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#77 Sep 26 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
kerry was one of the best men we have ever had run for president, a war hero, and intelligent. Despite all these things he had his reputation drug through the mud by people like you just because he had the nerve to run agaisnt the lovable war mongering frat boy(who scofted at his own military duties). kerry was attacked for protesting the war as well, and his service was also attacked, i guess you people find it very easy to attack someone who disagrees with you, even if they have takin one for the team time and time again. Katie, youve been so brainwashed by the conservative propaganda that you think rush limbaugh is the god of trugh and Bush is Einstien reborn. Just because your husband is in the military doesnt give you the experience to judge military action or criticize others efforts.
#78 Sep 26 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
And yes i knew i would get deployed when i signed up, and i already have been, i have no problem with it. The only thing that has changed is that we as a nation went to war unlawfully.

You've said this, or something similar several times now in this thread.

Exactly how did we go to war unlawfully? See. This is my problem. You keep saying this is the *only* thing, yet you've yet to say how or why this war is unlawful. That leaves me to conclude that you're really just opposed to war in general (or you personally having to serve in one). Thus, it falls to either your own cowardice in the face of actually doing what you signed up to do, or you *are* a legitimate objector to war, in which case get over the whole "I support the troops but not the war" bit. Clearly, if the latter case is true, you *don't* support them. You would not and could not do what they are doing. You disagree morally with *them*. Not the war. Not this war. All war. And all people who fight in wars.

Pick one. Because your statements so far aren't supportable.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#79 Sep 26 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Katie wrote:
Personally I think Sheehan should get lost down and iraqi street somewhere, she could take Mr. Moore with her. I'm all for free speech but these fu[i][/i]cktards protesting at soldiers funerals should be shot on sight.

And again, I remind you that protesting the war because you don't want to see any more soldiers die needlessly is a whole world of different from protesting at a soldier's funeral for the purpose of telling his/her family and friends that he/she deserved to die and should not be honored because he/she is presently burning in hell because he/she fought on behalf of a "*** nation".

#80 Sep 26 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
Gbaji said:

You've said this, or something similar several times now in this thread.

Exactly how did we go to war unlawfully? See. This is my problem. You keep saying this is the *only* thing, yet you've yet to say how or why this war is unlawful. That leaves me to conclude that you're really just opposed to war in general (or you personally having to serve in one). Thus, it falls to either your own cowardice in the face of actually doing what you signed up to do, or you *are* a legitimate objector to war, in which case get over the whole "I support the troops but not the war" bit. Clearly, if the latter case is true, you *don't* support them. You would not and could not do what they are doing. You disagree morally with *them*. Not the war. Not this war. All war. And all people who fight in wars.

Pick one. Because your statements so far aren't supportable

oh ok, so im limited to those two choices because your ignorance doesnt let you see any more.

No soldier likes war, that being said we understand the neccesity and do our duty, but AGAIN i say we do this trusting that our leaders will not throw away our lives and the lives of the people we are attacking in vain. Once it came to the point that we were no longer defending the freedom of american and stepped up to invading another country that trust was violated. And the "supporting the troops" is exactly what im doing, im just not so brainwashed by bush to see past the facade of patriotism he has got you drunk on and view the needless deaths of THOUSANDS of innocent american soldiers and Iraqi civilians. Or perhaps the family of these people agree that their children died for a good cause, oh wait, we dont have a cause for being there.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 22:05:21 2005 by EvilPhysicist

Edited, Mon Sep 26 22:06:05 2005 by EvilPhysicist
#81 Sep 26 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
EP I KNOW you swore to this when you joined. As by military, and federal regulations it is REQUIRED by all branches of the military, active, active-reserves, inactive reserves, ect.

What everyone in the military is required to say upon enlistment or re-enlistment wrote:

I, ___________________________________, do solemly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God(optional).

EvilPus[/b]sy, Noticed the bold underlined parts. This is the oath you swore to your nation, but also the republic of that nation. Your personal feelings on war doesn't mean jack sh[b]it, you've failed to follow the orders of the President of the United States(whomever he may be). And thus are a failure in the military. In short, you are a joke.

