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#52 Sep 26 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
jarrodlampier wrote:
We don't even use artillery on known terrorists.
That's because your shi[/i]te intelligence services can't find the fu[i]ckers!

"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#53 Sep 26 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
22 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
killing innocent people:

invading a country then calling it self defense when they fight back.

And btw, we didn't invade a country, we attacked and removed a regime: WORDS HAVE MEANINGS. We enforced the United Nation's Resolution to keep UN weapons inspectors in Iraq. Saddam decided to block the inspections time and again for more than 10 years. After 9/11 WE voted to go in Iraq on (what seemed at the time to be) credible information to remove Saddam's Batthist regime. The "blowback" from that action brought many terrorists to Iraq from other countries. We are not fighting Iraqis. We are trying to support Iraqis in rebuilding their country ala Post-Saddam. We are, however, fighting terrorists and insurgents from other nearby countries who do not want to see democracy stood up anywhere in the Middle East. I understand the civilian populace is misled by mass media and they quickly forget fundamental truths while spellbound by graphics on CNN, but as a Soldier, you gotta wake up and follow the facts. Signed, A believer.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 15:25:02 2005 by jarrodlampier
#54 Sep 26 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
EvilJackass wrote:
actually, i spent a year in saudi already, and as for the free scholarships i recieved academic scholarships that covered my tuition, i didnt recieve a dime from the military other than 275 dollars a month from gibill which i would say i @#%^ing earned. And yes i was only enlisted for 2.5 years but as stated above half that was spent deployed so @#%^ off before you come disrespecting me for trying to become an officer. The entire reason i went to become an officer in the first place was because when i became sergeant i saw that the leadership in the army take care of their troops enough and i wanted to change that. But that isnt going to change untill people stand up for what is correct. Perhaps your husband would be home today if his commander had done the same.

You know, at first I thought you were just an idiot with regards to religious discussions. Now I see that your stupidity ranges all aspects of your life. You say you're in the army? Ok I'll bite.

EP wrote:
actually, i spent a year in saudi already

Oh no! A year in Saudi Arabia? The action must have been really intense in your non-combat zone. Couple that with this statement:

EP wrote:
And yes i was only enlisted for 2.5 years but as stated above half that was spent deployed so @#%^ off before you come disrespecting me for trying to become an officer. The entire reason i went to become an officer in the first place was because when i became sergeant

You made sergeant in 2 1/2 years? That's mighty impressive for a grunt. Then again, if you spent a year in Saudi and made segeant that fast, you were most likely in intelligence. Am I right? What a joke.

What fuc[/b]king combat have you seen? When has your life ever been in danger from a hastile enemy? When did you ever do a single thing that required sacrifice, or courage, or valor?

Then, in a stunning disply of ignorance towards the workings of the military, you wrote:

But that isnt going to change untill people stand up for what is correct. Perhaps your husband would be home today if his commander had done the same.

You're knowledge about the inner workings of the military is astounding! I wasn't aware that if Katie's husband's commander stood up for what is correct, her husband would be home right now! Thanks for clearing that up. You see, I was under the impression that the army didn't give a fuc[b]
k about the opinions of her husband or commander.

You've never spent a day in your life in the army. You've probably never done anything worth notice. There are people on this forum who are in the military (myself included), and we're doing just fine without worthless ****'s like yourself pretending to be army and making us all look bad.

#55 Sep 26 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
allenjj wrote:
/foams at the mouth

Easy boy, those grouse have nothing but fat and bones. Not worth your time. *That's a good boy* /rubs ears
#56 Sep 26 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts

Soldiers *****-slapping! Where's Saboruto when the guy-on-guy uniformed action heats up? Smiley: oyvey

And Allenjj

How can you disrespect this hero of Uncle Sam?

Why do you hate America?
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#57 Sep 26 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
holy ****, how could i be so blind. you guys are all right

the war is justified and correct

bush is an amazing leader who took us to war for good reasons

its the grunts faults for dying

its the iraqi's fault for becoming a terrorist state after we invaded(oops, i mean liberated them)

and no one in the military should ever stop and ask if what they are doing is right and moral.

wow, thankyou all for reminding me i signed a peice of paper and that all in all i am just an ******* who was stupid enough to ask why.
#58 Sep 26 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#59 Sep 26 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
Moran wrote:
wow, thankyou all for reminding me i signed a peice of paper and that all in all i am just an @#%^ who was stupid enough to ask why.

