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Grr I hate living in the bible thumping texas..Follow

#52 Oct 06 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
Jophiel wrote:
ProofsockXXII wrote:
Did you know adultery is a sin because women were considered property when the bible was written? Which would make fuc[/b]king someone elses wife theft
Did you know you're wrong?

Did you know im infallible?
#53 Oct 06 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
quite the slippery slope youve got going there. How did we get from adultery being bad = God thinks women should be in the kitchen?

Edited, Thu Oct 6 11:41:11 2005 by deadsidedemon
#54 Oct 06 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
quite the slippery slope youve got going there. How did we get from adultery being bad = God thinks women should be in the kitchen?

Edited, Thu Oct 6 11:41:11 2005 by deadsidedemon

#55 Oct 06 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Naggy wrote:
((stares in dumbstruck amazement. Has to look a third time. Looks to the Seventh Sign, awaiting the End. the Fifth Sign, the Rise of the Governator, has passed, the Reign of the Fussypussy has come, and ((worst of all)) Shadowrealm was dead @#%^ing on with a post. Dead on.))
((Prepares for the End of Days.))

Almost dead ******* on. Still something wrong here.


you have the FREEDOM to not have an abortion if you choose not to. you DO NOT have the FREEDOM to take that FREEDOM away from someone who does not subscribe to your personel convictions.

The "right to abortion" was established on flawed jurisprudence. In order to create this "right" the court had to first create a "right to privacy" which they inferred from the 14th Amendment which guarantees equal protection under the law. In that amendment there is no reference to privacy.

My beef isn't with abortion. My problem is that a council of unelected judges have decided they no longer have to abide by what the constitution actually says. We are no longer a representitive republic. We have devolved into a polygarchy.

If a new right needs to be created it should be created via constitutional amendment. The citizens were completely left out of the loop here and our High Ruling Council decided on their own that this right should exist. Our system of checks and balances has failed because the American people have become complacent and the legislative and executive branches have refused to check the judicial.

I know this post will cause a good many of you to say "o noes, judicial activisim!!11" and then you will go about your day. Please just think about it. Do you want your elected officials who have to answer to you making decisions or do you want an unaccountable, life tenured High Ruling Council doing that for you.

Other than that little point, I think shadow was right on the money for once.

Oh and Katie, I haven't seen too much Bible thumping down here in San Antonio. I have only lived here for about 3 months but it's not nearly as bad as it was in Coastal North Carolina.

Edit: Pulled a Shadowrelm and spelled amendment "ammendment"

Edited, Thu Oct 6 12:46:51 2005 by Natdatilgnome
#56 Oct 06 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
The "right to abortion" was established on flawed jurisprudence. In order to create this "right" the court had to first create a "right to privacy" which they inferred from the 14th Amendment which guarantees equal protection under the law. In that amendment there is no reference to privacy.

the flaw with your argument is again, that roe vs wade establised a new right.

the rulling was based on the interpetation that that right already existed under the constitution.

the confusion comes up when you try to look at the rulling based on weather an abortion is the termination of a human being, or just a medical proceedure to correct a problem.

the court ruled conservatively. im not talking about conservative activism as it is used in politics, but conservative in that the rulling does not violate the constitution, and more importantly, does not infringe on freedoms given to us under the constitution.

this does not establish some new right, it only upholds the rights guarenteed us under the constitution, even though this spacific situation is not expressly mentioned in the constitution.

to vote to end abortion is not passing some law to protect unborn children untill a clear defination is made as to when two cells becomes a life.

it is a vote to TAKE AWAY freedoms guarenteed us under the constitution.

the same can be said for redifining marriage as a union between a man and a women. it is discriminatory, and takes freedoms away from americans.

it is activism. it is a group of people trying to force every one else to live according to their standards by taking away freedoms given to all of us under the constitution because they dont like "THAT" particular freedom.

why stop there. lets stop allowing the practice of worshiping the islamic religion. it violates the Bible more so than abortion.