#82 Sep 26 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
And i am bound by that oath to get my troops killed in the name of bush's political gain. Incase you forgot to read the rest of the thread first, its not that im opposed to war, i see THIS war as a violation of that very contract. I bear true faith and allegance by standing up for what i beleive in, but then again i disagree with you so im just an ignorant ***** and you are obviously a high decorated war hero, i love getting critism from people who havent served a day in their lives and are disgusted by the idea of questioning bad decisions.
#83 Sep 26 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
EP wrote:
i love getting critism from people who havent served a day in their lives and are disgusted by the idea of questioning bad decisions.

That's what's bothering you? Why didn't you say so! I've been in the Marines for 8 years. I've served in Japan, Korea, East Timor, Iraq, San Diego, and now Florida. That's a lot of both days and places served. Ready for the criticism?

You're a worthless piece of shi[/b]t. Go fuc[b]k yurself with your talk about morality. If you'd ever seen actual combat you'd know that morality has no place in battle.

The truth is, you signed a contract and then failed to uphold your end.

You are a coward.
#84 Sep 26 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
EvilPhysicist wrote:
served a day in their lives and are disgusted by the idea of questioning bad decisions.

I was part of OIF(Operation Iraqi Freedom), and OSW(Operation Southren Watch in 1999, and in 2001). Now what is your next pathetic rebuttle? When in the military, and your told to do something, you do it. You don't question it. Comprehesion of the purpose of an order is not a prerequsite of compliance of that order. You are do what you are told without question because you swore that is what you do. Yes, you are bound to that. Anything other than that is cowardice, and pathetic.
#85 Sep 26 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
First off. There's a "quote original" button right up at the top of the reply screen. Use it. It's not that hard...

Second. You missed the forest for the trees. Until and unless you can explain how this war is "unlawful" in any way that does not make *all* war unlawful, then the reason you've given for not doing your duty is false. Everything in my post after that point is speculation about your *true* reasons for your actions.

What you're *supposed* to do is defend your stated reason. Ie: Tell me why this war is unlawful. If you can't do that, then your entire argument kinda goes up in flames. More to the point, I find it fundamentally amazing that someone would effectively throw away a career he'd worked on for the last 5 years, and potentially face imprisonment, when he can't actually elucidate *why* he did it. I would hope that you actually spent some time thinking about a choice that huge, and am kinda hoping you'd share your thought process. So far, all I'm getting is rhetoric back.

So. Before you even read this further, answer that question. Why is the current Iraq war "unlawful"? Should be simple since I assume you had to have answered the question before throwing your career away over it.

And to the specific points:

EvilPhysicist wrote:
No soldier likes war, that being said we understand the neccesity and do our duty, but AGAIN i say we do this trusting that our leaders will not throw away our lives and the lives of the people we are attacking in vain.

Fine. But it's not up to you to decide if the orders of your commander in chief are "in vain". You don't get to obey or not obey based on your personal political beliefs. Orders are either legal, or they are illegal. If they are legal, you follow them. You are about 15 levels of rank below the point at which the determination of whether an action is worthwhile or not is made. Your job, is to follow those orders, not pick and choose which ones to follow based on whether or not you think they'll do the right thing on a global-political scale.

Um. If they are illegal, then you have to show them to be. Were you ever given an illegal order? Yes or no? I'm betting no. Heck. I'm betting you were never in the military to begin with, given your apparent ignorance of the topic, but even giving you that benefit of the doubt, I can almost guarantee you were never actually given an illegal order.

Once it came to the point that we were no longer defending the freedom of american and stepped up to invading another country that trust was violated.

Huh? When did that happen? Who made that determination? You? Some talking head on a TV show? Excuse me, but you don't get to make that decision. The Congress of the United States is granted the authority to declare war by the Constitution of those same United States. Not you. Not the guy on the TV. Not your neighbor's dog. They are the legally elected representatives of the people who decide if war is justified or not. And amazingly enough! They did just that. Where does your opinion come into the equation? Oh yeah. It doesn't...

We invaded Germany in WW2. We certainly could have avoided that and just defended our own territory, right? Sometimes, you have to invade another country to ensure the defense of your own. The determinant of whether or not that war is "just" is based on *why* that invasion is being done. And guess what? You don't get to decide that. Congress does. Unless you are implying that the US Constitution, which you swore to uphold, can be ignored willy-nilly because a freaking Seargent in the military decides he doesn't like the result?

