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#1 Aug 18 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I'm listless.

I just finished up my 3rd year of school with one and half years to go. I don't think I'm going back, at least not right away.

I've always done well in school, it was always assumed that I would goto University or College. When I was close to finishing highschool it became apparent that I was going to have to pay my way through and that my parents would only be able to provide minimal support. So I got a job and worked like a dog for two years and saved up. Then when I did goto school I worked practically full time while going to school full time. Thus year three and no loans or debt.

3 years later I'm burnt out. I know the material front and back but I'm bored with it and my grades are slipping. The thought of another year of school actually makes me feel physically ill. I mentioned taking a year or a half year break to wind down and save up some more money and everyone acted like it was the end of the world.

Then there is the job. I have an extremely well paying, flexible job that pays my way through university. I hate it. I know everyone hates their job, thats why its a job. However I don't just hate my job I despise it. I walk into the place and I feel sad. I intimated that I was looking for another job maybe something that pays less but I would be able to tolerate more. Once again the family went crazy. "How could you even think of giving up that job!!!" kind of deal.

So I hate my job and I hate school which is a pretty big chunk of my life. The usual laid back fun and friendly Bhodisattva that everyone knows is now a recluse, grumpy, surly, and all round not his normal self (as some of you might have noticed on the forum). I am faced with the age old dilemma of doing what others want and being unhappy or doing what I want and having to let a lot of people down. There really is no dilemma I am going to do what I want but I am fully aware of what is coming my way when I do it and I am not looking forward to it in the least. I'm also terribly worried of "where do I go from here" since I have no clue what I want to do, where I want to go, what is going to happen.

I told my family that I wasnt going back to school firmly and they have been almost in denial acting like I am joking. Once the move in with the girlfriend is done and everything is settled and payed for I am quitting my job and not looking back.

Yes I know this post has no point, yes I know most people dont care but f[/b]uck it I needed to get things off my chest and since I consider the Asylum to be my own personal journal Iam going to post it. Any haters can f[b]uck off and eat a d[b][/b]ick.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Aug 18 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
The usual laid back fun and friendly Bhodisattva that everyone knows is now a recluse, grumpy, surly, and all round not his normal self (as some of you might have noticed on the forum).

Couldn't have nailed it better if it were your sister and you lived in Alabama.
#3 Aug 18 2005 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
Sounds like you need to take time and decide what you want.

Your family suffers from the fear that you are throwing away opportunities. You may be. You may not. Many who take breaks from school because they're sick of it never finish.

Periodically, I contemplate giving up the monetary worries and responsibilities. I sandbag my $$ and I could just walk away from it all for a year or two if I didn't go on spending sprees. In the end, I always decide that I like having those worries and responsibilities.

Your situation isn't exactly the same as what I related, but the frustrations of sameness are there. For me, the answer always comes easiest when I have a heart to heart with myself and don't leave off the subject without making a clear decision.

Of course my biggest fear is that if I ever stop working, I'll never manage to get my sorry *** back started. Lopez is a lazy man!
#4 Aug 19 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,980 posts
stop being a 21 year old pu[i][/i]ssy and suck it up like the rest of us.

I felt the same way, but i found an area of study that i was interested in. You Just need to find what interests you. Reevaluate your gaols foryour life.

We all dont want money and fame, but there is always something we enjoy doing. Find that thing and ******* do it or stop *********

The biggest probelm i see with college students is that they choose a major according to what they think will net them the biggest salary instead of what will get them closest to their dream.

Even being close to your dream isnt enough though, you need to stop worrying about debt and your parents and make a ******* hoice in your life. Do you want to work at a ****** job that you hate and be semi-comfortable or do you want to take a risk at being thoroughly enjoyed with your work every day even if it means living in an apartment with rats and cockroaches?
#5 Aug 19 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
bhodisattva Defender of Justice wrote:
I'm listless.

I just finished up my 3rd year of school with one and half years to go. I don't think I'm going back, at least not right away.

I've always done well in school, it was always assumed that I would goto University or College. When I was close to finishing highschool it became apparent that I was going to have to pay my way through and that my parents would only be able to provide minimal support. So I got a job and worked like a dog for two years and saved up. Then when I did goto school I worked practically full time while going to school full time. Thus year three and no loans or debt.

3 years later I'm burnt out. I know the material front and back but I'm bored with it and my grades are slipping. The thought of another year of school actually makes me feel physically ill. I mentioned taking a year or a half year break to wind down and save up some more money and everyone acted like it was the end of the world.

