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I'm scared...Follow

#1 Jul 15 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
Okay I know this is blatant link whoring, but this is just frightening .

Ok, they could have charged him with arson, they could have charged him with robbery, they could have charged him with public drunkeness, they could have charged him with underage drinking... but "the burning of a venerable object".

I think its pathetic that we get in a hissyfit whenever someboedy burns a flag, it's not like its anything we can respect anymore. A small part of it dies everytime a family sues the property owners where ever there little brat killed himself. A tiny shred of it is burned whenever some ****** calls a rise to wobbly arms for his/her right to "make a lifestyle choice". The credibility of this nation is destroyed when a tit poppin out brings a lawsuit and a person being brutally murdered on tv brings a laugh.

So now that I'm done ranting what are your views on flag burning and other (nonviolent)extremist methods of protest.
Personally I don't care as long as they don't set anything, other than themselves, on fire.

Edited, Sat Jul 16 00:11:37 2005 by Emeauxpunk
#2 Jul 15 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
9,395 posts
Why do Americans care way too much about stupid **** like this?
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#3 Jul 16 2005 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
I believe that the flag represents America and freedom, NOT the government and how it's dealing with everything. Burning a flag should be a serious offense, as it's literally like spitting in the faces of old war heroes and veterans. It's just not right... If you have a problem, burn a senator, not a flag.

Regarding the kid in the link:

they could have charged him with underage drinking...

Umm, they did. As well as theft, evading arrest, and another thing. The kid deserves what little time he gets in jail; it's not all about the flag burny burny.
#4 Jul 16 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
As far as im concenred i would like to see it put back into freedom of speech.
#5 Jul 16 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,383 posts
Chand have you ever heard of a saying that goes "Sir I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Yes burning the flag may be a spit in the face of all the soldiers who have fought in wars, but you can't make it a serius offense just because it doesn't settle well with you.
#6 Jul 16 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
2,324 posts
Come to an american biker rally. Position yourself smack dab in the middle of things. Un furl your American flag, and set it on fire.

You may have the right to do it, but your *** whoopin could last for hours depending on your tolerance for pain. I don't think anyone would help you.

Try and burn my flag ***[b][/b]holes.
#7 Jul 16 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Leondol wrote:
As far as im concenred i would like to see it put back into freedom of speech.

Right now, I believe it is - thus the numerous time anti-flag burning (desecration) amendments to the US constitution which have been proposed.
#8 Jul 16 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
UndeadShroom wrote:
Why do Americans care way too much about stupid **** like this?

#9 Jul 16 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
your rights are slowly being stripped away. and 51 percetn of you idiots voted for it, so stop whinning.

freedom of speach. you can no longer burn a flag as protest.

right to personel property. the satte can now take your land under immenent domain and sell it to a developer if they feel it is in the best interest of the state.

freedom from discrimination. as long as you are not gay.

stop whinning and suck it up. half the people you live with think it is a good idea to strip away your freedoms.
#10 Jul 16 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Default
Burning a flag should be a serious offense, as it's literally like spitting in the faces of old war heroes and veterans.

see, this is a perfect example of the effectiveness of the addministraition spinn doctors.

they have been spinning propaganda for years now linking criticizm of this government with criticizm of the solders who fought and died for this country.

solders did not make or design the flag. a politician designed it as a symbol to represent the government of this country. yes, the govenrment, not the country itself. cause when the government changes, like in a war, so does the flag. just look at iraqs new flag for proof.

burning the flag is in FACT an insult to the GOVERNMENT of this country and has NOTHING to do with the people who fought and died for this country.

it is a highly visible protest. something they would not rather see. like a CIA agent calling them a liar for instance.

you are a party line swollowing idiot. you are standing up and cheering for the LIE you were sold by this addministraition that effectively STRIPPED you of a means to voice your openion.

the flag does not represent the solders of this country. it is the symbole given to us to unite the people of this country behind its government, not its solders.

disparraging this government and its symbols isnot disparraging the solders tho fight for this country.

this addministraition wants to tie the two together to get you stupid sheep to feel guilty about criticizing the whitehouse.

adn for you, it aparrentoy worked. you are living proof of the saying "if you tell the lie often enough, people will believe it"

the moral majority lieing...err...working for you.
#11 Jul 16 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Shadow, burn the Union Jack or Georges Cross and i would shoot you in the face, and that has F*CK all to do with the way i feel about Mr Blair.

Desecrate my flag, desecrate my country.

Simple as that.
#12 Jul 16 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I love the parents though, they're so nonchalant

"This is where the drinking came in. And he's not very good at it," the father said.

haha, not good a drinking, that's a good way of putting it.
#13 Jul 16 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
Tracer Bullet
12,636 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Shadow, burn the Union Jack or Georges Cross and i would shoot you in the face, and that has F*CK all to do with the way i feel about Mr Blair.

Desecrate my flag, desecrate my country.

Simple as that.

Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. categorical authority.

How could I have been so stupid? Smiley: oyvey

#14 Jul 16 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
Sir Weebs wrote:
Come to an american biker rally. Position yourself smack dab in the middle of things. Un furl your American flag, and set it on fire.

