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Democrats call for surrenderFollow

#77 Nov 22 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default

I spoke with my cousin last week and he's furious with the media coverage over what's going on over there. He's told me that it's nowhere near as bad as what they're portraying on tv. Basically there's one province where the majority of the rebellion is occuring and the rest of the country is at peace. His biggest wish is that the media would get out so they could do what they need to.


#78 Nov 22 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good

I would love to know what part of the country your cousin is stationed at, because as far as I can tell, civilians and soldiers are dying in numerous areas.

I must have just been unlucky and my husband was stationed in and always patrolling in that one bad area. Oh the horrid luck!

#79 Nov 22 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I don't doubt it. I'm sure there's plenty of people in the Armed Forces in that region who are all for the war effort. Likewise, I know there's some who aren't and who legitimately feel the effort is in error and being done poorly. I won't claim to know the percentages of each but I doubt I've met the sole soldier in the entire military who feels that way.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#80 Nov 22 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default

Let's look at some numbers. Soldiers deaths by month, lets just do last year. Let me know if you see an improvement somewhere.

December 72
January 107
February 58
March 36
April 52
May 80
June 78
July 54
August 85
September 49
October 96
November so far 67

You dumb b*tch we're fighting a war! And we're supposed to believe you are actual military? In every war there are casualties. Young men and women willing to sacrifice that which is most precious for the freedom and liberty of their friends and family. Out of the hundreds of thousands soldiers we've deployed over there we're avging losing 2.5 soldiers a day. Instead of bemoaning the lose of these individuals we should be honouring them and their sacrifice. To cut and run without a complete and unquivicol victory would be a great disservice to these heroes who sacrificed it all.

#81 Nov 22 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good

You know what. You are an ***. If you think I don't honor them and their sacrifice you are just not thinking. Did I post those numbers jumping up and down with some sort of morbid excitement? I hurt for every wife and mother and father who lost someone, because I know what it is like to have daily nightmares about the army coming to your door with regrets. I don't want young wives like me to have to continue to live like that without good cause. That has been the underlying point of all of this. War sucks. People die. And even if you don't die, you might loose a limb, which has been happening in this conflict in astronomical numbers. And if you happen to come out of it unharmed, which statistically is what will happen, there are emotional scars which will never ever heal. Out of the couples I drank beer with on weekends pre-deployment, two have not gotten a divorce, including myself. If you are going to send a generation of men and women out to either die or impact their life in a dramatic way, have a damn good reason for it. Iraq wasn't it.

#82 Nov 22 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I believe her point is that the numbers aren't getting better and, despite progress in creating an Iraqi government, there's no sign of improvement on the "people trying to kill us" front. Given that the administration stance is that we can't leave until the people trying to kill us are brought under control, it's legitimate to look at how that whole plan is going.

Wasn't it back in May that Cheney told us the insurgency was in its "last throes"?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#83 Nov 22 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
2000+ of my countrymen give their lives so Iraqis can have a fu[b]cking ELECTION??[/b]
Waht a fu[b][/b]cking joke.

and stop looking at the opinion of our troops on the front lines as an indicator of waht our policy should be. They are fighters... we pay the polititians to make those judgements based..... we pay the troops to do waht they are told.

Take it the wrong way if you like.. but the way the troops feel about this should really NOT MATTER. They do their jobs.. and the polititians do theirs...

All of this emotional extortion from the "Hill".. talking about how our Troops feel about leaving...... Sinse WHEN have the emotions of the troops ever supposed to come into play wehn our leader make thier decision about waht is right for this country???
With the receiver in my hand..
#84 Nov 22 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default

You know what. You are an ***. If you think I don't honor them and their sacrifice you are just not thinking. Did I post those numbers jumping up and down with some sort of morbid excitement? I hurt for every wife and mother and father who lost someone, because I know what it is like to have daily nightmares about the army coming to your door with regrets. I don't want young wives like me to have to continue to live like that without good cause. That has been the underlying point of all of this. War sucks. People die. And even if you don't die, you might loose a limb, which has been happening in this conflict in astronomical numbers. And if you happen to come out of it unharmed, which statistically is what will happen, there are emotional scars which will never ever heal. Out of the couples I drank beer with on weekends pre-deployment, two have not gotten a divorce, including myself. If you are going to send a generation of men and women out to either die or impact their life in a dramatic way, have a damn good reason for it. Iraq wasn't it.

