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Question about evil spywareFollow

#1 Nov 17 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good

Eh, maybe the wrong forum to ask this, but I want a genuine response.

Spyware is evil. I have put every possible protection on my computer and have seemed to avoided it. My husband, however, told me it was unnecessary and I did not do the same with his laptop. He is running Norton Anti-Virus, Firefox, running windows updates (I think anyway, he at least has service pack 2), and we are behind a router. Still, he has been blessed with spyware in a big way.

He then asked for my help. I have read Angsty's faq on spyware, but in my experience, once I have the stuff on my computer I can't seem to shake it unless I wipe my harddrive. I really really really don't want to do that. We got adaware, and spybot search and destroy, ran them both, deleted a bunch of stuff. Norton also found some stuff and deleted it. We also got the firefox add on adblock and put in filters for it. He is still badly infected. Are we stuck?

Just curious what people would do at this point. Every time we run adaware there is more crap.

He says he hasn't downloaded any "free" programs except for a nintendo emulator, and he isn't a **** kind of guy. In fact, he doesn't even use the computer much. It sort of baffles me.

#3 Nov 17 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
A couple of the things that I do when cleaning up Spyware on a PC:

Turn off cookies until the PC is completely clean of spyware.
Clean up the registry manually after the spyware removers are done
Look for anythng that is installed that either is spyware or invites spyware.

These things always seem to help. Admittedly, I haven't had to clean up my own PC in over a year at home or ever at work, so I'm not nearly up to the latest tricks.
#4 Nov 17 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
He says he hasn't downloaded any "free" programs except for a nintendo emulator, and he isn't a **** kind of guy.
Nintendo Emulator? Tell me it was Nesticle! BTW, every guy is a **** kind of guy.

One of the better tools out there that I didn't see you mention is Hijackthis, located here.

Run it and have it remove anything that doesn't look like it should be there. Things you should expect to see will be from Macromedia, Adobe, Microsoft, your Antivirus package, software you've personally installed. The vast majority of things in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run dont' belong there and are either spyware or **** that the software producers think is so fuc[b][/b]king important that you need it loaded before any other application. Like a DVD launching software package or RealPlayer, you know, crucial ****.
#5 Nov 17 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
There are lots of people out there who will answer questions about specific items you're unsure about from a HJT log, as well.

I tend to google anything I'm not 100% sure on. Pretty much everything under the sun is already answered if you look.
#6 Nov 17 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Don't forget to delete everything in TEMP folder and Temporary Ineternet Files..

"seeds" of spyware will sit in there and reinstall itself.

Also, are you using Microsoft Anti-spy? It DOES work wonders.

Also.. if you did have a Trojan or Virus and itwas found.. It WILL reappear if you have XP's System Restore on.. Before you run a virus sweep, turn off your system restore.
With the receiver in my hand..
#7 Nov 17 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Boot into Safe Mode.

Find Temp folder and delete the contents, also Temporary Internet Files.

I am not familiar how FireFox works, cause I've never had a SPyware problem with it.


Now, go to the Control Panel, and then Add Remove Programs and remove anything talking about "Toolbar" this or "Shopping" that, or "Internet enhancer" or any crap that is spyware. you can see wehn the stuff was installed.... BE CAREFUL that you don't remove any important Windows Components.. like "Hotfixes" Leave those alone.
Be careful


If you can, do another Spyware scan using this: (if you have a legit copy of Windows.)

You will prolly have to boot into Normal mode to install and run scans.

Remember.. Spyware and Viruses are two differnt things.
YOu CAN HAVE more than one Anti-Spyware softwares on your PC. They may find each others quarantine folders.. but no matter.
You should only have ONE anti-Virus software. YOu said you have Norton's. I think Norton's is the best(for common use).

So after removing waht you can manually, Run those Spyware Scans...

You MAY have to do it many times.

IF you do have an actual Virus.. and your Norton's is Updated, then scan your PC. NOrton's should work on finding everything.

SOME Viruses require you to have to turn off system restore to get rid of, otherwise it will keep reappearing.
That is how you do that..

IF you need to do it...

GOOGLE anything that you can't seem to get rid of, and see how somone else got rid of it.

DISCLAIMER:I bare no responsiblilty no matter how badly you fu[b][/b]ck your computer up messing with itSmiley: grin Be careful waht you delete, Google it if you're not sure

Needed somthing to type whilst holding in some bingersSmiley: wink2

Edited, Thu Nov 17 20:59:00 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#8 Nov 17 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
System Restore is the only thing that really works for me.

Control Panel
Performance & Maintenance
(Left side collum) System Restore

This is, of course, Window's XP... it came with the computer, though.

#9 Nov 17 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
The Glorious BlixofFenrir wrote:
System Restore is the only thing that really works for me.

Control Panel
Performance & Maintenance
(Left side collum) System Restore

This is, of course, Window's XP... it came with the computer, though.