You may have the right to do it, but your *** whoopin could last for hours depending on your tolerance for pain. I don't think anyone would help you.

Try and burn my flag ***[b][/b]holes.

Since i have a harley and have been to these, i strongly suggest not doing it.
#15 Jul 16 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
I believe that the flag represents America and freedom, NOT the government and how it's dealing with everything. Burning a flag should be a serious offense, as it's literally like spitting in the faces of old war heroes and veterans. It's just not right... If you have a problem, burn a senator, not a flag.

Although are politicians are pathetic, thats actually what I'm embarassed about, the average american citizen and what America has come to represent. As far as burning a senatar goes it totally destroys the point of allowing non-violent protest but..... hmmm.

Oh and to why we Americans actually care, we're genernally whiny, idealistic, and have nothing better to complain about so we bring up crap like this. I'm sure someone else has a better explanation but these are the main reasons for my post.
#16 Jul 16 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
you dont chant the virtues of christianity in a mosque either, even though you have the right to.

the best part about america is freedom. the freedom to do whatever you want without persecution. you start stripping those feedoms away america wil unravel and the peace we share between people of differant cultures, races, and religions could launch us into some serous civil unrest.

america is for everyone. not just the non-gay right wing christians.

and there are some people in this country who really really think this addministraition is abhorant. myself included.

want to know what happens when you take away the right to be herd as you want to be herd in a country? just ask the silly brits who thought we should pay hommage to the queen. we sent their silly butts and their union jack back to england. we burned a few of the,m too.

this country is divided. and it is becoming more divided every day this addministraition is in power.

but its all ok, because 51 percent of you think its a good idea to force the rest of us to live as you want us to live.....just like the silly brits.

lets hope the outcome doesnt end the same.
#17 Jul 16 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
Burning a flag should be a serious offense,

as serious as lieing to the american people?

as serious as torturing humen beings held in a prison?

as serious as starting a war that killed tens of thousands of people based on a LIE?

just how serious an offense should it be? you let this addministraition walk all over it and what you think it stands for but you want to punnish someone who usses it to vent his fustriation and anger?

better the flag than a CIVIL WAR.
#18 Jul 16 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
shadowrelm wrote:
you dont chant the virtues of christianity in a mosque either
And how much time have you spent in Mosques lately?

I regularly see Priests and Rabbis attending Friday prayers and taling about "the same Bob worshipped in different ways". Similarly Synagogues, Gurdwaras and Churches regularly hold shared discussion and prayer events.

Not that I'm a believer, but as I often attend places of worship as a means of getting health messages to a wider audience, I'm not stupid enough to believe the media propaganda based on the .0001% of Muslims, Christians or Kikes who think blowing stuff up is the Lord's work!

Understand the feelings about a flag, but for me I'm more interested in how people are treated than the flammability of bits of cloth.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#19 Jul 16 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
but its all ok, because 51 percent of you think its a good idea to force the rest of us to live as you want us to live.....just like the silly brits.

Hey, if you nominated someone other than that robot Kerry we might have voted differently. You nominate Hillary and there's a good chance we'll have another pubbie in office. Bush is scary but I would feel a lot less safe if Kerry would have been runnin these four years.
#20 Jul 16 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
Emeaux = Emo?

That explains a few things.
#21 Jul 18 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
crion wrote:
Chand have you ever heard of a saying that goes "Sir I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Yes burning the flag may be a spit in the face of all the soldiers who have fought in wars, but you can't make it a serius offense just because it doesn't settle well with you.

I agree, didn't really look at it that way, I was too hasty with my words and degree of 'punishment' that I felt proper. Though, I feel that something should at least be set down to let people know "Hey, that's not all that cool... Take it up with the people you're really mad at, not with those who went out there and fought for our country." There's really no reason to ever be mad at our troops; there's reason to be mad with who ordered them to do what they have done and are doing. Read below to see why I continue to feel that the flag represents our troops.

shadowrealm wrote:
they have been spinning propaganda for years now linking criticizm of this government with criticizm of the solders who fought and died for this country.

solders did not make or design the flag. a politician designed it as a symbol to represent the government of this country. yes, the govenrment, not the country itself. cause when the government changes, like in a war, so does the flag. just look at iraqs new flag for proof.

Let me see some proof that a politician designed the flag as a symbol to represent the government of this country. To my knowledge, the flag represents all of our states, and the ideas we came over here with as we first began the nation we wanted.

shadowrealm wrote:
burning the flag is in FACT an insult to the GOVERNMENT of this country and has NOTHING to do with the people who fought and died for this country.

Umm, whether or not you capitalize the word 'fact', it doesn't make it anymore true without proof. Do you work for the government? Do you get butthurt and start crying like a pansy whenever someone burns a flag? And if the flag has nothing to do with those who fought for this country, why is it that you have history channel programs where vets tell you about how important the flag was and is to them. Or wait, is the history channel a government ploy to spread propaganda to Americans like myself? Oh noes! You're all that's left! Make like Mel Gibson and fight the Conspiracy!

