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#102 Aug 29 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
So, it wasn't for oil; it wasn't for terrorists; it wasn't for WMD; and there was no imminent threat.

Why did we invade and occupy Iraq again? Human rights?
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#103 Aug 29 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Which sounds suspiciously more like a Born Again Christian position on the issue then a Catholic one. I thought the point here was what Catholics believed. Catholics most certainly believe that it's not just acceptance of Jesus, but also the following of his word that matters (ie: both belief and deeds).

The entire point of salvation by grace is that you cannot "earn" it, it is given to you as a gift. No amount of good deeds will secure your place in Heaven. No one "deserves" to go to heaven, because all have sinned and fallen short. The Christian life is walking after Jesus yes, but good deeds will not make your place in heaven more secure. God judges the motives of every man, why would he care about the deeds done so that you have a better reason to be accepted into heaven? He cares about the actions done to further His kingdom. You and Jophiel are both right that you have to follow the path of Jesus. You must believe who he says he is and what he did, and repent of your sins, and then ask him to come into your life and make you "born again" for Him.

Whether or not you become a watered down Christian or become on fire for Him at this point is up to you. When you accept Jesus as your savior, you WANT to repent of your future sins. The Holy Spirit convicts you of them and shows you your actions that you would not have normally seen, because you were previously unaware. Confession of sins towards God is the only way to rid yourself of the pain that they include; just like when someone wrongs you the only way to rid yourself of the burden of that pain is to forgive them and love them. God has the same love for all mankind. However, if something that you have done is revealed to you and you curse God by saying that you will not repent, and that you are glad of what you have done, I am not sure what would happen here. Perhaps this is the cursing against the Holy Spirit that was spoken of in Matthew that is the "unpardonable sin."
#104 Aug 29 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
Guess I can't finish with this thread, sigh.

Ya see, awhile back I awhile back I got to thinking about something that i think you need to ponder PraetorianX.

I have my beliefs about god, you have yours. While technicly we worship the same god, the god that exists in my mind and your mind are two completely different gods. Heck, the god that exists in the mind of the catholic sitting next to me in church is different than the one that exists in my mind, same with your fellow christian (I'm thinking your Baptist).

Who's to say I'm right and your wrong? Who's to say your right and I'm wrong? And if there's only one true see what I'm getting at? I have very strong beliefs buddy, as do you obviously. But that doesn't mean one of us is right and one of us is wrong. God loves all his children; the Christians, the Catholics, the Muslims, the Jews, the Budhists, the Hindu's, and even the Homosexuals (not a religion, but it still fits)

That is why I personally believe that you need to keep an open mind about these things. And, as a christian, you need to respect the other religions. Especially the religions derived from the same old testement; Judaism, Islam, and all the Christian faiths. All three worship the same god as it were, the methods just differ.

If you literally interpert the bible, it just gets you into trouble. The bible is an excellent guide, especially the teachings of Jesus, on how you should live your life. What I am 100% sure of, is it was NEVER meant to be used to discriminate. Sure, you can interpurt it any way you like, however, it IS open to interpurtation. We've been doing so for about 2000 years.

What I jumped on you for, was saying that you believe every word of the bible. If that is true:

1-Do you believe the earth was created in 7days?

I doubt you believe in evolution, however, my catholic priest told me something interesting. If, in fact, there was a big bang and that's how the universe started...who caused it to happen?

The answer is easy ^^

It is possible to believe in both, despite what your preacher tells you.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#105 Aug 29 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Ambrya wrote:
I watched it happen, mmmkay? With my very own two eyes, and own two ears. I watched as day after day, week after week, month after month, cabinet members and White House staffers and administration insiders went on shows like "Face the Nation" and "This Week" and "Meet the Press", and as articles using "White House sources" ran through the A.P. The administration and its droogies waged a campaign of innuendo and implication and insinuation and misinformation and half-truths and bald-faced lies, until the country was sufficiently convinced that it was Iraq, and not Al'Qaeda, who attacked us in 2001 and would continue to attack us, only next time with WMDs.

Ah... You watched it on the news, right?

Did you read press releases from the White House? Or did you listen to your local news commentatory "interprete" it for you?

A graduate student did a study on the source of the public perception of Iraq being linked to the 9/11 attacks. She studied every single press release from the White House. Every single transcript from "Meet the Press" and "Face the Nation" and dozens more. She also went over every documentary and "investigative report" and traced the sources for all of them.

Know what she found? That the idea that Iraq was behind 9/11 was 100% fabricated by the media. No government source could be found for the idea. In fact the oft-quoted Cheney statement that's usually pointed to as the "source" of the idea was itself in direct response to a question about a poll stating that something like 75% of Americans (this was back in early 2002 btw) believed Iraq was behind 9/11.