the dress it up by trying to REDEFINE whan a person is a person so they can call it murder. and REDIFINING what a marriage is. then taking away some of the freedoms granted to ALL of us.

just like REDEFINING what a prisoner of war is to make it "ok" to torture a human being.

it is wrong. it is unamerican. and it is EVIL. Freedom. that what this country was founded on. that is why we are not in a constant state of civil war like other countries.

you dont like abortion? dont have one. you have that freedom. you dont like gay marriages? marry someone of the opposite sex, you have that freedom.

you want to take away freedoms from other americans? that is treason, and you should be expelled from the country IMO.
#57 Oct 06 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
It's not so much in the bigger cities but get yourself out to some of the smaller cities out in the boonies. You will see it. Hell you might even experience it. A church on every corner, whole towns built around the hierarchy of the church.. its fu[b][/b]cking crazy.
#58 Oct 06 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Kudos to SR for making sense for once. Now if only he could master the secret art of the paragraph and the quote function (PM me SR I'll show you how if you care) his posts might start to be readable.

As for crazy religious people. "Meh". Are you sure you werent one of 20+ people on her list that she forwarded it to? Or did she send it specifically to you?

Whever I go you see them around but I have to say they are the exception in Canada. Most of the church going crowd I've met in all the cities and towns I've lived in are of the persuasion that believe what they believe and don't try to force it on anyone else. However the city I am currently in has a fair amount of religious nutballs and bible thumpers. An example is a girl that I know just got married to a guy. The guy is normal but his family are crazy. They refuse to own VISA because "VI" is 6 which is 666 the mark of the Beast and "SA" are the first two letters of "SAtan". They honestly buy into that so they use mastercard instead. Also the girlfriends family are mostly Mennonite. I was judged automatically as a good guy since I had "short hair" but if I had long hair I would be dissapproved of. I feel like telling them to go look at a picture of Jesus and then discussing hair length. Smiley: oyvey
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#59 Oct 06 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
We've got pretty much the same thing going.. men with long hair are trouble makers and bad. Good "God fearing" men wear their hair cut above their ears.
#60 Oct 06 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If I could grow long hair I would just to spite them.

Unfortunately it ends up just being an afro and I don't care to spite them at the expense of having an afro.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#61 Oct 06 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
lol but come on bhodi! You'd be soo cute!
#62 Oct 06 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
I hear ya katie.

Out where I live, one of the farmers, who is simple but VERY religous decided to put up a sign on his property that states (in these colors)

80% of all [Red]ABORTIONS
are for UNWED Mothers.[/Royalblue]

I've been debating on putting up a sign in my yard that says:

80% of STUPID signs are put up by RETARTED farmers.

My wife won't let me though Smiley: cry
#63 Oct 06 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
oh oh oh! I'd do it!
#64 Oct 06 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
men with long hair are trouble makers and bad. Good "God fearing" men wear their hair cut above their ears.

I'd say that's pretty accurate.

I tried to grow long hair when I was a punk kid but it curls, frizzes and gets split ends so badly. Anyone that can grow long hair must have sold their soul to Satan and should burn. In about 5 years, I'll revise this claim to include all hair above the ears.
#65 Oct 06 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
The One and Only Frakkor wrote:
I hear ya katie.

Out where I live, one of the farmers, who is simple but VERY religous decided to put up a sign on his property that states (in these colors)

80% of all [Red]ABORTIONS
are for UNWED Mothers.[/Royalblue]

I've been debating on putting up a sign in my yard that says:

80% of STUPID signs are put up by RETARTED farmers.

My wife won't let me though Smiley: cry

tell her to grow a pair and do it. Hell, I'd make the sign and send it to you myself if you would pay for shipping
#66 Oct 06 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
that would mean that I'd have the balls to stand up to her, which, with her hormones raging right, not gonna do it.

