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What are the real issues of the U.S?Follow

#102 Nov 22 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
eat my beliefs *****!! SWALLOW IT!!!! SWALLOW IT ALL!!!
With the receiver in my hand..
#103 Nov 22 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
To Yoss: Well for agruement sake, lets just say that social sciences are not an exact science. I have a very close friend who was a pyscharist for over 15 years. He quit the profession when he lost a patient (suicide). His contention was that social medicine or practice helped some of his patients, while the same medicine and practice destroyed others. I think that even you would agree that social sciences is nothing more than our best guess. So, its not that im ignoring this science or the evidence it produces, Im merely weigthing it accordly.

The commandment that is broken (IMO) is thou shall have no other god before me. If you claim that your God finds homosexuality acceptable. Then Im saying you have created a God to your liking instead of accepting the God of our bible, who has CLEARLY spoken on this issue.

Note: Jesus never said anything that was contary to the old testament, in fact he upheld the old teastament. If Jesus were here today, I agree with you. He would hang with the people who had the greatest need. He would love gays as much as everyone else, however I dont believe that he would tell them that their lifestyle was rigtheous.

As to minority rights: I believe my words are being twisted or maybe im not explaining myself properly. Minority right, ( which I agree with) are in place to protect the minority from pursecution from the majority. In this case the majority (christians)is being attacked by the minority. They are seeking to change long established christian behavior that has been pervalent in our culture for at least the last hundred years. Christians are not shoving their religion or their God down anyone throat as claimed by dazzlefax. We are however just beginning to figth back against what we see as an attack on christianity by a minority of people. We will not let them confine God to a church only setting. Its all over the news and you are now seeing a swing back to conservative moral values. Churches in my area are organizing boycotts of stores that refuse to use Merry Christmas in their advertising. Legal foundations have been set up to counter religious figth with the aclu and other anti religious organizations. We are not stepping on minority right, we are merely protecting our own.

#104 Nov 22 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
vanelr wrote:
Churches in my area are organizing boycotts of stores that refuse to use Merry Christmas in their advertising.
Wow.. nothing like trying to force Christianity upon businesses through economic means. Jesus would be so proud.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#105 Nov 22 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Come on jop are you saying that the 15% non believers can force some store to use happy holidays instead of merry christmas, but if we fight back we are the bad guys. What a hipocrate.
#106 Nov 22 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Where have the tolerant and forgiving Christians gone? Were they all crucified?
#107 Nov 22 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
First you say:

Christians are not shoving their religion or their God down anyone throat as claimed by dazzlefax

Then contradict yourself by saying:

We will not let them confine God to a church only setting. Its all over the news and you are now seeing a swing back to conservative moral values. Churches in my area are organizing boycotts of stores that refuse to use Merry Christmas in their advertising.

What were you saying about not shoving the chrisitan religion down people's throats again?

Did you ever stop to think that saying Merry Christmas may offend, a Jew or a muslim, or a buddhist? Or perhaps that particular business may not be owned by people who of a christian faith? Of course you didn't. You're just arrogant in thinking that everyone else should believe as you believe. That's just wrong.
#108 Nov 22 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts
Churches in my area are organizing boycotts of stores that refuse to use Merry Christmas in their advertising.

Wow.. nothing like trying to force Christianity upon businesses through economic means. Jesus would be so proud.

yeah, it's nothing new.
fortunately, it's also nothing effective. they'll forget about it in like 3 weeks when the only place to get the new 'craze' doll of the year is one of the stores they boycotted.... suckers.

I remember back in the late '80s there was a whole uproar in my parent's church about Proctor & Gamble and everyone was told to boycott the whole organization because one of the upper management was rumored to be some kind of pagan. that lasted like 2 weeks, so it' stupid that they do stuff like that, but it's nothing to worry about.
Wolfpack Linkshell
#109 Nov 22 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
vanelr wrote:
Come on jop are you saying that the 15% non believers can force some store to use happy holidays instead of merry christmas, but if we fight back we are the bad guys. What a hipocrate.
How could 15% of the population be a better economic bet than 85% that they're "forcing" the stores? Your argument is really that the stores think it's better to appease 15% of the population and alienate the other 85%? I guess non-Christians must be pretty damn rich!

Yes, if you try to force stores to say "Merry Christmas" with economic threats as a means of "defending" Christianity, you're the "bad guy". You are the very definition of those Jesus rebuked for holding the traditions of man higher than the word of God. You honestly think that threatening a store is a victory for Jesus? That having a store put a "Merry Christmas" banner in the window simply to appease your pocketbooks is something God is pleased with? You've successfully spread the Gospel by telling a store owner he'd better do what you say or else?

