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#102 Jul 18 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
lmao, i like you kelv, you have the sense of humor of a few of my friends, even though we dont see eye to eye on a few topics. But ya, i will be burning in hell if a few of your wacks happen to be right. Well, to think of it, if just about any religion is right im going somewhere bad. Perhaps it will be the Hindus, and i can just come back as a Dog or something.
#103 Jun 09 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
im pretty sure thats buddhists
#104 Jun 09 2006 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
we do not know

we all want to know

we wont know unil were dead unless we dont know anything at all once we die (oblivion etc...)

just be a good person and be happy is all you hope to do that is responsible a in this life and would be apreciated by any higher power of good
#105 Jun 09 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
To all the religious people out there and in here, i have a question. </raises hand> Since there has been a rather long debate on conciousness, im asking where you draw, in an Aerosmithian manner, the line, at conciousness.


1. Do you believe animals have conciousness, dogs, cats, dolphins.

You rock the beat, cause I rock the beat...I got somethin' to say ...

2. What do you think, in your own words, our relation to primates is, or do you think there is any?

You say primate,
I say premate.
You say huh?
And I say wtf?, <repeat: wtf?>

3. if you say there is a god, and he created all the animals, will they go to your heaven? or are they doomed a temporary existance for being less intelligent?

hMMMM, a weird question. {They} being the animals, or {They} being the Godful humans?

4. Last but not least: if god created us as companions, would that not mean that our conciousness is on par with his? or are we just pets ^^.

1-2-3-4 We don't need your stinking War!..."We'd make great pets..."...1-2-3-4 We don't need your stinking War..."we'd make great pets..."...

if you havent read any posts, im an atheist, but am curious as to your perspective, if given in an intelligent manner, sorry kelv.

<whispers> "ok."
#106 Jun 10 2006 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
Why the hell can't any of you agree that we don't know anything about universal, or even multiversal existence and creation?
#107 Jun 10 2006 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
It does not matter how we were created anyways, because every single story that is said about creation, i will not be affected, because i will be what i am.
#108 Jun 10 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Going back to the OP, one of the most interesting discussions about consciousness was written by Julian Jaynes in "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind."

Yeah, the title's an ******, but it's not that hard a read - at least the part I'm talking about (which is in the first half). I think it's been mentioned here before... anyway, maybe that was me posting about it years ago (it's a famous book - I highly rec. reading it).

In order to answer the OP's question, we have to understand what consciousness is. And Jaynes points out how little we know about it. We think we know a lot about it, but he shoots many of these notions down. As I recall he leaves us with ... some ideas about what consciousness is. But it may be one of those things we can talk about - and we all know what we mean by the word - but somehow it evades a concrete definition.

If we define conscious as the ability to look at our reflection in a puddle have a sense of "self" - that that is "us" we are seeing - then how do we know dogs don't also see this. If the mind is a complex entity, and consciousness is merely our mental focus - where we "will" the focus of our mind to be at any given waking moment - then how could a dog also not have this? I have no idea.

We can't talk to dogs, at least not about this - and we can't read their minds yet ... so it's just a damn hard question to answer.
#109 Jun 10 2006 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
Yet another person yearning to be in the "cool kids club" wrote:
To all the religious people out there, i have a question. Since there has been a rather long debate on conciousness, im asking where you draw the line at conciousness.

1. Do you believe animals have conciousness, dogs, cats, dolphins.

Yes, I do. Maybe not to the extent that humans do (ie Free Will, Abstract Thought, etc), but I believe most animals are self aware. Why would the tree frogs of the amazon evolve bright colors and poisonous secretions if they weren't aware they were a favorite prey at one point.

2. What do you think our relation to primates is, or do you think there is any?

Aside from sharing what...98% similar genes? Nothing. I mean, they can learn what we teach them. Perhaps there's great potential in that.

3. if you say there is a god, and he created all the animals, will they go to your heaven? or are they doomed a temporary existance for being less intelligent?

I don't believe in a god, I believe in many gods, and goddesses, too. According to what I hold faith in, we're all just energy that get's returned to the earth and recycled.

4. Last but not least: if god created us as companions, would that not mean that our conciousness is on par with his? or are we just pets ^^.