Then there is the job. I have an extremely well paying, flexible job that pays my way through university. I hate it. I know everyone hates their job, thats why its a job. However I don't just hate my job I despise it. I walk into the place and I feel sad. I intimated that I was looking for another job maybe something that pays less but I would be able to tolerate more. Once again the family went crazy. "How could you even think of giving up that job!!!" kind of deal.

So I hate my job and I hate school which is a pretty big chunk of my life. The usual laid back fun and friendly Bhodisattva that everyone knows is now a recluse, grumpy, surly, and all round not his normal self (as some of you might have noticed on the forum). I am faced with the age old dilemma of doing what others want and being unhappy or doing what I want and having to let a lot of people down. There really is no dilemma I am going to do what I want but I am fully aware of what is coming my way when I do it and I am not looking forward to it in the least. I'm also terribly worried of "where do I go from here" since I have no clue what I want to do, where I want to go, what is going to happen.

I told my family that I wasnt going back to school firmly and they have been almost in denial acting like I am joking. Once the move in with the girlfriend is done and everything is settled and payed for I am quitting my job and not looking back.

Yes I know this post has no point, yes I know most people dont care but f[/b]uck it I needed to get things off my chest and since I consider the Asylum to be my own personal journal Iam going to post it. Any haters can f[b]uck off and eat a d[b][/b]ick.

Where do you work?
#6 Aug 19 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
608 posts
It sounds like a pretty common dilemma to me. You seem to have a better grip on it than most people do.

I know it sucks to let other people down but as long as you are acting in your own best interest and not letting yourself down you are fine. They will deal and so will you.

I am going to go ahead and assume that the "grumpy recluse" thing just comes from other people's worries becoming a burden to you. I have a crass ******* that comes out to play sometimes too, and usually with good reasons. I just have to make sure that when I am in crass ******* mode that I do my best to not make it a flaw by harming others with it.
#7 Aug 19 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Krogsbrew wrote:
Reevaluate your gaols

and Bhod

get back to school you work-shy fop!

One and a half years to go? The blink of an eye.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#8 Aug 19 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
PottyMouth wrote:
Krogsbrew wrote:
Reevaluate your gaols

and Bhod

get back to school you work-shy fop!

One and a half years to go? The blink of an eye.

Maybe if you've lived through two world wars

Get it? Because you're old?
#9 Aug 19 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
It's your life so do what works for you. In the end only you have to deal with the consequences.
#10 Aug 19 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
bhodisattva Defender of Justice wrote:

So I hate my job and I hate school which is a pretty big chunk of my life. The usual laid back fun and friendly Bhodisattva that everyone knows is now a recluse, grumpy, surly, and all round not his normal self (as some of you might have noticed on the forum). I am faced with the age old dilemma of doing what others want and being unhappy or doing what I want and having to let a lot of people down. There really is no dilemma I am going to do what I want but I am fully aware of what is coming my way when I do it and I am not looking forward to it in the least. I'm also terribly worried of "where do I go from here" since I have no clue what I want to do, where I want to go, what is going to happen.

I told my family that I wasnt going back to school firmly and they have been almost in denial acting like I am joking. Once the move in with the girlfriend is done and everything is settled and payed for I am quitting my job and not looking back.

Your right, Fu[/b]ck school! Why even try? You can always go back right? Right? Besides we need more truckers in the world. You know there is a shortage. (ok I suck at sarcasm.)

Your fu[b]
ckin up. Even a dumbass truck driver can see it. Take a break yes, but get your sh[b][/b]it in a stack and get it done.

Do it for yourself. If you wind up leaving school and not returning, you'll never forgive yourself now matter how you try. Less than 2 yrs to go? No one is that stupid. I would murder a baby to be in your position. Come here I am supossed to slap you now.
#13 Aug 19 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Quit your job if you hate it, get a job you like even if it pays crap, go into debt to pay your tuition but get your degree. It will never be any easier than it is right now. Seriously, don't pass it up, not after the 3 years you have already put in.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#15 Aug 19 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
There are reasons you are unhappy besides the thought of work and school. Is the program you've chosen the right one for you? What you wanted 4 years ago isn't necessarily what you want to do now.

I liked going to school. I like working. I HATED doing both at the same time.

Take out a small student loan, suck it up, and hammer through it. Drop the job in order to give yourself a much needed relaxer. Take some time, enjoy being a college student, and just finish.

Because after you get out, it just gets worse.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 10:12:26 2005 by NephthysWanderer
#16 Aug 19 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
yup. Pretty much all of that.

I got my degree, worked through it all too. It sucked, but I made it through just fine.

Now I'm going back, halfway through my Master's degree. It amazing how much difference a few years makes, but it is SO much harder now.

I have a mortgage, wife, two cars, bunch of other bills. Plus working all the time and two classes.

