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#1 Sep 01 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
After four days of watching New Orleans sink into total chaos, I have if nothing else gained even more respect for Rudy Giuliani. Who's in charge there? God man, people are dying while you people **** around and try to figure out what to do. I want to see someone step up and snap off orders that actually saves lives instead of covers your butt. We need a real leader!

The mayor is a milksop. It took him three days to grow enough balls to admit his city may be in trouble. The governor of Louisiana may have set womens rights back 50 years. Her contribution to the crisis seems to be to stamp her little foot and tell everyone how angry she is that tired, hungry hopeless people might get desparate enough to riot and fend for themselves. I keep expecting her to break down and cry every time I see her news conferences. And the FEMA director seems to be the most clueless. When New Orleans catches on fire, I expect to see him right in the middle furiously playing his fiddle. And Bush seems to have finally lost touch with what little reality he had been clinging to the last several years.

Where was the planning? Who is in charge? This is maddening! There are 15,000 people at the convention center without food or water. We hear they can't get to them. First off, the news media seems to have figured out how to get there, why not ask them? Secondly, I've been to New Orleans. The convention center is located right on the Mississippi, the worlds largest navagable river. Even given that the roads are impassable, why the hell can't you put water and food on a boat and get it there that way? Get er done, god damn it.

And why is it that they can only get 70 busses to move people out of town? Every school district in the state has busses. Hell, every school district in every state has busses. Clearly they can get busses to the Super Dome. Why aren't there 7,000 busses instead of 70? Just confiscate the bastards. There should be a steady convoy of busses going in and out of the city until everyone is clear. This isn't hard to figure out. Just get it done.

Yeah there are looters. Is this worse than Baghdad? Come on. I bet there are just a few hundred actual criminals to worry about. Most of the people there are law abiding people who just want out. Just tell the military they can shoot to kill and tell them to get the rest of the people out asap.

I am so angry and disgusted with the government right now. How the hell can this happen in the USA? We've know for years that this could happen to New Orleans. How could there not be a plan? Who the hell is in charge?

When this is over, expect that there will be not hundreds, not thousands, but instead tens of thousands that are dead. I just hope that those who were in charge of planning for such an emergency can never sleep easy again. Face it, you murdered those people.
#2 Sep 01 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
I <3 Rudy
#5 Sep 01 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
Yeah there are looters. Is this worse than Baghdad?
"Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things," Rumsfeld said. "They're also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that's what's going to happen here."
Looting, he added, was not uncommon for countries that experience significant social upheaval. "Stuff happens," Rumsfeld said.

Come on. I bet there are just a few hundred actual criminals to worry about. Most of the people there are law abiding people who just want out. Just tell the military they can shoot to kill and tell them to get the rest of the people out asap.
This would require placing the city under martial law. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but so far they seem loathe to take that step. An article I read earlier about more Guardsmen and 3,000 actual Army coming in still stressed that the city wouldn't be under martial law.

Should New Orleans be placed under martial law given the complete inability of the police to handle the situation?

Edited, Fri Sep 2 00:59:19 2005 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Sep 02 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
While I agree with most of what you're saying, Alla, and that this disaster HAS NOT been handled at all efficiently or effectively, you really can't compare it to NYC after 9/11. The downing of the Twin Towers, while traumatic, was ultimately a very localized disaster that took place in a primarily commercial district, rather than a residential one.

That's a rather large difference from an entire region, commercial and residential alike, being underwater and forcing everyone from their homes.

#8 Sep 02 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
I understand this is not equilavent to 9/11. That was a smaller scale. But they had warning about this. I saw a documentary 10 years ago talking about what would happen is a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane hit New Orleans and this has followed it almost to the T. They knew the levies would break and the flooding would reach the level of the lake. They kney exactly what would happen. On Saturday and Sunday before the hurricane hit, the news agencies were all talking about the potential disaster. Didn't anyone in authority watch that?

I love this country and for some stupid reason expect more of it than this. How the hell can we sit around and let thousands of Americans die through sheer neglect and negligence? Where are our leaders? What I see is more of a butt saving than a refugee saving. These people should have been saved by now.

I gave $2,500 to the Red Cross today. It's what I could do today. When I can do more, I will send more. If I could I would buy food and water and airlift them myelf to the needy. I get the impression not much else is being done. How can people so obviously in need of help not be getting support when just hours away people are living in comfort and convienience?

I want to just go there myself and smack some people around. **** what it means to your career. Just do what it takes to save lives. We need a real leader in this crises.
#9 Sep 02 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
559 posts
Believe it or not, there is actually a completely dry and undamaged highway going straight into New Orleans. A reporter for the newspaper where one of my parents works actually went to see if he could find a way out of the city, and just drove out.

Why the hell is there not a massive military presence in that city helping people? All the major people who should be in charge talk on the news about how it's so isolated and hard to get too.

No place in the world is THAT isolated. There are these things I like to call choppers, they can cary stuff, like food, water, and troops. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?
#10 Sep 02 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
When it comes to all the forum topics about this I've been pretty quiet. Mainly cause I don't know how to take it.

Clearly there was no set out chain of command or overarching emergency plan that intergrates all level of govt and emergency personal with a strict line of command like Nobby mentioned was mandatory in Britain.

