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Underage Sex Advice? Call the Police!Follow

#1 Oct 19 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I really do despair at Tony Blair's government these days.


The plan...

CHILDREN under 16 would be automatically reported to the police if they seek advice on contraception, pregnancy or abortion, under government proposals.

The reality

A quarter of girls first have intercourse before the age of 16

The likely effect...

A recent survey of young people found that nearly three quarters (74 per cent) would be less likely to seek advice if they thought that information could be passed to the police or social workers.

Jan Barlow, chief executive of Brook, the sexual health charity, said it could lead to “a massive increase” in unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

“Abusive or coercive relationships would also be more likely to remain hidden if young people felt that there was no one they could trust to listen to them in confidence,” she said.

Edited, Wed Oct 19 04:02:31 2005 by Patrician
#2 Oct 19 2005 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
Patrician wrote:
I really do despair at Tony Blair's government these days.


The plan...

CHILDREN under 16 would be automatically reported to the police if they seek advice on contraception, pregnancy or abortion, under government proposals.

The reality

A quarter of girls first have intercourse before the age of 16

The likely effect...

A recent survey of young people found that nearly three quarters (74 per cent) would be less likely to seek advice if they thought that information could be passed to the police or social workers.

Jan Barlow, chief executive of Brook, the sexual health charity, said it could lead to “a massive increase” in unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

“Abusive or coercive relationships would also be more likely to remain hidden if young people felt that there was no one they could trust to listen to them in confidence,” she said.

Edited, Wed Oct 19 04:02:31 2005 by Patrician

I couldn't find statistics on this but it is widely known that out of all 1st world countries, teen pregnancy is the highest in the United States(As per percentage). I think Mr. Blair(though I wish Our president was more like him... I have to admit the guy has a lot of balls for an englishman). To me this doesn't seem like a huge issue in the UK. I seriously think Mr. Blair has bigger fish to fry though.
#3 Oct 19 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I think Mr. Blair(though I wish Our president was more like him... I have to admit the guy has a lot of balls for an englishman).

Do you want to finish that thought? Or did you try to think of what to say, and then all you could do is think of Mr Blair?


Confused from London
#4REDACTED, Posted: Oct 19 2005 at 4:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes, i also beleave that the US has the highest %. but let me tell you why i think that is.
#5 Oct 19 2005 at 4:36 AM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
kooshtwo wrote:
Yes, i also beleave that the US has the highest %. but let me tell you why i think that is.

Now, before i tell you my thoughts, I must tell you that I am a little racest. if anything I say pissses you off, if sorry.

With that being said,

The reason that i sthink the US has the highest teen pregnancy, is the mexicans and the blacks. (like I said, if I **** you off im sorry!)

If you havn't seen it already, let me tell you why I say this.
MOST mexican familys have 2-5 children, that is the NORM for there culture. AND they usualy start having sex and a nice young age. Somewhere I heard that it is also against there religion to use condoms, cus it would be admitting that they are doing somethign wrong. (If this is not right, please tell me and I will wright a post to fix it!) AND the blacks, runnen around f*cken anything thast moves...then moving on themselfs. Not that I have anything against them as a people, but I DO have something against what they do. (most of them..) If you watch those crap assed shows (Springer and the like) you will see that most of the people on the "is he the daddy" shows are black.

Once again, if this pisses you off, or I have said somethign that is not factual, please tell me and I will work on fixing it!

Hah! That's the funniest thing I've read since I signed up for this damn web site. Hah!
#6 Oct 19 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
If you watch those crap assed shows (Springer and the like) you will see that most of the people on the "is he the daddy" shows are black.
So you get your statistics from Jerry Springer. I bet you get your **** from there too.

Bewbies for beads.
#7 Oct 19 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Learn to spell racist before you claim to be one, even a little.

#8 Oct 19 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good

First, the plan in England sounds like a load of crap to me. If I heard a plan that called for carding for contraception, forcing you to be above 16 to purchase, it would still **** me off. But making someone under the age of 16 a criminal simply for seeking -advice-? That is absolutely asinine. I am suprised Bush didn't think of it.

