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#1 Sep 25 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
Since there have been copious amounts of people complaining that we Asylumites have lost our touch in bringing the fear to idiots, I thought we could sharpen up our skills a bit. Here's the game:

I will give you a scenario in which you must flame. Your flame must be entertaining, unique, and passionate. There are certain words or phrases you can not use, just to make it harder.

You can not use the following in your flame:

Kill yourself
bleach cocktails

In fact, no swearing at all. It is your job to flame as hard as you can while steering clear of the usual comebacks.

The way the game works:

Each poster gets one chance to flame each scenario I give. I will add one scenario per day for 3 days, longer if people actually ask for it. Those who participate can rate each others flames. Do so objectively. Do not rate down to get your score up. Others not playing can also rate the flames.

If you flame within the guidelines and it is considered a decent post, I'll rate you up. If you do not follow the guidelines, or your flame is pathetic, I will rate you down. Nothing personal. Everyone who decides to vote should keep the rules in mind.

Those with the highest ratings at the end of each scenario can bask in the glory that they are some of the best flamers we have here.

Ready? Scenario 1.

WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like f[b]uck you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

Edited, Sun Sep 25 19:35:12 2005 by deadsidedemon
#2 Sep 25 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like **** you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

I'm here on behalf of God. It's apparent that the all-mighty has made an incredible mistake, he has called his lawyers and they have called me to the scene. It's unfortunate that I am the one to break the news to you, my dearest son in Christ, but you were actually destined to be a wet spot on your parent's sheets.

God has given you a half hour to say your goodbyes, it is then that we must forclose on your soul. Until then, Good day. Smiley: smile
#3 Sep 25 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
#4 Sep 25 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I like pie!

awww, the e went away
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#5 Sep 25 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
awww, the e went away

Yeah, for some reason when I changed my sig, the "Mistress" was gone also. So I put it back and it erased my "e". Sowwy.
#6 Sep 25 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
You are not a very good poster and probably have other things worthy of criticism, as does your mother.

Ph34r M3!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#7 Sep 25 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,829 posts
WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like **** you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

Apparently you didn't get the memo about the oxygen shortage. You see, due to dwindling atmospheric supplies, O2 is now being rationed. You are now allowed to breathe only when it's your turn. You are therefore required by law to quit breathing for the next 15 minutes.

#8 Sep 25 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Yet another blithering FFXI idiot wrote:

WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like **** you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

As a matter of fact, this is your lucky day my friend. I've just perfected a voodoo technique. Follow the directions below very carefully and exactly and I promise your worries with this jerk will be over.

1. Get two dozen straight pins, an ounce of ground Tepini pepper, some extra strength liquid dish detergent, a whole bottle of sleeping pills, a bottle of Tabasco sauce, and an Epilady.
2. Purifiy yourself by removing all of your body hair with the Epilady. It's very important that you don't use anything else. The Epilady is sacred and the pain it causes is absolutely necessary for success. The more it hurts, the better you'll succeed in the end. Don't forget your head, that has to be done, too.
3. Pour a small amount of Tabasco sauce into your ground Tepini pepper, mix it well until you have a thin paste. Set it within easy reach.
4. Grab a pin. Think of the place where you want to hurt the guy the worst. Stick the pin into that place on yourself, hard and fast! Yes, it will hurt some, but your target will feel 1000 times that pain when the ceremony is complete! (This is essential! If you don't sacrifice something that matters to you, you don't have the power to harm anyone else. What could matter more than your own feelings?)
5. With the pin firmly in place, grab your Tepini paste. Dribble a little down the pin, not too much. You have to do this for every pin you stick, so it has to last. It only takes a drop or so for each pin wound. You'll know when it hits the right spot.
6. Repeat for the other 23 pins.
7. Now you're cleansed, you've paid all the prices, and it's time for the ultimate payback! All you have left is to go into the trance to put your victim into the worst pain of his skinny little life!
8. Get your sleeping pills and swallow as many as you can as quickly as you can. Wash them down with the detergent. It serves two purposes. First, it activates the voodoo as it combines with the pills and your stomach acid. Second, it purifies your body afterwards, so that you suffer no lingering effects. You have to swallow all of the pills and all of the detergent.
9. Lay back, close your eyes drift into the trance. Rest secure in the knowledge that you have ruined your worst enemy. All of your problems are over.