Yeah, if you don't want any of your files, or programs, or data.

doesn't work that way anyway

Edited, Thu Nov 17 21:08:19 2005 by Kelvyquayo
With the receiver in my hand..
#10 Nov 17 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
The Glorious BlixofFenrir wrote:
System Restore is the only thing that really works for me.

Control Panel
Performance & Maintenance
(Left side collum) System Restore

This is, of course, Window's XP... it came with the computer, though.



Yeah, if you don't want any of your files, or programs, or data.

doesn't work that way anyway

Edited, Thu Nov 17 21:08:19 2005 by Kelvyquayo

It doesn't erase your recent files, and if all else fails who cares if you lose a few files in the process of saving your computer which may be valuable to you for some reason.

System Restore wrote:

#12 Nov 17 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Blix, you would have needed a restore point that is not "infected".

The default "Restore Point" is from before anything was installed.

unless I'm wrong, I've never used the ****...
With the receiver in my hand..
#13 Nov 17 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Well, your computer should be making a restore point EVERYDAY. So say I go get a virus right now, I can go back to tomorrow (A time I didn't have the Virus, but most of my files if not all) and restore it to the time I didn't have the Virus.


#14 Nov 17 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Try it then. Let me know.
With the receiver in my hand..
#15 Nov 17 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good

I will try all of these various suggestions. I am pretty positive there is no virus involved, just annoying as hell ads. We have been pretty lucky with viruses so far, I have only ever have one that I know of *knocks on wood*.

#16 Nov 17 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
System restore has NEVER worked for me.

#17 Nov 17 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
Kelvyquayo, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Try it then. Let me know.

It's been 2/2 so far, I'm not going to purposly go download a virus to prove a point. (Unless your paying. I like to set stuff on fire if that helps.)

#18 Nov 17 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good

System restore has never worked for me in the spyware department. It has worked for me when my computer has suddenly started doing something unexplanable and scary that I can't figure out, and I'll use that as a last resort. It usually works then, and I go *whew*.

#19 Nov 17 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Start menu - run command - type in the word "prefetch" - delete everything that comes up in the window.

Helps alot with slow startups as well as running msconfig from the same run menu and taking care to shut down services that are not critical/microsoft based, and removing start up crap thats hording system resources.

If you want, download bootvis for boot reduction of over 50%.

Most of that was for boot up time, but the msconfig can show you what is starting as a service so you can stop it, and will also let you see whats booting up with your windblows box. (NOTE: if you have 2000 or some other oddball copy like 95, you'll have to go download msconfig)
#20 Nov 17 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
ok long drawn out responce here and a major flame on your husband who was STUPID enough to think you do not need protection from malware (this includes spy/ad/and viruses) when you are running a Microsoft Windows platform and connected to the internet.

list of programs i sujest:

1. Adaware
2. Spybot
3. Spywareblaster (all one word)
4. MS Beta anti-spyware
5. AVG or Antivir or F-Prot (F-prot is not free for windows)

first things first turn off automatic backup in the advance settings of My Computer Properties. this may require a reboot.

After that, use msconfig and kill every starting application that is NOT part of the OS or a driver for sound or video. this includes your antivirus software for NOW. that setting is not perm. you will reactivate the antivirus software at a later time.

go to your internet settings and tell IE to change its homepage to the following URL:

then open IE and go to your new homepage. run their FULL SYSTEM scan to include spyware scanner. depending on your connection, power of your system, and amount of files to be scanned this can take up to 4+ hours. be ready to go eat during this scan.

If it is clean, then you are ok, odds are you will not be clean, alow for trendmicro to automatically clean your system.

depending on what viruses are installed will depend on how much more work you have ahead of you. if you have some of the nastier ones that hack your antivirus and antispyware software you will be lucky if you can even get to the above URL. if you can not get to the above URL, you are just better off losing ALL data on that computer, formatting and starting over from scratch.

if you are to this point and have the system clean enough to install from fresh your antivirus (see above program sujestions) then you are getting closer to being home free, so to speak.

install your antivirus software and run its updater to get the latest virus definitions (commonly known as .dat files) and run a full deep system scan and have it automatically clean your system. again this could take from a few min. to several hours depending on the software used, the amount of data to be scanned, and the power of your system.

if you are finnaly clean after both of those scans then it is time to start installing from scratch the above anti-spyware tools in the order they are listed.

if you have a USB stick drive you can put all of the software that will speed things up, if not just burn them out to a CD. down them from a clean system not from the infected system.

BIG SIDE NOTE: IF HE IS NOT CLEAN AFTER THE TRENDMICRO SCAN, BUT IS DURING THE FRESH INSTALL OF YOUR ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE, RUN TRENDMICRO AGAIN and mark what is not cleaned from the system for manual removal. just google for the virus name and cleaner:

example: lovebug cleaner

that should give you a well known place to get a tool and instructions to clean your system manually.


install and run the above listed antispyware tools in the order they are listed 1 at a time. each tool on its own is good, but when you combine them they are really powerful. *note* the spywareblaster is not a cleaner, but a, without getting to technical, black list of known malware URLs that it prevents from getting into your system. the reason for running the MS beta tool last is it SUCKS a$$ at finding a lot of malware out there, but is great for reducing the odds of new malware from getting into your system.

after all of that is done there are a few more things you need to do.