And to Kooshtwo? Try looking at socioeconomic status instead of skin color next time, you racist jerk. The US's problems with teen pregnancy are complicated, and they don't lie with our diverse population. If anything, that population is an asset.

#9 Oct 19 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
Somewhere I heard that it is also against there religion to use condoms, cus it would be admitting that they are doing somethign wrong.

Ya, that damn Mexican religion!!11!

The one that's even worse than that is "The church of the modern day nig[/i]gers"

Smiley: rolleyes

edit: Nig[i]
ger is a baaaddddd word!

Edited, Wed Oct 19 08:49:13 2005 by AegisGoat
#10 Oct 19 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Katarine wrote:
That is absolutely asinine. I am suprised Bush didn't think of it.

Smiley: laugh

And to Kooshtwo? Try looking at socioeconomic status instead of skin color next time, you racist jerk. The US's problems with teen pregnancy are complicated, and they don't lie with our diverse population. If anything, that population is an asset.

Wow. You running for office? I'm Latina, and the most reaction I could summon up to that was Smiley: rolleyes.
#11 Oct 19 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
3,118 posts
Wow. You running for office? I'm Latina, and the most reaction I could summon up to that was .

Just out of curiousity, what exactly does being Latina entail? I don't think I know anyone who's a Latina, though if I do they haven't told me. Is it a cultural thing, a reference to where your ancestral roots lie, or just a different word for Hispanic?

Ridiculous. Heaven forbid we have our teenage and younger children actually become educated about a subject to make informed decisions. Security through obscurity, great plan.

Edited, Wed Oct 19 09:06:36 2005 by Jacobsdeception
#12 Oct 19 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
And to think, I flirted with converting to Mexicanism. It was after those evangelists with the lawnmower showed up at my door.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Oct 19 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Jacobsdeception the Sly wrote:
Just out of curiousity, what exactly does being Latina entail? I don't think I know anyone who's a Latina, though if I do they haven't told me. Is it a cultural thing, a reference to where your ancestral roots lie, or just a different word for Hispanic?

Hispanic is my preferred term but not the commonly accepted one, since it is considered in some manner to refer to Spain. Latino/a is considered the PC term, although the divide seems to be one of age. Most older folk call themselves Latino because it's a spanish word, and they wanted to dictate how they were referred to. I say "Hispana" or "Hispano", but not unless I'm in private, because I know it offends some folks within the community.
[/quote]Here's a good article. I am by no means the ultimate source of info.

Edit: Aha!
Hispanic Magazine wrote:
The word Hispanic is derived from the word España, the country that led the conquest of the New World and whose language and culture has dominated Latin America. The word Latino traces its roots back to ancient Rome and some say it's more inclusive, encompassing Latin American countries such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and others, according to Himilce Novas' book, Everything You Need to Know About Latino History.

Edited, Wed Oct 19 09:52:15 2005 by Atomicflea
#14 Oct 19 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good

Wow. You running for office? I'm Latina, and the most reaction I could summon up to that was ...

Eh, I'm running for neighborhood council member. We are one diverse community. Gotta throw in the sctick where I can.

#15 Oct 19 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Jophiel wrote:
And to think, I flirted with converting to Mexicanism. It was after those evangelists with the lawnmower showed up at my door.

They'd just heard it was a good place to sacrifice bunnies.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Oct 19 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Jophiel wrote:
And to think, I flirted with converting to Mexicanism. It was after those evangelists with the lawnmower showed up at my door.

Well, you won't accept them coming to your science class. They have to try to convert you elsewhere.
#17 Oct 19 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
This plan is going to reek havoc for the English. Everyone knows that English girls are whores. Now the police will know who the loose ones are and get them all snockered up so they can snog in the lolly. This will lead to a highter divorce rate as housewives get tired of serving tea and crumpets to their cheating bloke husbands. The husbands, destitute, will resort to selling their bloody knickers in London for marmalade and fish and chips.

Chaos I tell you.
#18 Oct 19 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
That is a terrible idea. Kids need that advice, how does anything bad come of making them more informed of the possible consequences of sex and how to prevent them. Telling kids "Something possibly terrible might happen to you if you get near the special place of your boyfriend" does not deter teenagers from having sex.