#9 Sep 25 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like **** you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

Ok, for one thing we really know what happen last night, its so odvious, your friend named "Dude" really needed some, and you told him to take it, which he did.

Using the phrase "they where all called away" you made sure you two where along, but now you want to get some of his "back" and make him "cry" with pleasure??

All we're saying it is very unhealthy to bottle up all those emotions and feelings your odviously having tward this guy,

it would be much better to open up and express yourself truthfully and come out of the closet as it where....

Or just stop waisting our time with your worthless dripple its up to you.

EDIT: I need to start re-reading my own **** before i post...

Edited, Sun Sep 25 16:59:00 2005 by Neiuo

Edited, Sun Sep 25 17:05:01 2005 by Neiuo
#10 Sep 25 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

This whole thread is just an excuse for DSD to gather 50 replies of flames so she can respond to them all at once with "Is that the best you can come up with? Smiley: rolleyes"

#11 Sep 25 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
But I'm winning, right Hairstylist?
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#12 Sep 25 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like f[b][/b]uck you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

The first thing you need to do is remove your head from your ****** so that you can actually read what I am going to tell you without that veil of intestine and fecal matter getting in the way.

Great, now pay attention. This is the Asylum, not the sandbox, nor the FFXI hangout. We have absoultely no interest in how you act like a bnet kiddie and jerk off to your mithra ****. Is there a sign that says "Asylum job openings, only complete mental deficients need apply" hanging around here somewhere?

I suggest that you run far away, and never post here again before this gets ugly. You will heed my warning if you have any sense of self worth that you want to maintain.

#13 Sep 25 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
trickybeck wrote:
This whole thread is just an excuse for DSD to gather 50 replies of flames so she can respond to them all at once with "Is that the best you can come up with? Smiley: rolleyes"

Smiley: lol That's bad.
#14 Sep 25 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
trickybeck wrote:
This whole thread is just an excuse for DSD to gather 50 replies of flames so she can respond to them all at once with "Is that the best you can come up with? Smiley: rolleyes"

not quite, but thanks for playing
#15 Sep 25 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
trickybeck wrote:
This whole thread is just an excuse for DSD to gather 50 replies of flames so she can respond to them all at once with "Is that the best you can come up with? Smiley: rolleyes"

not quite, but thanks for playing

Is that the best you can come up with? Smiley: rolleyes
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#16 Sep 25 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
4,396 posts
This thread is truly sad. And no, I am not joining in on your idiotic idea. Now, if your purpose was to blatantly call out the imbeciles of this forum so that the rest of us could ridicule them, then I applaud you, but alas, I think that your purpose of this thread can be taken at face value.

Creating a game to insult ficticious people defiles the very point of our crowd being separated from the OOT. Making people feel miserable about themselves in a fantasy type setting where no blood is drawn and no feelings are hurt, and most importantly no one is made to look like a jackass is in itself sacriledge.

For each of you that actually participated in this I urge you to edit your posts into deletion and apologize publicly. For the half brain that started this thread I would propose a ban from the administration that would allow the user to only log into the out of topic forum and perhaps the final fantasy one.

This place has really gone to hell in a hand basket.

I voted for the other guy.
#17 Sep 25 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Tacosid that has to be some of the best Flame ive every seen in my time lurking this forum, not only where you able to slam the OP, but got most or all of us playing this game in one breath, it brings tears to my eyes to be in the presents of sheer Mastery !!
#18 Sep 25 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
Close taco, but unfortunately your flame was not for the scenario in question. Thanks for playing though
#19 Sep 25 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,961 posts
*presence* you **** sucking ******

Also, DSD, shouldn't you make a rule against bleach cocktails? I see those used a little more than they should (mostly by Katie sadly) and it seems like originality is what you're striving for.

