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Late vs. LATEFollow

#1 Jul 28 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
So my husband is getting a new job, moving to a new company along with his former boss. As a way of saying goodbye to the rest of the group his boss was holding a bbq tonight. Thursday nights is a late night for my husband anyways, where hes usually home around 7:30. He told me he would be a bit later than normal but not too late. Fine, no biggie at all.

On top of this my son spent last night at my moms and it was an understanding my husband would pick him up on the way home. So tonight I head off to work, get home arounf 8:30 and no sign. Thats fine, I expected him home around 9 or so. 9pm rolls around though, and my mom calls me. She lives 45 minutes away, mind you, and wants to know where hubby is to pick up my son.I have no clue. I figured my son would have been picked up by now. I cant call him as he forgot his cell phone at home, and I dont know his bosses number, but Im not too worried yet. I ask her to call me in 30 minutes if he hasnt shown up by then.

9:30 rolls around she calls, says no word from hubby and my son is getting very tired. His bedtime is 8:30. So now I start to feel that little worm of fear crawl across my stomache. I knew he was going to be late, but I wasnt under the impression a bbq would last past 9:30.

It's now 10pm and I finally get a call. Its my husband, hes at my moms house, and she must have told him I was worrying since I had no word from him. He's now pissed off at me because he told me he was going to be a little bit late. I replied that I guess his definition of a little bit late and mine are different. Alittle bit late says in my mind an hour or so. Not 3+ hours as it is still going to take him 45 minutes to get from my moms.

I am not so pissed at the fact hes later than I thought he would be. If he wanted to be out later I could have cared less and made arrangments to get my son myself. What Im pissed beyond measure right now though, is the fact that he never defined his idea of "late" and is pissed off at me for worrying. He even threw in the comment that maybe he shouldnt go out anymore. Now cmon guys. How fuc[b][/b]king hard is it to tell your wife how late you're going to be, esp when you have the responsibility of getting your son, or to drop a simple phonecall? And why is it that people feel the need to lash out at a person for worrying about them with no word? I wasnt rude, I didnt yell,curse, or talk cold. I was just relieved to hear his voice but I barely had a chance to say a word before he bombarded me with this defensive crap.

ok Im done venting. Im going to go have a ciggerette and hopefully some neighbor will walk by and make a comment
#2 Jul 28 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
5,135 posts
You have every right to be upset.

Tell your hubby there's a crazy new invention the kids are calling a "cell phone", from what I understand you can actually call from ANYWHERE!

Sounds crazy I know...I'll look on the net and see if I can find some info to back up my story.


#3 Jul 28 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
he has a cell phone but he forgot it at home this morning. But I dont see how that could have prevented him from using a phone at his bosses house just to give me a heads up, or have a rough estimate of a time prior. As I said earlier I could really care less if he came home at 2 am. He does often since his band plays out a few times a month. But what bothered me most was that there was no call or explanation to tell me when to expect him, and that he basically flipped out on me when he called from my moms house.

I just got off the phone with my mom, wondering if she had said anything to get his feathers ruffled. All she had done was to say to call me as I was worried.
#4 Jul 28 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Did you ask him to make sure to pick up your son at your mom's place, at a particula time? You say it was "an understanding". What does that mean? Did you actually communicate that with him? Or just assume that he knew that he'd need to pick him up?

He most likely assumed that him telling you he'd be "late" from work because he was going to a thing at his Boss's house meant that you should pick up the son instead of him.

I'm thinking maybe both of you just needed to be a bit more specific. Yeah. Some people's definition of a "little bit later" will mean different things. Honestly though, I wouldn't consider 3 hours significant (and it was actually 2 and a half hours, right? 7:30 to 10). Let's think this through. If he normally gets home at 7:30, did you really think he'd drive to his Boss's house, socialize, have food, do the goodby party thing, leave, drive to your mother's, and do all of that in 1 hour and 30 minutes? You expected him to be at your mother's at 9PM (or sooner, since that's when she called worried that no one had picked up your son). If you expected your son to be picked up and brought back home in time for an 8:30 bedtime, then that means you somehow expected the entire event to last less then an hour, right? And that's total time, including driving.