Heck. I bet you don't even know why we went to war in Iraq (careful! I'm setting you up here!). But you'll oppose the reasons you *think* we went just the same. I'd feel sorry for you having made such a stupid life choice based on a total lack of knowledge of the issue, if I actually believed that you did any of this at all.

And the "supporting the troops" is exactly what im doing, im just not so brainwashed by bush to see past the facade of patriotism he has got you drunk on and view the needless deaths of THOUSANDS of innocent american soldiers and Iraqi civilians. Or perhaps the family of these people agree that their children died for a good cause, oh wait, we dont have a cause for being there.

Ah. Just like you supported them by bailing out at the first sign of risk to yourself. Got it. And in case you're curious. The number of casualities has *nothing* to do with it. Unless you're going to argue that WW2 was unjust based purely on the number of dead...

I'm not blinded by patriotism. I'm looking at the facts of the situation. The reality and history of the region. The reasons listed for going to war. And I understand and respect them. I'm not waving a flag around and grinning like an idiot. Unlike most people, I make my mind up based on the facts, not the rhetoric. And guess what? You are just as deluded (moreso) as that flag waving idiot is. You just don't know it. You think that by opposing something, you've magically "seen the truth", and are now a better person for it. The reality is that you've just been suckered in by a con man saying the opposite of what the other guy is saying. You're still just a tool being used by others for their own ends.

You literally repeat verbatum the words and phrases that others have put into your mouth. You clearly don't know *why* those things are true. But you believe it fervently just the same. When will you wake up to the real truth? Probably never...

Edited, Mon Sep 26 22:52:25 2005 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#86 Sep 26 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
wow gbaji, long post, guess you had alot to say. I will say that "legally" the war is fine, congress voted and bush smiled, thereby its all cake. My view(which as stated by many means jack **** as i am low rank) is that i made this commitment with a trust assumed, that trust being my life and the life of my men would be used for good reasons. Yes i understand invading a country is needed, im not ignorant enough to be stuck in a state of domestic fervitute to not see the international effect of other military states.

I do not however beleive iraq to be justified. Is this belief worth a **** in the army, hell no, i dont assume it to be. Do i belong in the army if i dont agree with the "dont question anything", hell no. Am i a coward for the service i have already done yet opposing this action, hell ******* no. The whole "you have no right to ask why" crap is getting old, and if you think a peice of paper will force me to go agaisnt what i have already stated to be what i beleive a violation of the army values themselves then you are mistaken.

i respect what your trying to say gbaji, and agree with the lot of it.

What i think alot of people are missing is: I turned down my commission, but i am still under contract. I am still going over there, i just cannot lead men agaisnt something i dont agree with.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 23:01:28 2005 by EvilPhysicist
#87 Sep 26 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
EvilPhysicist wrote:
The whole "you have no right to ask why" crap is getting old

Truth hurts sometimes.
#88 Sep 26 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
Rimesume the Shady wrote:
EvilPhysicist wrote:
The whole "you have no right to ask why" crap is getting old

Truth hurts sometimes.

yep, it really does.

But as i stated before, im still sticking with it, im just not going to tell someone else to do it.
#89 Sep 26 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
2,444 posts
Anyone else had the thought that with the us fighting a war and having a HUGE shortage of money atm for supporting the south during its ordeal that this would be the perfect time for terrorists to attack.

Just saying.
#90 Sep 27 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Zadiel wrote:
Anyone else had the thought that with the us fighting a war and having a HUGE shortage of money atm for supporting the south during its ordeal that this would be the perfect time for terrorists to attack.

Coordinated attacks like what happened on 9/11 are the result of massive planning, something of that magnitude probably isn't going to happen at the drop of a hat just because the moment is opportune.

What concerns me is that Katrina really demonstrated just how to hurt us the worst. Hitting the WTC and Pentagon were powerful symbolic gestures, but really they did very little to disrupt the operation of the country overall. Hitting us in a major port like New Orleans, on the other hand, could be catastrophic for the entire nation. We have just amply demonstrated how very vulnerable our major port cities are.