I'd love to DsD!
#67 Oct 06 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
*whip crack noise*

#68 Oct 06 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
At least you haven't had Jehova's Witnesses knocking on your door.
#69 Oct 06 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
*whip crack noise*


and How!

messing with pregnant wifey scares the hell out of me.
#70 Oct 06 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
I have always believed that if men were the ones to get pregnant, there would be no abortion issue. There would also be no more children.
#71 Oct 07 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:

I know that God said to kill gays and witches even though one of his ten commandments said thou shall not kill. Quite the quandery on what God really wants, huh?

Not really. It's largely mistranslation. The commandment is specifically talking about "murder", not just killing in general.

Not that I don't agree with you in principle. I just think that trying to play semantic games with the 10 commandments isn't the best approach. I typically prefer: "Those were rules made for a desert nomadic tribe 2500+ years ago, so they don't really apply...". But that's just me.

And on to the general topic: Since when did we decide that a political view was wrong purely because it is based on a religious belief. Look. I like to laugh and make fun of the religious people as much as the next guy, but guess what? They are just as entitled to pursue a political agenda as the rest of us. You may disagree, but to call it "wrong" purely because of the source? That's just as silly as they are.

In a democracy a person has just as much right to believe that gay marriage should be illegal because some guy in the clouds told him so, as you are for believing it should be legal because some big guy on the TV told *you* so. Yeah. Scary, aint it?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#72 Oct 07 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
gbaji wrote:
And on to the general topic: Since when did we decide that a political view was wrong purely because it is based on a religious belief. Look. I like to laugh and make fun of the religious people as much as the next guy, but guess what? They are just as entitled to pursue a political agenda as the rest of us.

Not if their political agenda includes forcing me to live my life governed by views that I don't share.

Let's imagine for a moment the implications if orthodox Judaism somehow became the predominant religion in this country. If there were power brokers who wanted laws in place requiring me to have my son circumcised, or forbidding me to eat pork or shellfish. That is a violation of MY rights as an American citizen, as guaranteed in the First Amendment. I have a right to free religious expression (or lack thereof,) and to freedom from religious persecution, and if someone attempts to govern me based upon a religion that I don't share, then they are violating that right.

If someone doesn't want gay marriage or abortion to be legal, fine, they can WANT anything they choose. But the moment they attempt to make their religious inclination into a law that will govern MY life, then they have gone too far.

as you are for believing it should be legal because some big guy on the TV told *you* so

This is just a self-important egotistical bullsh[/b]it statement designed to help you congratulate yourself on your congnitive superiority by implying that no one else can possibly be capable of forming opinions without being told what to think by the media. Any chance of your argument carrying weight is essentially squandered when you elevate yourself to that sort of a pedestal.

Believe it or not, most of us can form our own opinions without being spoon-fed them by the media. And since gay marriage is the topic du jour here, I'll give you a prime example of how I came to the conclusion that banning gay marriage was wrong all by my widdle wonesome.

Less than a century ago, in my very own state of Oregon, there was a law in effect that proscribed any white person from marrying a person who was more than 1/16th "Negro, Indian, or Chinaman." If that law were still in effect today, my own marriage to my half-Japanese husband would be invalid.

Measure 36, which passed here on the 2004 ballot, amends the Oregon constitution to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. Who were the primary champions of Measure 36? Christian conservatives. So what they have done is take their religious beliefs and made them law.

What THAT has done is opened to door for any group with sufficient numbers to impose their religiously-prompted definition of what constitutes a valid marriage upon the rest of us.

On the other side of the Cascades in eastern Oregon and Idaho, there are an awful lot of white supremecists who can point out chapter and verse in the Bible to prove the case that interracial marriage is AGAINST THE WILL OF GOD. Now, racial tensions in the US are getting worse, not better, which means that white power movements are growing, not shrinking. So it is quite possible that someday, such a group would have sufficient numbers to get their own euphemistically-named Defense of Marriage Act on the ballot which would once again invalidate interracial marriage. MY marriage.

