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What are the real issues of the U.S?Follow

#127 Nov 25 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
fadedaway wrote:

p.s. if your offended and want to rate me doiwn think./..wwjd, then get back to me lmfao....

Edited, Fri Nov 25 10:00:38 2005 by fadedaway

I rated you down, not for content, but for presentation. You just ruined any Canadian claim to a good education system. Think of your countrymen and learn what a paragraph is before you post again.

Better yet, go back and clean up that mess of a post you already made. Knock out the typos, space the thing a bit and just tidy it up in general. Then maybe someone will read it and rate you down for content instead.
#128 Nov 25 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good

I'm with him. The second post I've tried to read today that physiclly hurtmy eyes to attempt to read it.

As for the religious debates:

We don't need more of the christian god in our society. If you're a believer, go worship. But trying to inject more of your god into business and politics is just going to **** people off.

Regardless of the fact that 85% of the US is christian, the minority religions have an equal say. We have a freedom to practice all religions. And a seperation of church and state for a reason.

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#129 Nov 25 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
And I wonder, of that 85%, how many actually believe and how many are just giving lip service because it's what is expected of them.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#130 Nov 25 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Yeah, I'd have a hard time believing that 85% of Americans are devout Christians.

Why should a store selling ipods and shampoo be black mailed into supporting any religion? Seems contrary to want to disenfranchise any of their shoppers.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 12:31:09 2005 by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#131 Nov 25 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Keep in mind christins encompass Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Anglicans, Christian Science(scientist?), Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Non-denominationals, and Presbyterianists.

And psyco's like the branch dividian's? Yup, also christian.

It appears to me most of the people argueing ID, "Merry Christmas", and things like the ten commandments in schools are the "born again" type.

Watch out for them, they'll preach at you >.>
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#132 Nov 25 2005 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
" I rated you down, not for content, but for presentation. You just ruined any Canadian claim to a good education system. Think of your countrymen and learn what a paragraph is before you post again.

Better yet, go back and clean up that mess of a post you already made. Knock out the typos, space the thing a bit and just tidy it up in general. Then maybe someone will read it and rate you down for content instead"

Firstly, i have to appoligise for my lack of paragraphs....I wrote that in a rant before work and was in a hurry i will edit it. As for typos i shall do that as well, however i am not the worlds greatest speller, and as such cannot guarantee anything in that area. I appreaciate your kindness.....ohh and that was sarcasm...

"I'm with him. The second post I've tried to read today that physiclly hurtmy eyes to attempt to read it.

As for the religious debates:

We don't need more of the christian god in our society. If you're a believer, go worship. But trying to inject more of your god into business and politics is just going to **** people off.

Regardless of the fact that 85% of the US is christian, the minority religions have an equal say. We have a freedom to practice all religions. And a seperation of church and state for a reason."

You have just recapped my entire point, but thank you for agreeing.

Once again I am going to edit my post, hopefully making it more readable.

p.s. how do you do the fancy quotes???

Edited, Fri Nov 25 20:34:46 2005 by fadedaway
#133 Nov 25 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
104 posts
And I wonder, of that 85%, how many actually believe and how many are just giving lip service because it's what is expected of them.

This has always boggled me. Why would you pretend to be something you are not? They are "lip-servicing" for reasons and most of those reasons are financial.


  • I am a hypocrite, right along side most human beings.
    There have been many people that I have met that go to church on Sunday, praise their lord and Monday night --go to the bar. I have gone to church and I didn't care for it.


    I worked in a **** store on the side and my day job was helping adults with developmental disabilities. During my day job I would take my clients out into the community and on some Sundays, when all else failed, I would take them to their church.
    One fine night at about 1 a.m. a man walks in and asks me if we have any barely legal ****. Preferably gay young men. I told him where it was and I sat there puzzled. I knew him from somewhere, but where?
    Oh yes, I remember now. He is the Youth Pastor at a church where I took one of the young men. And I remember now that this young man, despite his disabilities (quadrapeligic from a car wreck) did not like him.

    People can say and claim to be whoever/whatever they want to another human but deep down we are pretty much all the same. We have all thought bad thoughts, lied, some have even stole.
    What makes it bearable for me to get through is that I know that I am not hiding under any religious proclomations. I take full responsibility for what I have done.

    Vanler Wrote:
    The commandment that is broken (IMO) is thou shall have no other god before me. If you claim that your God finds homosexuality acceptable. Then Im saying you have created a God to your liking instead of accepting the God of our bible, who has CLEARLY spoken on this issue.

    Who the f'uck cares if he created a God to his liking?
    #134 Nov 25 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
    fadedaway wrote:
    " I rated you down, not for content, but for presentation. You just ruined any Canadian claim to a good education system. Think of your countrymen and learn what a paragraph is before you post again.

    Better yet, go back and clean up that mess of a post you already made. Knock out the typos, space the thing a bit and just tidy it up in general. Then maybe someone will read it and rate you down for content instead"

    Firstly, i have to appoligise for my lack of paragraphs....I wrote that in a rant before work and was in a hurry i will edit it. As for typos i shall do that as well, however i am not the worlds greatest speller, and as such cannot guarantee anything in that area. I appreaciate your kindness.....ohh and that was sarcasm...

    "I'm with him. The second post I've tried to read today that physiclly hurtmy eyes to attempt to read it.