I'd not spend too much time being angry about this. Sounds more like a lack of communication on both your parts.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#5 Jul 28 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
the understanding was me asking him if he would like to pick our son up after his bbq or would he like me to do it, where he then said he would do it as it was on the way home.

His boss lives minutes away from where he works, which means that if my husband gets out at 6:30 (Takes an hour to come home which is why it would be 7:30 on Thursdays) he would have time to schmooze. And if he DIDN'T, I would have no problem about it if only I had known he was going to be staying later, not just "a little bit later" or if he only took 2 minutes to pick up the phone and call to let me know he was still at the bbq. Its not that hard to make a phone call.

The biggest thing that ticks me off though, is the response I got when he finally did call, after my mother suggested he give me a ring. I wasnt angry or mad. I never acted like it. I didnt jump on him, or yell or anything. All I got was a chance to answer the phone when he said my mom told him I was worried and he started bi[b][/b]tching and making comments that sounded scarily enough like I had him on a short leash. he turned the tables and made me out to be a bad guy for worrying about the safety of my family without me ever getting a chance to say anything until the end.

I am a woman who understands the need for "me time". Trust me, I dont get enough of it and I value that time alone for myself more than many people. And because of it, I respect anyone elses "Me time" as well, including my husband. I dont nag him or make him stay home ever. If he wants to go out with his friends, I have never once in 9 years made a comment or given an attitude. I just wave him off and say have fun. So the comment he made about staying home from now on, implying I never let him do what he wants was a shock and a low hit below the belt.

#6 Jul 28 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
OK, once you calm down, have a calm discussion with him where you explain the reason for your distress and expressed anger over the definition of late.

Of course, I realize you're already going to do this. I just wanted to say it.

Unless you just feel like busting his chops, in which case, bust his chops. We guys get a bit of that and accept that we will never really understand the reasons you are expressing. Some individuals fight back, making for some good Cops! episodes. Others just take it, because, well, we like watching Cops!, not starring on it.
#7 Jul 28 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
Maybe he was so defensive because he had something to hide?
#8 Jul 28 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Inida wrote:
Maybe he was so defensive because he had something to hide?

Or maybe he was being defensive because he felt that by bringing in the "mother in law" (I'm assuming it's DSD's mom in the story), that automatically raises the level of defensiveness.

Never underestimate the amount to which men don't want to be made to look bad to their wive's mothers. Of course, if he'd actually agreed to pick up the son after the bbq, then he should have expected this. I'm still going with the idea that he didn't think 10PM was that late though, and he didn't think it was any cause for alarm.

Technically, he did exactly what he said. He picked up the son at your mom's after the bbq. The only confusion appears to be over exactly what time that would occur. It's summer, right? So is that 8:30 bedtime as strictly enforced? He may have just assumed that the son would hang out at moms a bit later then normal, he'd pick him up whenever he got there (konked out kid in back seat isn't that horrible of a situation, right?) and take him home afterwards.

I'd start with asking him what he thought was going to happen that night, and be very careful not to put him on the defensive. It's entirely possible that he just assumed that you'd realize he was going to be "late", and would let your mom know that he'd be late picking up the kid, and so mom would not be worried when he didn't show up at 9PM. I'm still going with just a plain old miscommunication. Yeah. Shouldn't have happened, but those sorts of things *do* happen, and you have to just accept them and move on (and maybe both work to be more clear with eachother in the future).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#9 Jul 28 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Or maybe he was being defensive because he felt that by bringing in the "mother in law" (I'm assuming it's DSD's mom in the story), that automatically raises the level of defensiveness.

Mother in law was not brought in, mother in law was worried that he had not picked him up yet because he has forgotten to pick his son up in recent history and was wondering if it had happened again.

it was a miscommunication, but like my husband, Gbaji, you seem to be missing the point of my own anger. Try to pretend your a woman for one moment in your life and see if you understand my point, instead of writing down a whole bunch of words trying to make it look like you know what youre talking about.