No you posted those numbers to convince someone that getting out will preserve life. Perhaps we should just surrender and convert to Islam; That would keep sons, daugthers, mothers, brothers, and everyone safe, at least until someone decides that their brand of Islam is the one true brand and commence to slaughetering everyone else. The sad thing is you honestly don't think they're fighting for a good cause so you're ready to surrender. I dearly think what they are doing over there is forcing the Islamo fascists to focus their energy defending over there rather than planning offensives over here; like 911. Don't post the number of deaths if you're not willing to address the issue. That Cindy Sheehan shock value sh*t is for the halfwits that can barely read and have a high school equivalent education.

#85 Nov 22 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
I dearly think what they are doing over there is forcing the Islamo fascists to focus their energy defending over there rather than planning offensives over here;

or say in... London? or Madrid? or... uhh Jordan? or... Egypt? or.... Bali?


Why aren't you over there fighting, mymainman?
With the receiver in my hand..
#86 Nov 22 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
achileez wrote:
Perhaps we should just surrender and convert to Islam; That would keep sons, daugthers, mothers, brothers, and everyone safe, at least until someone decides that their brand of Islam is the one true brand and commence to slaughetering everyone else.
Will they fight a War about it for a Hundred Years (give or take)?

Silly Islamics! We're so superior!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#87 Nov 22 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default

Given that the administration stance is that we can't leave until the people trying to kill us are brought under control

That's right it's called victory.

#88 Nov 22 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Ok, fine. Call it "victory". If we define victory as getting rid of the people trying to make us dead, then it stands to reason that the rate at which we're being made dead is rather important. And, given that said rate isn't decreasing, it's a perfectly valid point of discussion when talking about how we're progressing towards victory.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#89 Nov 22 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
2000+ of my countrymen give their lives so Iraqis can have a ******* ELECTION??
Waht a ******* joke.

No we're fighting a war to keep these Islamo fascists from perpetrating another 911, or worse. And yes Iraq is central in this fight despite the dems lies about the motives of the administration.

#90 Nov 22 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts

you are a victim.
With the receiver in my hand..
#91 Nov 22 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default

I'm a victim of what? Success...a private education...well traveled...financially independent...homeowner...and no debt

Come on man you're adolescent attitude toward those who havn't been programmed the same as you is telling of your general outlook on life. Do you believe Iraq was central in this war on Islamic terrorism? Obviously not. However; most americans believed Bush was justified in his decisions. So instead of offering something other than a complete surrender to the Islamo fascists you continue to attack Bush and the soldiers for doing what they believe is protecting this country from 911's and the sons of b*tches that would engage in such activities.

#92 Nov 22 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
It's probably too much to ask, but could you come up with a new term for "Scary Muslim Guys" than Islamo Fascist? Despite its attempts to blend "scary other religion bent on destroying civlization" and "scary Hitler-esque people bent on destroying civilization", it still has to rank among the least intimidating terms ever applied.

Heh... "Islamo". It makes me laugh just to say the word. Iss-LAMO!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#93 Nov 22 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts

honestly.. all of your "success" rhetoric is meaningless to me. All you have representing you are the opinions that you express here; not your boastful pandering... why don't you write a rap song while you're at it?

Iraq? the "hub of terror"? no.

Despite it's dictatorship, Iraq was one of the most progressive Islamic nation out there... Which is why you saw all of the leaders wearing suits and not "arab wear".

The MAJORITY of insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi Sunni Muslims...

DO YOU HONEsTLY THING, that is America was to leave.. that the native Sunni's would allow foreign Arabs into their country?

OUr presence their is the BIGGEST recruitment incentive for Al Qaida at the moment.

DO NOT mesh the soldiers in with the Bush administration and their motives.

The soldiers are doing their JOBS. Period. Other than thier dedication to their duty , they have NO say in any of this.

There was pretty much no Al Qaida in Iraq before we got there. If we would have concentrated our troops in actual places that MATTER, like the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan..... perhaps we actually would be doing somthing other than adding fuel to the fire.

YOU think that Al Qaida has suddenly stopped making plans to attack us? You are either naive or stupid.

Is it that hard for you to fathom that the motives in Iraq have been strictly political and monetary? Of course it is... because you are a victim of the hard-line... "Government is GOD" viewpoint of the traditional militaristic cowboy mindset that is the very reason that we are hated around the world now.

It is people like YOU that will impede any peace in this world.

With the receiver in my hand..
#94 Nov 22 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default

honestly.. all of your "success" rhetoric is meaningless to me.

Because success is meaningless to you. Incidentally this is why you don't mind throwing out terms like "tax cuts for the rich" because you don't actually pay taxes to begin with. And yes I am quite proud of what i've achieved; and anticipate with anxiety what I hope to achieve.

