 14 year old boys the "most vulnerable groups among us". Again. Wouldn't it be worse if this was a molestation of a 7 year old? I just don't buy that bit at all. It's "wrong" because our laws and societal norms say it's wrong. There's nothing biologically "wrong" with it though. If he's mature enough to get wood and perform sexually, he's old enough to have sex. Everything else is purely social construct. I wouldn't rate this crime even on the same scale as things like murder, molestation, kidnapping, etc...

14 y/o boys are vulnerable emotionally and psycologically. The ability to get an erection has nothing to do with readiness to have sex. To be honest it isnt the actual sex act that I have the biggest problem with. This wasnt 2 kids fooling around and experimenting this was an adult woman using her position to take advantage of an immature kid. It's wrong no matter how you slice it.

She certainly abused her position of authority. But should she spend 15 years in prison? I'm not really convinced of that. Again. There's nothing "unatural" about a 25 year old woman having sex with a 14 year old boy. It happens to be illegal is all. There are lots of things that are illegal that I don't find particularly immoral. I'm not going to hell for speeding, but I can get a ticket. You could go to jail for smoking pot, but is that "immoral"?

Did I say she should go to prison for the rest of her life or even 15 years? I just think no jail time is extremely leanient.
The only reason she isnt in jail is because she is a woman. Had a male teacher done the same thing he gets at a minimum 5 years, and would have the sexual offender tag on him the rest of his life. My wife's brother is in jail right now doing 10 years for exposing himself to a minor. He never touched her just showed her his ******.

I'm honestly of the opinion that we overprotect our young in our society. But that's just me...

You're right we should just line up all the kids as the get through puberty and give them all a good education. We could use **** stars, make movies out of it. There's a huge market for this kind if thing, so there's money to be made.
#66 Nov 24 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
I'm not sure what the argument is hingeing on here, but I do agree that it puts a different spin on things if the relationship is with an older child and deemed to be consensual by both parties. I wouldn't absolve the older party of all responsibility and I think it only fair that they serve time for having committed a crime, but I don't think it's any more damaging, per se, than anyone else's first sexual encounter and subsequent emotionaly damage caused by the breakup. I don't think anyone is really ready for what it is to be sexually and emotionally intimate with someone and then have that relationship dissolve. This used to be limited to divorces, but now people experience it at the end of virtually every relationship.

If a kid is deemed old enough to decide which parent to live with at age 9, then 14 is old enough to decide who to have sex with. Do I think it's too young, and not the healthiest choice? Yes, but people do have sex this young and not all of them end up pregnant or **** stars.
#67 Nov 24 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
people do have sex this young and not all of them end up pregnant or **** stars.
Kids drink at this age too and not all end up being alchoholics, yet it's still illegal to give them booze.

A 14 year old being propositioned by and having sex with an adult, especially a teacher who is someone they're supposed to respect and trust, is far different than a 14 year old ******** another 14 year old.

This teacher was WAY at fault. I've seen it written in the rape threads around here "this is not about sex, it's about power". The teacher abused hers, she'd best end up in jail.

If this was a male teacher and a female student would responses here be different?

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#68 Nov 24 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
You also have to consider that the original reasons for our laws restricting minors from consenting to sex has very little to do with protecting their fragile selves, or some idea that they aren't psychologically able to handle it. Those sort of rules and laws are the holdovers from a time when marriages were arranged by the parents, and those minors could have "value" by marrying them off. Clearly, you didn't want your 15 year old daughter going off and banging the stableboy and ruining her value in marrying her off to a wealthy nobleman. Those laws originally had *nothing* to do with protecting the minors themselves, and everything to do with protecting a parents rights to control the lives of their offspring.

I'm calling bulls[b][/b]hit on this.
#69 Nov 24 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
If this was a male teacher and a female student would responses here be different?

I dont know about others, but I have already stated it would not make a difference to me if the sexes were reversed, so long as the younger party member involved was *willing and consented*
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