1. go to and make sure you are 100% updated for ALL critical and security updates for your OS.

2. this is the ONLY time you should use IE from now on.

3. use Firefox, Opera, or any of the other more secure and faster patched browsers on the market that are also more compliant with the WWW RFCs. IE is one of the worst when it comes to com;liance with xml, html, and many other WWW codes.

4. if you are using Outlook or Outlook express and not connected to an Exchange server stop using them NOW. go grab Thunderbird or any of the other again more secure and faster patched e-mail clients on the market. avoid eudora too as it is just as buggy and insecure as both Outlook and Outlook express.

the only reason for using Outlook is if you are connected to an Exchange server and that means for WORK only. keep it seperate from your personal e-mail and never use your work e-mail to sign up for anything online.

now that you have your system semi locked down and some better software running to protect it follow some of the basic security rules to protect you from furture major infections.

*note* now is the time to go back to msconfig and make sure your NEW antivirus software is active to run at startup. nothing else should be running except the tools and drivers you tell it to be running. this will also speed up your boot up times and increase the performance of your system.

1. do not just install everything you see on the web.

2. be very careful about were you click a link to from an e-mail.

3. NEVER NEVER NEVER open an attachment from someone you were not expecting an attachment from. delete it and ask them to send it again. if they really did send it then no biggy if not be glad you deleted it and tell them they have a virus on their system.

4. NEVER run with administrator privleges. if an applications needs administrative rights to run, then you can manually configure that application to run with permission of your user.

sadly in Windows this is almost never followed and even when it does it matters little as MS has not the foggies clue at how to really lock down the OS with user level rights.

5. run daily scans with antivirus and antispyware tools on your system. keep them updated and check for updates at least 1 time a day if not MORE.

i know that with both AVG and Antivir they could update as many as 4 - 10 times a day depending on how bad thing are on the net at that point in time. this is not true with symantic or mcaffee as their home user mods only update 1 time a day at max. even their corp. (enterprise) editions do not update as often as they should.

if you chose to run Firefox, here are 2 extensions i highly sujest to help cut down on even more stuff from getting into your system and gives you a way to track what web pages, allah for example, have adds that install malware.




the first one creates a "white list" that you have to tell it that it is OK to run that script from this domain. example is if you have yahoo mail. then you will want to allow the yahoo domain, but not any of the other scripts they have running as they are from places like blank blank and doubleclick, both very nasty malware domains.

the second alows you to creat a "black list" of what ever you do not want to see. example:

you could use the adblock extention to block out the:

and any item that has that URL in it is blocked from opening in FF. this also speeds up browsing as you are no longer waiting on 3rd party URLs to open up their advertisements.


you are browsing on and they have an add from and it is taking a long time to load. if you have adblock set to block the then it will never load and will speed up the time it takes to load that page as that portion of the page code is just ignored by the browser and thus never gets to run on your system making it safer and cleaner.

also do not keep a long cache of web pages and graphics. clean your cache at least 1 time a week if not daily. this way if something sneaks past your protections and is resident in the cache but not really any place else you will remove it.

a lot of 3rd party cookies are like that.

on the line of cookies NEVER ALOW 3rd party coookies. all browsers from IE 6.0 and newer (just an FYI, opera, mozilla, firebird(predisesor to firefox) and just about every other browser on the market had this tool for 2-4 years before IE 6 was released) have an option to control 3rd party cookies. make sure they are NEVER alowed in your computer.

3rd party cookies are cookies (data gathering bits of software) from some domain other then the domain your are currently browsing.


you are here at and wants to install a cookie on your system. if you do not have cookies disabled (then you could not post here if that were the case) and you have not set IE to block 3rd party cookies then can do what ever it wants thanks to the BS security that is Microsoft Windows. IIRC the default for FF is to not alow 3rd party cookies, but that is one of the first things i do before i go to any web page other then my personal domain as i have zero cookies there. i know, i coded it.

with the change in software, modifiing your browsing habbits, modifiing the user level permissions, and running the daily scans you should see fewer and fewer bits of malware on the system.

best of luck
#22 Nov 17 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Baron von AngstyCoder wrote:
I'll go on record as saying **** system restore. Disable that sorry ****. It is more prone to virus propegation than usefulness. Disable it, kill the service, rename the dammned service so it doesn't get any ideas, and nuke the systemvolumeinformation entries.

grins, yes it is more then not a problem, but it can have its uses like with bad hardware drivers and can help with getting the system back to a semi stable point. not that any windows platform is stable, but stable enough that the average EU does not know the differance.
#23 Nov 18 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
and he isn't a **** kind of guy

And you aren't a very savvy kind of gal.
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