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#27 Jul 15 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
Waht is the legal basis that they can tell somone waht they can do with their body?

Umm... lets see, do they need a legal basis? At least in the US we have drugs, silicon implants, many dangerous activities(think bridge bungie), and books(oh I'm sorry that was just our minds that they were restricting)banned for good of the general puplic(god damn clause).That doesn't even include the things that have been attemted to be banned, like sodomy in Texas, and I'm sure that we're a lot I missed in my rant.
#28 Jul 15 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
Waht is the legal basis that they can tell somone waht they can do with their body?
Is it because of the "rights" of the thing in the womb?

So what's the justification for helmet laws or seatbelt laws?

It's my body if I want to smash my face into my windshield what business is it of the Government's.

Why arent the pro choice people up at arms with these laws.

Personally I am against abortion as is my wife. We have 2 kids.

The true abomination is the act of the partial birth abortion. Why this procedure has not been outlawed is beyond me. And I dont want to hear because the right wont compromise on a except in the case of the health of the mother clause. That is just a loop hole for any woman who decides late in her pregnancy to get an abortion.

#29 Jul 15 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Baron von DamthebiTch wrote:
Waht is the legal basis that they can tell somone waht they can do with their body?
Is it because of the "rights" of the thing in the womb?

So what's the justification for helmet laws or seatbelt laws?

It's my body if I want to smash my face into my windshield what business is it of the Government's.

I don't agree with seatbelt laws, either. Pretty much, I'm against any law they try to pass (or succeed in passing) that limits me in any way. Especially if they try to say "It's for my own good."

I'm older than 18, I'll decide if I want to fly through my windshield or not. and for the record, I wear my seatbelt, but not because it's a law

I've said it before: George Carlin had it right.
#30 Jul 15 2005 at 8:33 PM Rating: Default
I don't agree with seatbelt laws, either. Pretty much, I'm against any law they try to pass (or succeed in passing) that limits me in any way. Especially if they try to say "It's for my own good."

I'm older than 18, I'll decide if I want to fly through my windshield or not. and for the record, I wear my seatbelt, but not because it's a law

I've said it before: George Carlin had it right.

/Agree with a whistle and a loud clap.

Nothing I hate worse then government trying to protect people from themselves. Stay the heck out of private lives.
#31 Jul 15 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Kelvyquayo the Hand wrote:
Waht is the legal basis that they can tell somone waht they can do with their body?
Is it because of the "rights" of the thing in the womb?

Well. As several people have pointed out, we do pass laws saying what you can and can't do with your own body. I don't happen to agree with most of them either, but it's silly to pretend that the precident does not exist at all, or that this is some kind of exception.

Additionally, it *does* have to do with the rights of the "thing in the womb". Here's where a law against abortion differs from a seat belt law:

With a seat belt law, I'm being told what I can do with my body purely for my own protection. I don't affect anyone else directly either way. But a very vague economic issue (some percentage of people wont have insurance, and the state must pick up the tab for them, so all people should be required to wear seatbelts to lower the cost incurred to the state by those people). That's *horrible* legal logic IMO, but we use it all the time.

With abortion, your action directly affects "someone else". The problem of course is whether you define that lump of material in your womb as someone else or not. And here's where we get back to the real disagreement. To a pro-lifer, life begins at conception. Thus, that lump *is* a human being and should be afforded the same rights as every other human being. To them, this is not the same as a seat belt law. It's more like any of a number of laws we have that prohibit you from harming another person. Technically, making murder illegal is "telling me what to do with my own body", right? After all, maybe I want to wrap my fingers around someone's throat and choke the life out of them.

The point is that it's very clear in the case of murder that my freedom should be restricted in order to protect that of someone else. That part really should not be up for debate, and really should not be confused. The only subject of debate is at what point we legally define an embryo or fetus as a "human".

So. You can disagree with the pro-lifer's position. But it's not really correct to bash them for having it, or questin by what right they do. To them, life begins at conception, and the person choosing to abort is violating the rights of the unborn child (I seem to recall that "life", is at the beginning of the list of "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"). So you can argue that the law states that life really only legally begins at some other point, but to a pro-lifer that just means that the law is *wrong*.