If you're speaking from a "Christian" point of view, then (at least according to what I've studied), your view is wrong. God wanted a creature that chose to have faith in Him. That chose to follow His word. Not just another creature created to do His bidding, or only think within certain perameters. Man was created for that purpose. However, Man grew lonley and asked God to create him a companion. So from Man, came Woman, companions meant for each other. However, as we all know, the ***** fell for the first thing that tempted her and di[Beige][/Beige]ckhead was dumb enough to listen to her.

However, regarding your question about if our conciousness is on par with his, that's quite possible. After all, every creature is supposed to carry a spark of the Divine within them. A piece of the Divine carried to them on the Breath of Life. So, it seems logical that if Man is part divine, then his conciousness would "on par" with divinity, too.

if you havent read any posts, im an atheist, but am curious as to your perspective, if given in an intelligent manner...

Let me tell you now, no one gives a **** what religion you are. We just don't care. The only thing we care about here at (as Joph likes to put it) forum=4 are intelligent posters.

...sorry kelv.

BTW, you're still not cool enough to insult the regs like you're one of us. Ya know, just in case you didn't already get that hint.
#110 Jun 10 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
We think we know a lot about it, but he shoots many of these notions down. As I recall he leaves us with ... some ideas about what consciousness is.

Talk about a nouveau notion...

Sorry, I'm "tired" atm. I'll be back.


Edit: sorry couldn't resist one last,

Why would the tree frogs of the amazon evolve bright colors and poisonous secretions if they weren't aware they were a favorite prey at one point.

Have you ever heard of a tree committing suicide? Or any frogs in that tree?

damn it, sorry Edit #2

According to what my dumb @$$ hick self thinks I hold faith in, we're all just energy that get's returned to the earth and recycled, 'cause i never heard 'o this 'thing called "outer-space".

Fixed. I think I got that Fixed technique down, n'est ce 'pas?

#3 for my 'addict' self,

If you're speaking from a "Christian" point of view

The shaken, not stirred, point of sophistication.


#4 was at least at one time part of my most favored status number, but then bob probert got busted going across the US/Canadian border and out of spite I tell you, they made a new '.'<as in decimal 'point'> mockery of it:

You say perameters
I say parameters

Congratulations on your first useful distinction.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 3:10am EST by MonxDoT
#111 Jun 10 2006 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Sigh... consciousness is not easily - okay - define it. Define consciousness. O
#112 Jun 10 2006 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Smiley: llama
With the receiver in my hand..
#113 Jun 10 2006 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
836 posts
MonxDot wrote:
The shaken, not stirred, point of sophistication.

You must just hit random keys hoping for the best.

MonxDot's newest fix wrote:
According to what my dumb @$$ hick self thinks I hold faith in, we're all just energy that get's returned to the earth and recycled, 'cause i never heard 'o this 'thing called "outer-space".

You can't "fix" what he said. Those are his beliefs which you can't prove to be wrong and since you have nothing else to say, you go off into your land of make believe and try to correct him. 99.99% of the time we don't know wtf you are talking about, and you have just proven us right yet again.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 3:16am EST by kalaria
#114 Jun 10 2006 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
Sigh... consciousness is not easily - okay - define it. Define consciousness. O

Are you asking, or begging?

It does not matter how we were created anyways, because every single story that is said about creation, i will not be affected, because i will be what i am.

You're so close to Wisdom, it could bite you.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 2:57am EST by MonxDoT
#115 Jun 10 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I clicked on this expecting it to be a necropost. and I was right!
#116 Jun 10 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Monx, I'm not asking you.

Go ahead and try if you want... I mean, rhinos could sprout purple wings and fly....
#117 Jun 11 2006 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Something I like to know about athiests, why does it make them so angry to think that someone else believes in an afterlife if we all just go out like a firework at the end anyway? Is it the same feeling a bully gets stamping a childs sandcastle back into the beach in front of them?
Hows about I don't lump all religionists into one, big, preconceived stereotype and you don't do it to atheists, eh?

Other people believing in an afterlife doesn't bother me. Why should it? We all adhere to the belief system that seems most true to ourselves (at least I try to tell myself that's people's basis for belief).

On the other hand, public policy and law based on religious dogma of only one segment of the population does bother me greatly. They're two different issues.
#118 Jun 11 2006 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

Something I like to know about athiests, why does it make them so angry to think that someone else believes in an afterlife if we all just go out like a firework at the end anyway? Is it the same feeling a bully gets stamping a childs sandcastle back into the beach in front of them?