Inform them of the consequences, methods of protection, and hope their upbringing leads them to making the right choices. If it wasn't for a tip from some concerned highschoolers about the glow-in-the dark condom machine in the back bathroom of the seedy local downtown gas station my life might have turned out very differently.

If I had been well informed about the possible consequences of my actions and had someone to talk too I might have even made some better decisions and not needed to make up excuses of why I had to use the gas station bathroom every time I went there.

Yet another of the internets endless supply of ignorant racists wrote:
(If this is not right, please tell me and I will wright a post to fix it!)

Likely, nothing you ever say or type will be right. Instead of wasting everyone's time smearing more virtual shi[/b]t across this forum, do us a favor and indulge in the oft sited proverbial bleach cocktail.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#19 Oct 19 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Freedom of Speech rules.
#20 Oct 19 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
If we stop telling kids about sex, we won't have any teen pregnancy to deal with.

Similarly, if we stop telling people about the flu, we can avert the yearly winter outbreak.
#21 Oct 19 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
874 posts
Pay no heed to that man behind the curtain!
#22 Oct 19 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
kooshbag wrote:
but I DO have something against what they do. (most of them..) If you watch those crap assed shows (Springer and the like) you will see that most of the people on the "is he the daddy" shows are black.

Glad you see you have cited your sources for that intelectual arguement you made.
#23 Oct 19 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
Young teens have twigged that sex is fun (omgz!). The horse has already bolted in terms of stopping them having sex.
#24 Oct 19 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
12,975 posts
AND the blacks, runnen around f*cken anything thast moves...then moving on themselfs. Not that I have anything against them as a people, but I DO have something against what they do. (most of them..) If you watch those crap assed shows (Springer and the like) you will see that most of the people on the "is he the daddy" shows are black.

You forgot to mention the part where all the mothers are white. OMGZ!!1

Wingchild has pretty much said what I had to say, so I'll leave it at that.
#25 Oct 19 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
I think we should just stop trying to discourage kids from having sex at a young age and begin to promote sex starting at age thirteen (I just picked the first teen year, we could go lower if yah like, 9 for instance). This way, kids won't have any fears regarding talking with adults about sex.

For instance, if a 13 year old girl is curious about the best type of lube to use for **** sex, we could advise her on the matter. All of these silly laws and attempts at controlling sex amongst the youth of the world is futile.

Lowering the age of consent to 13 would probably help too. After all, if the minority 25% of girls have sex by 16, why not throw the other 75% to the wolves along with em way in advance. Hey, think of the new trust bonds this would form between children and their parents!

The more I think about it, the more I think I should write my senator immediately.

#26 Oct 19 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hispanic specifically refers to anyone who natively speaks spanish. More historically, anyone from a nation that was originally part of the "spanish colonial empire" in the new world (Hispania).

Latino/Latina, usually refers to anyone from "Latin America", which can be confusing in and of itself due to vagarities in what exactly that means. Historically, it applies to anyone who's from south of the US/Mexico border (including the various islands in the gulf region), however it's also commonly used to refer to anyone who's family originates from that area.

There's a hell of a lot of overlap between them, and in most cases, they're interchangable. However, you might get into trouble refering to a Portugese speaking Brazilian as "Hispanic"...

As to the teen statistics, all racism aside the US does take in a hell of a lot more immigrants then any other 1st world nation. Statistically, immigrants from poorer countries do tend to have more children and start earlier. Not coincidentally, US statistics tend to mirror that with 1-3rd generation immigrants having higher rates of teen pregnancy then other demographics.

It's not really about race, but the culture change. Most 1st and 2nd generation Mexican families have really hard times with this since they are coming from a culture where girls are often marrried off very young (what do you *think* a Quincinetta is all about?) and it's assumed they'll be sexually active, but within a cultural structure that puts enormous pressure on those young couples to marry. Toss them into a culture where that's frowned upon (and in some states illegal), and it's not hard to predict the results. Usually, by the 3rd and successive generations the statistics change to be more like the "norm".

The only real anomoly is African-Americans. For some reason, we see high rates of teen pregnancy and out of wedlock births even in families that have been in the country for 8+ generations. There's a ton of social theories on that one though...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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