1. I am not mad my husband was later than I thought.

2. I was annoyed that there was no phonecall or message to let me know a general time he would be home as it is a weeknight and he needed to pick up my son. And FYI my son is three so getting home at 11:30 (they just walked in the door 10 minutes ago)is a bit much, especially since Im the one who will have to wake up to him early in the morning, cranky because of his lack of sleep while my husband saunters off to work. I would have appreciated more knowing prior a general time, but a phonecall would have been cool.

3. Im beyond mad for the way he acted to me when he called at my mothers request. I did not ask my mom to have him call me. I asked HER to call me when he left so I knew he had made it there. But she asked him to call me knowing I was worried and it was her way thinking it would make me feel better to know he was alive and not roadkill.

The point you're skating over, Gbaji, and I'll make it very bold and clear so you dont miss it yet again, is the fact he made insulting, scathing comments to me, without me saying a word prior, about me being worried. He implied I kept him on a short leash and sarcastically made the comment that maybe from now on he should never go out and should always stay home with me. Do you get it now? Is it sinking in? Are you yet realizing what I am mad about? It has less to do with miscommunication and more to do with the fact he felt it was ok and a good idea to verbally imply and accuse me of keeping him from a good time when all I had done for the past couple of hours was worry about the safety of my husband.

Now if you still dont get that, there is no hope for you. And seriously, dont try and excuse behavior like that to me, or anyone here. There is no way that is a good thing to do to any person, let alone a spouse of 9 years who has never once made any comment or gesture to imply it was not right for their partner to go out and have fun.
#10 Jul 28 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
ok Im done venting. Im going to go have a ciggerette and hopefully some neighbor will walk by and make a comment

Lol, thought that was funny, read the smoking comment thread.

But ya, he has no right to be pissed. Esp because your son was involved.
#11 Jul 28 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts

Trouble in paradise!

#12 Jul 28 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
Basically what happened DSD was he got to having a good time at the BBQ and forgot to call. Then when he got to your mother's house and heard that you were worried he knew he'd fuc[b][/b]ked up. There's only one way we men know how to respond when we're in trouble with the better half; counter-accusations.

The plan was that if he could make you feel bad for worrying, then you's forget all about being worried about him. I'm sure he didn't do it to be malicious, it's just how we're hard-wired.

It all stems from the fact that we don't understand women, and we fear what we don't understand.
#13 Jul 28 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
well he didnt make me feel bad he just pissed me off. He knows it too. Walked in here like a whipped puppy and barely said two words to me, not even looking me in the eye before he skulked off to bed.
#14 Jul 28 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
Well of course he did! I told you we only have one defense, and when that fails we simply batton down the hatches and wait out the storm. Expect flowers sometime soon.
#15 Jul 28 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
allenjj wrote:
Well of course he did! I told you we only have one defense, and when that fails we simply batton down the hatches and wait out the storm. Expect flowers sometime soon.

somehow I doubt I'll get flowers. I dont think he knows what they are.
#16 Jul 29 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
2,506 posts
I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. DSD won't be getting teh buttsecks tonight.
                                     ↓His opinion is ****.↓
#17 Jul 29 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
Ok I hope I don't **** the OP off.

You had the right to be worried. And ideally he should have called to "reconfirm" his whereabouts and "whenabouts".

BUT -and the guys know what I'm talking about- almost every man goes through a period between high-school and marriage, when he learns the pleasures of a free bachelor life. That includes going out, coming back home ANY time he wishes, and gets EXTREMELY defensive if critisized about it.(Note extremely defensive)

Marriage has a lot of benefits, but one of the cons is losing the privilege of that lifestyle. And believe me when I say, it's no easy sacrifice if a man gets used to it during his younger years. And a man NEVER loses the yearning for that little window of complete freedom again. My father is 55 Years old, and he can't wait till my mom goes abroad for whatever reason, for him to "relapse" back to what he used to do when he was 20. That includes all-nighters, friends staying over, prolonged card-games with cussing that would make your skin crawl, snide remarks about pretty young women ....etc (He's the quiet, polite type believe it or not).