Truth is, even if it's one person who marched into enemy territory with a flag, that flag symbolizes those (or that man) who fought for our nation.

shadowrealm wrote:
you are a party line swollowing idiot. you are standing up and cheering for the LIE you were sold by this addministraition that effectively STRIPPED you of a means to voice your openion.

the flag does not represent the solders of this country. it is the symbole given to us to unite the people of this country behind its government, not its solders

First, who are you to tell me how I came about my opinion? I didn't get any of this from bullsh[/b]it propaganda, but from firsthand experience of asking those whom served about what it was like and what they felt they were fighting for. I'm standing up and cheering for something I know has a huge importance in our nations history.

Second, it's "soldiers" not "solders" you illiterate *******. One or two words mispelled here and there is fine, everyone does it, but if you try to come off sounding like some intelligent "I know more than you because I didn't fall to the government's propaganda" person, at least know how to use proper spelling and grammar.

shadowrealm wrote:
disparraging this government and its symbols isnot disparraging the solders tho fight for this country.

this addministraition wants to tie the two together to get you stupid sheep to feel guilty about criticizing the whitehouse.

adn for you, it aparrentoy worked. you are living proof of the saying "if you tell the lie often enough, people will believe it"

the moral majority lieing...err...working for you.

Again, learn to fu[b]
cking spell. You assume again that the government has had some sort of 'effect' on me to fabricate my views, when the truth is, I'm not really liking the government all that much these days. I am a Bush supporter, but even Independents' like myself have a point where they finally go "this is getting too out of hand." When I look at the flag, regardless if even what you say about the government is true and they are using the flag as a scape-goat, I support the flag for the simple fact that those who served used it as a object of faith.

The faith doesn't need to be anything more than a little sign of hope that, that person will live through the night. You can't deny that at least one soldier didn't look up to it that way. Call me a standard republican redneck, but at least I didn't drop out of 4th grade English.

Emeauxpunk wrote:
As far as burning a senatar goes it totally destroys the point of allowing non-violent protest but..... hmmm.

It's called a joke, look it up. Comedic relief helps me to let people realize that I'm not being some hardcore, serious prick. Guess it didn't work =/

Edited: Because the word 'hasty' does not have an 'e' in it. See Shadowrealm? This is what the edit button is for, to make things look more presentable if you fudged up.

Edited, Mon Jul 18 05:49:59 2005 by Chand
#22 Jul 18 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Shadowrelm wrote:
solders did not make or design the flag. a politician designed it
The Continental Congress designed a rough sketch and good ole Betsy Ross redesigned it from there. I couldn't tell you who drew what lines but there were three men on the secret committee to find someone to put the flag together: George Washington who was of course a soldier, as was George Ross who served as a colonel in the Continental army and Robert Morris (who wasn't a soldier).

So I guess if you want to discount Washington and G. Ross and then call a seamstress a politican, you're on your way to being correct.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#23 Jul 18 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
Hey, if you nominated someone other than that robot Kerry we might have voted differently. You nominate Hillary and there's a good chance we'll have another pubbie in office.

point taken. the line up for the democratic party was a choice between dumb, dumb, and dumber. and if hillrey is nominated, i will probably vote republican myself.

republicans are not all that bad. Bush Sr. i felt was the brightest man to hold the whitehouse in my lifetime. Regan did what needed to be done IMO. some bad, some good. i would have voted for and still would vote for McCain.

Bush makes the hair stand up on my neck. i have never felt such outright contempt for a politician ever. to so glibly out right lie to get support for something that will most assuridly cause the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings. to casually use a national tragedy to twist your anger into supporting something that had nothing to do with the tragedy, at the cost of unnecessary pain and suffering and the deaths os so many people.

all politicians are criminals to some extent. i truly feel this politician is out right evil.

i would vote for an idiot to stop someone who i consider evil. but bush is not running again, so really, i dont care which party wins next time.

my biggest gripe is how the american people will accept outright lies. i absolutly cannot believe a large chunk of the population is willing to accept any kind of justification of torture at all, under any circumstance, irreguardless of the legal aspect.

but they are.

burning the flag? it needs to be burned. the country it USED to stand for is no longer.

the day we can claim morality, and justify the torture of human beings, not to mention the butchering of thousands and thousands of men, women, and children for a POLITICAL agenda, is the day this country is no longer blessed by God.

the stars and stripes no longer has any meaning in this country. its people have been subverted.
#24 Jul 18 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
as serious as lieing to the american people?

Which time and in which administration, they all lied to us as every gov will do in EVERY country

as serious as torturing humen beings held in a prison?

Again all of them do that also, no one said humans where nice or nicer then any other animal out there.

as serious as starting a war that killed tens of thousands of people based on a LIE?

Which war? All of them started over petty ******** based on lies. The only thing that changes is the time. There will be no wars when man is done on earth then and only then will there be no war.

just how serious an offense should it be? you let this addministraition walk all over it and what you think it stands for but you want to punnish someone who usses it to vent his fustriation and anger?
Hell let him burn the flag, np there. I think he will get his assed burned on the theft, underage drinking, and arson tho hehehe.

better the flag than a CIVIL WAR.
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