#91 Sep 27 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
Ambrya wrote:
Zadiel wrote:
Anyone else had the thought that with the us fighting a war and having a HUGE shortage of money atm for supporting the south during its ordeal that this would be the perfect time for terrorists to attack.

Coordinated attacks like what happened on 9/11 are the result of massive planning, something of that magnitude probably isn't going to happen at the drop of a hat just because the moment is opportune.

What concerns me is that Katrina really demonstrated just how to hurt us the worst. Hitting the WTC and Pentagon were powerful symbolic gestures, but really they did very little to disrupt the operation of the country overall. Hitting us in a major port like New Orleans, on the other hand, could be catastrophic for the entire nation. We have just amply demonstrated how very vulnerable our major port cities are.

I think anyone would have to argue that 9/11 hurt us a hell of alot, the economy plumeted, the government when into furious ***** slap mode, and 2 war campaigns have spawned from it. Yes hitting a port does the same thing faster, but id have to say we are still feeling the effects of 9/11 and that they went way beyond being a being symbol.
#92 Sep 27 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Zadiel wrote:
Anyone else had the thought that with the us fighting a war and having a HUGE shortage of money atm for supporting the south during its ordeal that this would be the perfect time for terrorists to attack.

Just saying.

OOOH. The Port of Valdez in Alaska. That is the only place to get our reserves of oil from. Remember the Exxon Valdez spill? Take it out, and we would reel from that blow. Either that or Disneyland. Not sure which would impact us most. Disneyland would be emotional, but Valdez would skyrocket oil prices even more. HMM.
#93 Sep 27 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
John Wayne and Rambo rolled into one wrote:
You on the other hand seem to be nothing more than a forum hoping middle-schooler who thinks a little trash talk and misquoting makes your argument(whatever your arguement is) true. It always cracks me up how the people shouting the loudest are always the ones that are the most insecure about their beleifs.
Middle-schooler. Enjoyed that. Smiley: lol

PottyMouth is an american war hero and supreme intellectual debator
Call me an American again and I'll rip your innards out of your mangina.

This is the asylum, you stupid ****. We're haters here, not lovers.

And we can smell a bullshi[i][/i]t at 50 paces.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#94 Sep 27 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Call me an American again and I'll rip your innards out of your mangina.

Mangina? Is that a new word? Just wondering, cuz I luv it and want to use it too. Saw Katie use it earlier. Think I'll create a new Bard and call him that.
#95 Sep 27 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Call me an American again and I'll rip your innards out of your mangina.


Mangina? Is that a new word? I saw it in Katie's post earlier, but it's new to me. I luv it! I wanna create a new bard and name him Mangina. Mebbe make him a troll; don't think trolls can be bards, but a Troll named Mangina sounds terribly cool to me.
#96 Sep 27 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
UGH. Double post. So sorry.
#97 Sep 27 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
This is the asylum, you stupid ****. We're haters here, not lovers.

I love everyone; especially katies/pottys avatar and twice on sunday...can we sing kum ba ya now?

#98 Sep 27 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts

I read through your arguments and subsequent deterioration on the thread. You started out by insisting that your decision to rescind your commission came from the moral high-ground: a refusal to follow an order that you considered immoral and illegal.

You then replied and counter replied for a few pages in a manner that suggests your reasons are entirely ignoble.

Allow me to briefly digress; if you feel an order is illegal you have every right to refuse to carry out that order. In turn, the military has every right to rescind your officer's commission, as well as to incarcerate you if your refusal puts people's lives in jeopardy, as well as to dishonorably discharge you, subject to the uniform code of military justice (and, potentially, the outcome of your court martial, if the refusal was under appropriate circumstances).

Coming here and making note of your personal moral choice in a thread about a war rally serves no purpose other than to find people willing to stroke your wounded pride. If you really made that decision you're now realizing that you've got a pretty tough road ahead and that insubordination is a black mark on anybody's record (provided that they let you stay in as an NCO Sergeant, though odds are you probably would have been busted right out of that billet, too; for all I know you're on the street as a civilian again).

I am lead to believe that you have taken a personal decision and wrapped it up in a moral choice to make it more palatable; certainly you should have no end of sympathizers willing to pat you on the back. Your point went stupid when you intentionally blamed your Commander in Chief for the illegal war and said you would refuse to follow any order given by the President.