I've made this comparison before, and I'll make it again. A pro-lifer is like an abolishionist back in the 1800s. He acknowledges that the law says that something is legal under certain conditions (abortion ok in the first trimester, slavery ok south of the Mason-Dixon line), but he simply believes that the action is *wrong* and the law is *wrong*. He believes that abortion should be illegal all the time, and not just at some arbitrary point in time after conception. In exactly the same way that an abolishionist believed that slavery was wrong everywhere, not just north of the Mason-Dixon line.

Certainly, they have a right to try to change those laws. Disagree with them if you will, but don't try to argue that they're wrong for even trying to want to change the law.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#32 Jul 15 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
holy ****, i agree with kelv, nice arguement man.
#33 Jul 16 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
this is crazy pro-choices will never fully changer their mind and god help us if a pro-lifer changes hi mind so why do we continue to bring these subjects up. me i personaly believ abortion should be consider on a case by caes occurance not because of an "oh, **** i got my girld pregant lets get an abortion so my mommy and daddy find out" ii belive that if you are responable enough to get knocked up or knock youre girl up you can take care of a kid. But if it forcable sex like Rape then yes i think that would justify an abortion but hell what do i know im just a guy but thats my $0.02 so like it or not its here
#34 Jul 16 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
imamech wrote:
this is crazy pro-choices will never fully changer their mind and god help us if a pro-lifer changes hi mind so why do we continue to bring these subjects up. me i personaly believ abortion should be consider on a case by caes occurance not because of an "oh, **** i got my girld pregant lets get an abortion so my mommy and daddy find out" ii belive that if you are responable enough to get knocked up or knock youre girl up you can take care of a kid. But if it forcable sex like Rape then yes i think that would justify an abortion but hell what do i know im just a guy but thats my $0.02 so like it or not its here
Laydeez and Gennumen! Here we have evidence that abortion should be legally allowed up to 30 years after conception!
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#35 Jul 16 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
PottyMouth wrote:
[/quote]Laydeez and Gennumen! Here we have evidence that abortion should be legally allowed up to 30 years after conception!

He should be forcibly inserted through his mothers rancid c[b][/b]unt into her womb then aborted with a rusty clotheshanger.

Whether that occurred before or after we all had group sex with his mother is a matter of personal preference. Of course if we did it before then it would be easier to reinsert him which is no fun at all.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#36 Jul 17 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
ewwwww, mental pictures
#37 Jul 17 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
If you're against abortions don't have one.
#38 Jul 17 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Pro-lifers really have helped to make up my mind about this whole subject. It is important, and delicate too.
After seeing the way they behave, and the rhetoric they employ, and their whole attitude to others....especially when "demonstrating" or "protesting", through to the acts of Terrorism they endorse....

I realise that there are a lot of adults that aren't human beings!!

#39 Jul 17 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
Pro-lifers really have helped to make up my mind about this whole subject. It is important, and delicate too.
After seeing the way they behave, and the rhetoric they employ, and their whole attitude to others....especially when "demonstrating" or "protesting", through to the acts of Terrorism they endorse....
I realise that there are a lot of adults that aren't human beings!!

Don't bring terroism into this. GFY
#40 Jul 17 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
Don't bring terroism into this. GFY

It seems relevant as long as they're referring to clinic bombings and not some idiotic shadowrelmish link to islamic terrorists.
#41 Jul 17 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
If you're against abortions don't have one.

To most of those against Abortion that is like saying:

If your against Murder just dont kill someone.

#42 Jul 17 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
Ok, yes if it's clinic bombing then yeah i can understand that, but it end there.

It's also completely differant when you say "just don't murder somebody" that would get intoi a long debate about when life is life bleh bleh bleh, maybelater.
#43 Jul 17 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
It's also completely differant when you say "just don't murder somebody" that would get intoi a long debate about when life is life bleh bleh bleh, maybelater.