Take a loan, win the lotto, stuff envelopes, or become an at home telemarketer (added plus of being able to play MMO's while you work) what you have to do, but get your degree done now. You'll regret it bigtime if you don't!

#17 Aug 19 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
How many times have I heard you use the lack of other peoples education as an insult in this forum? And now you're thinking of taking a break from your own? You can say to yourself you will definitely go back, but most kids never return to finish their college degrees. Don't be an ***. Finish school. When you're bored, bring something to work on to get your creative thoughts still flowing.

As for the job, get rid of it and find something that makes you happier. There is no reason you have to be stuck in 2 places you dont want to be in. There are plenty of job opportunities out there. Im sure you can find one you despise less. Finding something else as a job will help lessen the stress a bit at achool. You should then be able to deal with the boredom a little better.
#18 Aug 19 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
How you feel about returning to school probably won't compare to how much more that feeling will increase once you actually quit. Everyone else is right, you'll find too many other things to do than school.

I agree the thing to do is to let the job go and finish school. Since you say you despise it I think that would let off a good deal of stress for you and make school at least a little less disgusting to you. Finding a new job later on isn't as hard as hauling your *** back to school.

I've been working since my freshman year in college and 8 years later I'm on my 8th job. The job I have now has some pretty awful pay, but after working at some jobs that I completely despised and hated, I've found that job satisfaction is what makes life better. My job now may not pay well, but the people I work with are so awesome and friendly, my days and weeks fly by like nothing, and I'm learning a ton about a business I'd never have thought I'd get into while I was in school. Yet my mood is incredibly different. It amazes me how much a good job you're happy at can change how good you feel from day to day.

I'd aim for more happiness while still achieving your degree. I honestly think that will make you feel a whole lot better when you wake up each morning.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 11:46:34 2005 by Pikko
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#19 Aug 19 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Stay in school and see if you can't be an admin on a gaming website. That seems like a pretty cushy gig.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#20 Aug 19 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Bhodi, i'm guessing there isn't much more I can say since most of the people you joke with all day have already said it. Whatever you choose though, do it for yourself. Stop worrying about how much you will disappoint everyone else. Don't go with the mentality of "Fuck you all!" though, that would be bad. Take every piece of advice you get with a grain of salt and decide which direction to point your life in.

If you choose to go back to school, try to do something there outside of studying to keep your interest.Quit your job and join up for sports or something. Even if you need to take out a loan, it isn't the end of the world. It's just money. You shouldn't sacrifice your sanity and mental health for it.
#21REDACTED, Posted: Aug 19 2005 at 11:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bhodi,
#22 Aug 19 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
Go get your degree. Just suck it up.

I did mine in four years at a military college. It sucked. Just take it a day at a time, an hour if need be.

But even if not, just look out for yourself... if you can't make it through... find somthing you enjoy.

I'm enjoying my job so far.

Course I only graduated 3 months ago.

Good luck.
#23 Aug 19 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
See if your job will let you take a sabatical or furlow rather than quit. They might go for it and you will have that job "IF" you want it after taking a break.

It sounds like your are a bit burnt out and also it might be a mild case of depression probably caused by being burnt out by working and going to school too much. A temporary change might help alot, and you might be able to pull that off without burning your bridges, so to speak, with your current job.

The school will have no problem with you taking time off.

Making a change and going off at this point in your life is a good thing, just try to do it in a way that keeps your options open. Here is what a couple friends of mine from college did:

Edited, Fri Aug 19 12:29:45 2005 by fhrugby
#24 Aug 19 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,254 posts
fhrugby, great suggestion.

Lots of people where I went did that.

Most of them came back.

Some of them got stoned in mexico (on weed, not rocks thrown) and then we never heard from them again...
#25 Aug 19 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
Wow, that is a really cool story.

Kudos to your friends for being able to do that!
#26 Aug 19 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
A lot of people seem to think taking a half year to a year of your schooling is a bad idea. I don't really understand why. Just because they had a hard time going back doesn’t mean you will. Do you think you can/will go back after this break? If you do, this might be a good decision for you.

I get burned out as well. I work and go to school full time. I took a year off and am now more motivated then ever. My current SO did the same. Another close friend of mine took a full year off to go to France as an au-pair, and wouldn’t have done it differently.

While I agree that getting your degree done should be, to say the least, an extremely high priority, I also think that this time in your life is a time to enjoy. Take a short break and work on something you enjoy. Take out student loans as quick as possible also. At least you’ll only have one and a half years to pay off and not a full 4 or 5. Try and get yourself a crappy, low responsibility, part time job that pays some of your fun time. And, for God’s sake man, try to relax.
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