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Oddest phone callFollow

#1 Sep 21 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
14,454 posts
What's the oddest phone call you ever recieved? Be it a family member, friend, telemarketer, w/e.

I just got probably the oddest phonecall from my brother, who is stationed overseas. He was completely trashed along with his friends, and his friends decided to try and impress upon me their, ahh, shall we say impressionable size? Smiley: lol Meanwhile my brother, who hadn't realized he accidentally put me on speaker phone, is agahst, and while totally sh[b][/b]itfaced, proceeded to yell at his friends that that was his sister they were trying to "impress" and married at that. After a few moments of uncontrollable laughter on my end listening to him ream them out he accidentally hung up on me. I wish I were there now to see the entertainment.

I called my mothers house, wondering if she got the same call, and indeed her house had. Her SO had answered the phone to hear my brother yelling for me, thinking he had dialed my number. Needless to say we had a good laugh about it.

Now I can't wait until he comes home for his vacation early November. I just got my embarassing holiday story to talk about over turkey and wine Smiley: lol
#2 Sep 21 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
What's the oddest phone call you ever recieved?
My best was:

"Hello? We haven't met, but I heard your lecture today and I just wanted to say you turned me on. I want to suck every last drop from you. My number's xxx-xxxx"

His name was Dwayne. I didn't return the call.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#3 Sep 21 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
PottyMouth wrote:
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
What's the oddest phone call you ever recieved?
My best was:

"Hello? We haven't met, but I heard your lecture today and I just wanted to say you turned me on. I want to suck every last drop from you. My number's xxx-xxxx"

His name was Dwayne. I didn't return the call but I did go meet him at the pub and snog his tallywhacker.

#4 Sep 21 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Oddest phone call *ever*:


Me, picking up phone: "hello?"
Voice on other end: "The fat man sleeps alone!"
Me: "Huh? Who is this?"
Voice (sounding sheepish): "Um... A wrong number?

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Sep 21 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
PsiChi wrote:
PottyMouth wrote:
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
What's the oddest phone call you ever recieved?
My best was:

"Hello? We haven't met, but I heard your lecture today and I just wanted to say you turned me on. I want to suck every last drop from you. My number's xxx-xxxx"

His name was Dwayne. I didn't return the call but PsiChi did go meet him at the pub and snog his tallywhacker.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#6 Sep 21 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I just hate wehn people call and ask who you are. Really hate it.

Me: Hello.
Caller: who's this?

dramatic is fun
With the receiver in my hand..
#7 Sep 21 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
360 posts
I called a friend once, asking for her phone number. There was a moment of confused silence before she realized that I had her number on speed dial.
#8 Sep 21 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
I work at a phone processing center, now keep in mind they are calling ~ME~ and you'd be surprised how many people give me there monthly household income when I ask for there annual, it usually happens like this...

Me: In a moment I will ask for your gross annual house hold income, please keep in mind that you need not mention alimony, child support, or seperate maintence if wish it not to be counted.
Me: With that in mind may I have your gross annual household income.
SomePerson: Yeah it's um... 2k...
Me: You only make 2,000 a year sir?
SomePerson: Oh, yearly!

And when I have to confirm it's yearly they say...

Me: Is that yearly?
SomeNotSoFunnyPerson: I's done wish'd it'd be that!

If I hear that one more time my brain will explode...
#9 Sep 21 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
I just got probably the oddest phonecall from my brother, who is stationed overseas.

I swear, military wives can probably name at least one phone call when their deployed spouses call home complete sh[sm][/sm]itfaced. My little ditty went something like this:

Me: Hello?
Husband (completely drunk): Babe?
Me: Hi honey!
Husband: Where am I?
Me: You guys pulled into Hong Kong.
Husband: I did? I thought I was in the Gulf.
Me: Not yet.
Husband: Where the fu[i][/i]ck is the boat?
Me: I don't know! You're the one in the Navy.
Husband: Babe? Did I just call you?
Me: Nope, I tracked you down this time.
Husband: You love me so much, huh?

He rambled on forever trying to figure the who, what, where, when and why of life. I was just laughing my head off after a few minutes.
#10 Sep 21 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
I got some guys phone sex call back, at about 2 am one night.

I tried to convince this really hot sounding woman that I did not want a call from her. All the while she is insisting that I instruct her on what items of clothing to remove, and what kind of toys she should use.

When I found myself sprouting a chubby, I hung up.
#11 Sep 21 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Well I just got off a 2 hour phone call from my brother and the story gets better.

He was as trashed as you can possibly get without passing out. He has asked me to pimp for him so when he gets back on vacation he will have chicks to date for the 2 weeks he's home, hopefully able to score. He begged me to paste his piture everywhere on the net in hopes of finding some chick who would like some "booty". When I declined, stating that all the women I knew were married or had SO's, I was told I was an unloving sister who would not help a poor, horny man out. Smiley: laugh

God I cant wait to bring this up at fmaily dinner when he comes home Smiley: sly
#12 Sep 22 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Lady deadsidedemon wrote:
He has asked me to pimp for him so when he gets back on vacation he will have chicks to date for the 2 weeks he's home, hopefully able to score. He begged me to paste his piture everywhere on the net in hopes of finding some chick who would like some "booty". When I declined, stating that all the women I knew were married or had SO's, I was told I was an unloving sister who would not help a poor, horny man out. Smiley: laugh

Sheesh. Tell him to get in uniform and go to a club. Then tell him to tell the chicks that he's going back in two weeks. Done.
#13 Sep 22 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Sheesh. Tell him to get in uniform and go to a club. Then tell him to tell the chicks that he's going back in two weeks. Done.