I'll see if I can track down the study, or a blurb about it. It's pretty interesting stuff. What it basically highlights is that most public opinion is self feeding. A small number of people with an idea can *rapidly* become a commonly accepted idea just by having media coverage. And since the media makes its money by being more exciting or interesting then the next guy, stories about connections between a nation like Iraq and the 9/11 attacks rank high on the "get people to watch'o'meter".

Find me *one* White House source that said that Iraq was in anyway responsible for 9/11. Just one. And if you can't, then ask yourself why it is that you believe they did even though no one every officially said it. Remember, the White House doesn't "unofficially" say anything. The put out press releases and they make public statements during interviews. If you can't find a single member of the Bush administration saying something, then how exactly did the media feel it could sell you the story anyway? Think about who's lying to you...

I watched it happen, and I am still watching it happen, as Bush every week refers to the war in Iraq as the "War on Terrorism." The administration very deliberately grafted Iraq over Al'Qaeda in the perception of the American people, and then threw in deliberately exaggerated and falsified intelligence on WMDs just to guarantee that the sense of urgency was there. I watched it happen, and you cannot tell me it didn't happen, because I damn well SAW it happen.

The fact that you can't understand the difference between a military action being *part* of the War on Terrorism, and the idea that Iraq therefore must be responsible for the 9/11 attacks is probably the first part of your problem.

Take your Bush quote and shove it. It has di[/i]ck-all to do with what actually went down.

Yes. Because we should always just ignore what was *actually* said in preference to what we think was said, or heard was said, or some guy on a radio show said was said.

Do you let other people do all of your thinking for you?

[i]Edited, Mon Aug 29 19:12:03 2005 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#106 Aug 29 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Remember, the White House doesn't "unofficially" say anything. The put out press releases and they make public statements during interviews.
Just so we're clear, this means you agree that the White House offically told people to use duct tape and plastic sheeting in case of a biological WMD attack, right? 'Cause you denied that they ever did so, said it was all an invention of the media and then clammed up real quick when I provided links to the White House press release saying to do so.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#107 Aug 29 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Remember, the White House doesn't "unofficially" say anything. The put out press releases and they make public statements during interviews.
Just so we're clear, this means you agree that the White House offically told people to use duct tape and plastic sheeting in case of a biological WMD attack, right? 'Cause you denied that they ever did so, said it was all an invention of the media and then clammed up real quick when I provided links to the White House press release saying to do so.

No. I never said that at all. I said that the media took a press release that was several pages long, and referenced FEMA(? Can't remember now) documents, stripped out 90% of it and quoted just the "duct tape your windows and doors" bit as their headlines.

If the White House was so determined to spread panic with their press release about the duct tape, why did they release it on a Fridy afternoon? That's usually trash day Joph. They put out the stories they don't care about, or don't want to recieve a lot of media attention. It took quite a bit of effort for the news services to take that release and turn it into a public panic by Tuesday of the next week...

Nice that you keep track though. Score one for Joph! You were right. There was a press release first. But it clearly wasn't intended to panic anyone, or cause a run on duct tape. The media coverage of that release was pretty impressively overblown though, which is still sufficient for the point I was making at the time.

And that has *zero* bearing on this situation, where there isn't even a press release to be found. Nice bit of distraction though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#108 Aug 29 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
gbaji wrote:
No. I never said that at all. I said that the media took a press release that was several pages long, and referenced FEMA(? Can't remember now) documents, stripped out 90% of it and quoted just the "duct tape your windows and doors" bit as their headlines.

#109 Aug 29 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Gbaji, regarding the duct tape issue, wrote:
Funny you mention that. You are aware that the whole "wrap your house in plastic wrap and duct tape" came from a USA Today article, right? It did not come from the government or any safety organization or release.
For everyone who was harping on me for asking Gbaji for cites, this is why.

Keep on spinnin', Gbaji.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#110 Aug 29 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Gbaji, regarding the duct tape issue, wrote:
Funny you mention that. You are aware that the whole "wrap your house in plastic wrap and duct tape" came from a USA Today article, right? It did not come from the government or any safety organization or release.
For everyone who was harping on me for asking Gbaji for cites, this is why.

Keep on spinnin', Gbaji.

Yes Joph. And I've already stated that you were correct. The White House did put out a press release here.

It's not like they put out a press release saying "OMG!!! You all have to get duct tape and plastic sheets or you're going to die!!!!". Read the stupid release. It's a copy of a FEMA emergency response document. It's incredibly dry and neutral in tone. Burried about 3/4ths of the way down, after pages of information on various things to do in any of an assortment of emergencies, is the duct tape and plastic sheeting statements.