Wow. The very model of Biblical Christianity.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#110 Nov 22 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
I dont care what they believe or dont believe. I doubt anyone is offended by Merry Christmas. If they are, than they are in the wrong country. This country has a 85% Christian population. Thats like saying I wont go to Spain because im offended that they dont speak english.

I would hardly call protecting what has been in place for the last 100 years, shoving religion on anyone.

Tolarence has never been a good trait. IMO

Forgiveness is available for the asking. Sorry I didnt see you asking?
#111 Nov 22 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
vanelr wrote:
Come on jop are you saying that the 15% non believers can force some store to use happy holidays instead of merry christmas, but if we fight back we are the bad guys. What a hipocrate.

They are not "forcing" the stores to change, the stores are doing it themselves because they are trying to appeal to all their customers.

You know the ones that don't celebrate X-mas, but celebrate Hanukkah, or Kwanza.

Why are Christians always so paranoid?
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#112 Nov 22 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
I would hardly call protecting what has been in place for the last 100 years, shoving religion on anyone.

What exactly are you protecting? Has someone come to your chruch and said you cannot pray? You cannot worship God how you see fit? I'm still don't understand what it is that you think is being attacked?

#113 Nov 22 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
to jop:

In the past christains have been too tolarent and letting people attack our religion. Therefore store are under the impression that christian wont mind. This is changing.

You must have a sterotype in mind when you say christian. There are many different types of people who call themselves christians. Im sure some disagree with my opinions.

As far as the store owners go, they are being forced to make a business decision in spite of their personal beliefs. Up to now they have been trying to appease the 15% and not the 85%. Nothing wrong in me wanting to support the businesses that wanna support me.

Remember its the 15% that is doing the attacking. We are just starting to defend. You've heard the old saying dont start no **** wont be no ****.
#114 Nov 22 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts
Tolarence has never been a good trait. IMO

Forgiveness is available for the asking. Sorry I didnt see you asking?

"christians" like you are the reason i left the church.

It's all so fake. Forgiveness is available for the asking? one shouldn't have to ask. you shouldn't even have to think about it, forgiveness takes no thought and no effort, it just IS.

People like you spend so much time berating non-christians for thier non-christian ways that you really end up just making the whole religion look fake (which it is).
Wolfpack Linkshell
#115 Nov 22 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
vanelr wrote:
You must have a sterotype in mind when you say christian.
Yeah, it's this crazy, wacked-out notion I got from reading the New Testament.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#116 Nov 22 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
Apparently you havent been watching the news. Christainity is under attack. There are groups out there trying to erase any and all presence of God, religion or anything associated with it. This happening in our schools, our courthouses, and the private sector. In some parts of the country you can be fined for having nativity scene in your window ifs its viewable by the public. Schools are being banned from doing their christmas pageans. We no longer swear to God on the bible in our courthouses. There is even a movement to remove ( under God we trust) off our currency. Our children cannot, in parts of this country, sing silent night, its now been classified as a devotional song. It has gotten way out of hand and we the christians are finally organizing a defense.
#117 Nov 22 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
To Phlare:

Jesus himself says there are good people and bad people in the world. We all know this is true. As a christian we simply stay away from the bad people. Forgiveness is available for the asking. If you dont ask for forgiveness, than you dont feel you did anything wrong and therefore what needs to be forgiven. If you were once in the church than you should understand this.

Its people like me who stop you from going to church. Than shame on you. Being a christian is all about your personal relationship with God. Its got nothing to do with other people. My church is full of people who are mixed about things. I dont agree with half of them, but I fail to see what that has to do with my love for God.

For the record: I didnt berate anyone.

#118 Nov 22 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
vanelr wrote:
Jesus himself says there are good people and bad people in the world.
I can make a good scriptural argument about why boycotting stores for failing to say "Merry Christmas" is wrong. Can you make a scriptural argument for why it's the right thing to do?

Or am I stereotyping Christians by assuming the scriptures matter to them?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#119 Nov 22 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
To Jop: If you can make a scriptual agrument showing that im wrong, than make it.

Ill ignore the sarcasm.
#120 Nov 22 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
To Jop: btw r u a christian? I would like to give you the opportunity to denouce God, or affirm if that is indeed the case.

Note: I dont speak for all christians. Therefore your remarks would be better directed at me instead of christians.
#121 Nov 22 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
He has already made it moron, you are just a bit slow catching up.
#122 Nov 22 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
There are groups out there trying to erase any and all presence of God, religion or anything associated with it. This happening in our schools, our courthouses,

It's called a seperation between church and state. No one has kept you from praying in your church or your home. I hardly call that an attack on christianity.