Actually, if you were actually in the army, then you're a stupid piece of shi[b][/b]t who never realized it's not your place to question. Actual military commanders have an awesome responsibility, and they don't have time to explain their orders to a grunt like you.

Give it up jackass. Nobody's buying into your pathetic arguments.
#60 Sep 26 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually my husband is in the airforce. The most action he see's is the helicopters coming in. We've been seperated by the military for a fourth of our marriage. Wanna know why I'm not out at that protest (besides the gas is outrageious and a day and a half drive?) is because I refuse to flame the anti-war protesters fire. Personally I think Sheehan should get lost down and iraqi street somewhere, she could take Mr. Moore with her. I'm all for free speech but these fu[/b]cktards protesting at soldiers funerals should be shot on sight. Mr.EvilPhysicist is full of ****, so you went to saudi. Whooptie ******* doo, so you stayed in a compound behind nice high concrete walls, you were escorted everywhere in armored vehicles. You were sooooo in danger. F[b]uck you. Just kill yourself and get it over with as[b][/b]s whipe. You are the scum that SCUM whipes off the bottom of their shoes. You were in it for the free college and now your bleeding mangina of a yellow stripped wimps *** is all scared because you might get sent to Iraq. It's your duty, you signed up for. Go ahead be a welcher, you deserve nothing more than to be locked up in levingworth from now until doomsday. Hell! Actually, just to make it more fun, get sent over there and then see what your men do to you when you flip out on them during a critical moment, I can bet that bullet is found to enter from the back and not the front.
#61 Sep 26 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

Sheehan got arrested today ;)

Also it was a right wing crazy conservative religious group that was protesting the soldiers funerals. Not the left wing liberal nut jobs.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#62 Sep 26 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Woo hoo! Now hopefully she gets thrown in with some pro war inmates.. that should make it fun.
#63 Sep 26 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
bhodisattva wrote:

Sheehan got arrested today ;)

Also it was a right wing crazy conservative religious group that was protesting the soldiers funerals. Not the left wing liberal nut jobs.

nicely put

and to katie:

The reason i turned down my commision is because i beleived the war was wrong but if put in the situation would always choose the action to defend my troops. Thus by waiting till i go back over seas to make that decision neglects the decision entirely. i realize the military's need for non-questioning nature and i know that no commander can lead if his soldiers dont think he beleives the orders he is given. This is the very reason i gave up my career. And as stated before i support the troops not the war. If it makes you feel better to belittle the work i have done and call me a ******* ******* who is just pissing on the graves of the brave soldiers who gave their lives for our country then by all means. But the truth is i value these people lives so greatly that if put in that situation i wouldnt hesistate to blow the brains out of that little 8 year old girl carrying th grenage towards my unit, which is why i am trying to not be put in that position int he first place. No i dont agree with it, yes that means i shouldnt lead, so the appropriate action was for me to turn it down. No i didnt get shot at on my first tour of duty, but i didnt realize that meant my efforts were worthless. Will you think your husband's efforts were worthless over there unless he gets shot down?

#64 Sep 26 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
Real soldiers scare me, but I think they're all ****, so I wanna be like one
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#65 Sep 26 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
ChokesonDick.aka:PottyMouth wrote:

Forgive me for any unintelligent replies as i have been skull ****** so many times i cannot think straight, and it makes me feel better to verbally assault real soldiers because i could never be half the man even the worst of them is

Is that how its done pottymouth? I assume replying with well thoughtout answers to this debate is beyond your level of ability and you must resort to simple name calling.

#66 Sep 26 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:

Is that how its done pottymouth? I assume replying with well thoughtout answers to this debate is beyond your level of ability and you must resort to simple name calling.
Well thought out?




Name Calling?

My life is full of minor interruptions caused by sh[/i]it-Kickers like you throwing paper planes at me then running away at a square-up.

You don't have to sign on the dotted line to get to the front line. You just need balls and a reason. You have neither. Some of us have been there. You would last less than 5 seconds and we'd all find out your Mom's name.

You are not a soldier. You never were.

You have not seen combat. You're a liar and a fantasist.

You are a stupid, ill-educated wannabe and you always will be.

You are a fu[i]
cking disgrace. To yourself, your country, and that Care Bear tucked behind your comfort blanket.

"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#67 Sep 26 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
Smiley: lol
#69 Sep 26 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
PottyMouth wrote:
EvilPhysicist wrote:

Is that how its done pottymouth? I assume replying with well thoughtout answers to this debate is beyond your level of ability and you must resort to simple name calling.
Well thought out?