Americans are usually at their best right after they get their nose bloodied. You cut the sh[/b]it talk and posturing and just get right to it. Its surprising to see this turn into such a confused sh[b]itstorm. Its great to see the majority of the population outraged and sickened by clueless politicians and finger pointers.

As always the uppity canucks got your backs

As to martial law here is an article for you
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Sep 02 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Somebody PM Totem and tell him to fly his **** over there and start airlifting people out.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#12 Sep 02 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
Just an observation...
And Bush seems to have finally lost touch with what little reality he had been clinging to the last several years.

When I mentioned that in a post here a couple o days ago, I got SO slagged off...
/ducks back down behind parapet
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#14 Sep 02 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
proofsocktwelve wrote:

Edited, Fri Sep 2 07:06:48 2005 by proofsocktwelve

Good post.
#16 Sep 02 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
I think the "total chaos" will get only worse. There is a real screwed up element there.

Actually firing shots at rescue crews? And we wonder why there is a problem getting people out.

I dont think real leadership is appreciated until there is none. Get those people out of there already.
#17 Sep 02 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
34 posts
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
I am so angry and disgusted with the government right now. How the hell can this happen in the USA? We've know for years that this could happen to New Orleans. How could there not be a plan? Who the hell is in charge?

It's always nice to see ignorance get slapped in the face.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 07:35:01 2005 by SethroTull
#19 Sep 02 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Is it possible that we just feel like not enough is being done because the disaster is so televised and they are showing predominately the bad?

No, because no matter how you cut it it is 5 days later and there are still people DROPPING DEAD at rescue centers, Dieing of thirst on an expressway a stones throw away. There is absitivly no fuc[/b]king justification for that. We could feed people on the fuc[/b]king moon in 5 days if we tried.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 09:49:01 2005 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#20 Sep 02 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
We could feed people on the ******* moon in 5 days if we tried.

Da moon doesn't NEED your fricken earth food. Hippie.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 09:49:22 2005 by Frakkor
#21 Sep 02 2005 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
AngstyCoder wrote:
Is it possible that we just feel like not enough is being done because the disaster is so televised and they are showing predominately the bad? I don't believe so, but I do believe it has a lot to do with the strong feelings we have.
No one's focusing on the new schools being built or women getting to vote Smiley: frown
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Sep 02 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
I think what bothers me the most is the fact that this situation went from a rescue effort to a military event in a matter of a few days.

I truly understand that being held in a convention center in unsanitary conditions is VERY frustrating. However shooting at your rescuers is NOT the correct way to deal with it.

Part of me still wants to see those people come to saftey, and another part just wants to say "F-em boys, we're pulling out."

I'm in a state of shock and awe (!!) that we could not handle this situation any better, both on the behalf of the government body, and the residents.
#24 Sep 02 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
When this is over, expect that there will be not hundreds, not thousands, but instead tens of thousands that are dead. I just hope that those who were in charge of planning for such an emergency can never sleep easy again. Face it, you murdered those people.

I understand who you are, and what you do around here, but you posted here, so I am going to say this anyway.

That has got to be the biggest load of liberal bullsh;it I have seen posted here in quite some time. You do not even allow for the possibility that the ignorant ghetto trash hauling 6 god damn kids in to a bus to evacuate might share some of the blame. It goes like this:

Reporter: How come you didn't evacuate?
Ghetto Rat: [/b]I didn't have no car.
Reporter: Why not?
Ghetto Rat: I kaint afford no car what with the 6 babies I got.
Reporter: What about the father?
Ghetto Rat: Which one?
Reporter: Nevermind. How do you get to work?
Ghetto Rat: What work?
Reporter: You don't work?
Ghetto Rat: No, I gets a guv'ment check.
Reporter: I see. Did it ever occur to you to stop having babies and get off your lazy *** and get a job?
Ghetto Rat: Mutha f'ucka say what?

Murder, Alla? I think not. Contributing to a bad situation brought on by generations of poor decisions by people who can't be bothered to take responsibility for their own lives? Maybe a little closer.
#25 Sep 02 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts wrote:
Federal Emergency Management Director Michael Brown told CNN that federal officials were unaware of the crowds at the convention center until Thursday

What is wrong with these people? the FEMA DIRECTOR did not know there were people at the convention center!!! It was listed as an evactuation site SUNDAY, The general public knew it. The news sites knew it. Obviously, the refugees knew it.

Murder, Alla? I think not. Contributing to a bad situation brought on by generations of poor decisions by people who can't be bothered to take responsibility for their own lives? Maybe a little closer.

Ya, they didn't evacuate when they were supposed too. Blah, Blah, Blah we know that. The point is it is 5 DAYS LATER and we still can't do a damn thing to help. We can "liberate" an entire country half a world away in a week but we can't bring food and water to a major city in our own?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#26 Sep 02 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
IMHO the blame for this mishandling lies with the mayor of New Orleans and especially the Governor of Louisiana who actually had the resources and especially the responsibility to better handle this. You cannnot blame G W for this debacle, thats just political bias. The federal goverment is very limited in what it can do until the state asks for help and the Governor of Lousiana actually turned down support hours before the hurricane hit saying that Lousiana has the resources to handle it. Missisipi is handling their problems so much better because the governor there did his job and got the national guard and state police in right away and asked for proper federal assitance enabling the feds to step in quickly, and avert the looting and chaos.
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