That works? Fu[i][/i]ck. I sure wasted my time in the military.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#14 Sep 22 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Worked at a Papa John's, was assigned to phones for a bit and I got this:

Me: "Thank you for calling Papa John's, how can I help you?"
Person: "Yeah, I'd like to order a 5 piece chicken tenders for delivery."
Me: "I'm sorry sir, those come in 8 and 12 sizes."
Person: "I only want 5, what do you want me to do, get fat??"
Me: "I can't change the price to reflect a 5 piece, and what you choose not to eat you could probably save for later, right?"
Person: "Yeah, you got a point. Ok, then I'll order an 8 piece chicken tender thingy, and you can take 3 of those and shove them up your ***. Then I'd like a McFillet..."

#15 Sep 22 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
at the Pizza place I used to work at... we had a guy we'd call "Charlie Manson" call every Tuesday night..

he would ask the phone person "How many" of whtever kind of chips we had left.. make us COUNT them.. then not order them.. then he'd do the same thing with soda..

He would ask yo uyour name and try to have conversations with you about the most pointless things..

a call with him is at the least 45 minutes...

He would refer to Other People living in his house as "they".. as in "They don't like that kind" or "They want this" as if he actually was living with people.. which he WASN'T.
He would order 2 bags of sub-rolls... with his usual order... Some time's he'd come to the door with his shlong hanging out...

And the boss insists that we put up wth it cuase he's been a valued customer for over 10 years...

With the receiver in my hand..
#16 Sep 22 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
at the Pizza place I used to work at...

And the boss insists that we put up wth it cuase he's been a valued customer for over 10 years...

I can see why you no longer work there.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#17 Sep 22 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Does good count as odd? Either way, my most enjoyable phone call came at 2 AM on a Satuday night from the hottest 42 year old I have ever met. This woman was my assistant at work. I was 21 at the time and had recently broken up with my girlfriend.

Me (after I looked at my caller ID): Hello?!
Her: Hey. What are you doing?
Me: Nothing. Hangin out. You?
Her: I am completely wasted and pulled over on the side of the road. Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure.
Her: If I asked you to fu[/b]ck me, would you say yes?
Me(trying to sound nonchalant): HELL YEAH!!! Where are you? (desperate much?)
Her: (sounds of vomitting come from the phone. These last for the next five minutes or so. At some point during listening to this, my ***** died)
Me: You ok?
Her: Yeah.
Me: Ok. See you Monday at work.

Then the REAL phone call happened 15 minutes later.

Me: (after seeing her number again): Hey. You feeling ok?
Her: (but not really): (Male voice) Who the fu[b]
ck is this?
Me: ...
Her Husband (6'6 270 lb brick shi[/b]thouse biker man): WHO THE FU[B]CK IS THIS?!?!
Me: *click*

Good times. She didn't remember any of it!
#18 Sep 22 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
Once upon a shitt old time I used to work for a super baby store called Buy buy Baby, and every week I would get a phone order for 100 diapers from a older sounding guy He would have most oif his shittogether and we would send them out, this went on for the better part of a month...This is where it gets good. I'm at work about three to four weeks later and this woman comes in with this retarded guy next to her. She is his Rich very very rich mother who he stole the credit card from, He's in his late twenties shes in her late fifties and they have just bought and received ohhh I would say some where near 400 diapers, non returnable. LOL I will let your imagination run with that conversation, he kept calling every week for the rest of the time I was employed there.
#19 Sep 22 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
Well, the oddest phone calls where left on my Voicemail at work and answering machine at home. For 2 weeks I was recieving strange garbled messages of some guy looking for his wife. Apparently some Meth Head told her husband that she was cheating on him with a guy at the RAT (radio station I worked at) named Keith (me). She had seen me at a promo and decided to use me as a way to **** off her husband, it worked.

I never got a chance to smooth out the situation before recieving a Voicemail at work:

"Hello Keith this is Blah Blah, blah blahs husband, I think its about time me and you have a little face to face chat. You work today till about 5:30 (True) and should be home before 6 (true). You live on Sunset Ave (true), its that big White House on the corner across from the lake (true). I'll be there at 5:45p"

Yeah holy shi[/b]t this guy has been following, knowing everything except what I look like. He's been to my house and probably waited outside to see if I come out with his wife. So I call the cops and they told me there is not much then can do unless I stop by the Station on my way home to have an officer follow me.

Well I leave the office and pull into the Convinence store down the block. On my way out a disheveled man in sweat pants and a teal sweatshirt, parked next to me, approaches and asks if I am Keith. Well the smokes go in the pocket and the fists become clenched. I take a stance anticipating a swing or two. He then says "I think I made a mistake"

Well I guess he was not as dense as I thought prior. He goes on to tell me that I don't seem the type that would bang his wife (na sh[b]
it) I guess the fact that I was well kept and lacking track marks, gave it away. So I hear his whole sob story about how his Meth Head wife is out of control and banging guys for drugs and a place to sleep. She remembered my name from a Bar and said I was one of the guys ******** her. He then just tracked me down using public information and tailed me home.

So those were the oddest phone calls I have ever recieved.
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