This was released on Friday, Feb 7th, 2003. It's hardly alarmist in nature, and you'd have to really look hard to find anything unusual on your own.

But of course, we've got our vaunted media to do our thinking for us! USA Today (and several other publications, but they were the worst) basically took this dry fact sheet zeroed in on the duct tape and plastic sheeting and created a panic by exagerating their relevance way out of proportion to the original release.

Do you know of any other single fact in that press release other then that you were advized to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting? Why is that? Can you blame the government because your news source choose to pick out two sentences in a 10,000 word document and report just on that?

This is what I'm talking about Joph. Sure. I was mistaken about the press release. But the point is that you nor I got that information from the press release itself. We got it in an incredibly warped form from various news outlets following "the story". The story was not about the press release or the fema documents. It was about how much fear the media could put into the people by focusing on duct tape and plastic sheeting.

I'm serious here. Read that press release. Now try to tell me with a straight face that the press release itself is fearmongering in anyway. All they did was pull a chapter from a fema document on emergencie preparedness. Where's the hype Joph? And a Friday release? C'mon... You can't really be that naive to think that the press release had *anything* to do with the resulting media frenzy. That was caused by the media itself.

And this again has *nothing* to do with this topic Joph. It's a nice bit of distraction, but in this case, you can't even find a press release, neutral or not as the source of the idea that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. You'd have to really look hard to blame the white house for the duct tape thing if you looked at just the press release they made. I'll grant you that it did exist, and clearly was the kernel of the story, but it by no means caused it. But in the case of 9/11, there isn't *any* source within the government for the idea. It was completely and 100% manufactured by our own media for their own reasons. Holding the government responsible for the wild theories of a free press is ridiculous.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#111 Aug 29 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I couldn't care less about the media any longer. I'm more worried that your initial response was to lie and claim to have said something 100% different. Unless you think:
Gbaji pretended to wrote:
I said that the media took a press release that was several pages long, and referenced FEMA(? Can't remember now) documents, stripped out 90% of it and quoted just the "duct tape your windows and doors" bit as their headlines.
is the same as
When Gbaji actually wrote:
You are aware that the whole "wrap your house in plastic wrap and duct tape" came from a USA Today article, right? It did not come from the government or any safety organization or release.

I'm not trying to "distract" from anything. The only points I made in this thread were regarding Catholicism. I didn't even seriously read the politic related bits. I just saw your little bit arguing how important White House press releases were and it reminded me of the other thread. I only point out your spin cycle here as an example to others of why I stay on you for cites when you speak with your airs of false authority.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#112 Aug 29 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I couldn't care less about the media any longer. I'm more worried that your initial response was to lie and claim to have said something 100% different. Unless you think:
Gbaji pretended to wrote:
I said that the media took a press release that was several pages long, and referenced FEMA(? Can't remember now) documents, stripped out 90% of it and quoted just the "duct tape your windows and doors" bit as their headlines.
is the same as
When Gbaji actually wrote:
You are aware that the whole "wrap your house in plastic wrap and duct tape" came from a USA Today article, right? It did not come from the government or any safety organization or release.

Sigh. You're taking my words far too literally. I was talking about the "fearmongering" aspect of the story. There was no white house press release saying that people should wrap their houses up in plastic and duct tape. That was the exageration from the media. The white house put out a press release that was a chapter lifted from a fema document. Nothing more. No focus on anything in particular. Not a single White House staffer wrote a single word of the release. We were talking about "message" from the White House. Is an excerp from a fema document the same thing? I was thinking in terms of a White House communications office release with some statement made in their own words or something. That's really not the same as a "junk" release on a friday afternoon.

When I wrote that statement I was responding to the assertation that the White House deliberately created a panic in that case. Can you honestly say that *anyone* who read just the press release could have been paniced by it? Would you have even worried about it? No? Then where did the panic come from? Yup. The media coverage of the information.

The point is that the press release is completely irrelevant to the panic. USA Today could just as easily have lifted the information from the fema document itself and created the exact same panic. In fact, at the briefing held the following monday, when the topic of the press release was originally mentioned, most reporters thought of it as "old news" since the data had been available on the internet for months. Apparently, someone higher up then them decided that it was front page material at several papers though... Strange don't you think?

This article does a pretty good job of analyzing what happened and how it happened. Read it. It's interesting just how many falsehoods are tossed around by those blaming the White House for the panic appear (like claiming Tom Ridge pushed the duct tape thing in the first place. He did not write the release, nor was he at the briefing that later talked about it).

You're getting so caught up on tiny irrelevancies here Joph. The point then was the it was the media and not the government that created that panic. The facts bear out that assessment. Unless you disagree with the American Jouralism Review? They likely have a better take on this then you or I, and they seem to be agreeing with me in this case.

