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Please, I'm begging youFollow

#1 Aug 09 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts
Won't one of you clever folk come and troll the FFXI main forum please?

(better yet, why not all of you?)

There seems to be some manner of server maintenance or other, and predictably, the people there become bored and restless.

This in itself is nothing new, but the trolls we have are also bored.

The problem is that they are also incomprehensibly banal.

Since you folk here reckon yourselves to be on rather a different level, won't you come and show our trolls how to do it right?
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #2 Aug 09 2005 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    I second the notion.
    #3 Aug 09 2005 at 2:30 AM Rating: Good
    GFY and ESAD. Tell Raillus.. he/she/it is pretty good at nuking.
    #4 Aug 09 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    ESAD yourself

    I don't want anything nuked. I didn't ask you you to come and rate anyone down. What I want to see is some real trolling, not this half-assed garbage I'm seeing there at the moment.

    Oh well, I guess just as the local FFXI trolls haven't the balls to come play in the Asylum, the reverse is also true?

    I mean, come on, you guys all hate FFXI players, and you all troll here constantly, why not blend two popular things? It's like chocolate and peanut butter.

    Edited, Tue Aug 9 04:53:00 2005 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #5 Aug 09 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
    You sir.. have been trolled. Now go away.
    #6 Aug 09 2005 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    No, I think I'll stay for a while. Thanks for the effort though.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #7 Aug 09 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    You still awake katie? I ran out of my lil greenish blue pills, back to sleepless and restless nights ._.
    #8 Aug 09 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
    Well good hang around awhile, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who want to put you sub-default when they wake up.
    #9 Aug 09 2005 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    Well good hang around awhile, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who want to put you sub-default when they wake up.

    #10 Aug 09 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    Well good hang around awhile, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who want to put you sub-default when they wake up.

    Onoes! I better run away, the asylum people r so mean ; ;

    I still don't get you people.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #11 Aug 09 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    Well for now you can satify yourself with this..

    Cause i suck at the interweb you have to do this yourself you lazy fuc[/i]k

    You don't understand us? that's why you're never gonne be one of us, now go win yourself a Darwin.

    [i]Edited, Tue Aug 9 05:38:53 2005 by Leondol

    Edited, Tue Aug 9 05:39:27 2005 by Leondol
    #12 Aug 09 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
    16,299 posts
    Several Asylumites have gone to the FFXI forums several times before. Most of us have learned, that's not a place we want to go, for any reason. It usually ends up with the worst of the lot coming here and driving us insane.

    You may find someone here who will take you up on your offer. I, for one, hope no one does though. It's just not worth the headache.
    #13 Aug 09 2005 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
    Leondol who are you? Which of these rocks did you climb out from under? Seriously, dont go including yourself in the "Asylum" yet. Last I checked you were still some *** kissing noob. Where's your stamp of Asylum (tm) approval? No stamp, no opinion.
    #14 Aug 09 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    What ever gave you the idea that I wanted to be one of "you"?

    I'm a little confused though. Your initial reply seemed to suggest that you agreed with me, but your last post sounds more like you've been sucking on whatever katie... has.

    Also, I'm quite sorry to dissapoint you, but I am not eligible for a Darwin, as I already progenerated nearly 14 years ago, and they're still alive.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #15 Aug 09 2005 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
    So mix you and your spawn up a nice batch of bleach margaritas and fix that little mishap.
    #16 Aug 09 2005 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
    1,188 posts
    Leondol who are you? Which of these rocks did you climb out from under?

    I Crawled out from under the FFXI + realizing the game sucks = here "Rock".
    "OHNOES A ONCE FFXI," get over it and go **** yourself if you don
    't like it.

    Seriously, dont go including yourself in the "Asylum" yet.

    I'm more one of you than Tenmiles is. Bloke still dosn't understand how this place works, it's not that hard either, some bleach and a few nights alone aught to do him some good.

    Seriously, dont go including yourself in the "Asylum" yet.

    I rated you up once because some puss[/i]y face as[i]s hole wouldn't bother to explain themselves. "OH NOES I MUST BE KISSIGN *** LOL"

    Don't flatter yourself Katie. Not even your sour as[u][/u]s is worht kissing.

    Where's your stamp of Asylum (tm) approval? No stamp, no opinion.

    Stamp? GFY i'll give my opinion when i want where i want, nobody said you had to read any of it.

    Edited, Tue Aug 9 06:01:36 2005 by Leondol

    Edited, Tue Aug 9 06:02:12 2005 by Leondol
    #17 Aug 09 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
    Incoming karma bombs in 5.. 4... 3.. 2.. 1...

    Goodnite folks. Just remember, Katie called it.
    #18 Aug 09 2005 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    #19 Aug 09 2005 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
    16,299 posts
    I'm more one of you than Tenmiles is.

    Smiley: lol
    #20 Aug 09 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    Incoming karma bombs in 5.. 4... 3.. 2.. 1...

    Goodnite folks. Just remember, Katie called it.

    Oh my. The respect and admiration you must have from your peers for your uncanny knack of predicting the totally obvious just boggles my mind.