There was pretty much no Al Qaida in Iraq before we got there

Dem lie

YOU think that Al Qaida has suddenly stopped making plans to attack us? You are either naive or stupid.

No I think Al Qaida has a little more on their minds right now with our military in their backyard.

Is it that hard for you to fathom that the motives in Iraq have been strictly political and monetary?

You know if 911 hadn't happened I might be inclined to agree; but it did and it was radical muslims from all over the mid-east. Which is probably the best reason for us liberating Iraq. Take the fight to the head terrorist state; which was Iraq despite what your liberal propaganda tells you.

It is people like YOU that will impede any peace in this world.

It's people like you that will cow tow to the Hitlers and Stalins. Anything to avoid a fight; no matter how many millions of your kinsmen are slaughetered.


#95 Nov 22 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
the head terrorist state; which was Iraq despite what your liberal propaganda tells you.

ever stop to think that YOU are the one falling prey to propaghanda?

of course not.. how could somone so succesfull and rich fall prey to anything?

Anything to avoid a fight; no matter how many millions of your kinsmen are slaughetered.

Rest assured bro, if I found a people like YOU in MY back yard, I'd be blowing some fu[b][/b]cking heads off, and make NO mistake about THAT.

Edited, Tue Nov 22 12:13:36 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#96 Nov 22 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
Seriously though, Varrus

How can you honestly think that Iraq was the "Hub of Terrorism" before we ever got there?

I mean.. c'mon... Can you back that **** up?

NO, because it wasn't.

Bin Laden didn't even LIKE Saddam.. cause he wasn't Muslim enough..

Stop regurgatating the same old thoughtless ******** and open your eyes..

Are troops are being sent to war for Politics and Pride.

They die well, they do their duty well, and I respect them for it.

and NOW , how can you tell them that they are not fighting colectivly for waht they were told??? You really can't.. and if you do... they are going to be pertty pised about it.

This is the trap that Bush has put us in. All in the name of Big Buisness and Enterprise.
With the receiver in my hand..
#97 Nov 22 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
OH BLAH BLAH BLAH... U guys can argue all u want, Im a soldier currently and former Marine, I have lost two of my best friends in Iraq and think the President has done a crappy job of explaining whats going on. But if you all think leaving now is a good idea, think again, the second we leave, Iran will pretty much enable the insurgents to destabilize the new democratic government and put into place pretty much a puppet government that is pro IRan anti US. And yes we are winning the war over there, and yes the Iraqi army is coming along (my unit trains Iraqi troops), my commanders believe we have about two more years of keeping order there before widespread withdrawal. The Arab league today I believe voted to allow us to stay in Iraq until they can fend for themselves but we should start looking at withdrawal strategies, the freakin Arab league! These guys hate our guts and they have a cooler head than the Demsa dn antiwar folks here. Not to mention the fact that if we leave now b4 the mission is accomplished, would pretty much make my friends sacrifices mean absolutely nothing. Quit trying to assert who is right/wrong and look at the big picture of things
#98 Nov 22 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
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16,112 posts
for the record,

I do think that leaving now would be a mistake.

We have dug the pit, now we shall lay in it.
With the receiver in my hand..
#99 Nov 22 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good

Where have I seen your name before....are you Niobia's friend?

And I am not so sure we should just pull out. I have generally held the belief that we should never have gone there to begin with, but now there we are and we are stuck with it. I believe it was Colin Powell who said something to the effect of "you break it you buy it" before any of this began. And to address if we are winning or not, I also suppose it just all depends on whose definition of "winning" you use.

I think we, as in people holding a different view that you do, are looking at the big picture as well, just from a different angle.

Edit: And if, and I do say if, we are not winning, shouldn't we look at another strategy? Some other way to do this? How long do we go with what we are doing before we decide it isn't working?

Edited, Tue Nov 22 13:09:31 2005 by Katarine
#100 Nov 22 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts
However; most americans believed Bush was justified in his decisions.

lol. is this guy a sock for bill o'reilley?

maybe most americans that live in your house believe that.

Everything you say comes off as unfounded nonsense.
Wolfpack Linkshell
#101 Nov 22 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
The timetable should be simple. When we have achieved our objectives, then we should "pull out." Simply saying that in x number of days we leave, regardless of achieving our objectives, is giving our enemies a victory timetable, all they have to do is hide until x days runs out and then come back and slaughter innocent people when we are gone.

When we do pull out, it means we will no longer be the security force in Iraq, Iraq will secure itself. However, we still will maintain bases and troops there because it is a very strategically advantageous location to keep a few air bases and an army unit or two for the security of the mid east.

Edited, Tue Nov 22 13:06:35 2005 by fhrugby
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