Name Calling?

My life is full of minor interruptions caused by sh[/i]it-Kickers like you throwing paper planes at me then running away at a square-up.

You don't have to sign on the dotted line to get to the front line. You just need balls and a reason. You have neither. Some of us have been there. You would last less than 5 seconds and we'd all find out your Mom's name.

You are not a soldier. You never were.

You have not seen combat. You're a liar and a fantasist.

You are a stupid, ill-educated wannabe and you always will be.

You are a fu[i]
cking disgrace. To yourself, your country, and that Care Bear tucked behind your comfort blanket.


Ok, so you again responded with nothing but name calling. My service in the army is something i am very proud of and convincing you of it means didly squat to me. You on the other hand seem to be nothing more than a forum hoping middle-schooler who thinks a little trash talk and misquoting makes your argument(whatever your arguement is) true. It always cracks me up how the people shouting the loudest are always the ones that are the most insecure about their beleifs.
#71 Sep 26 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
EvilPhysicist wrote:
But the truth is i value these people lives so greatly that if put in that situation i wouldnt hesistate to blow the brains out of that little 8 year old girl carrying th grenage towards my unit, which is why i am trying to not be put in that position int he first place. No i dont agree with it, yes that means i shouldnt lead, so the appropriate action was for me to turn it down.

Ok. Great. But then what the heck did you think you were signing up for when you joined? You seem to be aware that you might have to blow away that 8 y/o with the grenade to protect your men, and accept that you *would* do that if needed, but you personally don't want to, so you refused commision.

Great! But. Given those facts, why do you then critisize other soldiers who decided that they would take that risk and that responsibility? It's all well and good to hide behind the old standy "I support the troops, but not the war", but so far every single thing you've mentioned as something you don't like about the war, is in fact, something that the troops may have to do as a matter of course within "war".

In war. Sometimes you end up killing innnocent people. It happens. It's *always* happened. Part of what you accept when you sign on is that the results of your actions might be the death of innocent people. As an officer you accept that you may have to order actions that may result in the death of innocent people. That's simply part of the deal.

I guess my problem is that you seemed ok with that right up until it was time to actually have to do it, and then you backed out. Why? What exactly about this war is any different then any other? You've stated a couple times that it was "illegal" and "immoral". In what ways? Aside from rhetoric, what do you have to support those statements? The war was authorized by Congress. By definition then, it's "legal". That leaves us with immoral. Yet, sofar, you've yet to point out any action you might have had to take or order others to take that is any more or less immoral then any other war.

It just seems like by the definitions you're trying to use, no war ever would be justified. Now, you are welcome to hold that opinion, but then one wonders what the heck you were doing in the military in the first place...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#72 Sep 26 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
no no no, PottyMouth is an american war hero and supreme intellectual debator, his every post should be treated as edicts to society rather than looked at as the trash it is.

but then again im just some assbag pretending to be in the army to gain the respect of the one, the only PottyMouth.
#73 Sep 26 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
one wonders what the heck you were doing in the military in the first place...
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#74 Sep 26 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default

Great! But. Given those facts, why do you then critisize other soldiers who decided that they would take that risk and that responsibility? It's all well and good to hide behind the old standy "I support the troops, but not the war", but so far every single thing you've mentioned as something you don't like about the war, is in fact, something that the troops may have to do as a matter of course within "war".


i never critized other soldiers, im not sure where you are getting that from. And yes i knew i would get deployed when i signed up, and i already have been, i have no problem with it. The only thing that has changed is that we as a nation went to war unlawfully. I placed control over my life in the hands of the leaders i trusted, just to have that thrown in my face to get this loser elected.

and to joph: as stated before i never recieved a dime in school payment from the military as i already had academic scholarships, so unless you consider the ****** *** pay our military earns per month "mooching" then sure, i mooched the hell outa the army while in saudi while your fat *** was back in the states eating hamburgurs.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 20:50:48 2005 by EvilPhysicist
#75 Sep 26 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Since when did morality have anything to do with war? If your constrasting war in the guidlines of what is right and wrong within society, then all war would be immoral(I mean the idea IS to kill the other guy, after all); not just the current campaign against Iraq. EP these claims you make are very trite, very sensationalistic, and full of enough propraganda and rhetric to make Adolf Hitler blush.
#76 Sep 26 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
Gutless swine of a $2 wh[b][/b]ore! You're no better than Kerry ("oh I have a scratch, give me a purple heart"). *******.
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