No, it's really more simmilar to the frustration you'd feel if suddenly a class of five year olds was vested with political and social power and began making decidions based on what was best for the Easter Bunny. Arbitrarily, though, because well, they're five. Like outlawing electricy because the bunny doesn't like it. Then, on top of it, 90% of the other people in the world think it makes perfect sense and get outraged if you point out that the Easter Bunny isn't real and that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be letting other pople make random arbitrary decisions based on what's best for him. Simple childlike people who can barely read.

Imagine how that feels and you'll have it exact.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#119 Jun 11 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
a university student that just finished up his 3rd year in Anthropology primates are our relatives and we are descended from a common ancestor, though our paths have diverged quite a bit in the 6-10 million years. There is clear and overwhelming genetic and fossil evidence to prove this.

Uhm, I would like to see a clear and direct line of these changes through the fossil record. Is there a diagram somewhere that has every change, or even a majority of them that is 100% accurate?

If you don't have it, it's kind of like your just giving an opinion, not scientific fact.

To know something implies that you have cancelled out every other possible option, and the options are infinite... So do you KNOW for sure the direct path that humans evolved from?
#120 Jun 11 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Please tell us you're not trying to say evolution isn't real because you happen to be uneducated about the subject.
#121 Jun 11 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
Blah blah blah we have no evidence for god blah blah....

Ok. So where is the evidence disproving any possibility of a higher being. Until you find that you cant really tell me that my belief is wrong. I am not forcing my ideals on you or anyone else who doesnt believe in a god. Everyone has the choice to believe what they want. I am Christian and in my belief its not my position to judge or even say if anyone is right or wrong. If you want to believe in the almighty paper monster than so be it. Am I saying your going to the Christian hell? No, because in my belief that is not my place.

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong we should all realize we are human beings and treat each other with respect. We are all along for this ride called life. I cant prove that God exists and you cant disprove it. We are all in the same boat. So answer me this, what gives you the right to say what I believe is wrong?
#122 Jun 11 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
Please tell us you're not trying to say evolution isn't real because you happen to be uneducated about the subject.

Oh I hope that wasn't directed at me. haha... i am agnostic. if you feel you are so enlightened on the entire evolution of man, and every other species on the planet, please teach me, because I'd sure like to know!

Also, you could be a genius, or not, but what makes YOU qualified to say I am uneducated in the subject? I didn't say anyone was uneducated. I just asked them to show me the proof if they say believe 100% in evolution. I've never seen any documented species changes in fossil records. if you have one that isn't a hoax, please show!

Edited, Jun 11th 2006 at 11:05pm EST by boxerblue
#123 Jun 11 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
People have been "sure" of theories before, and Nature has had a way of tweaking their noses in the past. Evolution's a great theory - it does a really good job of explaining a lot of stuff we've observed.

Quantum Mechanics is also a great theory - better than any other system it explains what is observed in many sub-atomic experiments. However, string theory - or membrane or brane theory, as some now call it - is making a surprise comeback. Yeah, it may be that younger research physicists need something to justify their requests for grant money. But it may actually "work." And if it really does unify gravity w/ the other forces, it may very well bypass and supercede quantum mechanics (there is a school of thought that says bt may very well explain qm's "irrationalities" or "quirkiness").

Anyway, imo the "smart money" is on some big surprise popping up and requiring a major revisitation, at the very least, to evolution as currently stated. As a species we've only begun to think (if we really are thinking). Anyway, there's a point where dogmatic adherents, regardless of their perceived position, become pretty much the same.
#124 Jun 12 2006 at 12:35 AM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
if you feel you are so enlightened on the entire evolution of man, and every other species on the planet, please teach me, because I'd sure like to know!

Also, you could be a genius, or not, but what makes YOU qualified to say I am uneducated in the subject? I didn't say anyone was uneducated. I just asked them to show me the proof if they say believe 100% in evolution. I've never seen any documented species changes in fossil records. if you have one that isn't a hoax, please show!
At no point did I say or infer I was an authority on evolution. I'm not at all.

I'm just smart enough to not make myself look like a boob by challenging the world scientific community by saying "well I don't get it so I don't think it's true."
#125 Jun 12 2006 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
****-poor necropost
#126 Jun 12 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
alchemistceno wrote:
****-poor necropost

Which, apparently, was reincarnated as a conversation between Phoebe and Ross from Friends. Smiley: rolleyes
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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