Just sayin Smiley: smile
#20 Sep 25 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
#21 Sep 25 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Tacosid that has to be some of the best Flame ive every seen in my time lurking this forum, not only where you able to slam the OP, but got most or all of us playing this game in one breath, it brings tears to my eyes to be in the presents of sheer Mastery !!

I suggest you take his co[/b]ck out of your mouth now and go back to lurking. If he really gave two shi[b]ts about the "status of the forum", he would come back and clean up himself. Until then, he has no right to *****. I want to see commitment starting with purging the place of complete co[b][/b]ck riding imbeciles like you before I ever come near the Taco bandwagon. Your flame was the weakest drivel I have ever had the misfortune of reading, especially considering it was directed towards a fantasy target that didn't fight back and you still could not get it right. You lose at life.

Edited, Sun Sep 25 19:44:45 2005 by ElderonXI
#22REDACTED, Posted: Sep 25 2005 at 6:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Edited, Sun Sep 25 20:54:11 2005 by Kaolian
#23 Sep 25 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent
I suggest you take his **** out of your mouth now and go back to lurking. If he really gave two ***** about the "status of the forum", he would come back and clean up himself. Until then, he has no right to *****. I want to see commitment starting with purging the place of complete **** riding imbeciles like you before I ever come near the Taco bandwagon. Your flame was the weakest drivel I have ever had the misfortune of reading, especially considering it was directed towards a fantasy target that didn't fight back and you still could not get it right. You lose at life.

Well I dont really know of Taco's history in this forum, and dont really give a ****, and if your to dim to see the sarcasm in my last paragraph thats your loss,

and I'll leave the **** sucking to you Elderon thats what your good at, because after looking at what you posted for a flame you've got no room to mouth off.
#24 Sep 25 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Excellent
WTF? So last night, when I was playing FFXI some guy came up to me and was like DUDE!! I need gil! I was like f[b][/b]uck you man go get it yourself! And then he went around screaming at me and taking all my kills away. My guild was all set up to take this guy out for me, cause I'm like in an uber guild and all, but then they were called away to do their homework. The guys an idiot and I want to get him back. Any of you have some good ideas on how I can make him cry?

Like DUDE, there is like like new invention, I think it's called like a thesarus or something. Yeah man, it like gives you different words that mean like the same thing as the word your like trying to use! It's like totally amazing dude!

/sarcasm off

Honestly, Heres how to make your life more pleasurable to everyone in the enviroment around you, internet or other wise.
1. Put down the bong.
2. Go to your nearest white trash shopping facility(I.E. K-Mart will do fine)
3. Buy some tampons, don't get the cheap ones, get the ultra heavy flow ones.
4. Buy some highly toxic, corrosive, and combustable dry cleaning solvents.
5. Go home and mix the tampons in with the solvent in a bowl(make sure you are smoking)
6. Insert into ****.
7. Sit on couch, pick up bong, and wait, something wonderful is about to happen.
#25 Sep 25 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Smiley: lol Did I strike a nerve n00bieo? You do not have what it takes to post in this forum. There are little girls who cry less than you. I hope you enjoy your sub-default premium membership because I see that is where you are headed. You are so pathetic that you do not even know how hard you were riding Taco's c[b][/b]ock.
#26 Sep 25 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
ElderonXI the Wise wrote:
Smiley: lol Did I strike a nerve n00bieo? You do not have what it takes to post in this forum. There are little girls who cry less than you. I hope you enjoy your sub-default premium membership because I see that is where you are headed. You are so pathetic that you do not even know how hard you were riding Taco's c[b][/b]ock.

He got angry more quickly than most Eld, you didn't even have to put that much effort into it. Smiley: laugh
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