I'd like to know where they fine private citizens for displaying the nativity scene in their private property home/window.
#123 Nov 22 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
vanelr wrote:
To Jop: btw r u a christian?
a/s/l? lolbifrons?
I would like to give you the opportunity to denouce God, or affirm if that is indeed the case.
Erm... thanks?

I've stated my faith affiliations on this forum before. I don't see where it's particularly important here.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#124 Nov 22 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
To pat: Now im a moron because i missed where he answered that?

What have I done to deserve that?

Defend my personal beliefs?
Defend my religion?
Defend my God?
Defend the moral majority?

I get dozens of rebuttals for my beliefs. How many do you think will give you crap for name calling? This is a perfect example of how christians have become to tolerant. All my fellow christians are not chiming in to help me out. I just have to endure the name calling from the 15%. No more. I maybe a christians but im also a man. I will push back when shoved. I wish I was more of a christian and maybe less of a man, but there it is.

Calling people names will never fill that big empty hole in your heart, Pat.
#125 Nov 22 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
What have I done to deserve that?

You have demonstrated that you are really really stupid. This is often a precursor to being labelled a moron. Get used to it.
#126 Nov 25 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
Awesome, the last score or so posts have really touched down on the REAL ISSUES OF THE U.S.; Religion. To all of those who have repeatedly used the fact that 85% of a population is christian to weigh their argument,you are quite hypocritical. The bible preaches human equality, love thy neighbour and the like, yet here are christians claiming that since they are the majority that they should dominate a country in even themost trivial ways. I am not sure if its an ammendment, since i am Canadian, but i know freedom of speech is still viable, although hardly so, in the United States. Seeing as how freedom of speech entails exactly what it states, how is it that 85% of a country can opress the other 15% with their selfrigetous beliefs.

Personally I believe that the phrase/greeting "merry christmas" is a non issue, seeing as how many people would say happy (forgive my spelling) haunnakua, or the like; Some stores and delis especially lol. I can believe in the idea of this though, for the phrase "happy holidays" is far less generalised and is a greeting that can be used without biast, or prejudist.

The real issue is the fact that 85% of a country proclaims to be christian, yet they have no qualms over killing innocent people through war. Also if 85% are christian that means that 85% (give or take 20 percent or so ) of the murders , rapists etc.. are also christian. Some say that they are blasphemers ,or what ever the popular term is at the time, but that is a triviality. If such a high rate of this percentage is willingly commiting sins,and im not talking gluttony even though the u.s. is largely filled with obese people (no offense), how is it that one may even use this "85%" as a fall back to get their way.

Val is right regretably. Many non christians may tresort to names and the like to get their point across, but "Bible thumping christian" is in itself, at least a minor, reality. The majority of christians will indoubtedly fall back on the "Enemy" as their defense. If they loose an argument over evolution or the millions of hypocracies in the bible, it is the "Enimie's " work.

This very enemy in itself is a fallen "archangel", who was created by god, yet not human. If this is true than god is far from perfect as Angels are not as flawed as we, in the eyes of christianity, and therefore would not have this issue. Is there one among us who truly believes that the first cro-magnon men and women have gone to hell for their sins. They did not know any better,there is no bible etched in stone next to an animal on a cave wall. So when cro-magnon men killed one another for survuival, as does all of nature, did they go to hell?Conversely, is heaven filled with stupid "cavemen" who were rigetous? They were human and therefore the same rules apply.

Another person brought up a very interesting point, just because a book has historical events in it does not mean that it is not fictional.Sure maybe Jesus was real, but maybe he was just nice guy who was delusional. Would we not lock a person ,who truly believes they are Jesus reborn, in a mental institution. Or better yet if he broke our laws in doing so, much as the original Jesus did in being perceived as a heritic. So therefore Christiananity could be but a cult held up throught the ages with an ever growing fan base due to the forced ingestion of ced book by parents.

If, for instance, I were to write a loosely defined book of slaughter with a righteous footnote now, and thousands of years later they uncovered it , could i not be the next jesus? Not only this but throughout history one book has spawned countless others , many of these others are radically different, how can this be so if god intervened on the original writing. Being perfect, would he not have gotten it right the first time. Everything since would therefore have been human interference and agenda (Have you read animal farm..... the commandments slowly get rounded out untill finally there is one absolute command!, which is what may happen in years to come if we keep warring over our faith and preaching what we do not pratice.)

These have been my two cents, please read what i have written i do not need someone else miss interpreting my words like when I said kill chrisitianity take it out of the government, i meant just that ,remove it from the government not kill it off first then write.....

p.s. if your offended and want to rate me doiwn think...wwjd, then get back to me lmfao....

Edited, Fri Nov 25 20:43:30 2005 by fadedaway
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