    Yes, in fact. Just like this:

    I Crawled out from under the FFXI + realizing the game sucks = here "Rock".

    If saying that you saw the light and how much FFXI sucks and that the Asylum just rocks your boxers isn't kissing *** in the Asylum, then I sure don't know what is.

    It still won't work though.

    Bloke still dosn't understand how this place works, it's not that hard either

    Oh believe me, I've been around here long enough to understand exactly how it works. That doesn't mitigate the fact that I just don't understand why some people are the way that they are.

    When I say "I don't get you people", I am not saying
    "your strange and bewildering forum and it's own particular form of social hierarchy confuse me",
    I am saying
    "I still do not understand what motivates anyone to adopt such deeply and aggressively adversarial stances toward others outside their accepted circle. While territorialism is understandable, and even expected in certain circumstances, it is generally a response to a percieved threat against the territory in question, and usually is withheld from those who pose no apparent threat, unless the people in question are irrationally xenophobic".

    Am I to assume, then, that the Asylum regulars see all non-regulars as a threat to their territory?

    I'm flattered.

  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #21 Aug 09 2005 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    If saying that you saw the light and how much FFXI sucks and that the Asylum just rocks your boxers isn't kissing *** in the Asylum, then I sure don't know what is.

    It still won't work though.

    Don't put words into my mouth. I stopped playing FFXI, i got bord and came here, i found it a good place to merely lurk and read peoples opinions on subject, i started posting my own, get over youself.

    Oh believe me, I've been around here long enough to understand exactly how it works. That doesn't mitigate the fact that I just don't understand why some people are the way that they are.

    When I say "I don't get you people", I am not saying
    "your strange and bewildering forum and it's own particular form of social hierarchy confuse me",
    I am saying
    "I still do not understand what motivates anyone to adopt such deeply and aggressively adversarial stances toward others outside their accepted circle. While territorialism is understandable, and even expected in certain circumstances, it is generally a response to a percieved threat against the territory in question, and usually is withheld from those who pose no apparent threat, unless the people in question are irrationally xenophobic".

    Am I to assume, then, that the Asylum regulars see all non-regulars as a threat to their territory?

    I'm flattered.

    I was wrong, i concede on that point. As to why we are all so driven to be ********? Quite simple, because we can, and because most of us are tired of living a normal lifewith no place to vent. Are some, if not mosat of these people likely to be ******** in life? yes they could be but they cant do so much more on the internet where nobody can pin you donw and knock you sensless.
    #22 Aug 09 2005 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
    608 posts
    No Youshutup.
    #23 Aug 09 2005 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
    Tracer Bullet
    12,636 posts
    "I still do not understand what motivates anyone to adopt such deeply and aggressively adversarial stances toward others outside their accepted circle. While territorialism is understandable, and even expected in certain circumstances, it is generally a response to a percieved threat against the territory in question, and usually is withheld from those who pose no apparent threat, unless the people in question are irrationally xenophobic".

    Am I to assume, then, that the Asylum regulars see all non-regulars as a threat to their territory?

    I'm flattered.

    Begging the question

    #24 Aug 09 2005 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    get over youself.

    I'm more one of you than Tenmiles is

    I really need to renew my premium account, just to be able to insert the appropriate smiley in places like this.

    so much more on the internet where nobody can pin you donw and knock you sensless.

    Of course, because here you can be an *** all you like and get little more than a GFY and a ratedown.

    The thing is that I'd always believed that respect was something people were capable of for reasons other than the fear of getting kicked in the teeth.

    Perhaps you can't relate to this, I dont know if you've any kids of your own or not, but I try to teach mine that they shouldn't do certain things, not because they're afraid of being punished, but because certain things are just not alright to do.

    I dunno why it is that they seem more able to grasp this idea than some of the people here.

    Trickybeck wrote:
    Begging the question

    Well, it was worth a try.

    Edited, Tue Aug 9 06:35:08 2005 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #25 Aug 09 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Default
    1,188 posts
    Of course, because here you can be an *** all you like and get little more than a GFY and a ratedown.


    The thing is that I'd always believed that respect was something people were capable of for reasons other than the fear of getting kicked in the teeth.

    There is a respect here, but from all i can see you have to earn it, and we all know playing nice in the asylum is not going to get you anywhere.

    I respect alot of people, problem is anytime i post quite anything here, no matter what it may be, people tend to cram it down you're throat, so hey, lets all just join the crowd and hope for the best eh?

    Perhaps you can't relate to this, I dont know if you've any kids of your own or not, but I try to teach mine that they shouldn't do certain things, not because they're afraid of being punished, but because certain things are just not alright to do.

    No kids, yet, working on it! And by the time my kids grow up and i've taught them all the morals my SO and i believe in they'll know that laces like this, really don't mean a dam[/i]n thing.

    I put on a differant face when i enter the asylum, part of me i don't use in real life because it's not appropriet, 'scuse me for venting everyday stress. Anywhoo, i'm off to bed now, at least im going to go try, rather tired and i can't think to well, cheerio and all that cra[i]
    #26 Aug 09 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
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