Im not going to debate with you over when life begins however to most pro life people it begins at conception therefore to them my previous statement is valid.
#44 Jul 17 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
If you are religious at all, meaning Christian, or believe in it somewhat, I doubt that there is singing and blasting of trumpets in heaven each time an abortion is performed. I wonder what God thinks about abortion? That's the bottom line for me. God has a plan for everyone, which was designed before you were born, before you were even conceived God had a plan for you.

Edited, Sun Jul 17 16:00:59 2005 by PraetorianX
#45 Jul 17 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
PraetorianX wrote:
If you are religious at all, meaning Christian, or believe in it somewhat, I doubt that there is singing and blasting of trumpets in heaven each time an abortion is performed. I wonder what God thinks about abortion? That's the bottom line for me. God has a plan for everyone, which was designed before you were born, before you were even conceived God had a plan for you.
So. . . Religion = Christianity. Uhuh. Kay.

Alas, God's plan for you involves me, and you are really not going to like it! Smiley: sly
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#46 Jul 17 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
No, I did not mean religion = Christianity, I worded that wrong. I meant if you believe in anything that has to do with it. But, when most people on these forums or people in general refer to God, they are speaking of the Judao/Christian God.

Edited, Sun Jul 17 17:54:33 2005 by PraetorianX
#47 Jul 17 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Baron von DamthebiTch wrote:
If you're against abortions don't have one.

To most of those against Abortion that is like saying:

If your against Murder just dont kill someone.

you seem to think its universally accepted that abortion is murder, when that is a matter of opinion, and sideing with the religious opinion at that. At the current point where abortion is legal, the fetus is little more than a collection of cells. Perhaps we should throw you in jail every time you scratch your skin.
#48 Jul 17 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
you seem to think its universally accepted that abortion is murder, when that is a matter of opinion, and sideing with the religious opinion at that. At the current point where abortion is legal, the fetus is little more than a collection of cells. Perhaps we should throw you in jail every time you scratch your skin.

Hmm... I think you should stick to where your expertise lie, in the physical realm. Sure during the first couple of weeks of gestation a fetus is little more than a collection of cells. However, abortion is legal until the 22-24 week of the 9 month period. The reason why abortion is illegal after this time is because the fetus can survive on its own with the aid of machines and technology outside of the womb. It is not because at that point the child is considered human, it is only because there are alternative methods to keep it alive.

As technology improves, the time frame that women will have to have an abortion legally performed will shrink, until the point where sufficient technology exists to grow babies from a single cell organism to a nine month old baby. Interesting ain't it? That's one thing that kills me about people that support abortion. Their approval on abortion is dependent on the available technology.
#49 Jul 17 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
you seem to think its universally accepted that abortion is murder, when that is a matter of opinion, and sideing with the religious opinion at that.

Um no that's not even close to what I said.

My point is that just saying if you think Abortion is wrong just dont have one is ridiculous. The people by and large who are against abortion are against it because they believe it's murder. I said nothing of my own beliefs whatso ever.

At the current point where abortion is legal, the fetus is little more than a collection of cells. Perhaps we should throw you in jail every time you scratch your skin.

Umm ever heard of partial birth abortion? That's where they deliver the entire baby except the head then stick a vacume like nozzle into the back of the fetus's skull and suck it's brains out.

#50 Jul 17 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
For me, partial birth abortion is a big no-no. When I think of abortion, I'm thinking of first trimester. Anything past that is just wrong. If there's a medical reason for it, well ok. But just because a woman is 6 months along and suddenly changes her mind, yeah, I have a problem with that. Most women know right away if they want the baby or not. So women who go that long and then decide they want an abortion are the worst kind.
#51 Jul 17 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
For me, partial birth abortion is a big no-no. When I think of abortion, I'm thinking of first trimester. Anything past that is just wrong. If there's a medical reason for it, well ok. But just because a woman is 6 months along and suddenly changes her mind, yeah, I have a problem with that. Most women know right away if they want the baby or not. So women who go that long and then decide they want an abortion are the worst kind.

The thing is what could the medical reason possibly be? The woman is having the baby she is just stopping halfway through to get the kids brains sucked out because according to the law until the baby is out and takes a breath doing that isnt murder.

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