That is the danger of legislating based upon your religion. If one group can do it, anyone can do it. All they need is the numbers. Which means the anti-gay DOMA measures that passed all around the country in 2004 have jeopardized my [b]heterosexual

Yes, it's a slippery slope argument, and yes, it's UNLIKELY that neonazis will ever gain enough of a mainstream foothold to ever make such a thing fly--but it's POSSIBLE, and that is very worrisome to me. Just because something is unlikely now doesn't mean it won't come to pass. DOMA measures opened the door for anyone to define marriage in any way they choose as long as they have enough popular backing. So any marriage that isn't completely homogenized with regards to race, religion, or any other number of factors, is subject to potshots virtually at will.

#73 Oct 07 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
The problem I have with outlawing gay marriage is much the same as Ambrya's. It's not my place to instruct grwon people how to live their lives, provided they do not cause harm to others in the course of doing so. You're just not going to convince me that an openly gay lifestyle, including a marriage, causes harm to others.

This country is supposed to be about the freedoms we have, not the things we won't allow. I'll always fight against restrictions on our freedom, regardless of whether everyone uses their individual freedom in a manner that I approve of. So should you all.

It's nothing less than your patriotic duty to defend freedom. If your government is restricting your freedom, then it's not exactly YOUR government, is it?
#74 Oct 07 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
gbaji wrote:
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:

I know that God said to kill gays and witches even though one of his ten commandments said thou shall not kill. Quite the quandery on what God really wants, huh?

Not really. It's largely mistranslation. The commandment is specifically talking about "murder", not just killing in general.

Not that I don't agree with you in principle. I just think that trying to play semantic games with the 10 commandments isn't the best approach. I typically prefer: "Those were rules made for a desert nomadic tribe 2500+ years ago, so they don't really apply...". But that's just me.

And on to the general topic: Since when did we decide that a political view was wrong purely because it is based on a religious belief. Look. I like to laugh and make fun of the religious people as much as the next guy, but guess what? They are just as entitled to pursue a political agenda as the rest of us. You may disagree, but to call it "wrong" purely because of the source? That's just as silly as they are.

In a democracy a person has just as much right to believe that gay marriage should be illegal because some guy in the clouds told him so, as you are for believing it should be legal because some big guy on the TV told *you* so. Yeah. Scary, aint it?

so can you tell me the distinct difference between taking a life because the person was doing something you didnt condone, i.e. sodomy, and taking a life for other reasons? How is killing a person because they are gay not considered murder? I'm not including killing over self defense here.
#75 Oct 07 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:

I know that God said to kill gays and witches even though one of his ten commandments said thou shall not kill. Quite the quandery on what God really wants, huh?

Not really. It's largely mistranslation. The commandment is specifically talking about "murder", not just killing in general.

Not that I don't agree with you in principle. I just think that trying to play semantic games with the 10 commandments isn't the best approach. I typically prefer: "Those were rules made for a desert nomadic tribe 2500+ years ago, so they don't really apply...". But that's just me.

And on to the general topic: Since when did we decide that a political view was wrong purely because it is based on a religious belief. Look. I like to laugh and make fun of the religious people as much as the next guy, but guess what? They are just as entitled to pursue a political agenda as the rest of us. You may disagree, but to call it "wrong" purely because of the source? That's just as silly as they are.

In a democracy a person has just as much right to believe that gay marriage should be illegal because some guy in the clouds told him so, as you are for believing it should be legal because some big guy on the TV told *you* so. Yeah. Scary, aint it?

so can you tell me the distinct difference between taking a life because the person was doing something you didnt condone, i.e. sodomy, and taking a life for other reasons? How is killing a person because they are gay not considered murder? I'm not including killing over self defense here.


God hates new englanders and women, be an atheist
#76 Oct 07 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Ambrya you are all types of wonderful.

If the christian right cares to legislate their beliefs much like a islamic theocracy at least we have you their to call bullsh[b][/b]it on them.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
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