How often, exactly, has the President given you an order to follow? Your orders come from your officers. The lower officers get them from the Majors and Colonels, who in turn get them from the Generals, who are usually following direction from the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Beyond that, the war is a legal congressional directive (despite internal dissent and potentially regret from the people who voted). It ain't just the President calling for it.

It isn't his order you're refusing; it's everyone's order. The moral stance just helps the bs smell better as you push it around into different sized piles.

The next time you're feeling bold and want to make a life altering choice, at least have the balls to state directly what your cause and rationale are.

You should have stopped with this:

"EvilPhysicist" wrote:
I really hate Bush.

At least then I could have respected your position.
#99 Sep 27 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
Your assuming that my reasons (moral disagreement with iraq war) are just some scheme to cover up my true ignorant and narrow minded views of some extreme liberal bush hater. If this makes you feel better then by all means. But as stated before this was a hard personal decision in which i still am serving and STILL am going over there, but i will do so as a Non commissioned officer. My decision has drawn a lot of critism, but it was mine to make, i am still doing my duty, i am simply doing it from a different rank. No, i do not have a choice to follow these orders, but i do have a choice of wether to give them to others. Your post really didnt address anything i said and makes me wonder if you simply scanned through a few debates and pre-judged me as some liberal idiot who was shouting antiwar phrases at arlington cemetary. The only reason i posted it in the first place was that i was just in washington(for a physics meeting, not the protest), and had also just talked with my commander, and felt it relevant to this post. I apologize if your misinterpretation of my methods lead you to a very narrow minded view of me and anyone else who dares to ask why.
#100 Sep 27 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
Lots of words with no paragraphs, so nobody read them.
Okay. Let's do this.


  • You resent Bush's abuse of military loyalty and the courage of soldiers misused for political ends.

  • Hmmkay. I buy that.

  • You defend the right to challenge direct orders that contravene the underpinning values of the armed service of a democratic populace.

  • Fair enough.

  • You resent the fact that your 5-year commitment is not fully valued by the Powers-That-Be
  • Don't we all


  • Your spelling, grammatical malaise and general inability to communicate concisely, show you're not officer material.
  • Your arguments are self-contradictory and inept
  • You flame and insult serving military personnel (many of whom have combat experience) without realising how offensive or naive your comments are
  • You back down on all of your comments when they are challenge. You could back-pedal the Tour-de-France and still beat Lance Armstrong!
  • You fail to recognise the rules of engagement on a forum before you wade in with your My-Little-Pony jelly-sandals
  • You hide behind military service like it's automatically a "Badge of Honour". Most serving combat soldiers are men and women of integrity and courage, but the odd one or two is an cnut. You, sir, are the exception that proves the rule.
  • You are under the adolescent misapprehension that the only people who have the courage and conviction to face enemy fire and combat risks are uniformed military. Silly ****.
  • You fail to acknowledge that unless you're a 5-star General with the authority, wisdom and experience to make a call on the legitimacy of an order, as a soldier, you do what you're fu[/i]cking told, as soon as you're told. No questions. No ideologies, no philosophical inner dialogue. Once you've signed on the line, whatever the question is, the answer is "Sir, Yes Sir"

  • Summary

    You are an slippery little cu[i]
    nt and I think many will share my hope that you stop a stray bullet with your face, real soon. I'd also give odds that it comes from your own side.

    Peace man.
    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #101 Sep 27 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    EvilPhysicist wrote:
    No, i do not have a choice to follow these orders, but i do have a choice of wether to give them to others.

    As a Lieutenant or Sergeant, you will still give the orders your Commander hands down to all his soldiers. As an NCO (sergeant) you will now take the Lieutenants order and give it to the privates beneath you. So, as far as your stance goes, instead of protecting your soldiers as a Lieutenant, you have now forced yourself to give not only the Commander's orders down to your soldiers but also all the orders from Lieutenants, First Sergeants, Chief Warrant Officers, Sergeants First Class, Staff Sergeants, and other Sergeants that outrank you by time in grade. WAY TO GO protecting the soldiers you went to protect by going through ROTC.
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