Same deal with this new topic. Once again, we have someone blaming the government for an assumption they held that they recieved from the media. And when we assess the facts of that one, we find an even more strong case that it was the media alone that created that false assumption. There is not a single release, statement, or quote from any white house official stating, suggesting, or implying that Iraq was involved with the 9/11 attacks. Yet, somehow, millions of Americans believed in just such a thing, and millions *still* believe it.

If there is not a single trace of this idea from the government, then where do you think it came from?

I'm not trying to "distract" from anything. The only points I made in this thread were regarding Catholicism. I didn't even seriously read the politic related bits. I just saw your little bit arguing how important White House press releases were and it reminded me of the other thread. I only point out your spin cycle here as an example to others of why I stay on you for cites when you speak with your airs of false authority.

You're distracting it because in counter to my statement about Iraq and 9/11, you respond by bringing up another completely unrelated issue. Yes. They are parallel, but even if you could proove that the government did cause the panic with the duct tape, how exactly would that prove anything in this case? So because I was wrong about the presence of press release about the duct tape, I *must* be wrong about this one as well?

That's **** poor logic. If you want to argue this issue, argue this issue. Don't quote a statement I made a month ago and then show that you can debunk an out of context interpretation of that statement. Try debunking what I just posted about.

I'm pretty sure there's a logical fallacy here somewhere Joph. You can't counter this statement by countering another one I made. Counter this one. Sheesh.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#113 Aug 29 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
You're distracting it because in counter to my statement about Iraq and 9/11, you respond by bringing up another completely unrelated issue. Yes. They are parallel, but even if you could proove that the government did cause the panic with the duct tape, how exactly would that prove anything in this case? So because I was wrong about the presence of press release about the duct tape, I *must* be wrong about this one as well?

That's **** poor logic. If you want to argue this issue, argue this issue. Don't quote a statement I made a month ago and then show that you can debunk an out of context interpretation of that statement. Try debunking what I just posted about.
You moron, I already said I wasn't saying anything in context of this thread. It's not "**** poor logic" because I'm not trying to argue this thread. Period. Yeesh.

Again, I only brought it up because I saw your little note in passing. It's been great fun watching you spin though. Or maybe I'm arguing semantics or not looking at all the deltas or something Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#114 Aug 29 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
So what was the point in posting??
#115 Aug 30 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
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12,636 posts
JohnDoe wrote:
So what was the point in posting??

You should keep these notes to yourself in your journal.

Edited, Tue Aug 30 03:03:09 2005 by trickybeck
#116 Aug 30 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I think it's cute he got himself a cheerleader, though.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#117 Aug 30 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I do so love it when Joph backs Gbaji into a corner and repeatedly rapes his candy *** over a slow burning flame.

Gbaji you lost, again i might add.

still you are deluded enough to think that you didn't, it's the self defence mechanism of any staunch Bush supporter.

get told you wrong and then proved your wrong and have every fall back defence torn as wide open as a Bengal defencive line and still heap lie over lie untill you forget why you lied in the first place.
#118 Aug 30 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
get told you wrong and then proved your wrong and have every fall back defence torn as wide open as a Bengal defencive line and still heap lie over lie untill you forget why you lied in the first place.

RIP English Spelling and Grammar.
August 30th, 2005
#119 Aug 30 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Well, theoretically academics say that the reason why USA went to war was because of the traditional realist doctrine that dominates international relations and state politics. The doctrine does not have the capabilities within its parameters to deal with the problem of terrorism. So, therefore the only way that Bush and his allies (which unfortunately Australia is part of) could respond to terrorism was by taking the realist tradition of state conflict. So Iraq had to be sacrificed as the scapegoat. This is because one of the fundamental underlying principles of traditional realism states that the "state" is the most important actor in an anarchical world. Bush had no other way of dealing with the situation other than waging war on another state because terrorism does is not applicable in the realist structure. Without the neccessary tools in realism the only things that could be done was to follow the pattern that the threat was state based. Basically that's a simplistic explaination of what going on, i'll explain more if anyone's is curious. :)

Edited, Tue Aug 30 12:45:51 2005 by Pappeppy
#120 Aug 30 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
i'll explain more if anyone's is curious

bhodi's bi-curious. Maybe you could give that one a stab.
#122REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2005 at 11:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) bhodi's bi-curious. Maybe you could give that one a stab.
#123 Aug 30 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
#124REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2005 at 11:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) [/quote] Smiley: lol [/quote]
#125 Aug 30 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
[/quote] Smiley: lol

umm... have you had a lack of education in life? [/quote]

Oh you are going to be a fun one, I can tell.
#126 Aug 30 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
i'm always fun
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