    As for the religious debates:

    We don't need more of the christian god in our society. If you're a believer, go worship. But trying to inject more of your god into business and politics is just going to **** people off.

    Regardless of the fact that 85% of the US is christian, the minority religions have an equal say. We have a freedom to practice all religions. And a seperation of church and state for a reason."

    You have just recapped my entire point, but thank you for agreeing.

    Once again I am going to edit my post, hopefully making it more readable.

    p.s. how do you do the fancy quotes???

    Edited, Fri Nov 25 20:34:46 2005 by fadedaway

    I'm always the sucker for answering questions, so here goes:

    Two easy ways to quote others. First, if you want to quote a single person, click the "Reply to This" link at the top of their post. This will open a page for your reply post. Then click "Quote Original." You will now have the original post quoted. Pay attention to the tags and you'll see how they work.

    Second, you can type in the tags manually. [quote'] and [/quote'] are the opening and closing quote tags, just drop the ' out of them and they work. Anything between the two will be listed as a quote.

    Also, for more info, click on the "Markup Help" link when you have the post form open.

    Finally, if you see someone do something and you want to know how, simply reply to their post, quote the original, and look at the tags. Note: You don't actually have to finish the post at this point. Just back out of it.
    #135 Nov 25 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
    16,299 posts
    TS was helpful... he must be drunk or tired.

    I like my men drunk and tired... makes my job easier. Smiley: sly
    #136 Nov 25 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
    3,053 posts
    Mistress Nadenu wrote:
    TS was helpful... he must be drunk or tired.

    I like my men drunk and tired... makes my job easier. Smiley: sly

    Actually I rather they not be drunk. I like my men to be able to get hard.
    In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

    This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
    #137 Nov 25 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
    16,299 posts
    ElneClare wrote:
    Mistress Nadenu wrote:
    TS was helpful... he must be drunk or tired.

    I like my men drunk and tired... makes my job easier. Smiley: sly

    Actually I rather they not be drunk. I like my men to be able to get hard.

    You've got a point. Ok, loopy?

    <3 Elne

    Edited, Fri Nov 25 22:59:00 2005 by Nadenu
    #138 Nov 26 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
    vanelr wrote:
    To Yoss: Well for agruement sake, lets just say that social sciences are not an exact science.

    Let me refrain more clearly: there are no exact sciences. See, for example,

    You often claim 85% of America is Christian. How many believe in social sciences? But even if we disregard the social sciences, it is biology that we are after: namely is there a genetic correlation to homosexuality. The reason the APS is so confident in their proclamation is due to studies like the one I cited. They are biological in origin.

    The commandment that is broken (IMO) is thou shall have no other god before me. If you claim that your God finds homosexuality acceptable. Then Im saying you have created a God to your liking instead of accepting the God of our bible, who has CLEARLY spoken on this issue.

    I find your reasoning strikingly broad since *any* conflict with *anything* from *anywhere* in the bible would be akin to breaking a commandment. This is generally not what people mean when they say a commandment was broken.

    And this leads us to:

    Note: Jesus never said anything that was contary to the old testament, in fact he upheld the old teastament.

    Eat pork? Most christians do. Clearly a really big no-no with God of the old testiment. Most feel that some specific statements of Jesus make it OK.

    Then again, slavery is fine, so is beating one's wife with a stick, so is polygamy, so is genocide...

    I think if you wish to use your 85% figure you take a more mainstream line on this issue. Otherwise one half of your post argues against the other.

    My God is forgiving. My God loves.
    My God wrote:
    38 "You have heard that it was said, `An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40 and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; 41 and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you.

    Your God wrote:
    And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
    Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
    Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

    I know God works in mysterious ways, and thus direct contradiction is, perhaps, the ultimate test of faith: can you hold two totally opposing views in your mind at once.

    My God loves. My God forgives. My God encourages giving, not hording. In internet parlance, My God, for the win :)

    As to minority rights: I believe my words are being twisted or maybe im not explaining myself properly.

    Must be the latter. I quoted your entire paragraph on the subject of minority rights. There is no further context for me to add.

    Minority right, ( which I agree with) are in place to protect the minority from pursecution from the majority. In this case the majority (christians)is being attacked by the minority. They are seeking to change long established christian behavior that has been pervalent in our culture for at least the last hundred years.

    First of all, the minority are within their rights to ask for separation of Church and State. That means the fact anti-gay laws happen to coincide with christianity has absolutely no relivance. That's separation. Constitution, your agrument. Pick one.

    Second, no one wants to change the behavior of christians. They can still exclude gays, not marry them, etc. All anyone is talking about is allowing the state to grant the exact same license (with all the same words) to any mutually consenting adults.

    If your argument consist of: the bible says homosexuality is a sin, then you can see why:

    Christians are not shoving their religion or their God down anyone throat

    seems a rather bizzare line of reasoning to take.

    Perhaps you could threaten us with eternal damnation and hellfire instead. Since this is the Assylum, you could have Satan give us all transorbital lobotimies or electroshock therapy.

    We seem to be at an impass, so let me end all chance of returning to the original intent of this thread and do what we *always* do in the Assylum: create a fictional nation.

    The proud Republic of Vanelrtopia, in which the constitution explicitly ensures the separation of Scinece and State. This is a big, important principle which the society agrees is fundamental. Nonetheless, many of the laws are consistent with scientific fact. And one of these laws is called into question.

    Any argument concerning science would not hold any weight: even if the previous law was actually based on it.
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