Now I don't know if any of the above applies to your husband in particular. But please understand that a man sometimes needs to feel absolutely FREE. He probably thinks he did his duty by telling you he's going to be late, period. Chances are, just like most men, he wanted to forget that he's tied to a wife and family for a free lapse of time, and do whatever he enjoyed in the past (not breaking any marital rules though ;) ).

So I don't think this requires councelling, or a long talk or any of that Oprah crap. Let it be. He wanted to enjoy his freedom for a few hours. He was late for once. Let it slide, no biggie. He thought he did what he should, and when he was still faced with worry (polite or not), he flipped because that was his "window of freedom". Is it a healthy attitude? NO. Should you make a big deal out of it? Not if it's a rare occurence.

Edited, Fri Jul 29 05:14:19 2005 by GregoryTheWatcher
#18 Jul 29 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
I can totally see her side. I can't see his at all. However, I bet you, if it would have been her instead of him... all hell would have broken loose.

I can't say any more on the subject as I am biased, bitter and angry ole bitty.

#19 Jul 29 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
I'm not trying to defend him. Hence :

You had the right to be worried. And ideally he should have called to "reconfirm" his whereabouts and "whenabouts".

Is it a healthy attitude? NO.

Whatever I typed inbetween those two paragraphs, was to try to help her understand why he acted the way he did (In my opinion).
#20 Jul 29 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Default
I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. DSD won't be getting teh buttsecks tonight.

I have a sneaking suspicion, having got it from another woman, he wont be too fussed.
#21 Jul 29 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
I have a sneaking suspicion, having got it from another woman, he wont be too fussed.

That's not a very nice thing to say. The woman is pissed. And now you're hinting that he has been cheating on her?
#22 Jul 29 2005 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
That's not a very nice thing to say. The woman is pissed. And now you're hinting that he has been cheating on her?

Hair-dressers are always pissed off, whether it be because one of their favourite celebreties is going through a divorce(all hairdressers are interested in that kind of crap since it's the only "intelligent" conversation they can have with clients) , or if their husband is off tasting sweeter meats.
#23 Jul 29 2005 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,324 posts
Dont worry you'll make up tonight. Just try not to break the bed.
#24 Jul 29 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Gregory, just to put your mind at ease, its not a counsel or marriage breaking point issue. I was more using this place to vent, as we all do at one point or another, over a situation I was very angry at. My husband is a very good person, and its very out of character for him to be like this. It just threw me for a complete loop that he turned so nasty.

As for freedom, if you read my third post, you would see how much I really do respect that me time and the feeling of freedom. A partnership in life does not mean you sacrifice all your me time forever. Partners need to be aware of, and respect that the other will need time to themselves to do what they want to do. My husband probably gets more free time to himself than most married men with kids, and I dont begrudge him that. However, when you have a family, there are responsibilities you will always have no matter what, and one of them is to keep in touch, even if it is a very brief phonecall, if you're going to be late, or think your actions may make those people who love you more than anything in the world, worry about your safety.

My worry for him was out of love. It was late at night, my son had not been picked up, I had no way of getting in touch with him at all. We had just been in a rather large car accident two weeks prior and all I could picture in my head was something similiar had happened and there was no way for me to know. The reason I worried was because this wasn't like him to be like that, which made the possibility of something wrong even more real.

Oh and ignore Mikkle. He's a troll who just likes to throw whatever new words he's learned that day into a post and see if it gets a reaction.
#25 Jul 29 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
You know you love it DSD, without me using new and exciting words, your vocabulary would only consist of "So, how do you want it? Short at the sides and long on top?" or either of these three:

1) My husband has been slamming another woman, and now i'm pissed.

2) My un-holy ******* of a child failed finger painting in Kindy because I didn't know how to help him with it.

3)Look at me i'm wild and quirky and dyed my hair another colour! Never mind that i'm 30 and a washed up crackwhore, i can still kick it with the youngins!
#26 Jul 29 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
On a bright side, though, I hear forgiveness sex is the best in the world.

Cheers to your success! Smiley: boozing
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